Persona. IC and plot. (accepting)

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Netsui heard the voice of that thing from before, his blood ran cold, but his feet seemed to be moving on his own. Following behind arsehat. He saw it standing from his place a bit behind arsehat. His anger at recent events overpowered his gear though.

Netsui could feel his blood boiling and his body shaking, not in fear but in rage, he always had been quick to anger, breaking into a run, he jumped forward with a roar while clenching his right fist.

A shattering sound could be heard as Netsui summoned forward his person. "ARTORIAS." However in his anger, Netsui had forgotten to use a skill. His rage had unbalanced him. Artorias rushed forward and attacked with his sword, but overextended itself. The angel easily dodging the attack.

Stumbling back a bit so he was out of the range of the Angel, Netsui crouched down to steady himself. 'Not again. I need to calm down. My anger will do nothing for me.'

Coming back to his senses, Netsui took a covert look around him. Noticing the people that were around him, he'd seen a couple of these people at school before, and if he counted them and subtracted arsehat but added the corpse from before. They numbered the same as the group he'd seen congregating before.

Looks like he'd found his "peers."

(Boss: 34 HP)
(Netsui: 10/10 HP, 8/8 SP)
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"You're gonna get your ass kicked this time, ya can count on me!" Takako shouted as she summoned her persona. "Headless Rider!"
The biker didn't even wait for her as he sped towards the priest.
"Give 'em the old one-two!" she yelled at him.
Headless Rider lifted up an arm, balling his hand into a fist, speeding up and punching the priest right in the gut before disappearing. That clearly did some damage.

Before Takako could celebrate, she had to wonder who the new kids were. Well, she could ask later after this priest guy got what was coming to him.

(Boss: 29 HP)
Takako: 9/10 HP, 6/6 SP)
"Aw man, who's this guy?" Ken muttered. Apparently he hadn't seen the priest when they were in the church... "Maybe I shouldn't have opened my mouth." If he didn't originally want to take a break, they probably wouldn't be in this mess... No use worrying about it, though. Ken grabbed his marked hand. "Come forward!" With those words came that brute, Vulcan.

Cool, Ken had the "how to" down, he just wasn't sure about everything else. "How about you knock that guy silly with your hammer?" He said in a frighteningly cheerful tone, whilst pointing at the priest-like demon guy. Vulcan did scratch damage for the first strike and missed the second. Apparently this priest was strong against hammers.

Makes sense considering that they worship a guy that was theoretically nailed to a plank of wood.

Or... Maybe Vulcan didn't want to listen to Ken... Not a pleasant thought but it was a possibility...

Ken groaned noting how that Takako chick's chemistry with her persona was seemingly better than the chemistry Ken had with his. "Fine, I'll have you use your other attack next time.." He muttered under his breath.

(Boss: 28 hp)
(Ken:8/8hp 7/8 sp)
(Way to carry us along Ken-kun.)
Everything seemed to be going well for the group until the bell rang once more. Timed seemed to go still and under the priest the ground began to open up. A deep shade of red and orange shot through as the light underneath came out. The hope grew bigger and bigger and the monster protested. "Not now! No!" Dark shadowy arms pulled him and he cursed. "Next time you all die!" Once he was gone into the abyss the hole slowly closed as the bell rung again. Three consecutive rings happened and everything became hazy for the group. One by one they dropped to the floor as the ringing slowly echoed in their minds. Snickering could be faintly heard and then things went dark. A loud thud was heard and the darkness was disrupted by light. The darkness shrieking as it disappeared and any monster left out burst to ashes. The team would lose consciousness and wake up in their world. (You pick when or where they wake up.)

Lucelle sat up as the school bell rang and she looked around at the unfamiliar place. She blinked and saw students leaving the room. "Falling asleep on your first day isn't good Miss Brightwood." The teacher scolded and she sat there a moment. "I am in school?" She murmured then stood up. Shaking her head she placed her fingers on the bridge of her nose. Lucelle felt the metal of her glasses. "My glasses?" Students came into the room and the teacher gestured for Lucelle to leave to her next class. She grabbed her book bag and headed out of the room. "So what class do I have next?"

Valentine woke up in complete darkness except for the bright number 4:12. "Was I dreaming?" He looked at hus phone. "A few more hours until school." He sighed as he laid back down and tried to sleep which didn't happen. He headed to school and wondered if he would see everyone. His fingers tapped om his desk as he waited for Nihil to show up for class. He figured he'd ask her about the dream. If she didn't hate him which he assumed she did for the time being. And Yuji probably did too. He sighed and looked around.

Leo woke up in the hotel on the floor. He looked around as the sun hit his face. "Leo you'll be late." His mother came in. "Today will be your first day don't miss it." She giggled and left. He laid there and looked to see the time was 7:30. "Shit I have to get ready!" He got up and quickly showered before he got dressed. Luckily he was allowed a male uniform. He grabbed his book bag and dashed out of the hotel and towards the bus stop. He had been told to take this stop to school until his parents found a home. The bus would take him close to the campus and once he got off he ran towards the direction of the building.
Darkness... Had they all... No... It was...

Ken woke up in the passenger seat of his uncle's car.
"Huh?" Ken sat in silence before cracking his neck, he'd been in that position for a few hours... "Wasn't I with a group of students?..."

An older man got in the car. Apparently he had the gas pumping... "Oh you're up. Sorry about the wait, but Rayment was a few hours away from the airport."

Few... More like six...
"Uncle Jun..." That's right... They had practically just gotten to the local petro station, Jyunichi had brought a couple bottles of some Japanese chocolate milk, tripped on his way to the car, and....

Ken had to pee...

Just like last time...

"I'm going inside the station." Ken sleepily murmured to his uncle, who obviously had no objections.

What just happened. He didn't happen to... See the future, did he? And what about the others? Had they experienced the same thing? Did they even exist?

This wouldn't be the first time Ken simulated something completely nonsensical that would obviously never happen.

Inside he was welcomed by what he'd in his sleepy state would call a "kawaii Nihon no hiyoko", but to be honest he was too tired to care. He just said "thanks" not in English... Obviously. In the bathroom he looked for any signs of what happened, he checked his jacket for tears, his forearm for an injury... His pocket for Lucelle's glasses... But no luck. Maybe he really was sent back in time...

Finished using the bathroom and washing his hands... Obviously... Ken headed straight to Jyunichi's car and hopped in.

"What's wrong? If you're worried about school, sis sent me your stuff weeks ago, you're registered."

"Yeah, I know that." Ken really did know this time around, so instead of keeping everything the same new words just sort of flew out of his mouth.

"Well, if you can, stay up a while longer, my place is just 15 minutes from here... Unless you want to experience... SLEEP PARALYSIS!"

"Ow! Jun!" Ken yelled. "It's too early for that crap!"

Jyunichi laughed. "Sorry. Just trying to lighten the mood... It's gotta be ruff."

"Rough?" Ken corrected.

"Parents. Divorce. All that..." Jun turns on the radio. "However..." Click. "I..." Click. "am..." Click. "going to keep you awake..."


Jyunichi tunes the channel to one of those anime song radio stations and turns the volume up to eleven. "You know, I don't even listen to this stuff."

Three minutes pass.

Apparently that was a lie, just like last time... In no time at all he's singing some cheesy romantic rock song... Again...

Ken's eyes began to tear up with tears of anguish. This was going to be another long twelve minutes.

All Netsui could feel was a dull throbbing in his head. He'd been somewhere else before this. What was going on. Feeling a tap on his shoulder, he opened his eyes, and was greeted with a familiar face that was alarmingly close to his.

"Remi-san, there is this thing called personal space."
"But you were just standing there with your eyes closed, very unlike you Netsui."

Sighing softly to himself. Netsui checked his watch. It was the middle of the school day. He'd been at a different time and a different place last thing he remembered. There were those people, and that dead body. Maybe, it was all a bad dream. He'd seen most of those people around in school after all. He'd read about that. People in dreams being people you had passed in real life.

Regardless of what had happened, school was in session. He had things to do.
It was the end of the day. Normally Netsui would have headed to the Student Council room like he did every school day, but his dream had bothered him. He'd asked Remi and she'd been able to tell him about the students who matched his description.

The only problem was, several of them had started school only today. Which means he hadn't had a chance to really "pass by" them. Plus, it wasn't like him to fall asleep, much less to fall asleep in the middle of the day standing in the hallway.

Netsui went through his usual daily motions with an absent-minded air around him. Nobody seemed to notice. That he wasn't all there. Halfway through the day, a strange high pitched voice starting emanating from the PA system.

Netsui frowned to himself once the voice started mentioning items from the vision. Second floor of the school? Looks like he had a place to be after school ended.
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Yuji's eyes widened as his eyes landed on the priest again, he grit his teeth his hands closing and his nails digging into his skin. The man had been led away by the light earlier and they barely escaped him, with the Minotaur they got lucky and pushed it into the abyss that wasn't an option here. He had barely dodged the strange boy who had almost ran into him, and now there were more people in this place and both of them had a 'persona'combining that with this monster's reappearance and it was hard to take it all in. He wasn't sure what to think about a naked owl man standing a few feet away but he didn't want to think about it, especially since it came from one of the new guys. His eyes moved to the others who attacked the priest, his eyes narrowed watching as some succeeded while others failed. Yuji gripped the half broken staff in his hand only to raise his arm up when Osada's fireball slammed into the freak of nature, he slowly lowered his arm as embers danced in the air and shutting his eyes he threw the broken stick aside.
"Damn it," he said reaching for the seal. "I can't just stand here!"
However before his hand could even get near the seal what looked like hands grabbed the priest pulling him into the darkness, Yuji watched the scene slowly lowering his hand as the thing was pulled into what looked like nothingness screaming at them all the while. Taking a few breaths Yuji straightened his body relaxing a little, he wasn't sure what just happened but it more than likely just saved them from the priest.
"What was-"
Yuji's words were cut off as ringing hit his ears, he fell to his knees gripping his skull as his vision started to blur with the constant ringing, he clutched at the dirt his mouth agape as darkness started to close in on his vision, he tried to fight back against the growing haze but his eyes slowly shut and he fell to the ground his consciousness fading.
For a moment he thought he heard someone's laughter but these thoughts along with others faded with as he slowly slipped away from reality.

"What do you believe in Yuji?"
"...what kind of question is that?"
"Just curoisty so tell me."
"Oh come on man we're buds, I promise I won't laugh."
"No. Go away."
"Oh come on Yuji! Yujiiiii! Yujiiiiii!
Yuji's eyes shot open and he quickly sat up his breath quick and his heart beating rapidly in his chest, clutching his shirt he quickly looked around searching for the others and possibly more messed up creatures, though he just found himself in what he believed was a familiar area. The metal fencing surrounding him stretching just high enough to make sure student's couldn't fall, the potted plants scattered around the area a majority of them wilted due to being ignored and the bright blue sky above him, turning his head he noticed the door to the rooftop shut a few feet away and as he struggled to climb to his feet a figure moved in his line of sight.
"Finally, I've been calling you for like an hour man," Kyo said crossing his arms. "Well I don't know how long it was but that's what it felt right. You were pretty knocked out."
Yuji stared at Kyo in silence before quickly looking around, he was on the rooftop back at school again or at least that's what it seemed like.
"Am I at school?" Yuji said removing his glasses.
"Uh...yeah you're at school man. I mean I know how you could confuse it since technically we don't go to any classes but yes we're at school. Speaking of which this first day is-"
Kyo's words were cut off as Yuji slammed his foot down and punched him hard in his face sending him stumbling back before falling to the ground, he groaned holding his face as Yuji straightened his body before cracking his knuckles.
"The hell was that for?!"
"Because I'm pretty sure you screwed me over."
"Pretty sure?! What does that even mean?"
"I don't know if that was all a dream and I'm pretty sure this is reality so I'm just going to start hitting you."
"You're going to hit me over a dream?" Kyo said climbing back to his feet.
"No I'm going to beat the shit out of you because there's a possibility it wasn't a dream. I don't know if this Kyo is the Kyo who screwed me over or a Kyo who hasn't screwed me over but eventually will. In the end you're going to screw me over somehow so I'm going to start hurting you."
"I'm not going to screw you over Yuji!"
"Can't believe in that. This Kyo looks like someone whose going to screw me over."
"Dude your speaking like there's multiple's me all bent on screwing you over. It's kind creepy."
"That's fine just take your beating because I'm not stopping."
"Yuji you got a weird look in your eyes, it looks like murderous intent...just saying."
"Clench your teeth Kyo, I'm done talking."

Yuji wrapped his right hand with a bandage having had his extensive conversation with Kyo until his knuckles started bleeding, he flexed his hand a few times heading down the hallway. He wasn't sure what to make of that dream and honestly he didn't want to think about it. He knew most of the people in that dream and he didn't want to accept it as a reality, but if it was real then he was in a very bad position and that made him wanted to confirm it. Yuji rubbed the side of his neck not sure if that seal was still there but he avoided touching the back just in case. If he ran into one of the people he'd checked to see if they had a seal, he somewhat remembered where some were, that'd be the easiest confirmation but that was if it even showed up outside that weird place or if it was even real in the first place.
"Find one and confirm simple," Yuji mumbled lowering his hand. "Please don't be real."
Nihil watched with relief as the monster appeared to have been taken away, before getting hit with a wave of nausea and falling to the floor. Though she struggled to keep a grip on her consciousness, it faded from her.

She woke up in... her bed? That can't be right. Maybe this was just one of those realistic dreams. A very long dream. If it weren't for the fact that Nihil had experienced the feeling before while asleep, she'd have thought it wasn't a dream due to the excruciating pain her leg decided to cook up.

Of course it had to have been a dream. Two people had hugged her! There was no way it was real life.
What were the names of everyone again? Osada, Valentine, Kazuo, Fuji... Wait. That last one wasn't right. Whatever. Though she had remembered seeing some of them around before. Were those really their names? Well, they say that when you dream of other people, they're all faces you've seen at least once. Nothing about names, though.

She rolled around in her bedsheets and sighed. The clock said 2:24 AM. Of course she had to wake up in the middle of the night. Of course.

... Could she get away with just not going to school today...?

No. That wasn't an option. She ended up getting ready for the day and walking along as usual. Though, this time she kept her cane with her when she reached the school instead of stuffing it away. She had every intention on avoiding anyone from her "dream".

While at school, she thought she saw Yuji and instantly turned around, thinking it was best to take a nice scenic route to class.


After that shitty excuse of a priest was dragged back down to Hell or wherever he came from, Takako found herself unable to stand upright. Of course there was more to this. Why would there be anything else?

She just let herself pass out. Tough day.

When she awoke, Takako was practically out of her house door, dressed in her school uniform. She looked really quick and dug through her bag to take out her phone. It was morning, on the same date as that first school day and what happened afterwards.

She tied her shoes on and ran out the door, towards school. She had to find the others. If only to tell if that was some weird dream, a premonition, or what.
The group was doing great against the monstrous priest. Every hit was landing flush and it looked like he was on the ropes, then that stupid bell in the tower rang once more with a loud *DONG*. Osada's head then went hazy like he had a sudden case of vertigo. His vision began to play tricks on his mind with everyone and everything warping and distorting like a fun house mirror...and his body felt strangely weak with his arms trembling and his legs turning into mush. "" Osada try to take a step back, but the found a nothing to land his foot on and fell backwards onto the hard stone floor with the last bit of his consciousness fading when his head hit the floor.

Osada was alone in the darkness for the longest time. Nothing was happening. It was if time had stopped in this impenetrable pit of blackness. Had he died? Is this what waits for all in death? Nothing but darkness? But then, a orange light shined in the darkness. "Hope?" Osada did what was natural and ran towards the light. It had to be better then where he was. The glow got brighter...and brighter...and blindingly bright...then the world around him turned completely white.

Osada jolted up from his slumber in a sweat, only to see a comfortably familiar sight. "Huh?...I wasn't here before. How did I end up at the training center?" The training center in question, was a small gym that had opened up on Port Island not long ago and it was dedicated to teaching young dreamers like him the ins and outs of amateur wrestling. Weight machines, a few treadmills, a sand bag, and of course a big square ring right in the middle of the place, that Osada was strangely in. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was perfect for what he needed. Thou Osada was perplexed. Why would he sleep in the training center ring, or at the very least, sleep in it wearing his school uniform and not his wrestling tights? "There is no way I would be tired enough from practice to sleep here...but man...what was with that crazy dream. It felt so real." Out of curiosity, Osada looked into his shirt to see if the mark he had gotten was still there. It wasn't, but he could of swore the pain he felt when he got it was real. And the monsters and the Personas. It felt so real too. "Was it all just my imagination? Hmm...maybe it was, but man that was one hell of dream." Osada look towards the door at the clock hanging above it. It was a little slow, but the time said it was about 6:30 am. He could take his time getting to school today and after that dream, he wanted today be slow.
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Yuji crossed his arms bringing a hand to his chin as he replayed the weird events from earlier in his head. He had to figure out if all of that was real, he couldn't get it out of his head and trying to push it down only made it worse as it made him feel like a coward for trying to ignore it. He didn't know the first thing about any of the students who had been put in that situation much less how to contact them. Pushing his glasses up he raised his head before his eyes widened as they landed on an object hanging on the wall, staring at the item for a moment he pulled out his cellphone and called Kyo's number, he had a plan and it was a long shot but it was worth it if it meant getting answers. Raising the phone to his ear he waited until Kyo answered, mildly surprised when he picked up after only two rings.
"Kyo I need you to be a distraction,"
"You seriously didn't just ask me for a favor after beating me up," Kyo said on the other end. "Also why do you never say Hi, and hell no I'm not doing that."
"Let me rephrase that, Kyo I'm going to beat the shit out of you again if you don't be a distraction."
"...I'm listening."
"I need to get into the main office for a few minutes, think you can be bait while I slip in, with classes about to start only a few should be inside."
"Man I gotta get chased by the staff. That's asking a lot man."
"Suck it up and be a man, I'll buy you a drink and I won't punch you in the face later."
"Damn it, you're lucky we're friends and I dislike being punched in the face. I can create a distraction, I have an ingenious plan already."

Yuji leaned against the wall peering around the side at the main office, when Kyo approached a few bandages on his arm and face Yuji pulled his head back and waited for Kyo's 'ingenious' plan. After a few seconds Yuji heard loud sounds and Kyo's laughter, bringing a hand to his face he recognized the crackling of small fireworks but loud voices and footsteps followed as Kyo and the other voices faded into the distance. Peering around the corner Yuji moved down the hall and peeked inside, seeing no one around he promptly went inside making his way to the speaker system.
"Okay I can't be obvious about this," Yuji mumbled. "Can't have the teacher's searching the place afterwards."
Yuji really didn't like what he was about to do, mostly because he wasn't going to be able to speak in his normal voice.
"Hellooooooo Gekkoukon high!" Yuji yelled into the loudspeakers raising his voice's tone a bit to disguise it.
These speakers ran throughout the school, even the students outside could hear them so it seemed the easiest way to draw the right attention.
"Please excuse us for interrupting your fascinating school life! Now I know clubs aren't around jussst yet but we couldn't pass up the opportunity to advertise our club since most of our senior members graduated last year and we need new recruits! The occult club is looking for new members and that means you! We discuss a plethora of scary and fun things have you ever seen a man dressed all in blue with an owl head! Have you ever seen a tiny man with a long nose named Igor! Ever seen a creature or a persona come out of someone that shoots fireballs or has giant shears! Well then you're perfect for our club! We're on the second floor of the school, next to the women's restroom! When club events start please come see us! We'll also have a stand when club events do start! Oh please bring your own magical seals so you can summon your inner animal or person! Cause we're alllll out, oh we also meet at the Velvet Cafe sometimes! bye bye!"
Yuji backed away from the speaker and let out a long sigh as a chill ran up his spine at what he just did. Turing he quickly ran out of the office not wanting to be seen as he was sure Kyo couldn't distract them for that long. He decided to wash his mouth out with soap later when he had the time, but for now he needed to head towards the occult room. He hoped the people he had to deal with could recognize a hidden message, though thinking about a few of them they might honestly wait until the club events do start to visit. Regretfully the occult club would be the people who would catch hell at the end of all this, but they were a worthwhile sacrifice in the pursuit of answers at least that's what he told himself.
Yuji moved to the second floor and gripping the door handle to the occult room pushing it open, just as expected no one was there. Walking inside he pulled the door behind him leaving it open a crack before he sat in one of the chairs and put his feet up.
There was no guarantee anyone would come, but he skipped half his classes anyway he'd wait here all day if he had too.
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  • Nice Execution!
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The day was pretty slow. Due to the different class rotations for the day, Nihil managed to avoid pretty much everyone from their little ragtag group of monster hunters.

Until the speakers came on, that is.

Nihil flinched at the verbal assault on her ears before relaxing and actually taking in what the guy had to say. Who decided this was a good idea? Probably one of those muscle-headed morons. This was just blatantly weird. She looked around and noticed that everyone else in her class seemed to be confused about the announcement. Some even thought it was funny. Well, at least that meant nobody outside the 'persona' group would be there. Probably. She nervously adjusted her bow, at least trying to take her mind off of it for just a second. God, she hated such a dull color. After thinking for a bit- both about the unfortunate color of her bow and whether or not to visit the Occult Club- Nihil sighed, deciding it would at least be polite to wait for the end of classes before running off to the occult room.

Once she got there, Nihil slammed open the door and immediately declared "Alright, I don't know what the fuck you're all up to, but I don't want anything else to do with it, ya hear?"
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Netsui had finished his student council activities in record time and not made his usual rounds of the other clubs once class had ended. He'd gotten an odd look or two, but it was nothing anybody would remember tomorrow. He was walking down the hall when he heard a very loud voice yelling. Upon getting a bit closer, he was able to confirm that it was indeed emanating from the Occult room.

Rubbing his face in a put upon manner, Netsui sighed before he opened the door. Upon opening it, he took note of it's occupants. He'd definitely seen these two in that strange fever dream. Ugh.

"I'd appreciate it if you could tone down the yelling a bit. Teachers are still in the building and it's rather unpleasant just generally."
Valentine had gone about the day as normally as he could. He heard the announcement and felt his blood turn cold. So it all did happen. Once he made it to the second floor he stared at the room. Should he even walk in. Things would most likely be heated and he was sure everyone was still upset with him. He walked in just to hear yelling. His eye's quickly looked at Nihil then Netsui. Lastly he saw Yuji. "So I am guessing it really all did happen?" He looked to the floor. "So who wants to go to the church?" He joked and laughed awkwardly. His heart was racing for the yelling and fighting to begin.
Lucelle didn't see any of the other persona user's until the announcement came on. She smiled but then frowned. So the nightmare did happen. Or maybe it was a joke. She headed to the club room and walked inside. She heard Val laughing awkwardly and eye'd him. For once she wasn't smiling because she wasn't sure how everyone would react. "So are we going to be civil or do I need to grab a chair for self defence?" She asked calmly. "Seeing as we all probably left off on a bad note together." Her eye's drifted to Yuji and she felt her anger began to boil so she smiled trying to stay calm.
Leo entered the school as the announcement went off. He just stood there a moment. Was it just a coincidence? He looked for the room and when he entered he saw the few that were in there. Including Netsui. Bleh. "So are y'all the people from that place? I can't recall clearly due to the adrenaline and the blurred mess I saw. All I remember is this guy and some giant monster thing and a group of people." He pointed at Netsui. "Also be wary of him. He threatens lives. I am sure he puts kittens in bags and throws them into the river." Leo grabbed a chair and sat in it backwards. "I'm Leo. What are all of your name's?" Lucelle looked at him. "I'm Lucelle. A.k.a. Sunshine apparently." Valentine stopped laughing and looked at Leo. "I'm Valentine."
Ken sat in a daze staring at his phone, anytime now he and the others would be getting that message... Or... Was that later... "Damn it" Ken swore. He still couldn't wrap his head around- wait, he meant to swear in english... "Damn it" still Japanese. What the hell Ken thought to himself.

"[Damn it!]"

That's better.

Okay... Time to revert back to his old self. He had to look for evidence. Maybe he'll catch a glimpse of whoever "S" was if he visited the church before they got the message. If that's the case, then maybe he should take his phone with him. However... If he's caught... What would happen to him?

"!" Ken thought up a theory. "[Damn it!]" What if he had done this all before and somehow had his memory erased and was sent back in time? That would explain why he did what he did the first time, but... What would be the point of-

Ken's head went blank for a while before he started thinking once more...

"Damn it... The 'New Game Plus' theory...."

If "s"omeone or "s"omething were pulling the "s"trings, he wouldn't possibly know, because they, or it, would be in a different plane of existence. Which would mean that he could have done this already but wouldn't have any knowledge of such due to the fact that things repeated-

"What am I talking about... This isn't an Atlus game... Or is it..." Ken tried to think of a game that resembled his current situation, but suddenly was unsure if he was even thinking of the right company... "Know what... I'm over-thinking this..." He was going to go to the church. He put on a different jacket than the one he wore the last time and headed out to snap pictures of the church from "safety", see if he could spot that figure he saw...

Ken's phone vibrated just as he thought about the figure, slightly creeping him out, slightly. But, it was Jyunichi. Just like last time... He was taking overtime at work and told Ken that he had a crap ton of microwavable ramen in his cupboard if Ken got hungry, which he wasn't. He put his phone and Jyunichi's spare key in his pocket and headed outside.
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A few students were confused about the announcement as well as a few teacher's. Nothing was listed about the club. Most disregarded the announcement and went on with their day after school. The atmosphere in the room was tense as everyone stood there. After Leo entered Osada had went into the room and Kazue made it too. Before any conversation started about the events a freshman walked into the room. Eye's shifted upon her and she could feel the negativity. "Uh I was interested in the club. It sounded like something like role-playing." She spoke softly and looked around. "Is.. is it already to late to join?" Lucelle didn't know how to react. "Uh... I... I'm not sure. Let's ask the president of the club. Yuji was it?" She looked at Yuji. Sweat was forming on her forehead. First the church and now this. She was sure someone was a ticking time bomb ready to go off on the student. "So who is all here? We have me, Valentine, Leo, Yuji, Kazue, uhm Nihil and Takako, The new guy, Osada, Ken isn't here so that's uh... ten. I think that's the limit. Right Yuji?" She shifted on her feet some. The student frowned. "So there isn't room for one more?" She spoke sadly. "Can't you just make one exception?" Leo chuckled. "Trust me you wouldn't want to join. This guy is enough to handle." He pointed at Netsui. "So are they." Valentine pointed at Yuji, Nihil and Osada. "Plus Lucelle isn't always sunshine and rainbows and can get ugly. Takako seems a bit off and well we don't actually know much about you Leo." Lucelle groaned. "I am not as bad as Yuji. Come one at least I don't flirt like a whore Val." "Well I don't treat people like crap at least. Hell I am sure Netsui is better than everyone else. I mean our leader only gets serious when she needs too." He looked at Kazue.

(Let the fighting begin so the poor student gets scared off. Lol)
Yuji's eyes glanced over as the first person walked in, to his surprise it was Nihil of all people. He remained silent as he listened to her his eyes only moving to see someone else enter the room. He folded his hands on his stomach as the stranger spoke to him, though he remembered him from the events at the church, which seeing as these people were here meant it was all too real. He lowered his gaze taking a moment to calm himself down shutting his eyes as he forced himself to accept that all of it had happened, they had almost died together in that place. They were under some weird contract which meant there was still a strange creature in his skull and that meant it was the same for anyone else. Yuji raised his head as the other came in opening his eyes seeing more of the 'group' enter the room, catching the look Lucelle gave him.

He waited until things started getting loud again, shutting his eyes as the new student came in his mouth a thin line before he lowered his feet from the desk, seeing as the only name he didn't recognize was Netsui and the other one was named Leo, he figured that was the strangers name. Once Yuji was on his feet, he reached down picked up a desk before hurling at the wall past the new student, mostly just for the noise and partially to relieve a bit of the frustration that had gathered inside him. He had fought alongside some of these people, watched them cling to life against monstrosities, for people that survived something like that he figured he could practice the smallest bit of patience. He wanted answers and screaming at these people and throwing punches wasn't going to do that, he had no idea what his persona did to him outside the church and needed to hear if any weird things had happened to the others as it could mean his well being, which meant cooperation.
"Firstly fuck all of you," Yuji said removing his glasses. "There it's out of my system. Now be quiet and listen for a damn moment we're all here for a reason, you had a chance to ignore my message and you didn't which means you care about what happened, maybe more than you think. Mumble, curse do what you gotta but I personally intend on confronting what happened between us. You're free to be a coward and walk away whenever you want, I'm not keeping you here."

Taking out a cleaning cloth Yuji started cleaning his glasses not really paying attention to most of what the others was saying, he was pretty sure no one was going to stay quiet immediately, he highly doubted anyone had the ability himself included. Though strange enough his face was blank, he was eerily calm amidst the people he hated so fondly.
"Leo I'm Yuji," Yuji said clearing that up first. "Valentine your joked sucked, Sunshine don't start shit, Leo don't be a Valentine, Sugiyama I know it's hard but try not to be yourself for a sec, I'm doing my best too. Netsui right? Your opinion outside of your involvement with us is useless to me so keep it to yourself. Kazue do your damn job as leader I hate talking. Osada and Ken aren't here so they can suck it. Ponytail just...don't talk for one minute. Now onto you."
Yuji's attention moved to the girl who didn't seem to be a part of the group.
"Just as I said in the announcement, when club events start come see us we'll have open spots for you. Right now we're still weeding out our members, as you can see we don't get along so some of us might not stay. We'll have spots open then, so kindly get the hell out before we have a problem, because it's taking all of my willpower not to punch half this room, yourself included. By the way that is a warning, oh...and you didn't see anything. Keep your head down, your mouth shut and I don't have to find you later."
Yuji put his glasses back on and pulling a desk back sat back in his chair before putting his legs up.
Thanks to the student he couldn't openly ask about the church and their experiences, but his head was pounding and he wasn't even sure if anyone had listened since he kept his attention on his glasses, knowing if he looked at them he'd just end up angry again.
"Now anyone got a plan of action?"
And so Ken sat before the church. It was still rather unsightly, with its cracks and whatnot... Maybe he could sign a petition to get it torn down and turned into an area the majority of Japanese people would actually go to, you know, like a shrine... A closer look would allow the church to bear it's horrid composure to Ken. Vines that honestly were only seen on long dead buildings had engulfed this poor, out of place church, the window he looked for signs of life in was genuinely cracked and splintered as though some misguided kid had tried to break in, and a fair bit of the field behind looked like it hadn't been cut in years, no, decades.

Any way you slice it... "This place is a fucking eyesore..." Ken had muttered, now beginning to lose some of his composure while overlooking this building's god awful appearance. Had anyone sincerely cared for this mockery of a church they'd put it out of it's misery long before-

A wooden plank which was most likely a former part of the outside wall had fallen not too far from when Ken was standing... What in the world... This literal 'god forsaken' church was still settling? It had room to do that? Unbelievable. This place was probably riddled with those wood eating bugs as well, and yet... Not one, not a single person here had thought to take it down? Well, if there was anything truly odd about it's exterior, that was it...


Ken had exhaled, chuckling to himself. He's always far calmer when he's facing whatever unnerves him straight on than when he's at home, or in this case at his uncle's, thinking about it. He wondered if he was just afraid of what he didn't know... He exhaled again returning to the bus bench, using his phone as some sort of 'scouter'. "So far no one..." How lame, it was already sometime close to the evening. He had expected a line of flamboyant old bored business men to suspiciously swagger into to chuch using crappy plastic bags to carry their cult clothes. Though, that was to say that they didn't quietly... Live... Inside that horribly wretched excuse for a church... That's a health violation for sure, but it kind of did make a bit of sense. Ken had a bit of doubt that old men who were in a cult that wasn't business oriented could hold a steady job, however he was sure they'd shape up and quit that little group long before they'd have to stay here for shelter, the sane ones atleast.

After a moment of silence, Ken's stomach began to rumble. Hah, so now I'm hungry... Maybe he could wait a bit longer, it wasn't soon now until he would get that trashy message, and being that there wasn't a shred of movement yet, he wouldn't have any answers as to whom the culprits are anytime soon. "How drab." Ken crossed his legs, focused on the church. "Just who are you, 'S'..." He spoke towards nothing. "...When did I become so refined... "
Netsui snorted to himself quietly at the show going on in the room. The students called Valentine and Leo had taken verbally sparring, until the tall one named Yuji lost his shit and destroyed School property. Oh wait he remembered now. Yuji Nakajima, the one with the attitude problem that was often spoken of in the staff room. He leaned back on the wall until Nakajima had stopped his tantrum. Stepping forward, he put a shoulder on the intruding student's shoulder.

"My name is Netsui Kyo, I'm the student council President, If the club opens up I'll find and contact you, or you can find me if you wish. In the meantime, if you enjoy roleplaying, I'd suggest checking out the tabletop club." Seeing the student out, he closed the door and turned towards the rest of the students in the room.

"Nakajima-san, I'd suggest you watch your behavior, needless anger and threats will solve nothing. Now, I suggest everyone else also calm down. We can either approach this situation with maturity and solve this problem. Or continue as we have been, and waste time on needless yelling and insults."

Leaning back on the door, Netsui waited for the inevitable explosion.
When Takako got to the group, she just sat there and watched, ignoring the comment from Valentine.

Nihil calmed down and leaned back against the wall, glaring at Yuji. "Alright. If you guys got anything good to say then I can wait here for a few minutes. But if it ain't interesting, I'm leaving." She watched the new student with some amusement, but stayed quiet, waiting for whatever Yuji was gonna pull out his ass next.
As with the others, Kazue woke to find herself safe and sound at home with the date and time of the morning before. Curious about the validity of the events she glanced in the mirror as she got dressed, and sure enough the tattoo was there. Good thing it was in an easy to cover spot, she certainly didn't want her dear old grandma to have a heart attack! Jokes aside though it left a sour taste in her mouth.
"I get a do-over and it isn't even the day I want to redo..." She said with a sigh and decided to go about her day as normal. She pulled out her phone on her way to school. It was no fun already knowing what the daily surprises on her phone games were, but she would live.

For the most part the day went by in a very uneventful fashion. She couldn't help but wonder if everyone was intentionally avoiding each other. Of course given she was the chosen one or something like that it's possible it could have only affected her. Of course when the announcement played that blew that theory to bits. And also gave her quite a laugh. Ah well, at least the next course of action was clear.

She was far from the first person in the room when she strolled in with a short "hello" but her lateness didn't seem to phase her. She was also largely unphased by the loud clatter the thrown desk made and turned to the unknown student.
"I technically get the final say I gueeeess but if you couldn't already tell this is pretty intense stuff. There is even like a super freaky initiation and everything so my feelings won't be hurt if you bail." Kazue spoke with a sickly sweet smile on her face. Of course, what she said ultimately didn't matter since Netsui showed the other student out shortly after.

After no immediate suggestions were raised Kazue spoke up. "Um, well. We all got this power, right? But we can't seem to use it outside that weird alternate reality -I mean, I haven't tried but whatever you get the idea- and clearly whatever we did was wrong because we are repeating the first day of school. So naturally, we need to go back." She sad matter-of-factly. "If we were somehow able to train and strengthen our personas I'm sure we'll be able to beat the 'boss' but unfortunately we seem to have a time limit to do so. If we can figure out a way to go back and forth without restarting the day over that'd be ideal, but we aren't in a good situation for trial and error. So that's really all I have right now." She shrugged and then clapped her hands together cheerfully. "On a somewhat unrelated note I'm a wicked awesome seamstress I could make us all matching costumes I just need measurements."
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