Perfectly Twisted

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"Hmm?" His brows furrowed a bit as he reached for the movie, examining the cover. Of course. A cheesy romance. Not that he didn't like a good one of those every so often.

"I guess I'll watch it with you. I might fall asleep halfway through, though." He warned, handing the movie back to him before reaching for his tea and sipping. The teen instantly winced, finding he should've blown on it first. "Careful, it's hot. I think I burned my lip."
Roland sighed, shaking his head as he put the DVD into the player.
"It's flavoured boiling water, did you think it was going to be cold? You ninny."
Roland ruffled Asher's hair, and took his seat on the couch. Truth be told, he wouldn't have watched the movie if Asher hadn't agreed to watch it with him. It just didn't feel right - to watch a romance movie without someone close, be they family, friend, or otherwise.
"You're so mean, don't call me names." He pouted. "I thought it cooled down already."

With that said he followed his brother over to the couch, sitting beside him with his legs folded indian style. He watched as the movie began, finding it was a bit odd to watch such a thing with his brother. And not his (ex?) boyfriend. Really, this just kind of depressed him. His shoulders slumped gradually, and he ended up just staring downcast at his tea.
Though he did indeed like the movie, Roland paid more attention to his brother. He just wanted him to be happy - and it certainly didn't look like he was feeling that way. Roland paused the movie, and turned to face Asher, his cup placed to one side.
"Something the matter, Ash?" he asked. He had an inkling, but not much more than that. In an effort to help comfort him, Roland placed his hand on his shoulder, and smiled weakly at him, hoping to evoke some helpful reaction.
Asher had about drained his mug when he realized the movie was paused. He looked up at Roland in question, but it was soon answers anyhow. He realized his mood change, probably. Ash offered the other a half-hearted smile, instinctively scooting closer at the touch on his shoulder.

"Just thinking too much, I guess. This movie reminds me know."
"Yeah, I... I guess that was a little insensitive of me."
Roland rubbed the back of his neck, but in some sort of attempt to try and make his brother feel better, he put his arm around him, and smiled. "It's probably not worth starting another movie. We can finish this one, or just head up and get some rest. What say you, sport?"
"It's okay," Asher quickly assured. "I didn't think about it when I saw what movie it was either."
Upon hearing his options Asher slid out from beneath his brother's arm, then got to his feet. "I think I'll head up to bed. You can finish the movie if you want, but I'm ready for today to be over." He chuckled.
"Nah, I'm good. I'll just watch the rest some other time. I'll wash up, you get some shut-eye - just bring your cup over when you're done."
Roland patted his brother on the back, and took his cup to the sink. If he was honest, he didn't feel particularly easy about what was to come. Not that he thought that his brother shouldn't go through with it - the sooner the better, in fact. No, he was just worried about what would happen if he wasn't around. Asher needed to stand up for himself - that was the only way it would work.
"Thanks." Asher gave an agreeing nod, taking his now empty mug over to the sink. He brushed by Roland to set the cup down before stalking off to his room.

After retrieving a blanket and pillow he headed into Roland's room, dropping his pillow at the head of the air mattress and lying down. He curled up under the blanket, loving the warmth more than anything. His eyes grew heavy, though he tried hard to stay awake until his brother came in.
"See you in the morning, Ash. Love you to death."
Roland muttered this as soon as he entered, tossing his shirt and trousers to one side, leaving him in just a vest and his boxers. This pretty much how he normally slept, save for when things got too cold. However, once he was in bed, he made sure to stay as far to one side as possible. Should Asher need or want the comfier option, he would be able to take it, and Roland could swap places easily. And, though the family hadn't been told about it, Roland usually slept late, though not of his own volition.
Asher was barely away when his brother entered, but did manage to hear him and mumble out a goodnight and the 'love you too' bit as well before actually drifting off.

It was only about an hour later that he woke up once more and shifted, trying to find a comfier position. This air mattress really wasn't a great substitute for the real thing, as Roland said. He got to his knees to peek at the other, and upon seeing that he was mostly to one side of the bed, scurried up beside him quietly as possible.
Roland, while a terrible liar, was at least convincing when he pretended to sleep. In the dark, it would be hard for someone as tired as Asher to notice Roland peeking at him out of one eye, and even the little smile he had was likely to go unnoticed. It was taking all he had not to move so that Asher could have the entire bed to himself, as since it was a single, there wasn't much room for him.
Asher wasn't sure if he was simply seeing things in the dark or that one of Roland's eyes were open and a tiny smile on his lips. He tried to make himself small beside his brother so he had enough room, and tried not to take too much of the blankets. "Are you awake?" Ash whispered groggily. "It's late. Don't tell me you haven't been to sleep yet?"
"No, I'm asleep, don't worry."
There was little point in hiding it - his little brother was sleeping with him, he was bound to notice Roland wasn't, at some point during their rest. However,t that didn't mean he wasn't tired - so, in some attempt to shut Asher up, in as friendly a manner as possible, he moved closer to Asher, and threw the blankets over both of them. "You're tired. Rest. Or do you want me to sing you a lullaby?"
Asher smiled slowly and snuggled in, quite comfortable with the warmth beneath the blanket. "A lullaby? Yes, it would mean the world to me if you would grace me with your lovely voice." He teased with a chuckle, though was cut off by a yawn. Even if Roland humored him he probably wouldn't be awake to hear his attempt at a lullaby. Closing his eyes, he made sure to tell him, "Make sure you get to sleep soon, too."
"I think I'll let you keep your eardrums for now, Ash."
Roland chuckled as well, though he cut himself off of his own volition. Roland nodded when told to get some rest, replying with "Don't worry, mate. I 've made it this far, haven't I?"
Pulling his brother into a warm embrace, Roland did his best to try and get to sleep - when he would, was a different kettle of fish entirely.
It was unbelievably easy to fall asleep with his brother's strong arms around him. He didn't have as nice an awakening though, with the alarm clock blaring and his injuries from yesterday throbbing all over. He sat up, reaching over to hit the snooze button before rubbing sleep from his eyes.

He glanced down at his brother and prodded his shoulder in case he didn't hear the alarm. "Roland?"
Roland groaned, and sat up with what appeared to be monumental effort. Slightly bewildered, he looked around, before his eyes adjusted to the room around him.
"Morning," he mumbled, after sweeping his hair away from his face. "Get a good night's sleep?"
Ash frowned as his brother sat up, almost positive the older didn't sleep well. "It was fine, I guess," he shrugged, though his eyes narrowed on his brother and he checked for bags under the male's eyes. "Did you? You seem really tired this morning."
Roland raised his hand and waved a little, evidently working hard to even stay upright as it was.
"It's fine, it's fine. I'm just not a morning person, you know that. Especially when I've just gotten up."
Roland let out a yawn, and rubbed his head before speaking once more. "Remind me, what day is it today? You know how I keep my alarm on every day. I'd never get up without it."
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