Persona. IC and plot. (accepting)

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Osada was confused by Yuji's questions and more than a little insulted on top of that. Of course the situation with how the group got these personas was strange and made no sense, but Osada threw all of the normal world logic out the window around the time he drop-kicked a minotaur off a bridge in a parody of what is assumed that heaven looks like. If Osada worried about everything about this world, he wouldn't be any help to anyone. In a way, he felt really bad for Yuji. To be paranoid about everything that happens in a world like this could drive a person mad at any moment. What had happened to make his once friend turn into a eternal pessimist? But between Yuji's paranoia, he did point out something that he himself had forgotten, the part about accepting your inner self. Osada knew he didn't have anything to hide. He was the kind of person who marched to the beat of his own drum. He was happy with who he was, so was there something more to this, or was he missing something? Regardless, all the answers would come in time as the group would explore this strange new world.
"Dude you have to be crazy to think that I can accept everything at face value in this place. I drop-kicked a minotaur and had tea with a god-damn owl person on the same day! But if worry about every single little detail, either those shadow things are going to kill us, or we are going to kill each other. Besides, I'm more concerned why my inner-self looks the way it dose rather than is it my inner self, but if these things are willing to help us, then we should use them cause it appears our enemies are getting stronger and we aren't getting stronger by ourselves." He looked down at the mark that was a result of this strange contract. "Yuji...are you afraid what your inner-self would look like?"
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Takako looked back and forth between Osada and Yuji. She wasn't entirely sure what was going on but there was something weird between the two, for sure. Yuji's little speech made sense but there was just something off about it, while Osada also made a lot of sense to her. Maybe she'd let them sort out whatever thing was going on by themselves.

"Well if these things are the real selves, then I must be really cool, right? Eheh," she said to nobody in particular. "Though, if their appearance really does have something to do with it, then I'm a bit worried," she commented, trying not to look directly at Nihil. After all, hers was a literal mutilated ghost zombie, something that looked straight out of a really scary movie!

She realized that Nihil was staring at her and turned to look, but was both relieved and a bit weirded out that she wasn't really staring at her, just staring through her, like she wasn't entirely there at the moment. Or maybe just thinking. It was kind of hard to tell with her.

Takako snapped in front of her to get her attention and asked about the personas, repeating her earlier thoughts to Nihil.

After thinking about it for a bit, Nihil said, "If she's me, and that means that I'm a monster on the inside, then that's fine with me."

"... Doesn't that worry you at all?" Takako asked. "I mean, yours seems like it would be dangerous..."

"Dangerous? Why? Because she's all cut up and scarred? Because she's tall and scary-looking?" Nihil questioned snappily. "She wouldn't hurt me. I know she won't hurt me. Now shut up and leave me alone." She was clearly pissed off and turned to go stare at whatever other void wasn't in Takako's general direction.

"Ah. No. That's not what I-" Takako started before giving up. Siigghhh. She should really just give up on trying to talk to this girl in general. She instead focused her attention on Kazue. After all, she was that 'chosen one'. "Hey! Ino? Whatever your name is, what do you think about all this? Aren't you the leader person?" She asked. "I mean, you got a big three-headed dragon, I got a biker dude, that guy," she said pointing to Osada, " got a big fireball. Do you think it means something?"
Lucelle just blankly stared at Yuji for a moment. "You don't have to be an ass you know. I think Osada asked the best question. Are you afraid?" She just moved her gaze to yhe ground. "Lies. It's something everyone does and you do have a valid point. It is easiest for us to lie to ourself but sometimes it's how we keep moving. Sometimes we need to lie to ourselves so it doesn't eat us alive. It may not be healthy but it works. As for my positivity sure it may seem ridiculous all the time but Yuji you simply can't treat people poorly. You don't know their past. You don't know how they cope. That is how I cope. I believe in myself. I put positive vibes out because if I didn't the darkness would flood in and crush me." Lucelle heard Takako and looked over at her. She listened and nodded. "Maybe you want to be a biker and Kazue is secretly a dragon lord. Osada well maybe the fire represents his random bursts of energy. I think." She just shrugged and put one hand across and held her other arm.
Leo looked at Netsui. "Dude. I just said my name is Leo and I am here because I followed a group of people. What is your deal? Can't take a joke? Seriously sometimes you need to joke. It helps me stay calca because honestly this place doesn't freak you out?" Leo turned to begin walking. "Go ahead and shoot but you'll be killing an innocent person. I am sure murder isn't something you want on your soul. Now if you'd like we can try to find a way out together but you gotta stop threatening me." He didn't have time for some random asshole threatening his life. That has always been his life since he came out a transgender. By now he gave no fucks if someone killed him because he knew he was in the right and the other person was in the wrong.
All and all things could be going... Better. Relentless optimism can only carry a group so far it seems. Especially a group of people that just met. Oh well, they are 2-0 now! That's something to be happy about. But to deal with how the team, her team? was beginning to fall apart (as if it were together to begin with). Nihil seemed a bit off, but it didn't seem like anything she would say would help tight now, so the next thing to address... She turned to Yuji and let out an over-dramatic sigh. "I told you I know it's not an actual game, but this world seems to run on some typical rpg mechanics. I mean it's clear that it doesn't follow the rules of our world, right?" She said, resting her hands on her hips. "I mean come on, we can summon monsters, there are monsters lurking about, that weird velvet place, I guess I'm some 'chosen one' protagonist now... It seems like we are even under a time limit, so yes we do need to press onwards. Towards the very obvious and fantasy looking castle. Noticing the similarities between this world and a game can help us make better decisions and anticipate what could happen. That being said no one run off and loot treasure chests without someone else, we can't have anyone get taken out by a mimic or a trapped chest." She paused for a moment, her next words sounding uncharacteristically harsh. "Besides, it's not as if I had much of a choice. There are literal monsters here, and that guy was offering us the power to fight them. Would you really have done anything different? I'm cute but I'm not stupid." She turned away from him, clearly angered by the idea that she would gamble with people's lives.

Kazue seemed to bounce right back to her usual bubbly demeanor at Takako's question. "It's actually Inoue, but no need to be formal. You can just call me Kazue!" She said, as cheerful as ever. "Well I can't say I know what anything means specifically, but it's probably something weird and metaphoric. I'm as surprised by my dragon as everyone else, so it's not like I was bestowed any special wisdom or anything." She hummed thoughtfully. "But I do like the sound of Dragon Lord Kazue." She giggled. Yep, as lighthearted as ever. "Anyway, as I said before if that black stuff really is this world enforcing a time limit we really should get going. If my hunch is right there will probably be more rest stops further on anyway."
Leo looked at Netsui. "Dude. I just said my name is Leo and I am here because I followed a group of people. What is your deal? Can't take a joke? Seriously sometimes you need to joke. It helps me stay calca because honestly this place doesn't freak you out?" Leo turned to begin walking. "Go ahead and shoot but you'll be killing an innocent person. I am sure murder isn't something you want on your soul. Now if you'd like we can try to find a way out together but you gotta stop threatening me." He didn't have time for some random asshole threatening his life. That has always been his life since he came out a transgender. By now he gave no fucks if someone killed him because he knew he was in the right and the other person was in the wrong.
"Telling me your name, just your given name at that, doesn't tell me who you are. You look around my age, and I've lived in Rayment for 4 years yet I haven't ever seen you around. After the thing in the church, You'll forgive me if I don't jump to believe you, and whether or not it freaks me out, making jokes isn't conducive when a monster could attack us at any time.

Netsui saw the guy turn as if to walk away and scoffed at his next comment. "I'm not too worried about the abstract concept of a soul right now, I can worry about it once I'm somewhere I know I'm safe, if you are who you say you are. Then prove it, tell me what was in the church, how you got here, describe how you got that Tattoo."

Leo's lack of general alertness and self righteous tone didn't endear him to Netsui, nor did it inspire confidence in his ability to be much help. Usually he knew exactly how to deal with everyone, but being in a situation where his life was in danger meant Netsui put surviving as his top priority, somebody's ruffled feathers didn't matter much.

But he shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. As long as Leo could prove he was human and not some monster in disguise lurking in the dark like the Priest had been, then Netsui would be a lot more amicable to his suggestions.
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Leo looked back. Was this guy stupid. "Do you want my autobiography while I'm at it. Do you seriously think we have time to talk. If you truly are worried about the monsters then don't just stand there." He shook his head. "There was some monster in the church. I found some stairs. Ended up in the darkness. Found the city. Went into a cafe and some guy gabe this to me. I started walking then you come up and threaten me like an idiot. Also seeing this place is full of monsters trying to kill them may be the wrong idea. Especially if they out number you. Just standing there trying to figure out if I am one will buy them time to find us." He spoke fast. By now he was pissed and annoyed. The other guy tried to act smart but he truly seemed inexperienced when it came to things like this. Leo knew not to just stand there if ome person can threaten your life. Plenty of time he had to run from a group of friends out to get him and it all started with standing there idle talking to one of them.

He began to walk again and this time chose to ignore the other. He turned the corner and stood there a moment. Putting his hand up to his chest he tried to control his breathing. 'Damn all this running and nonsense is putting stress on my breathing.' Just as he caught his breath a fireball came flying and hit him causing him to fly back out of the alley. Leo hit the wall and looked as one of those things approached coming from the alley into sight. A second crept up behind it and now he was stuck between the actual monsters and the guy.
Yuji removed his glasses and squeezed the bridge of his nose, conversing with these people was giving him a headache and as always nothing good came from it.
The only thing thrown back at him were opinions, he grit his teeth tired of hearing it. He partially blamed himself for opening his mouth in the first place, he could have kept walking in silence, kept all of that bottled up inside, ignored it and just stared into the distance waiting for them to make up their minds but in the end he couldn't stop the words from coming out. Osada's questions resonated in his skull, only because it was pretty damn on the spot. He had a thing talking in his head and his instinct was to call on it, he had to put his faith in some strange creature that for whatever reason was a part of him, of course he was afraid of it but he wasn't losing to it just because of that. Lowering his hand he put his glasses back on his face, dealing with Osada was troublesome, dealing with Lucelle was troublesome, dealing with anyone here took too much energy and effort and he was standing here doing just that, he questioned his own sanity.

"You're too damn trusting Osada, these things may not be on our side the whole time. When it turns on you I hope it's from your own weakness just so it hurts more," Yuji said turning away from the man. "Sunshine I don't give a damn what you have to cope with, you're a stranger if I had the power I'd make you less than that. Your life story isn't worth the dirt we're standing on to me and I'll act towards you however the hell I please. You got a problem with it step up and show me, or else keep that mouth shut and be at least somewhat tolerable, you even sound like that prick Valentine, it's disgusting."
He shoved his hands in his pockets tired of all of this, screw all this optimism and the people who put it out, this was a bad situation and he wasn't going to act like everything was all right, just deal with it and get out.
"I'm afraid of the thing in my head, screaming at me and the fact a part of me is itching to call him forth. I'll admit that and I had been the one to sign the contract, knowing the kind of things I put in the people around me I'd at least have the common courtesy to not sound like a child when I'm trying to defend my own damn rash actions."
Yuji looked over at Kazue at this before scowling and turning his back to the group again.
"Don't even know why I'm talking you, the sooner we get out of here, the sooner I can go back to pretending you all don't exist."
Listening to the rest of the group, or rather Yuji, the Mr. Badass with glasses, lose his head had generally forced a certain someone to speak up. "Know what, sorry, forget what I said about waiting. Let's just get going." said Ken as he got up. "This group seems to angling itself toward self-destruction, and besides , this place is slowly making me not act, or rather, not think like myself." Ken had swiftly overcome his nervousness, but this was at the cost of him becoming fairly grumpy. He wanted to leave, obviously. They all did. Or atleast, that's what it seemed like. He got up, slowly and silently. "Hey Inoue, you wouldn't mind 'leading the way? No offense but no one is going to think of you as 'the leader' unless you actually lead us... You'll probably get more kills that way too..." He joked, though she seemed like the person who would take that seriously. Ken started stretching. "Yuji. Hang on to yourself just a bit longer, might take a while but we'll get out of here... Maybe these dumb marks will vanish once we leave." He wasn't too sure of that, again, grandpa long nose could have been lying about the way out, but that was their only lead, they had no real choice. Ken crossed his arms and stared at the bell tower. "So... "Choppu, Choppu", 'leader', everyone. Let's get out of here. Yeah?... Ah!" Oh, whoops. Ken realized that he was beginning to sound like a leader. That wasn't good, that wasn't his job...
Takako perked up at Kazue's cheerfulness. Damn, that shit was contagious. "Alright, Kazue it is! Though I don't know much about video games so I'll let you be the judge on this stuff. This really seems like it could be the plot to a game, huh?"

She practically flinched from all that negativity and anger radiating off of Yuji. "Hey, I don't know what your fuckin' deal is, but you don't gotta act like such an asshole all the time!"

She was about to completely go off if she wasn't sure she heard mumbling. Mumbling of the braid-haired kind. Takako looked and Nihil was half facing the group but still looking off to the side, still leaning on her cane for support. "Uh, senpai? Did you want to say something?" She scooted a bit closer, thinking it was safe now.

"Quit antagonizing him," was all she said. Or at least, that's what Takako thought she said. That dialect was a bit weird sometimes. Where was she from, anyway?

"Well I don't see why we shouldn't!" Takako exclaimed. "We're just trying to get everyone together so we can get outta here, and he's being such a bad grump."

Nihil looked over and gave her a pitiful look. It seemed like she has a hard time stringing her words together. "You have been fearless. Having fun, this entire time. You don't understand it? I didn't expect you to."

"What does that even mean? What is there to understand? He's being an ass! Don't tell me you agree with him?!"

Nihil murmured something, but Takako didn't hear it: "good people do bad things when they're afraid."

Takako thought she was muttering in agreement. "Ugh, whatever. Forget you, too. You know what? I was trying to be nice, but you're as bad as he is. Be angry with him. See if I care," Takako spat. Nihil looked away from her with a slight sniff.

"Alright, so everyone wants to go, right? Let's go!" She said, trying to regain her original enthusiasm. "What he said!" referencing Ken, "Chop chop!"
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Lucelle felt that one nerve snap. The one violent one. Without thinking she stepped over to Yuji. She moved in front of him and just smacked him, once forward onc backhand ."You want me to do something asshole I will. I will call that thing and burn you to a crisp. I will fry you and you will be so sorry you treat people like shit. Takako is right. You can't just be an ass." She turned to look at Nihil. She was about to go off on her but she decided it was best they just get the hell out of here. Ken made a good point. Lucelle turned to look back at Yuji and gripped his shirt. "You treat me like shit one more time and you will be sorry. I am not always so nice and sunshine. I can be a cold hard bitch. Want me to be one fine but stay out of my range of magic. Or else." She let go and began walking. She didn't care as long as she was moving towards the tower. Her anger fueling her actions now. The dark aura seemed almost visible. It was like her social link was reversed.

Val just stood there watching before he started walking. "Uhm. Yeah let's go... team." The team was a soft whisper. He moved slowly as the pain hit him. Damn that fire did a number on him. Suddenly he ran his hand over his mark. "Dia!" His persona coming forth bathing him in light. His wounds healing. His eye's shifted to everyone then to Nihil. "Dia!" Just like him she was bathed in a soothing light. "Anyone else hurt?"
It looked like despite the terrible communication skills this guy was one of those peers that the long nosed man told him of, but Netsui felt a sneer coming on at Leo's self righteous tone, He was generally polite, but this guy and his "I'm right, you're wrong" manner rubbed him the wrong way. He was just going to let the fool run off and deal with the monsters lurking around by himself, until he came hurtling back and crashed into a wall. Netsui stepped between Leo and the monsters.

"You'll notice that I didn't run into any monsters. I successfully navigated here without getting into a single altercation. As soon as you step out, you bring fireball breathing monsters down on our heads. My so called "standing around" didn't draw any monsters to us, but your rushing out did."

He felt strangely calm standing there in front of the charging monsters.

"I was worried about the monsters, but I was knowledgeable enough about their patterns to know that I was safe for the time. If you had answered my entirely logical and justified questions instead of being vague and defensive, we could have sorted this out and you could've followed me on the safe path I'd found so we could locate our 'peers'"

The monsters were drawing closer, but Netsui just looked at the palm of his right arm, waiting for the right timing.

"It's a good thing your story checks out, although if you were really one of them then you should have already attacked by now."

The two monsters were right on top of the, but it didn't matter, Netsui was furious, all his rage and fear at being in this situation started to boil over, perhaps he hadn't been as nice as he could've been to the boy behind him, maybe the oppressive atmosphere was getting to him despite his denial, but right now. Netsui didn't care. The monsters were close enough now. He snarled one last thing at Leo.

"Also, one last thing. After we kill these...things, I'm willing to let bygones be bygones, but if you ever insult me again , I'll break your fucking nose."

Clenching his fist, in the process swiping over the tattoo on his palm, it started to glow and Netsui felt his face curving into deranged smile. "PER-SO-NA. ARTORIAS OF THE ABYSS" he roared out. He heard armor clanking together behind him. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw a tall knight, but there was something wrong with it. His right arm hung limply by his side and his armor was darkened and tarnished, and he gave off a feeling of darkness and corruption, whatever. It hardly mattered.

Looking back at the monsters, Netsui just thought the command and Artorias rushed forward, it slashed at the shadow horizontally and then lifted the sword with his left arm, before bringing it down onto the shadow, hard. The blob dissolved into a small shower of darkness.

While Artorias was killing the monster, Netsui leaped backwards and held out a hand to Leo. While keeping an eye on the remaining monster.

"Come on, if you stay there, you're an easy target for them."
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Yuji's head was killing him, he brought a hand to his face a long sigh escaping from him as he stood a few feet away from the group trying to cool himself down. Getting all that out had actually helped strange as it was to admit, he wasn't as tense anymore. Having to stand and listen to the needless back and forth conversations, watch the interactions of these people almost act like friends was sad. They were people who made the mistake of succumbing to curiosity and were now stuck in a horrible situation together, nothing more, and regretfully nothing less. The longer he stood around these people the worse he was going to get, he needed to let off steam and since actions weren't available words ended up being that release. He knew the meaninglessness of words so he was more mad at himself then anything, he could have just punched someone in the face and felt instantly better, he'd take note of that next time he felt himself getting irritated again.

He glanced to the side at Ken hearing him speak up and go on about something, he was a strange person and Yuji wasn't sure what to think of Ken, he didn't like him he knew that from the beginning, even staring at his face now was slowly bringing his anger back to surface, but he was able to hold his words in. When Ken addressed him Yuji just narrowed his eyes at him before turning his head back to the distance.
"Shut up Ken."
That was all Yuji said to the young man which considering his earlier words that was the nicest thing that was going to come from him at the moment, and that was only because he didn't wholly disagree with his words. Something in Yuji nagged at him though, telling him these symbols weren't just going to magically leave, though that came more from what that freak in the cafe said then anything else. He was pulled from those thoughts however as Takako started to put in her two cents, he decided to just ignore her but he was surprised when he picked up Nihil's voice and Takako speaking to her. Yuji didn't turn to face the two but he did listen closely, he didn't catch everything Nihil said but Takako was loud enough to almost speak for the two of them.
He almost wanted to chuckle when she said 'we', no change showed on his expression but it was almost funny to hear. He speaks his mind and she automatically divided herself with the others, yet earlier she was acting like an ally to everyone, it was attitudes like that, those tiny things that went unnoticed that was irritating and made him not want to deal with her or anyone like her.

He started to clean his glasses picking up a bit of dirty on them when Lucelle slapped him, his head moved to the side a bit but no emotion showed on Yuji's face and if not for the faint red on his cheek it would seem as if he hadn't just been slapped hard by the girl. He adjusted his glasses back to normal and dug a finger in his ear as the girl talked already having lost interest in any further interaction. However when she grabbed his shirt he turned his attention to her shoving his hands in his pockets, he narrowed his eyes at her and mentally sighed tired of listening to Lucelle's voice, he did have a strange feeling of deja vu for some reason from it though. When she released him he reached up and removed his glasses keeping his back to her as he dug in his pocket.
"How humble of you," Yuji said taking out a handkerchief and cleaning a bit of dirt off them. "Willing to admit you're a bitch, good job sunshine that's the first step."
He put his glasses back on pushing them up as Valentine started healing.
"Bunch of two-faced apes," he said shoving a hand in his pocket. "Tiresome to deal with."
If they didn't start moving he was going to go ahead himself, he'd rather face possible death then linger near these people anymore.
Leo listened to Netsui but eventually started ignoring him. When he watched whatever that thing was kill the monster he sighed. "I didn't ask for your help. I don't need it." He hit the other's hand away and got up on his feet. "Let me deal with this then we can just go separate ways."

He moved his hand over the other. The mark glowing as he summoned his persona. "Andra!" The birdman floated down from the sky and landed. It looked back at Leo who just nodded as the persona rushed at the monster. It flew fast and what seemed right through the thing. The monster exploded into darkness as the persona seemed to disappear into the sky. Leo looked at Netsui. "There we did it. Now go on your safe route or whatever. I am just going to head this way." He began to walk towards the tower that he had just noticed. If anything it meant there was a way out up at the top. Or death but at this point he didn't care. After a few more steps though the teen fell flat on his ass. His racing heart and breathing were going haywire. The binder limiting the intake of air. "Shit.." Leo mumbled. If he didn't take a break he would have to remove the binder. A worse nightmare than the one he was currently in.
"The old 'shut up'. Oh how that makes my blood boil..." This was obviously sarcasm, anyone could tell that, he had the cheesy voice and everything... Wait! The Japanese don't understand sarcasm! Ken could feel Yuji staring daggers at him. Of course he couldn't tell because he hadn't looked, but he was probably right. "That was sarcasm. Sorry. It's a Western thing." he said, quickly. "lighten up... We could have probably been there by now. Or... Close... To there..." Ken looked over at the guy with glasses who didn't really look pleased. He sighed. This Yuji fellow didn't seem to like him, either that or he was on his man-period.

... Or both...

"You're no fun... But I see where you come from. Again, I have had more than enough of this place." He motioned toward the tower. "Anyone?..." Ken began to head off, sort of expecting everyone else to follow.
Netsui just stood there as he watched the guy now dubbed "Arsehat" walk away in a huff. He'd only met a few people more antagonistic, but now that he felt somewhat more centered after killing the shadows, he wasn't as bothered.

He was barely able to hold in the laugh at Arsehat not even being able to walk straight, he just stood there and let Arsehat lie on his behind for a few moments before he walked forward. He crouched down and dragged him up by his arm. He seemed to be breathing heavily. Actually now that he got a better look at him, the guy was rather feminine. Is this what they called a trap?

No, He'd just been spending too much time at the manga section of the convenience store recently.

"You're following my path anyway, now do you need me to guide you by the nose, or can you at least follow behind me?"

Not really waiting for an answer, Netsui let go of his shoulder and spun on his heel before starting towards the tower.
Everyone seemed to be arguing and talking loud. The priest could hear them faintly but soon picked up on their location. In a matter of minutes he busted through the nonexistent ceiling. He landed in the middle lf the group. Though he wasn't in his monster form. It seemed all was good until his flesh shifted once more to is grotesque state. "Did you miss me? I hope you said your prayers because you will not escape this time kiddos." The thing chuckled as it swung around violently. The bell tolled(is this correct?) a few times.

(Cue boss battle music. *twinkle twinkle little star plays*

Also I am going to make it where Leo hears the loud thud of the priest and heads off towards it. At round two he shall appear with a persona attack. And yes DNA i took your crashing through the ceiling suggestion. To make it easier for calculation. Everyone just roll for your turn in the OOC. After i get it all down tgen you can make your other two rolls for accuracy and attack.)
This was getting out of hand real fast. Yuji was deliberately picking fights with his retorts which was making everyone else angry in turn. Just what was Yuji's deal that he couldn't even let a conversation end without the last words be said by with his barbed tongue. Even so Osada had stayed quiet hoping someone would have some humility, cause Yuji wasn't going to listen to him and his advice, but nope, no humility in this group whatsoever. "Agh! Will you guys knock it off!? I don't care who's being an asshole, cause if we don't get moving-" Osada cut himself off when a very unfriendly and familiar face jumped right into the middle of the group. Everyone was shocked by the sudden return of the priest that they all jumped back from him on instinct. "Oh fuck me, he's back!" Osada said getting his fire-axe ready to battle.
Leo sighed as he was pulled up. He listened to the other and was about to insist on not needing help until he heard a thud. The faint sound of the monstrous priest could be heard talking. "Is that the man from before?" Leo wondered out loud in a whisper. He steadied his breathing before he ran towards the talking. Around a few corners and down a few streets he came up on the group and the thing. He had almost ran into Yuji but stopped inches away. "Whoa." He stepped to the side and looked at the monster. "You again? And with the group of people?" He stood there taking a few breaths. The beast looked at Leo. "Look another plaything." It chuckled as it swung at him.

On instinct he moved out of the way quickly. Good thing dance had him quick on his feet. He swiped his hand over the mark. "Andra!" Leo called out as the bird came soaring through. It did the same move it had done on the previous shadow but unlike before it seemed as if it didn't damage the monster. A laugh was heard as Andra fluttered back after attacking. The persona looked at Leo before soaring into the darkness above and disappearing. "Shit he seems to have some tough skin."

(Boss hp 38.

At the end of everyone's posts please keep the boss hp at the bottom so we know how much he has left.

Leo's hp 3 sp 6

if you can keep up with your person's hp and sp on your own you don't have to put it here but at least tell me when Val needs to heal ya.)
The priest was still as monstrous as ever, but now that everyone in the group had their own persona they might stand a chance of getting rid of this freak of nature. "Your in a whole lot of trouble you scumbag. Were a lot stronger than we first met." Osada banged his balled fist against is right pectoral again. "Ifrit!" The shattering sound of glass echoed out and the fire djinn materialized into existence, from a small flicker to a glowing figure of fire. "Time to burn you old fart!" Ifrit spawned the balls of fire in its hands once more and smashed them together to create one giant fireball once more. The blazing ball shot from Ifrit's hands like a baseball from a pitching machine and hit its target flush with explosive force. Even though the priest was still standing, it was clear that the fireball did some damage.

(Boss: 34 HP)

(Osada: 6 HP/7 MP)
Nihil wanted to say something else to the group, but her voice only came out as a hoarse whisper. She just couldn't. She didn't have the strength left. She was barely holding herself together as it was.
And then there was that God damned priest again.

If it weren't for the fact that she wasn't exactly in the right state of mind, Nihil may have commented on the 'Oh, fuck me'. An opportunity wasted.
She flinched and turned herself away when she heard the familiar name of Osada's persona. Don't want a repeat of that again. After she was sure that wretched fire beast was gone, Nihil looked back at the priest.

She wasn't scared anymore. She didn't feel alone.

"Kuchisake-Onna!" Nihil managed to shout out as she made a motion similar to how she summoned her earlier. In an instant there was the screech of old, rusty steel along with the ghost herself. She didn't need to say anything. Kuchisake-Onna's mask dropped down to her neck as she charged at the priest, shears wide open and pointing straight at him.

But he was too quick. In one fluid motion, he took his sword and clashed it right between the twin blades, twisting it and pushing her over, causing her to tumble a bit before disappearing. Shit.

(Boss: 34 HP)
(Nihil: 9/10 HP, 8/8 SP)
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