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Perfectly Twisted

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Asher decided to go the more difficult route, and actually make something rather than heat it up. They were used to that, really, considering their parents usually worked late and left them to their own devices.
He appeared in the doorway between the two rooms, meanwhile tying an apron around himself.
"Any special requests? If not, I'm probably just making salad, so speak now."
"Naked apron?"
Roland grinned with what seemed like the cheesiest expression imaginable - evidently, he was over his awkwardness now, and was back to cracking jokes. He did, however, adopt a more mellow expression immediately after. "But really, anything's fine, just as long as it isn't spicy. You know I don't do spicy."
"N-Naked what..?"
He couldn't stop the blush that creeped up his neck, having been caught off guard. That image was nothing short of the most embarrassing thing ever.
"Yeah, right, I know. Yell if you need something."
And on that note he quickly ducked back into the kitchen.
Roland chuckled to himself as he reached out for a newspaper to his side just needing something to pass the time by. It was practically a rag of a newspaper - half of it wasn't newsworthy, most of it was blown out of proportion, and none of it ever told the whole story. Still, it was more entertaining than just sitting around. And then a thought came into mind - what if Asher actually did come in, wearing nothing but the apron? He did say he'd do anything earlier, when Roland was tickling him.
Roland shook his head, attempting to get rid of the thoughts. He didn't particularly like thinking of his brother like that. And, as much as he enjoyed making his little brother embarrassed, he wouldn't put Asher through something like that without his consent. And Asher wasn't the kind of person to consent to that, in his mind.
It was only about fifteen or so minutes later that Asher returned, juggling two plates and two bottles of water. He wasn't kidding about making salad, as that's what was on the plates, and set them on the coffee table. "Couldn't fulfill your naked apron wish, hope there aren't any hard feelings," he teased, setting his own plate on his lap.
It was probably a bit more strange than not though, that he'd like to see Roland's reaction in that scenario, and was the only thing that had him tempted to do it.
Roland pouted, and gave Asher a light knock on the shoulder, as if berating him.
"You meanie. And to think, I was so looking forward to seeing you in that get-up..."
The last part was said with blatantly fake wistfulness, as Roland looked off into the distance. He thought about the subject a little more, but he did not really know how he would react to it happening. So, in keeping with the conversation's theme, he spoke again. "I guess I'll just have to come into your room while you're sleeping to see you naked, then."
"Really, my body isn't that exciting," he chuckled, pushing around the food on his plate with his fork. "You'd be disappointed, best use your dashing creeper tendencies to sneak into the rooms of guys like..." He trailed off, looking to the ceiling as if in thought. "The ones on the football team. I don't know if you've noticed, but a lot of them are awfully cute." He couldn't give an exact name, because he rarely did actually look the way of other men.
Roland 'hmphed' at Asher's suggestion, now barely restraining his tendency to practically inhale his food.
"Please," he said, his tone unusually condescending, "Those morons probably can't even tie their shoes probably. Sure, they've got nice bodies, but I can feel my IQ practically leaking out of my ears whenever I hear them speak."
Roland smirked a little at his own joke, but beyond that, did nothing much more to acknowledge it. He was actually not interested in any members of the football team, however, and likely wouldn't ever be.
"Ah, not your type, then?" Asher grinned, chuckling at Roland's joke. To be honest, while they actually weren't the smartest, he found them adorable, to some degree. Something about big strong arms always got him though.
The rest of their meal he was relatively quiet, his attention mostly on the tv until they were both finished eating.
"Am I on dishes again?" He teased, though already standing and waiting for his brother's plate.
Roland stood up as well, handing his plate over to Asher. If he spoke honestly, he felt a little guilty about having Asher do the washing up, given that he had done the cooking. Nevertheless, he gave his brother a hug, and turned to go upstairs.
"I'm going to call it a night," he called to his brother, "If you're going to sleep with me again tonight, you'd better hurry up."
If Asher listened closely, he'd hear the sound of Roland laughing quietly to himself as he went upstairs, to strip to a vest and his boxers, so he could sleep just that little bit better.
That was enough incentive for the teen. He quickly got the dishes washed and put away, then scurried up the stairs. He briefly glanced towards the bathroom, considering a shower, but Roland did say to hurry. Deciding it could wait until morning he slipped into his brother's room, climbing into his bed without caring for pajamas. Ash made sure to leave enough room for Roland, keeping himself close but small.
Roland had just been joking - he didn't actually expect Asher to actually go ahead and crawl into bed with him. Roland was about to speak out against his sibling, but if Asher was this eager to spend the night with his big brother, then Roland couldn't possibly bring himself to do so. Instead, he just drew closer to Asher, and held him in his arms, smiling warmly as he did so.
"No need to make yourself uncomfortable, Ash. Just try not to squirm too much."
"I am comfortable," he mumbled. Being snuggled up to his warm big teddy bear of a brother was never uncomfortable. Asher yawned, then peeked open one eye to glance up at Roland. "Well, if I squirm too much for your comfort, feel free to shove me onto the floor. The carpet should break my fall."
"I couldn't do that to my adorable little brother. I'll just hold you so you can't keep squirming."
As if to demonstrate his point, Roland held Asher more tightly than before. Not so much as to make him uncomfortable, but it at least emphasised what he had said.
"As long as you don't go squishing me..." Asher laughed, lifting the blankets over them before getting comfortable once more. "G'night. Love you." He murmured, already sounding drowsy.
"Love you too, Ash."
Roland kissed his brother lightly on the top of his head, much in the same way a parent might do to reassure their child. And, though he did not feel like sleeping, he did his best to try and fall asleep - if only to help Asher on his way.
When Asher woke he was facing away from Roland, though certainly still in his embrace. His eyes fluttered open to the sound of his brother's alarm and clumsily hit the snooze button. Even if Roland was asleep, he grumbled, "why do you set that thing on weekends?"
"Force of habit, I guess."
Though not actually sleeping, it was hard to say that Roland was actually awake. His internal body clock made him get up at the same time every day, and as such, he felt no reason to switch his alarm off. He certainly didn't expect to have Asher with him, so of course he didn't make a change in his routine. Nevertheless, he was still groggy, and clung onto Asher for comfort. "You're all warm and huggable... Don't leave just yet..." he mumbled, not even opening his eyes.
Asher nearly jumped in surprise at his brother's voice, not actually thinking that Roland had been awake. He smiled softly at the older male and laid back down, snug against him.
"I wasn't actually gonna get up in the first place. In fact, I'm thinking of making your bed my new favorite place to sleep." And it was the weekend, he had nowhere to be, really.
"Well, I'm not complaining... Just keep hugging me and we'll be fine..."
Though slurred, Roland's speech was still understandable. He cuddled up against Asher, and attempted to make some idle conversation. "I had a really weird dream last night. You were in it."
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