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Jin smiled at her boldness but also feared for her he knew that Jack would wild out on her again "Isabella......you sure you don't want to take it to him?"he said looking to her.Even so Jin would help her if She needed it he would keep her safe no matter what.
She laughed softly at Jin's worry for her. "I may sit pretty while he is around and I may play his wife, but I will not go out of my way for him. I have not in a long time," she explained, "If he strikes me for it when he gets home, so be it." She shrugged then turned to Tate. "One of you can take it to him if you have time," she said then walked past Tate to the dinning room.
He walks to her side silently and look to her and felt wave of feelings over power him"Isabella..."he stopped a bit behind her waiting for to face him.He needed to know for him self if the way She felt for him was pity or love.He felt it bothering him every time he thought about it.
She turned around to face him. "Yes?" she asked him. She heard something in his voice such as worry or stress. She walked closer to him and looked in his eyes. "Is something wrong?" she asked worried.
He looked to her and took a deep breath "Do you truly like me or are you just caring for me out of pity".His mind began to fight with him for asking such questions to her.
She frowned deeply. "Why would I pity you? You are being supplied a place to live and two jobs that you enjoy. You have had some hard times, but so have I. I have no reason to take care of you for pity. That would get you no where," she answered him in her own powerful way. Her tone was very direct and assertive but not sharp.
He felt him self beat his brain up why was he so foolish he knew her answer before it even came out her mouth his foolishness his doubts are his reasons for holding back.He bowed to Isabella kindly"Thank you........".
Isabella pulled his chin up and looked him dead in the eyes. "We are equals, Jin. Stop acting like I see you as below me. It hurts me. I really do care for you," her voice began slightly harsh, but slowly faded into a soft sweet tone.
He looked to her his heart beating hard in his chest like he as having a heart attack She was right they are both the same.He stood straight and pulled her to his chest feeling her heart be with his.Jins heart his what kept them out of sync he ran his fingers over her neck softly he placed his head on hers they were barely a breath away from each other he curled his right hand in to hers.Jin felt his temptations rising in his chest.
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As he pulled her closer and closer, her heart started to race. Its pulse was close to Jin's. His breath hit her lips and made her tremble. She wanted him more than just a hug from him. She was still a married woman though even if her husband was no man. She would try her best to live by the morals she was raised on. She carefully pulled away from his embrace. She turned around quickly and explained, "I am starving, Jin. Let's go eat the lunch before it gets cold."
He nods knowing and understanding her feeling"yeah...lets eat"he walked with her to the kitchen and kept his arm space with her.She needed sometime to think and so did he,She as a married women and he was making it a bunch harder to take in that fact.He loosened his tie from around his neck and ran his fingers threw his hair that as messy once more.Jin began to feel his doubts sinking in Jin began to fear if him and Isabella could ever be more than good friends the two sides of his mind bickered with each other.He gripped his head and shook away the thought.
Isabella sat down at the table and ate in silence. She knew not what would become of her and Jin. Frankly, it even scared her some. She wanted to know everything about him, yet she could not get too close.
Jin eating his food silent his mind and his heart did not seem to be getting along he looked to the time he knew her husband would be home soon.Finishing his meal he stood up and looked to Isabella"I must be going......your husband will be home soon."and with that Jin walked up to her and shook her hand.Jin wanted to hug her and hold her in his arms but kept him self from it he then turned out of the kitchen and walked his way to the barn.
She wanted to tell him to stay, but she knew it was not an option. She watched him walk away and barely reached for him as he walked out. She sighed and shook her head. Just then, she heard the large front door slam shut. Jack yelled, "I swear, Isa, you are the worst wife. You cannot even being me my meal!" He came after her struck her and shook his head. "Find somewhere besides my bed to sleep again tonight. You are not sleeping in my bed until you learn to be a better wife!" he yelled at her. She nodded and walked to the sitting room. She was conflicted on to go out to Jin or sleep inside. Things had seemed a little tense when he went out.
Jin sat in the barn he knew the only way to get his mind over Isabella and the guilt of leaving her alone was to practice his sword art.He pulled off his shirt and folded it neatly placing it to the side he let the cool air touch his skin.He pulled out his twin blades and placed them in front of him.
Isabella had sat with her knees tucked to her chest for a good while before she could not stand it. She stood up and took a deep breath. She cautiously creeped out to the barn and knocked on the wall of it gently. She bit her lip softly hoping she would still be along to stay the night in the barn.
He glanced up from the blades and walked to the door opening it and was a bit shocked to see isabella and smile a bit "Hi Isabella"he said calmly.He crossed his arms over is bare chest.
Seeing him shirtless made her blush softly out of embarrassment. She looked to the side shamefully. "Can I sleep here again?" she asked softly. She thought he must be busy or something since he had his shirt off. She hated disturbing people.
He felt his heart skip a beat but he nodded "Yeah sure come on in"he smiled and walked in side.He sat crisscross on the floor with his blades in front of him.He looked to her and back to his blades.
She sat in front of him and looked at his swords. "Did I interrupt something?" she asked softly. She really felt like she had. She felt her face become a soft pink as her eyes stayed away from him. It was the first time she had seen him with his shirt off.
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