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Runali watched, leaning over the edge of the ship as Alicia jumped head first into the cool waters. It wasn't ideal, considering it was probably freezing, but nonetheless, she managed to get the job done. "Nice catch. Looks like you caught a live one." She examined the man in front of her and then nodded to Nolan. "Sure, let's warm up the guy before he and Alicia freeze to death." When the man started to speak, Runali stopped him by resting a hand on his shoulder. "Just relax. Talk when you've got your strength back." She gestured back towards the galley and headed back that way. "When he's functioning properly, then he can tell us all about himself. Hope you don't mind us dropping him at Yula Fei. He can just take the next ship out of there."

When they got back to the galley, Runali pushed up an extra chair at the table before taking her seat again. As Nolan began to prepare soup for the two, the captain once again spoke. "So, as I was saying, yes. We will help our friend defend her home. It's only right. After all, the StarDusk symbol is more that just a tattoo or nice decoration, it's a symbol of our loyalty and whatever other meaningful stuff you want to add in there. I mean, unless you don't want us there. The point is, we are a crew and we-" Runali paused and rubbed her cheek as she looked over at the man they rescued.

While he was eating soup, she mentioned, "Oh, by the way, we're pirates. I don't know how that'll sit with you, but you can stick here till we get to Yula Fei, or you can jump ship and swim somewhere." She gave a small shrug. "I don't really care. But, anyway, I'm sure you don't plan on leaving while you're eating and you look somewhat back to health, so what's your story? How'd you manage to get stranded?"
Ray was the last to emerge onto the deck, and by the time he did, Alicia was already pulling a shipwrecked survivor onboard. Nolan immediately took to nursing him back to health, and everyone else was crowding around him, so Ray figured the last thing he needed to do was help, lest he get in the way. He sipped at his cup of rum and scanned the horizon for signs of ship wreckage, or any other vessels, just in case he needed to man the cannons. Seeing nothing, he turned his attention to the newcomer.

He seems decently well dressed, perhaps he was a merchant or ship officer. Whatever the case, his outfit is horribly tacky, at least by Lendrian standards, but then again, I've been out of touch with Lendria for well over a month. I guess all I can conclude is that he's not Lendrian or from around there. I guess we just have to wait until he can tell his tale to find out more about him.
The soup was warm and hearty and the chair was, if nothing else, much more stable than a sinking ship. Arcadius was not severely harmed, but the malnourishment and cold has taken its toll. He decided to focus on his meal and being glad that he was not a dead body, floating with the wreckage of Karalean.

"Yula Fei sounds good, thank you. The port authority will certainly offer a reward for a rescued ship navigator, and possibly for the report of ship lost at sea."

So that was that. I was fished out of the sea, and out of my previous life, though I had no idea about it at that time. Next thing, he outright told me they were pirates. I always wondered how would my first meeting with pirates go. Would we meet in a fierce naval battle, both ships manoeuvring around each other, trying to sing the opponent? Or would it be a bloody close quarters battle when we would be forced to repel their boarding attempt?

Never in my life I would think it would be over a soup.

"Pirates," Arcadius said simply. The word hung in the air like an unwelcome guest at the front door. "I see. I assume I am a prisoner, then?" he continued. Still, it seemed that the situation was not about to turn into violence. He might at least try to humour his captors, and rescuers, and possibly game a better position out of it.

"I was hired as a navigator for the Karalean at Henry's Port, for a trade mission to Jazbo and then to Yula Fei, where the ship would turn around and head back to Henry's Port. There's very little to say about the journey, I fear, the weather was good and the route, at least according to maps I was given, did not took us through any dangerous areas, no cliffs or such. However, just after leaving from Jazbo, we got caught in a hurricane. The storm was incredibly fast, the fastest I have seen in my life, and within half an hour, it was onto us. The captain has tried to fight it, he ordered the sails to be pulled down, but after we lost both main masts, he realized the ship was simply not going to make it. Just as the storm started to die down and the waves allowed for it, he ordered us to abandon the ship." Arcadius stopped his story and ate some of his soup. "He was... not completely wrong. It seems that somewhere through the evacuation, I got hit in the head and lost consciousness. When I woke up, I was alone on the ship. It didn't sunk, as you have seen, or at least not as quickly as he feared. And then you pulled me out of that wreck."

He pushed the empty bowl away. "So, what happens now?" he asked.
Luro sat back at his seat pouring himself another glass as the captain continued, he had a few things in mind for the significance of the symbol but he didn't voice them as the captain eventually spoke to their new guest.
His reaction to them being pirates made Luro smile a little but he took a sip from his drink listening to his story and how he ended up on the wrecked ship, Luro leaned towards him a little as he spoke of it, he expected pirates, action and a huge battle with Arcadius being on the losing side having killed twenty of their enemies before the ship was destroyed.
Hearing it was caught in a storm and he was knocked out by a blow to the head made Luro's shoulders droop and he returned to drinking his rum a little disappointed in the answer.

When he questioned what happened now Luro poured a glass of rum and slid it in his direction the glass stopping a few inches from his hand, grabbing another glass he poured himself more before setting the pitcher down.
He wasn't sure who the question was directed towards but since it was out in the opened he decided to at least say something.
"I don't know what happens personally but I wouldn't say you're a prisoner. Maybe...an imprisoned guest because the only exit is the sea. Wait is that the same thing...I'm not sure but the captain's taking you to Yula Fei I think, which is where Tashigi and Tashigi number two's home is."
Luro stopped for a moment snapping his fingers before pointing at Arcadius.
"Tashigi's the one who saved you, she's the taller woman with the least amount of clothing, her sister Tashigi number two is the shorter one with more clothing but less then the captain's who is over there. It's pretty easy to tell them apart."
Luro pointed in Runali's direction to clarify this before cupping his hand over the right side of his mouth.

"A little advice don't bring up their undies, they get pretty offended about it. Anyway there were never introductions right, I'm Luro Makachi...uh if we're going by titles I'm the shipwright, if you purposely damage the Coral I will attempt to kill you without mercy stranger with the captain's permission of course."
Luro presented a wide grin to Arcadius his message delivered and pointed to the glass he pushed in his direction.
"You seem like a good guy though, I think you're alright. Depending on what you do with that drink there will determine how I think of you in the future though. That aside nice to meet you."

Alicia and Satia returned to the table with the others, though Alicia had gone to her room to change into dry clothes before returning. She sat next to Satia to make room for their guest before she had some of Nolan's soup, eating sparingly as she listened to their guest explain what had happened to him. The soup was warm and tasteful, bringing a small pleasant smile from the swordswomen as she steadily warmed up again. She listened as he explained how his ship had been on route towards Yula Fei which caused her brow to furrow a little as she wondered what they could have been delivering. Yula Fei was a resource rich nation and rarely traded outside their borders, deciding to remain independent without having to abide by rules set in place by the government. Alicia merely shrugged, it wasn't as though Yula Fei had never had trade outside of the boarders before, and for all she knew it could have been for a many number of reasons.

She let out a sigh as Luro once again referred to her as 'Tashigi' and to her sister as 'Tashigi number two', "Luro please, just call me Alicia. We're friends, you don't need to use my family name all the time" she said before turning to Arcadius, "Unless the Captain says otherwise you're a guest, though until we reach the next island you'll be expected to help around the ship. You said you're a navigator, Yula Fei is about six days from here but it could be made shorter if you could steer us through the bad weather and put the stronger winds behind us" she said before raising a spoonful of hot soup to her lips which she almost spat back out as Luro mentioned about the underwear thing again, causing her cheeks to inflate before she slowly swallowed with a flat expression as she gazed at Luro with irritation, Satia giving him a similar glare. "Careful Luro or it'll be the Albatros all over again... " she warned before placing the spoon in the now empty bowl. As Luro mentioned about the drink Satia gave a grimace, remembering the taste that stained her tongue as the liquid appeared to be too strong for the young women. After Luro introduced himself Alicia picked up her bowl, taking the empty bowl from Arcadius as well before taking them over to the sink.

So the man was a navigator? Nolan listened to his story intently, he nodded his head every now and then and winced when Arcadius spoke of the Karalean's fate. If that was what had happened, then Luro was probably right. The navigator's friends, they were most likely dead, somewhere beneath the sea. Nolan wondered if they'd head to the afterlife or if by some chance, they'd wind up in the locker. He thought it was the former, but the second thought was somewhat reassuring. "I'm so sorry," it was all he could think to say. "And don't worry, you're not a prisoner." He affirmed what Alicia had said and smiled a little. "Like I said to Satia, we're not your everyday pirates."

Nolan joined Alicia by the sink and took the bowls out of her hands. "Don't worry about the plates, Alicia. I'll handle them, I've done this thing my whole life and you need to focus on getting warm." He nodded his head at both Alicia and Arcadius then placed both hands on the girl's shoulders and started steering her towards the table. "Luro, Ray, Captain, I made some extra soup so just eat up."

He was interested in learning a bit more about the man, but Arcadius had a lot of questions to answer and he didn't want to overwhelm the poor guy. "Your skills will definitely come in handy," we used to have a navigator, the next thought silenced him and Nolan had to stop himself from talking about Danny. "Yeah...they'll help us get to Yula Fei and the faster we get there, the better it is for us all." After giving the navigator a weary smile he started washing the dishes.​
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Runali couldn't help the slight chuckle as he asked if he was a prisoner. "Well, I mean if you want to. No reason to randomly save someone that doesn't have much, just to take them prisoner. But the crew made their decision it seems. You're no one's prisoner. If anything, we can just throw you off the ship if you do something wrong meaning, I'll allow Luro to do what he pleases if you mess up the ship. It was just polished after all." She shrugged and leaned back in her chair as he told his story. Like Luro, she was a tad displeased in hearing a simple tale of a boat crashing at sea due to the weather. That wasn't very exciting and she had enough of bad storms and death to last her a lifetime.

"I guess an introduction would be next, hm? I'm the captain here if you haven't guessed it. Captain Runali of the StarDusk pirates. There's Luro, Alicia and company Satia, Nolan, and the quiet one is Ray. All crew, save for Alicia's company." As she spoke, she gestured to each person to make sure he knew who was who before nodding and glancing towards Alicia. "Aye, that is a good idea. You should get us to Yula Fei much faster. It'd be helpful to us all. You know, free from pirates, and closer to home." Hearing that there was more soup, Runali hopped out of her chair and helped herself to some. Her gaze went over the group and she gave a final nod.

"That settles it. I've already, well we all agreed to go help out. And- ...What's your name again?" She looked back at him with a questionable one eyed gaze. When he answered, she continued. "Yeah, he'll help with navigation. We lost a navigator recently," A slight pause rose from her last statement before she continued. "But we have a few remaining maps and a compass in our book room if you need it. Anything else that needs to be added? Complaints? Requests? If not, this meeting is adjourned and we can go on about the day."

She plopped back down in her seat after her dismissal and finished her soup. "Also, was there any plan on how to actually dock our ship in Yula Fei to begin with, you know, without being greeted by weaponry?" Her gaze went towards Alicia and Satia. "I'm not taking our flag down. And I'm sure Luro won't be quiet about his life of piracy, so the sneaky approach just won't do." Despite the severity of the situation and how much Yula Fei despised pirates, Runali was calm about it. She happened to trust her swordswoman. In fact, she trusted all of her crew members, so when they were absolutely sure about things, she decided they were right and took their options.

The swordswomen could only thank Nolan as he took the bowls from her and guided her back to the table, almost slightly confused on how quickly he'd managed to persuade her to take a seat. She blinked and returned next to Satia before listening as the captain spoke and agreed with her about Arcadius assisting them to Yula Fei. It'd surely help them get there faster, but it was what the captain said next that caused both Satia and Alicia to exchange glances before giving a simultaneous nod of confidence to each other, looking back to Runali. "It is likely the navy will greet us as we cross the boarder into Yula Fei's waters, but as long as you're with us the military and the people shouldn't give you much trouble. For you see, our family has a long ingrained history of service to Yula Fei and the Tashigi name carries a degree of respect that should be enough to allow you safe passage. The only one who could contest our decision to bring you to shore would be Princess Omoiyari herself, but as I've said due to our families history I should think the princess would trust our judgement" said Alicia with a reassuring expression, Satia giving a confirming nod.

"The princess also happens to be a friend. Our mother was... close, with the late Queen Rikuyo. Our mother would sometimes visit her, leaving me and the princess to play together as children, Satia was too young to remember this" she said, glancing to her younger sister for a moment, "Though our friendship remains, her duty to the people is her first and foremost priority. However I do believe she will trust in us to be looking at the best interests of Yula Fei" she finished. Alicia didn't say it, but it would be obvious to the crew that Alicia was placing down the name of her family to vouch for them. If they caused trouble in any way, it'd be Alicia and her family who would suffer for it. Alicia smiled warmly, "Don't worry, we'll be fine" she said, looking between them all.

The next five days it took for them to reach the boarders of Yula Fei were fairly routine. The crew would meet together for meals and spend the days maintaining the ship and helping to keep it on course while Arcadius navigated them through the waters. They took tuns on the helm, allowing each other to rest and enjoy some of the warmer weather which began to creep in as they moved further and further towards the west. Eventually, during their final estimated day to reach the island, they saw it in the distance. At first it looked like any other island you'd see during your travels as a pirate, but as they drew closer they'd begin to see the true beauty that sparked many of the rumors that surrounded it.


The island was bursting with rich colors and flora which ran along the coast for miles in each direction. Large trees spanning impossible heights loomed in front of even larger rock formations and waterfalls. In the distance one could see mountains that reached for the heavens themselves, some with waterfalls of their own which appeared to fall for miles before being lost in the deep forests bellow, beyond where the eye could see. If one looked hard enough they could see birds of beautiful colors flying above the forests before dipping into the tree tops every now and again. As the ship sailed around a large stretch of coast they would be confronted with the beautiful sight of port Hurasai, a truly massive harbor containing all kinds of ships varying in sizes and types, from naval battle ships to small fishing boats. Two great arms built from stone stretched out like welcoming arms to form the docks where more ships could be seen tied, waiting to be sailed onto the open seas once more.

Beyond the docks appeared to be the building tops of a large city, the building tops just about being visible from the harbor as they sailed closer towards the docks. The architecture of Yula Fei was quite unique and elegant in it's design, each building carrying consistent characteristics such as the combination of stone and wood which gave it an oriental feel. People could be seen on some of the boats they passed and if the crew paid attention to the fishing boats they'd be surprised to see that none of them were using fishing rods, but instead appeared to be using a long stick with a large bird sitting on the end. The stick would be lowered towards the sea and the bird would disappear into the water, returning a moment latter with a fish in it's beak which was given to the fisherman. Some of the fisherman waved to them as they passed, which was unusual considering they flew the black flag, but it seemed the people were still willing to show them a welcome regardless.

Alicia and Satia stood at the bow of the ship, both eager to see their home again as the Coral Pearl pushed through the gentle waves towards the docks. The weather was warm and the crew would feel the lick of the sun against their skin as they stood in the open. A massive naval battle ship the size of a 'Man of war' sailed passed them in the opposite direction as they approached and some of the soldiers on board looked down at them over the side of their ship, some of them waving to the crew. The ship itself appeared to have the same strange sail design as the smaller ship they saw before and with the same red sails too. It was decorated with fine golden symbols that ran along the deep colored wood and the flag it flew upon it's mast appeared symbolic to Yula Fei, likely the nations flag. It was unusual that no one seemed to care that they were pirates, or perhaps maybe a single ship just wasn't a big enough threat to them. Either way the behavior was unusual and was unexpected for both Alicia and Satia. "Do you smell that?" asked Alicia as she inhaled. On the docks ran a large market for trade which sold all kinds of foods and spices which you could smell once you were close enough.

After finally getting to the docks, the crew would be able to see just how massive port Hurasai was and they'd be able to see the city which sat beyond a massive stone archway which stood just beyond the market. There was people everywhere and at a glance they would notice their clothes were very similar to the kind that Satia wore. The other ship which had been ahead of them had already docked and the guards which had been on board were now walking down one of the many wooden arms of the dock to await them. Alicia turned and walked back towards the crew, "Before we leave the ship, it's very important you know about where we are. This is port Hurasai and through that large archway is Sovereign City, combined this place is absolutely massive and it's very easy to get lost. So i suggest for now we stay together, at least until you guys know your way around so you can decide on meeting locations" she suggested.

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First I was saved and offered soup to warm up my nearly dead body, and now I was told I was not being held as a prisoner to be ransomed, only that my navigational skills would be appreciated. These pirates, well, they were exactly what I did not expected when I was imagining sea battles and raging battles across decks of ships, locked together in struggle. I was given to use the old tools of my predecessor, compass and some maps of the local waters, enough to guide them to Yula Fei, but I made a mental note to acquire a sextant for the ship. It was the least I could do as a repayment for my rescue.

Through those five days, I warmed up to the crew somewhat, and when the day was over, told them my life's tale over supper. Sebengrad, the city-state where I was born and where my family lived and ruled for centuries, was build around the mouth of Hlisa, mighty river that flowed from the distant high mountains where snow never melted. I told them of the dark deep forests that used to house all the fears man could think up, valleys containing unimaginable evils and hills with castles so old, their origins were barely mentioned in the historical records.

That was gone now, though. The forests were cut down and cleared out for farmland to take their place, the evil banished away into the deepest caves by brave men and women, and castles rebuild to house a series trading stations and signal towers. Trade flourished and cities grew large and wealthy. History, as they say, already happened and all that was left was political bickering and fighting over taxation rates. I told them how I left in search for places that still felt alive, and how the search first nearly killed me and then brought to them.

I guided the ship to Yula Fei in hope of finding some news about Karaleo's crew, and if not, at least reporting the ship's sad end. As for Yula Fei itself, well...

Imagine living yourself in a forest. It's cold, dark, and all you know are trees, branches, forest floor. It's not bad. The life around you is plentiful, and the forest does provides for you. The air is full of smells of silica and blooming wild strawberries. Each breath is a pleasure, but...

But you walk, and walk out of the forest, into field, an ocean full of golden, ripe wheat. Suddenly, the sun is shining, and the warm sunrays dry your hair and clothes. The world is huge now that your vision is not obstructed by darkness and tree trunks, you can see miles around you, and the scents of blossoming flowers around you are sweet and strong, almost narcotic.

Yula Fei, with all its colours, was simply stunning.

Mikchael Arcadius was standing on the poop deck, leaning over the side of the ship, drinking all the sights around him with his eyes. There was, however, a point where enough was enough. He turned back and, after checking with the current helmsman that everything is going as should, nodded to Alicia and her sister. He joined them at the bow. "Seems that everything is in order. Seems that the galleon we just sailed past did not recognize us as wanted pirates, and I doubt it is a trap. No one would be foolish enough to start a naval battle in such busy harbour. I must say, your homeland is... quite stunning, to say the least."

Arcadius gave the harbour and city beyond it a look, before continuing. "Anyway, I'd like to visit the port authority. Hopefully, there will be news of the Karalean. If not, well... we can tell them of the ship being lost at sea, with most of the crew."

Five days didn't last very long and soon they could see Yula Fei on the horizon. At first, Nolan felt a little jumpy, but as they approached it was clear that they wouldn't be stopped or questioned. Plus, having Alicia and Satia on their ship was quite reassuring.

He joined Arcadius on the deck and leaned up against the railing. The land of Yula Fei was unlike any other place he had seen before. The buildings impressed Nolan and the giant arms that reached out and served as a dock made him grin. "It's really something different, isn't it, Arcadius?" Nolan would have said more, but he noticed the fishermen and their unique way of acquiring fishes. The men in the tiny boats were waving so Nolan waved back then cupped both hands around his mouth and yelled. "Your land is beautiful!"

When he got back, he'd have to tell his family and Annie all about this place.

The ship eventually docked and Nolan followed his friends onto Hurasai port. "Got it, we shouldn't stray far because we might get lost." The cook was still grinning. "Though to be honest, Alicia, if the situation were less dire, I wouldn't mind getting lost. This place is beautiful, it makes me want to visit everyone else's homeland." The cook admired the stalls and all the food then looked to Arcadius and nodded his head. "Captain, Alicia, what's our first order of business going to be?" He wondered, were they going to accompany Arcadius or head directly to the princess?

Whatever it was, he was going to do his best.
Luro eyebrows narrowed slightly a tad against calling Tashigi by her first name, either one to be exact but he didn't voice that particular thought and poked his forehead with his finger considering the alternative.
"I like saying Tashigi though," he said. "Ta-shi-gi, Taaa-shii-gi."
Luro repeated the name to himself a few times smiling, it was a fun name to say though Nolan's last name was enjoyable to say too, he liked his first name more though and Ray's first name was too long and not as fun to say. He forgot the captain's on occasion and he didn't know their new guests but he doubted it would be as fun to say as the name Tashigi.
"I suppose since we are friends I can sacrifice my enjoyment of saying it and just call you Alicia, since Satia is my friend I'll improve her name and just call her Tashigi number one that way everyone wins."
After raising his hands in defense to her comment Luro gladly too Nolan's offer for soup his attention remaining on that for the rest of the conversation, though when the captain mentioned him he merely pointed to his exposed chest where the StarDusk symbol rested with a smile.
A non-verbal way of saying she was correct in him not hiding his status as a pirate.

Luro caught up in the nice weather spent what time he wasn't helping around the ship outside staring at the ocean, he was considering working more on his rifle, which he did eventually do, but this weather was something he didn't want to miss while it was there.
This kind of warmth made him want to take a long nap on a beach somewhere, regretfully there were none nearby so he decided watching the ocean was more than enough. He still needed to speak with Nolan about his gun but since he was still polishing his own Luro decided to wait until he was at least somewhat content with it before asking to tamper with his.
When he did learn their guests name he had to admit he couldn't pronounce it for anything so he decided to just think of a nickname that combined both his first and last names, promising it would be suit his manliness.
He had shared his story with them after all, the least he could do was call him by a proper name.

Luro wasn't sure what to expect when they reached Yula Fei but he found when his eyes rested on the island he was wrong at his initial assumption of a simple land, this place was filled with lush nature that seemed almost endless and he could see water in the distant falling to goodness knows where with what looked like mountains in the distant.
This Island had mountains...mountains of all things that seemed to go on infinitely towards the sky.
It seemed as if he had stepped into a whole other world, a place where nature and civilization came together in a carefully constructed balance of harmony that respected one another with a beauty that could only come forth from dedication, perseverance and humility coupled with an understanding of the world around them and it's wonderful allure.
At least that's what he would have thought if he wasn't half drunk wondering if that waterfall could go up backwards but he admitted it was beyond words.
When the people waved at them his raised his hands returning their waves surprised to see them get such a happy welcome, though Alicia had mentioned they shouldn't be attacked with the two of them on board.
It had been a while since he saw anything the size of a man o war, the albatross aside which was much bigger, and he found he wanted to take a look inside, though he was far more interested in Yula Fei now.

Luro followed everyone his eyes observing the sights around them, a small chuckle coming from him as everyone discussed their plans.
"This place is just...wow...why couldn't I have gotten stranded on an island like this. I would have purposely not gotten rescued this place is great."
Luro almost ran off to explore the place but at Alicia's words he stopped and a small sigh escaped from him as he crossed his arms over his chest, she had a point but he wanted to see more of this place.
"Well the wind won't open a new world for me, but Yula Fei itself is more than enough," Luro said grinning.
He glanced at Nolan hearing his words and nodded in agreement at the idea of the others homelands, if this was Alicia's he was curious of the others, though something told him he might not get along well with Ray's.
"Well you're on mine everyday so that's one taken care of," Luro said patting Nolan on the shoulder. "We should get ready to do our thing, the sooner that's done the sooner we can enjoy this place to the fullest, well aside from the bad part of it."
Walking over to Arcadius Luro put his arm around his shoulder grinning at him before pointing ahead at the Sovereign City.
"Oh come on Kadi that's all stuff to handle later," Luro said patting his shoulder with his hand. "You should come with us, when are you going to see another place like this. Come on you know you want to see the lasses right...or lads...lasses right? Either's fine but you want to come see them right?"
Ray spent the trip entertaining the crew song, doing fencing drills and his usual cannon maintenance, but one night after what he thought may have been one or two too many drinks with Luro, Ray decided to tell a story to whoever was listening. "The story is kind of relevant to what's happening to Alicia and Yula Fei, so I thought I would tell the story of Kareth of Lendria and his self-imposed exile and return to Lendria."

"Kareth of Lendria is a Hero of my homeland, my middle-name-sake, and an ancestor of the Skalters. He was born a peasant, but rose to Knightly status, although that isn't uncommon in Lendria. We were constantly at war with Cerania, so people were less concerned with who your parents were and more with if you could fight; Lendrian tales are filled with peasants-turned-knights. Anyway, Kareth was a ferocious warrior and brilliant leader and earned himself many titles, most notably 'the Crimson Serpent,' Crimson because that was the color of his clan (and his hair), and Serpent because when he and his forces struck, it was fast and deadly.

"Kareth's greatest victory was won on Ceranian soil. Kareth led a small force of Lendrian Knights into battle to rescue Catherine, a Lendrian noblewoman being held hostage by a Ceranian Lord and his chevaliers. The cowardly lord quit the field when his warriors proved no match for the valor and ferocity of the Lendrians, so Kareth and his companions gave chase, hounding him back to his estate at the place called the Culvert. Kareth and his knights were elated, since the Culvert was situated at the end of a box canyon; they had trapped the cowardly lord. However when they crested the hill before the estate, they found an entire army camp surrounding the estate. Kareth quickly rallied his troops and charged into the camp, taking them entirely by surprise in the Battle of the Culvert.

"Kareth and his knights returned to Lendria with Catherine and were hailed as heroes. The war between Lendria and Cerania ended and Catherine and Kareth had fallen in love. It it was going to be a 'happily ever after' ending, but the night of their wedding, Ceranian assassins seeking revenge for the Battle of the Culvert attacked them. Kareth drove them off, but not after they had slain his new wife. Kareth wanted to rally his troops to take vengeance against the Ceranians for such an audacious display of treachery, but he knew that if he did, the fragile peace he fought so hard for would be shattered, so instead, he left Lendria to wander the seas as a mercenary and pirate.

His adventures were many and varied, and he met great success in raising a privateer fleet. But his thoughts were always of home, so when word came that Lendria and Cerania were at war again, he returned to Lendria with his fleet and drove off the Ceranian invaders."

"So it's kinda like Alicia is Kareth, the returning war hero, back to save her homeland. Look, I dunno why I brought it up, it just kinda seemed appropriate. Plus, I really like the story. Cuz Kareth is my middle name."


The next day, they arrived at Hurasai. Ray was impressed by the sheer size of it all. All the cities of Lendria together couldn't match the sheer size of this place. It kind of reminds me of Utsukushī, just less touristy and more... lived in. It's more full of culture, and life. I really hate to admit it, but Uncle Percy was right: the world is a place worth seeing. Also, I think I may have had too much to drink last night because my head is killing me and all I remember of last night was calling the new guy 'Mickey Cad' after Luro said something about nicknames.

"Oh, I know we'll be fine...But will we be prepared is the question."​

Five whole days. That's how long it took before the crew had gotten to Yula Fei. In those five days, the captain and the crew decided to relax and enjoy the time spent. Runali had once again practiced using the sword she had bought in Brass Cape. Lucky for her, Davy had found it and restored that as well. Runali had learned a lot from Alicia and Ray, however when it came to swords she definitely couldn't best them. Satia found it slightly amusing to best the captain at swordplay, even if it was simple practice.

"I thought all pirates knew some form of sword or gunplay?"

"Well, can't really see properly to shoot a gun. And I know enough about swords to keep me alive. Hand to hand? No problem. I've got speed and agility to make up for the lack of some things."

The captain even let Arcadius wander around the ship as he pleased. The only places Satia and Arcadius weren't allowed in were the treasure room and the captain's quarters. The rum room was up to Luro's decision, but Runali assumed he'd probably offer. Even Ray took the time to tell an interesting story. Over the course of five days, the weather was nice and the time to relax was even nicer. However, to Runali's surprise, it didn't end on the fifth day. The relaxation maybe, but the weather and the approaching Yula Fei was splendid. "Amazing." She mused. To get a better look, she climbed into the crow's nest, getting a better view of the colorful birds diving into the trees. She hadn't seen anything like it. From up top, she could also see a few of the market places similar to the tourist island they visited, however she was sure everything was catered to Yula Fei's rich culture.

Sure, Runali didn't expect to be attacked on sight, however she also didn't expect the inhabitants of Yula Fei to be so friendly. The captain hesitate to wave or salute back to them all. They all gathered off the ship and Runali looked around and then to Nolan and Alicia. "Well, I don't know the rules of this rather nice place, so Alicia is taking the lead." She then glanced over at Luro trying to persuade Arcadius to stick with the crew.

"Luro if Kadi wants to go, he can go. We did say we were just dropping him off. I don't know why he'd want to follow a buncha pirates around anyway." She gave a simple shrug and while the small crew was regaining order, Runali looked at the Tashigi sisters.

"Lead the way. Your home, your rules. We're here to...you know, stop- or kill some pirates and get souvenirs. Keeping the peace and all.And for, I'm sure everyone's amusement, take a tour."

Alicia looked between her friends as they all gave their first impressions of her home, even if this was but a fraction of what existed within the land of Yula Fei. There were plenty of towns and villages, some of which she'd never even been too or seen herself, though she'd been to most if not all of the cities. She smiled as Nolan complimented the beauty of the island, "Thank you Nolan. Maybe once this is over we can take a few days to explore, there's plenty of history and if that's not your thing, there's plenty to see and do" she said before looking to Luro for a moment, turning to Satia "I wonder what Luro would think of Sake" she said, causing Satia to grin as she gave a nod, "Especially the strong stuff" she said before both of them looked to Luro and the others, "There's a competition that usually runs in Sovereign City where those who favor alcohol can be tested to see if they can truly hold their drink. It's not rum, but I can guarantee it packs just as much punch, if not more" said Alicia. She grinned herself before shaking her head, "Maybe we'll put Luro to the test latter, for now lets-" she was cut short as she noticed a larger crowd gathering at the end of the dock arm.

"That's unusual, we don't get that kind of greeting, regardless of our status" said Satia with a slight frown. Alicia looked at the crowd which appeared to be quite interested in seeing them, many of the people moving to try and get a better view of the group. "I suggest we find out. If this is a problem I'd rather know sooner" said Alicia before she turned to the crew, "Me and Satia will walk in front, if this is some kind of mob it's more likely that they wont try anything if we're in the way" she said, Satia nodding before the two began walking towards the end of the dock arm. When they'd arrive at where the crowd was gathered they moved back to give them some room, "H-hey! it is them!" one of them said, causing several of the others to talk among themselves, "Are you sure? I mean what would they be doing here?" another said, causing more talk to travel the increasing number of people that joined the group. Alicia looked back at the group before looking to Runali, giving a shrug as she had no idea what was going on. "Excuse me" said a young women, appearing far more confident than the group behind her as she stepped forward, "Are you those pirates that defended Waterdeep?" she asked.

Before any of them would be able to answer a deep, firm but soft voice would rise above the rest. "I believe they are" said an older man who moved through the crowd which split to partly make way for him and to see who had answered their question. The man was fairly tall and muscular for his age, though he appeared to retain a slender form hidden beneath his grayish blue samurai gi. He had a thin pair of glasses and appeared to immediately radiate an air of wisdom about him. "No way!" said someone in the crowd before another man spoke up, "Akiyoshi Tashigi, why is he here?" he said, however this time the crowd was quieter. Both Alicia and Satia gave a respectful bow, "Hello father" they both said before standing, many of those in the crowd talking louder as they realized who the two sisters were. Akiyoshi smiled warmly as he walked over, embracing them both. "It's so good to finally see my daughters in one place again, though I wish it were for better reasons" he said before releasing them both. Alicia was smiling brightly, it had been quite some time since she'd seen her father and while this may have appeared some what formal, it was merely culture for them.

It was common and expected of children to be respectful to their parents regardless of age or relationships with them and displays of affection were quite tamed in general across many of Yula Fei's social tendencies. Though there was absolutely no doubt that Akiyoshi loved both his daughters and would go to great lengths for them. "And you must be the famed StarDusk pirates" he said before both Alicia and Satia stepped aside to make room for him to introduce himself and speak with them. "Word of your victory at Waterdeep has spread, which might explain why the people are so eager to see you and why you weren't attacked by the navy" he said with a smile, "And it seems you have brought my oldest daughter home to me and for that I am truly greatfull" he said and inclined his head respectfully, "If you would join us we'd like to offer you our hospitality as well as a place to stay while you're here. If Alicia has brought you here I can only assume it is because of the... situation, we've been presented with" he said, picking his words carefully as word had not yet spread to the people as to not provoke a panic. He then turned to Alicia, "We do have allot to discuss but for tonight I just want to enjoy the company of my daughters, I'm eager to hear the stories of your travels" he said and smiled. He looked back to the crew, "I have arranged for some carriages to take us to our home. However you're not obligated to accept the invitation, though I would very much like to show my appreciation for the safe return of both my daughters" he said before turning to Satia.

"How did you know we were coming and that we were on board?" she asked with a slight frown. Akiyoshi looked thoughtful for a moment, "Well, due to the current situation, scout ships have been sent out to cover the seas surrounding us to keep an eye on the situation. You were sighted and reported a few days ago" he said, Satia seeming to accept this answer. Alicia turned towards the crew, "Well then, shall we?" she asked. Due to the arrival of her father and the situation which surrounded them, she'd forgotten about Arcadius' request to see the port authority. However it was something that they would have plenty of opportunity to do as they would surely be back to the city at some point for shopping purposes.



Married to Sakura Hikari before her death and the father of Alicia and Satia Tashigi. Akiyoshi is a true master swordsman and prides himself on raising and training some of the finest swordsmen and women in the world. Little is known about this man's past beyond the family, however it was known that after he married he settled down with a family and opened up a school which was when he began to unload his knowledge about the art of the sword onto those he deemed worthy enough to learn from his teachings. He is wise and very powerful, though above protecting his loved ones and his home he will not lift a sword to fight another. Akiyoshi took the death of his wife hard and has since lost a small part of himself. He believes this to be a reason for why he can not continue to fight at the same level he once could, for he has a tear inside of him which can not be repaired. He is a loving father and a kind man, he will gladly help anyone who asks him for it. However he will only train those who truly prove they are determined and disciplined enough to learn from him.​
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"What do you know...

...follow the flowering the daughters of the brightest bloom Yula Fei had in whole a generation...

...and you may find the roots of the noble grove."

The voice that spoke was pleasing. It was soft, poetic, yet still masculine. Refined and elegant, even eloquent if one were bold, could easily describe this voice and do so effectively. Each line that echoed through the salty air was entirely permeated by the voice and each dramatic pause between what would best be considered verses of song-speak only managed to strengthen in dignity and poise of the following phrase. To the StarDusk pirates, the voice might even be oddly reminiscent of their time in the Locker. To anyone else, this would seem otherworldly in a way that defied description to a man of sound mind. Yet, even with this voice in so few lines defying all expectations, it was hardly unwelcome. The atmosphere made by these three simple lines seemed to command and calm an already-tranquil scene that formerly seemed dictated by Akiyoshi. This voice, this influence, was the power of a Devil Fruit and only for that reason did it overwhelm the daunting figure demanding of respect through honor and sincerity.​

After another brief pause between the poetic lines of his verse, Colt revealed his position by strumming a lute while leaning against a post on the dock not too far away from the group. He did not wield a gun or any other weapon, just his lute and his voice. One might consider them more dangerous than any weapon he had regardless. As attention fell on him for just a moment, as if the gentle strumming of his delicately-tuned lute created a gravity for those around him to be pulled in by, Colt only smirked. This would be no different. "But, it is not nobility that brings me here," Colt explained. A single finger plucked on a high string on the lute. "Your scouts do not see everything. They did not see me, and they have not seen what I have," Colt added as he continued to pluck single strings on his lute, playing a simplistic tune to his quick explanation.

"My name is Colt. I am a traveling bard that just so happens to deal with information," Colt introduced himself. "I believe I have sensitive information in regards to both privacy and time that you may be of dire need of, and not even know it, Tashigi. The best part, for you, is that my broker offers this news free, if you would hear it..." If you would hear it. Those words could sum up this entire interaction with Colt. His soft brown hair blew carelessly in the salty wind, his serene yet still sea-toughened skin glistened with the sunlight and his light attire made him appear open without anything hidden. His voice, his words, his tone, his ever-fluctuating, always-poetic manner of speech made every word he said seem unapologetic in its thievery of attention and awe. Colt worked quick despite speaking with perfect pauses and emphasis. This was his gift. As a smith forges a sword, Colt forged conversation and all great craftsmen know to strike while the iron is hot.
His words were his hammer. Their ears the anvil. The air between them slowly became a work of perfectly orchestrated art, one tempered with the hot, passionate strikes Colt made simply by speaking. This was the power of the Sonus Sonus Fruit.​
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Luro was a bit dejected at the idea of Kadi running off somewhere but nodded to the captain and removed his arm from his shoulder giving a small smile to him as he continued with everyone.
Hearing about the drinking competition Luro's eyebrows immediately shot up and he looked over at Alicia and Satia at the idea of participating in such an interesting event. Hearing the drink was Sake made Luro bring a hand to his chin as he found his mind drifting back to Utsukushi.
He sampled a bit of it while he was there and he admitted he didn't dislike the taste of it.
However he knew that didn't mean it would taste the same here, he found that depending on who makes it even rum can have a different feel to it.
He admitted he was looking forward to sampling it here but his attention turned back to the sisters seeing they had stop talking about their future plans.

Luro eyes widened a little seeing a crowed had gathered around them and he felt his hand twitch almost raising it in defense but he noticed the people weren't attacking, in fact they were staring at them with a strange look in their eyes.
He nodded at the idea of Alicia and Satia walking in front since the people knew them the best but Luro's attention flickered back and forth between the faces and people trying to look at them, he was pretty sure they weren't that much an attraction around here right? They were new here but a response like this was confusing to say the least.
He still smiled and greeted them since they were there but he couldn't deny he was completely lost at what to think, they seemed elated to see them.
"They seem happy to see us, that's...not normal right? What little Tashigi did drawing weapons on us and calling us names that was normal, this is different."
Luro elbowed Ray in the arm since he was the only person he knew who had a criminal history before becoming a pirate,.
He figured he might shed some insight on this and leaning over spoke with him.
"I know this has happened before right? They're supposed to be mad and angry, not happy and welcoming?"
He glanced back at the faces his eyebrow arching seeing a few women in the crowd.
"Not that I mind but I'm really confused."

Luro straightened his body as he heard Waterdeep get brought up, he glanced in the person's direction actually a bit surprised to hear they knew of that, did that meant they knew what they were there for?
His attention moved to a voice in the crowd as someone answered the question of Waterdeep for them, and it was Alicia and Satia's father of all people.
Luro tilted his head looking at the man as he thanked them and welcomed them with a place to stay which Luro couldn't help but grin at, he seemed like a pretty decent guy and polite too, he wondered if he should return the gesture but feared leaning forward too much might make him fall.
Luro crossed his arms taking a moment to think on what he should say back, something he normally didn't do but Alicia and Satia may have gotten their dislike of compliments from this man, he was her parent and he didn't want to get hit again especially by someone with muscles like his.
There had to be something he could say to be on his good side, Alicia and Satia were his friends so getting along with their father was natural, that way everyone was happy and there was no awkwardness between them then they would all get along and friendship would flourish, it all made sense in his head.
He grinned realizing what he could do, every parent liked their children being complimented, he just needed to do that. If he talked about Alicia and Satia's finer parts he was positive they'd get along just fine.

With a firm nod Luro started to speak but stopped as he picked up a voice and turned to try and locate the source his attention eventually settling on a man holding a lute, or at least that's what he assumed that was.
Luro listened to the young man but...he didn't understand most of what he was talking about, he wondered if he was speaking riddles or singing a song that had strange lyrics to them, what he did recognize was that he was a traveling bard.
"Oh a bard!" Luro exclaimed before digging in his pocket.
He pat himself a few times before grabbing a silver coin in his sleeve and flipping it towards Colt before pointing at his lute.
"I love hearing you guys, play Daki the man with two bums. No wait play the legend of Kareth Ray talked about him yesterday, he's...Lendrian I think that was it. Wait no hold on play Maja the talking fish who became a human I love that one especially when his brother turns into a watermelon for trying to betray him...wait...ah I can't think of a song you pick the song."
Luro clapped his hands together smiling at Colt waiting for his song.

"Maybe once this is over we can take a few days to explore, there's plenty of history and if that's not your thing, there's plenty to see and do"

Nolan lit up at the idea. He had left home and joined the Stardusk pirates for exactly this reason. He wanted to see the world and sail the seas and now they would be doing just that. "I would love to learn all about Yula Fei's history, in fact, I'll learn everything I can." The cook practically had stars in his eyes and for just a moment he forgot about the coming pirates and the possibility of them dying. But of course, it only lasted a moment and soon he was chuckling nervously. "I guess we'll have to beat those pirates as quickly as possible, we can't let them lay a finger on this land."

Compared to his home by the docks, Yula Fei was something else entirely.

Alicia and Satia started talking about a drinking tournament and Luro and Nolan laughed. "I think you'd be putting everyone in danger. Once, back at Waterdeep, we were invited to a party by the king and the queen. Luro managed to outdrink everyone, I think he had close to fifty bottles. When it comes to rum," he gave his friend a smile. "I doubt he's even human—what?"

Speaking of Waterdeep there was a crowd asking them if they were the ones who had saved it. The cook backed up a little, but when he noticed they were smiling he nodded his head in confirmation and smiled back. It was odd, but at least they were being chased off the island. The crowd continued to talk an older man, who turned out to be Alicia and Satia's father joined them.

"It's pleasure to meet you, Mr. Tashigi." Nolan straightened himself out but when Luro suddenly exclaimed something about a bard, he swiveled around and noticed Colt. He didn't quite get what the man was saying, but his voice had an enchanting quality to it and he picked up something about sensitive information. Luro was asking the guy to sing, but Nolan didn't think that was what the man was going to do.
So, that was that. I made it to solid ground, and alive too. I was not complaining. On the other hand, being called 'Kadi' was something I was complaining about, at least internally. I had a name, and it was a good name. Why change it? It was not hard to pronounce, was it?

Regardless, the crew was welcomed warmly and very unlike how pirates were usually greeted when arriving to a port. For example, there were no signs of large axes or gallows. The presence of a high pontificate would be slightly worrying, yes, if he didn't turn out to be the father of Tashigis. I was reminded of the Privateer Wars back at home, where several city states hired free captains to raid each other's shipping routes. Might be a similar situation was at play here, young nobles trying to prove their worth in battle? I was in a foreign lands, after all, so it was more than obvious the customs and traditions here would be nothing like the ones I was used to back around Vigil Mountains.

More importantly, though, he said scout ships were searching around the island for us. I wondered if one of them managed to see or rescue survivors from Karalean. After all, I made it here too...

Arcadius stayed in the back. He was a passenger here, he had no connection the evens at Waterdeep. Coming with them was probably a wise decision, though, and if this mister Tashigi had scouting parties sailing around the island, he might make it all much simple matter.

"Indeed, a pleasure to meet you, Mister Tashigi. I have a lot thank for to your daughters..." He was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a bard. At least this seemed to be same all across the world, bards and minsters rudely interrupting conversations and intimate moments with their music...
"They seem happy to see us, that's...not normal right? What little Tashigi did drawing weapons on us and calling us names that was normal, this is different."

"Look, I dunno, just go with it and be grateful they aren't running us out of town." Ray whispered back to Luro. The mention of Waterdeep allayed his confusion. I'm sure they all think our small band charged headfirst into an army and won. It's probably better that way; hearing how much panicked fleeing and cooking-pan assault I went through probably won't do them any favors. Ray decided to milk the situation for it's worth by turning on the charm for all the ladies in the crowd. Despite his hangover, he was enjoying himself.

He was making eyes at the third lady when a bard introduced himself. Ray didn't much care for him. There was something in the way he spoke that rubbed him wrong; it reminded him somehow of Shaw and talking in circles. Still, the man hadn't done anything to offend, save perhaps interrupt the Tashigis, but that was hardly his problem.

And then Luro started asking the bard about Kareth.

Ray grimaced and pinched the bridge of his nose. I was 'Kareth of Lendria' drunk last night? I guess that's why I don't remember much. Oh boy.

He interjected himself into Luro's musical requests. "I will pay you two silvers NOT to sing about Kareth of Lendria." He turned to Luro. "Umm... because I already told it, and you don't need to hear it again, and it's complicated. Let's hear about the guy with two bums, that sounds weird."

Ray hoped that would distract Luro. He didn't actually like talking about Kareth because though he personally admired him, it was embarrassing being related to someone the world remembered as a pirate warlord and war criminal.

Everyone talked amongst themselves about future plans after the task at hand was done. Runali was all for the ideas, however as crippled as her eyesight was, she was still a perceptive one. She noticed the eyes of the inhabitants wandering towards them, and then getting closer. The crew noticed too, but Runali raised a hand to signal to keep their weapons at ease. She didn't see any malice in their eyes...just curiosity and...was that admiration? "What on earth are they-" The crowd only grew and she looked over at the sisters with a confused expression, just as they had given her. "This isn't normal." Then she caught on. Waterdeep was mentioned and Runali lifted her head proudly. "We-"

A voice spoke before she could finish. Once more, Runali was attentively listening and watching. She was a tad surprised to learn that he too was a Tashigi- the father of the two at that. "Geez, my dad is just a merchant." She spoke lightheartedly.

"StarDusk pirates, yes we are. Famed? Not the last time I checked. I thought news of Waterdeep was kept confidential. No one wants to hear a story about a pirate saving anyone after all." She shrugged before nodding her greeting. Looking to Alicia, she gave a nod. "Lead the-"

A distinct voice cut through the crowd. It was a peaceful, yet odd sound that caught Runali's attention and caused her to turn. It caught everyone else's as well. There was a subtle familiarity to it, but at the time a name couldn't be placed with it. The lute he played only added to how poetic and classy he sounded, and it was also how he made sure everyone's eyes were on him. With asthma crossed, Runali listened to his song like speech. "A messenger bard-" Luro and Ray got off track from the overall plan, along with the bard's initial reason for being there. She gave both men pats on the arm and stepped in front of them, should they have annoyed the bard. She would've probably hit Luro's head if she could, but she was a tad bit too short to do so. "Forgive them, Colt. They're just a bit excited about the...new place." She looked over her shoulder towards the Tashigi family. "I suppose you'll have an additional guest for the time being? Well," She glanced around at Arcadius. "Two if you still planned to join us, Kadi?" The nickname was really amusing to her.
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