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"That is up to you"He says as he fixes his self "I am going up front to take control of the horses "He left and after a few moments the horses moved again threw the path.Jin fixes his gaze to the road.
Isabella decided that the informant would probably send someone to come around look through the people so she kicked the asleep man out the back. She sat staring out the back and began to talk to the girls about where they were from and such.
Jin would turn here and there he thinks about the mission and how simple it was.He finally came to a stop to their destination.Jin rubs his head and jumps down and walks to the back and peaks behind to Isabella and the other women as Hey talked.He smiled as they spoke among them selves and finally speaks up"Hey Isabella....we are here".
Isabella smiled and said one last thing to the ladies, "May the rest if your lives go peacefully." They all climbed out and one woman stopped in front of Jin. "Jin?" she asked in a soft voice. Isabella was busting herself making sure all the women got out alright and into the police station where they be taken home or picked up from.
He looks to the women and tilts his head a bit "Yes how can i help you ma'am?"he smiles slightly and crosses his arms over his chest.He scanned the women with how eyes.
"It's me, Carla. It has been a good while since I have seen you. I did not think you would forget my fae though," she said almost sadly. Isabella went in the station after the women explaining to the station what had happened and earning them to keep a better look out
He chuckles nervously "un....sorry if i forgot you....can you refresh my memories"he studies the women harder starting to have slight memory of the face.He rubbed the back of his neck.
Carla laughed softly. "You were sent to kill my father but hired you to kill another for a higher price. You came around a little and I let you in my bed. I think it was a few times," she said very sassily. Isabella then came out of the station. She looked to Carla. "You better get in there so you can contact someone or be taken home," she said in a light happy tone. She was so glad that all the women had been unharmed.
Jins eyes widen a bit wen Carla had said that he shook his head unable to take in what She had said he hardly could recall such a thing.He looked to Isabella and felt guilt sweep over him.
Isabella had walked up too late to hear Carla's explanation and just saw Jin just look slightly off. Carla turned to Isabella and said with a smile, "thank you for saving us. I will do just that. Keep an eye on Jin. He may be after ya head." With that she walked off. Isabella watched after her making sure she went in the station then turned to Jin. She laughed lightly. "An old friend?" she asked with light sarcasm.
He smiled nervously "y-yeah..."Jin didn't undetstand he had no memory of such a thing.Pulling his tie a bit he looked to the side thinking hard about what Carla had said he glanced to Isabella and he wanted to think that what She had said as a misunderstanding.
Isabella smiled lightly to Jin. "Do not worry. I know you are not going to take my head," she said happily and turned around. She glanced back and took his hand. "We better be getting back. I would hate to miss a lovely lunch that Tate makes. Do not worry about the wagon and horses. The station will deal with it," she explained. She felt good with the work she had done and had not caught the conversation between Carla and Jin by luck. She had assumed he once killed someone she knew or something. It had to have been someone she was not to close to because she was not the spiteful towards him it seemed.
Jin held her hand and smiled to her as he walked at her side.His eyes locked on her bin wanting for some odd reason to hug her tightly."Sounds great.."he smiled brightly trying to forget.
She waited a moment for him to get by her side before walking again. She did not like pulling someone along. Her head gently leaned on his shoulder as they walked. "Before we go back, would you like me to take you to meet Hector?" She questioned softly.
"Hm?...is it you want me to see Hector or you want a reason to walk with me a little longer?"he gave her a slight smile and squeezed her hand a bit.Jin enjoyed her company no matter what it was.
"A little of both," she admitted with a light blush. "As I told you though, Hector needs an apprentice and the sooner you meet him, the better," she explained. Then she pointed down a road and turned. There was a small shop obviously one of a blacksmith on the corner with a few swords out front for show.
He walked up to the shop amazed at the work he has done.Jin ran his finger over the flat part of the blade he stared smiling "W-wow....."he felt like a child in a toy store.He looked for Hector smiling brightly.
Isabella let go of Jin's hand and said, "wait, out here. I will go into the back and get him. It is not his open hours." With that, she hopped over the counter and ventured into the back. She found Hector working in a sword in the back. "Hey! Hec! I found someone you might like to meet!" she yelled over the him hitting the sword. He stopped and slowly looked over to her. Hector was a fit mid-aged man with gray hair mixed thoroughly into his brown hair and beard. That was all she needed to say to him and he came out of the back with her. "Well, look what we have here. A fine young man. I assume Bell here brought ya in because of the job opening. Any experience at all?" He asked with a powerful but friendly voice. His voice alone told you that he was friendly but not one to mess with. If you did not get that from his voice, you would sure get it from his muscles. Isabella smiled happily and rocked on her heels behind the counter waiting to see what was going to come of this.
Jin stared at the giant man taking in all of his details and slowly shook his head "No i have not really worked on any weapons ...But i am a quick learner"Jin bowed kindly to the man and stood straight.Jin smiled at him "I always had the dream to work as a Weapons smith sir Hector i will work as much as i can to prove it"he looked to him a gleam of Boldness and Hope sparked in his eyes.Jin stared to the man with how arms his side.
Hector let out a loud booming kind laugh. "Yeah, I like you. I was looking for someone to train from scratch. Someone half learned is not going to learn right anyways. What is your name, kid?" Hector asked with a smile. Isabella smile grew though she had almost laughed at Jin being so formal and such. She could see his dream start to come true. If she could not have hers, at least he got his.
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