Persona RP anyone?

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Crim you should probably see a doctor
Yeah but I have no money or insurance. Or way to get there. I am just popping pain meds and vitamin C tablets. If it doesn't clear up by Saturday I'll go since my dad can take me to the doctor.

It's only my tonsils so worst case is it's infection. Or death. I haven't had a fever or any other symptoms so idk.
You probably have something in the crevices.

You'll have to get that checked.
I'll be going to the doctor tomorrow hopefully if my brother can take me. As of now the swelling has gone down but knowing my body it's be like "bitch I got you." And mt tonsils will explode or something.

Also I haven't gotten any alerts for the ic. Was Mizos the only one to post?
posts a meager offering because I'm dead and idk what to do here we're just running

also i didnt get ANY notifications for the OOC wtf
I always find updates entertaining. They always say it won't take 24 hours then it ends up taking longer. Anyone kick bags full of owls?
Did everyone die?

Also it's flooding here. My little cousin and his friend's were playing in the water hose earlier. I wanted to strangle them because who play's in the water when it's flooding.
Waiting on... whatever

I can't believe the RP is dead

Also I broke up with my signif they were fucking someone and didn't tell me
I can believe it. It was slowly dying before it even existed.

That sucks. I hate cheaters. Or well in your case I guess you'd be fine with it if there was a discussion. Or maybe not. Idk.

Well I can make a post to try and get the rp rolling again.
I was going to post i think... But i got distracted... I'm feeling all floaty and fuzzy right now because i just finished a good long read so i'm in no position to write right now... maaaybe later
Take your time.
I've been booked, so I've just been quick posting for like a week.

I think It'll be cool now so I can probably start posting again.

You're all good. I was just a bit worried thanks to anxiety. Since the thread had no activity for a week.
Not going anywhere unless you call it Crimson, I just lurk silently. I have been busy though and will be for the next week, but I will still pop in.
Well it's more like "Are they sick? Did they die?" I know if y'all quit you'd say something.
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