Path of a Gym Leader

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Altair & Psion

Lunavelle City - Pokemon Lab
Interactions: Vanna (@AshenAngel )​

The hovering keyring didn't really obey his trainer, but Altair himself didn't try too hard, the Spiritomb was holed up in its odd keystone as Psion continue to jingle violently at the slightly glowing rock. The older girl who was presumed to be its trainer went up and introduced herself, a relief as she didn't seem to take the situation overly seriously. Psion turned and jingled his keys at the girl as she spoke, still somewhat aggressive. Altair sighed as he tried to pull his Pokemon back again, this time a little harder, shoving the fairy into his coat pocket just in time for the region's Professor to show up.

Huh, he looks pretty young...Altair thought to himself, wondering if it was a new professor who just recently received the position and if that had something to do with them establishing a Pokemon league. A blond girl bounced up first excitedly, by the way she is dressed and her familiarity, it seemed that she was a local. For the first time, Altair felt a little lonely being abandoned in this new region all by himself, but is quickly snapped back to the situation as another girl in a suit walked up to the sign-up board, signing her name down. ...Was this a formal event? He felt a little baffled by the people wearing suits.

"Hey Psi." Altair mumbled as he ruffled his white jacket, Psion popped of the pocket with a shiny purple fountain pen wrapped in his body, decorated with yellowed spotted patterns akin to a Liepard. It was the last thing his mentor gave him before he was abruptly pulled out of Unova, one of the few reminders of his home city. Popping off the cap with his teeth Altair signed his name down on the sheet, briefly considering the fairy type before shuddering at the thought of pink and sparkles everywhere. Though the steel type didn't fit him much either.

Only after the sign-up was done he remembered the older girl with the Spiritomb. "Ah, I'm sorry, Vanna, was it?" Combing back his hair little as Psion squeezed out, still jingling. "My name is Altair..." The jingling sound persisted, "...and this is Psion, my Klefki." Sounding a bit tired the boy held out the Pokemon with both hands to make sure it doesn't jump at the timid looking Spiritomb. "He loves battling, so he jumps at every Pokemon he wants to take on...uh, what I meant is, your Spiritomb look strong," Altair explained to the older girl a bit awkwardly, trying to somehow justify his Pokemon's obsession with terrorizing others. It wasn't quite a complete lie, as Psion definitely enjoy fighting much more than a lot of Pokemon, but Altair wasn't sure if it was a love of battling or just a love of chaos.

"Just give it up" Tommy says chuckling as he looked down at Bepo after hearing a few whimpers "this one is mine" He says taking a bite of his rice ball only making Bepo whimper louder. "You ate yours! What do you mean?" Tommy says trying to finish his snack while they walked up to the professor's lab just in time to hear the professor's short introduction. "Alright, just keep it down" Tommy says kneeing down and giving the rice ball to Bepo so he would stop. After the sign up sheets were put up, Tommy heads over and sign's his name and trys to approach the laboratory doors right before Kurt could close the doors "professor, sorry to bother you, but would it be possible to get some information from you? It's about a specific fossil native to this region" Tommy says eagerly but releases the door when he had read the sign on the door. "Ah.. sorry about that, I'll just wait until you have some free time" he says turning back around and waving. While walking out of the crowd and over to a few benches. "better travel light" Tommy says putting down his gift basket and pulling out a map of Leoluna to study it. "Looks like we have some time to kill, so we will mark this area out first" He says putting away his map and transferring his gear in to bag that had a Dev logo on it. Sealing the bag before tucking it into his backpack.

"Alright, let's get this on the road" Tommy says pulling a cord that air sealed his backpack. "Best not let these go to waste" Tommy says picking up the basket full of rice cakes and looking around at the crowd of trainers. He approaches Mélanie only to make a B line towards Harmony "Excuse me, that egg there, do you want to trade for it?...ya I figured , here, think of it as a token of my apology" he says handing her the basket and walking away. Bepo begins to whine looking between the basket and Tommy "you already had like 5 of them, chill out" he says laughing as two make there way towards town. When the two finally join in the festivities, They are greeted by a dramatic entry of some rich kid they called the governess even managing to hear her little interaction with some servant of hers. "Now that's more like it" Tommy says walking up next to her wearing a festival mask. "If your looking for the evee you punted, it went that way" Tommy says sarcastically while he took a sip of his drink instead of pointing. "Oh and that was a pretty good show you put on, you should think about becoming a comedian" Tommy says in a congratulatory tone while walking back towards the food stands and back into the crowd.
Leo stood up from a kneeling stance his eyes sadly drifting over the graves of his parents. "Today is the day I start my journey. Father I found your dream and I'm ready to make it my dream, I wish I had more time with you. But clearly time was not on our side, me and mom got by just fine. For a time that is, I love and miss you guys but don't worry I will continue to come a visit you guys every chance I get." He then turned to leave the graveyard where his parents were buried. "Come on Scorch lets get going we have a lab to get to." Leo called out and was quickly joined by a Sizzlepede. Sizzle was all the centipede like Pokémon said to get its point across. "Don't worry Scorch you'll get your chance to prove yourself in battle as to become a gym leader will require a bit of that. I just need to quickly find both a Eevee and Vulpix."

After a few minutes of walking through the city he's live in his own life he arrived at the professors lab. And it appeared a group of people have already gathered, it seemed that a lot of people had the same idea as him. Sign up to try to become a Gym leader. Leo mainly stays out of the conversation just looking over each person currently their. He does city the familiar face of Harmony. A girl he's meet a few times as they lived in the same town but everyone else was unfamiliar. And shortly after the professor arrived. After making his announcement he went to retrieve the signup sheet. After everyone else signed up Leo made his way to the sheet and signed his name on the sheet as well. And now he needs to head out and enjoy the festival? Leo let out a small sigh he really didn't want to go out. Maybe he could find a other trainer and make a friend or learn what he needed to give him a advantage later on.

Maybe he should seek out Harmony Seeing as she had a Eevee and maybe she could give him some advice for finding one himself. But she was a social butterfree the exact opposite from Leo and is probably busy talking with a group of other people already. He could probably find someone to talk to at the end of the festival and headed out to watch the governess's little speech.

What a wretched bitch the governess is trying to play a Ditto off as another rare Pokémon. And Leo did not miss her pushing the small Eevee away. Maybe this would be the chance Leo needed to obtain a Eevee. "Scorch let's find that Eevee. Can't let that girl have it. Otherwise that poor Pokémon will not be in for a very good life." At Leo and Scorch began to start searching for the Governess's Eevee that was pushed away.
"H-Huh?" Ashely, confused, pointed at herself as the girl walked off. She blinked a couple times and then turned and smiled at the pink pokemon.
"I don't think yer' trainer likes me very much." She said, laughing to herself. Her eyes gleamed as she got a closer look at the unknown pokemon.

"What I wouldn't give fer' one of those fancy pokedexes right around now..." She mumbled to herself before returning her focus to the floating pokemon. "So, yer' called Gummy, ain't yah'? Why, aren't you just the CUTEST darn thing!" Ashely had to restrain from grabbing the poor thing and smushing it with her face. Zubat let out a whine, and fussed around a bit in Ashely's hair, letting her know that it wanted attention.

She raised her arms up and gently grasped hold of it, carrying the small pokemon in her arms. "This here is my cute partner, Zubat." Ashely smiled brightly. Zubat took a look at the pink, floating blob and winced, burying itself in Ashely's arms and chest.

"Oh, Zubat..." She started, a gentle tone in her voice, "There's no need to be afraid, come now." She looked back up at the pink pokemon with a dumbfounded expression, wondering how this cute thing could possibly scare her Zubat.
Despite being unable to convey a coherent response to the trainer, Gummy understood what the girl meant perfectly. Even managing to express concern when she mentioned that Mélanie didn't like her very much. It wasn't like that. Lately, Mélanie hadn't been getting along with anyone. Just thinking about it distracted Gummy from paying attention to the Zubat being shown to her, and instead absentmindedly floated around. Turning herself into the direction of her trainer while remaining at the girl's side. Sticking to her plan to bring the two trainers together.

Within a short time Gummy's 'masterplan' came to fruition and Mélanie approached once more. Looking for her Pokémon now that all the formalities of signing up were finished. When Mélanie spotted her – admittedly easy to spot – Pokémon her expression turned into a slight grimace. Yet, despite what she was thinking, she approached. "La vache, she hasn't been bothering you, right?" Mélanie asked the girl while taking Gummy into her arms. "Oh, mon petit chou, you really shouldn't wander off like tha-, hm? What do you-, no, I already said it's fine."

The small argument Mélanie seemed to be having with her Pokémon abruptly ended as the girl turned her attention to the purple-haired trainer before her. "Hi, I guess I left a poor first impression, huh," Mélanie explained with a slight reluctance while glancing down at her cradled Pokémon between sentences, "I'm Mélanie, and I suppose if Gummy likes you then I can try to as well, I guess you're here to become a Gym Leader as well or were you just stalking me?" She asked, her expression turning more suspicious when asking about the girl's motives.

Location: Lunavelle City
Mentions: @Enthriper

Outside the Lab​

Vanna had wanted to follow the guy up to the bulletin board. She really did. But she currently had an anchor attached to her arm who had stopped his grumbling once the key ring of jangling hatred got pocketed. She let out a small sigh, wondering how easy things would be if she could just straight up carry the grump in one of her pockets. She settled for petting the top of Fen's head until he finally let her go.

She was fixing her sleeve, and realizing Fen had managed to steal her cufflink and was holding the little obsidian piece with a little smile. He could pretend he was incapable of being a lil shit all he wanted, but that little smile on his face was evil. Pure evil. But that smile disappeared when the key to all his problems returned. "Can I have it back?" She pleads. "Pretty please?"

Fen grumbles but returns the cufflink.

Vanna nods in affirmation of her name when Altair looks for clarification on it. "It's alright, and Fen's a tough lil guy." There was a louder grumble from Fen and he rises up to his full height. He glares up at his trainer. "You wanna come check out the festival with us?" She asks curiously. Her gaze flicks over to the other suit girl. "Yo, Suits! You wanna join us?"

Something about the image of the three of them gave her a kind of mafia vibe that was too entertaining for her to pass up.

But first, while Fen was somewhat pacified, she hurried over to the bulletin board and quickly jotted down her name for dark-types. Fen glanced between his trainer and the jangling psychopath and quickly float-hopped after her cuz nope nope nope nope nope. He frowned slightly and reluctantly followed her back to the klefkey and his trainer.

However, his attention shifted away from the lunatic to his new target.

Interactions: Altair @Cresion Breezes, Bazett @Shiki

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It wasn't long until Moe realized his blunder, having found himself outside the lab. Everyone was talking about a festival that was going on. Moe, on the other hand, was so focused on his own idea he had neglected to even notice all the jubilant festivities that had been set up. "Wait, there's a festival going on in town?! How did I not notice that!" He closed his eyes and pulled his hat down slightly, trying to act cool for everyone around him. "Name's Thomas. Moe Thomas, and I'm here for an inter-hey wait don't leave me behind!" As he opened his eyes, everyone else had already scattered and moved on to the festival. Most of them seemed to already be grouping up.

He needed to find someone to help him properly orient himself, so he approached one of the few people who had yet to disperse: the young blonde haired girl with the eevee running around her side. "Excuse me, miss? I was wondering if you were from around here? I'd like to ask a few questions about everything that's happening."

He dropped his camera to the ground, where Crier was quick to try and save it, only barely catching it before it crashed upon the ground. He then started playing with it, taking pictures of the things around him, even at the inconvenient angle he was in. Moe, meanwhile produced a pen and notepad. "We can walk and talk if you'd like too by the way."

Interactions: @Luelle
Watching the crowd interactions made Leon want to do the same. But as the an announcement was made he felt a bit of disgust. To not care for your Pokemon only the rarity of it made him want to smack the child. Everything he learned told him to be of respect when it called for it and to be kind when it called for it. Though upon taking a deep breath found himself pushing that urge away and moving towards the board he wrote his name down and upon walking back to his place he had once stood found the crowd had grown and diversified. Brass kept ever closer to him and he had hoped to calm her but the crowd dashed his efforts. But he did see Pokemon that he had never dreamed possible. All types and varieties.

Walking around he soon spotted a group with similar attire. Though they looked different. All seemed, interesting to say the least. As he approached he stopped a few feet away "Hello. Mind if i join this well dressed group" He had noticed an interaction between the trainer closest to him and her Spiritetomb he believed. He could have been wrong but he hoped his studies helped him even in the slightest "My name is Leon and my friend here is Brass. You seem like a fun group to-" He stopped feeling his cane gain weight. Looking down he lifted an eyebrow and saw the very same ghost pokemon held a gleeful grin as it held his cane. Not taking it out of his hand but instead adding weight. Making it impractical to use with it there. Leon looked at the one it had interacted with and he gave a smile partly out of confusion but also curiosity and amusement "Is this a normal thing? I have no experience with this species of Pokemon" He said returning to look at the grinning Pokemon. Brass however was clinking on the ground wanting to battle. Seeming annoyed that it had done that. Leon however waved her off smiling "It hasn't done anything to bad yet Brass. Save your energy for later" Though the Aron stopped its angered movements it held a gaze on it nonetheless.

He crouched slowly and it may have been perceived as caution but mainly for the benefit of his leg. At eye level with it he observed the SpiriteTomb. A fascinating Pokemon for sure. But it amused him how mischievous it seemed to be. On a first meeting no less.
The Professor's lab - Lunavelle City

"We're-a just family friends-" The egg slipped from her arm as her heart began to hammer in her chest at the sound of a girl's tease. She quickly caught it wobbling it within her embrace, and the hot blush returned to her face. Harmony glanced to see if Kurtis had noticed, but he was already wishing them farewell.

Before she could introduce herself to the girl with silver hair and a tie, another suited girl popped in front of her to introduce herself to Harmony. "Hi Bazett! I've never heard that name before. I like it!" Harmony glowed. "Aw and that must be your Farfetch'd." She gave him a salute and a wink to the polite duck. "Such a gentleman."

Just as she turned back to include both girls, a boy with his rice cakes asked for a trade. "Oh no I-" He handed her a basket and she moved to accept the basket between Eevee and the egg.

And just as fast as the boy with the spiky hair came up, he was gone again while conversing with his little Mudkip. She let out a hearty giggle and awkwardly balanced the basket under her chin. "Excuse me," She said politely to the girls when she noticed a face she had recognized, and it was good way to escape her silly predicament.

Eee. Eev scrambled up behind Harmony's hair, and Harmony used her free arm to take the basket and place her egg beside the rice cakes with the other. She sighed with relief as she made her way to go find Leo whom she recognized. Just as she nearly got to him another boy with a camera stopped her in her tracks.

"Heya! I'm Harmony. What's your name?" She gave him a shiny smile while looking around his head to see that everyone was leaving for the celebration, including Leo. "-Yes, I was born here! But I was living in Lustereen city." She put both hands up to her mouth with a gasp as the boy dropped his camera, but it was thankfully caught.

"Aww! You're so helpful!" She squatted down to give a warm smile to the little creature with floppy ears. Harmony looked up to the boy who now played with his camera. "Sure! Ask me on the way to the festival, c'mon!" Harmony skipped over to sign the board and playfully snatched the boy's hand to guide them toward downtown.

"Leo!" She skipped up to the boy and his Sizzlipede with a smile. Her interviewer somewhere.

She noticed Tori standing alone not too far from them. "Hey Tori! Where's Neri?" She called over to her, concerned that she may have lost her sister.

@AshenAngel @Shiki @Mad Captain Kazu @Reanimator Spuds @LoveandHate91 @Nim

Downtown Lunavelle

"You shouldn't have! No really hehehee." The Governess was accepting gifts from the people who admired her left and right. She made her way through the lively street giving flirtatious waves to randoms as she went not really caring who it was. "Thank you, thank you." She pridefully smiled and took the free offers from the food stands.

"Governess Leola you're like an angel sent fom the heavens!" An awestruck bystander exclaimed.

"Oh stop it. You're too kind." Leola cut each encounter short, but used her charm to gather as much attention as she felt she deserved. Just as she opened wide to devour a pastry puff from a stick, she noticed a girl in the distance soldiering through people's legs.

"My Arceus, they crawl in the streets like animals." She mumbled to herself as she lost her appetite. That's when she almost ran into a boy whom she immediately thought to be filthy. "Oh, thanks." She replied, but then froze to realize what he had just said. "HAUH, what a bold claim." She said taken aback by his accusation.

She narrowed her eyes as the boy left, but could use his tip. HAH. Leola spotted Eevee who was wandering around the compact street with lonely eyes. Eevee's ears perked up at the calling of a human and he almost couldn't believe someone was calling for him. Someone actually wanted him. He raced her way, but two legs suddenly blocked the way.

"Oh Eevee! Eevee! I'm so glad I found you." Leola scooped him up into her clutches and cracked a grin to Neri. "Thank you little girl for helping me find my poor lost Eevee." Bystanders nearby applauded Neri.


@Mad Captain Kazu @Nim

Alder mostly stood around watching as everyone around the lab grouped up and dispersed after signing a sheet that the rather young professor had put on the bulletin board. He'd been a little surprised at the arrival of a couple boys even later than Alder had been, but he didn't want to comment on it.

The news of festivities earned a mixed reaction from Alder. On one hand, he'd just gotten here and was a little tired for this sort of thing. And on the other hand Mothra was now rapid-firing string shot in excitement, probably because parties meant food. He chuckled a little. "Okay okay, quit it. We'll go get some snacks in a minute." At that, Alder quickly moved around the few people left over and signed his name up for bug types. "Now we're ready to head out. Again."

Alder walked around the booths, browsing the fun and festive wares some offered and smiling apologetically while holding up Mothra as he greedily grabbed free samples with his tiny legs and nibbled them down to nothing. Alder only half-listened to the girl onstage as she gave her speech, but turned to look a short time after at the behest of the squirming larva in his hands. The girl seemed to be making a big deal of an Eevee rescue, but man that Eevee looked terrified once it was back in her hands. Alder would've said something if Mothra hadn't done it for him, firing a string shot straight at the rich-looking girl's face. "Oh boy.."

Interactions: Governess Leola
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Leo was on his way away not really wanting to deal with too much of the group their was only one girl he considered a friend. Harmony and it seemed like she was quite the popular one. And everyone wanted to talk to her and get to know her. And it was her nature to talk back and just be a social girl. It was actually something Leo liked about her she wasn't too bad looking either, she was actually pretty cute.

Leo then heard his names being called by the young cute girl Harmony. So he stopped walking and turned to regard and talk to Harmony. "Greetings Harmony, looks like we may be each other's competition soon enough. That regrettable as I would rather work with you then against you." He then looked to the boy behind and the group she left behind. "Seems like your as popular as ever and seem to have a growing fan club." He jokingly said. As he did that his Sizzlepede approached the Eve. "Sizzlepede." It said in greeting to the Eevee.

Leo then turned to regard the girl Harnony called for. And then he saw it the governess found the Eevee as bad as Leo wanted to say something he didn't. It wouldn't be a good idea to put a target on his back. So he did the only thing he looked away. Disgusted that their was nothing he could do to help the poor Pokémon out. And he hated that fact that he couldn't do a damn thing.
Neri Tobu
Interacting with: Governess and Eevee (@Luelle ),

And things turned in the wrong way pretty quickly. For a brief moment she had spotted Eevee, and saw it actually running towards her, only to suddenly be blocked off by the Governess, who decided to thank her for her help in finding her lost Eevee. Standing up, she took a step closer to the Governess, not bothering with how dirty how clothes must've been by now.

"I think you got it wrong. I wasn't trying to help you find it, I was trying to find what I saw was an ignored and even unwanted pokemon. If you really wanted that Eevee, then you would've stepped out with him to begin with, not with a ditto that was disguised as a shiny! And if you really cared about Eevee, then Eevee wouldn't have left your side as soon as you gently pushed them aside! And using a ditto to pretend it is a shiny pokemon, that was a joke on it's own. Do you only care for your appearance? Actually, I don't need an answer, I already got one from that whole ordeal. Now put the Eevee down and let it go to someone else who could actually care for it."

Only when she finished speaking, in a rather loud voice, she realized people had been applauding her before. She didn't want anyone elses approval for helping a self-caring brat find a pokemon. She wanted to make sure the Eevee was treated right, respected and cared for. Not to leave it at the hands of a person who seems to only treat pokemon as though they were nothing more than mere trophies, only to be presented if they were deemed 'fancy enough'.

Tori Tobu
Interacting briefly with: Harmony (@Luelle ),

As Tori waited for her sister to show back up, she was approached by Harmony, who appeared to be accompanied by several others "Hey Harmony. I believe she went off to find something. I'm not too worried, because she is quite responsible and always manages to find me without trouble. I just decided to stay still so she won't have as much issue." She told Harmony with a reassuring smile.

Only a moment later, she noticed a group of people a bit ahead of them. They were clapping for someone. Trying to get a better view of things, she took a step forward and away from Harmony, before turning to her "Sorry, I just thought I saw Neri in there." She said, before turning back to the applauding group. Only there was a voice speaking up now. And she knew that voice very well. And it was in a manner she knew well too.

Neri had begun lecturing someone about caring for pokemon. As much as she herself loved pokemon, it always felt to her that Neri's love for them was double. She had no idea if it was because of another sibling thing, but Tori had tried to explain to Neri that not everyone shared the same view of pokemon, and that she shouldn't go lecturing every single person that did something she felt was wrong. But, Neri was already about finished when she managed to get a glance through the crowd to see Neri was talking to none other than the Governess herself, and seemingly about an Eevee that the Governess was holding.

"Dee, I know you are feeling very uncomfortably right now, but I may need your help in a moment." Tori whispered to her little friend and gently petted it again. She hoped things would managed to be resolved quickly, but if not, then she at least had a bit of a silly plan in place. One which should be effective against someone who wanted to put on a show for the people and seemed frustrated at every little thing that went awry.
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Blink. Blink. "And...she's gone. She seemed nice, I guess. I wonder why she was so red." She glanced at her partner in crime.

"Far." He shrugged. "Fetch'd."

She shook her head. "You're useless."


"Blah, blah, blah, I'm a bird who uses a leek as a weapon."

The Pokémon harrumphed. "Farfetch'd."

She poked him, then ran off to catch up with the swiftly disappearing group.


As they neared the festival, Bazett frowned. There was a tension in the air - subtle, but enough. She looked around and...wasn't that the little girl in the crowd near the lab? It looked like she was in the middle of an argument with an older girl.


The bird Pokémon nodded, before launching himself into the air. She didn't like getting into fights in public, but she would rather do so than let a little girl get pummeled by somebody twice her size. Hopefully, she and Sétanta wouldn't need to get involved. She'd rather not all the other gym-leader-hopefuls knew of her more...violent nature.

She knelt down, and made sure her shoes were securely tied.
Galaxy stood several feet behind Harmony. At least that's what she thought her name was. There was so many people here it was beginning to get to her head. She continued to watch. She hesitantly opened her mouth to speak but instantly closed it as her Dratini raced forward and stood in front of Harmony. She inwardly groaned to herself and stepped forward to apologize. "Hello, Sorry about Tini." She says gently picking up Dratini and cuddled her. She set her down and looked at Harmony again. "I'm Galaxy, you must be..." She trails off before continuing, "Harmony?" She twists her golden necklace nervously around her finger. She smiles shyly before dropping her chain. She keeps her left hand in her oversized hoodie pocket, hiding the fact that her fingers on that hand were twitching uncontrollably. She quickly added her name to the Gym Leaders sign-up list before turning back to Harmony.
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A sudden surprise! More people had arrived! One seemed to be lagging behind just like the two of them, with a tiny rookidee, the other a girl with an ever rare dratini. Moe was caught off guard by the sudden influx of people who were dropping in on his interview. "Uh, w-wait a minute! I think we should slow down a bit, uh..." He looked down at his notepad. All he really got written down so far was Harmony's name and the fact there was a festival. "Introductions, I suppose. I'm Thomas. Moe Thomas, and this little guy with the camera is Crier. I'm here for a few reasons. One is to interview everyone who's planning to partake in the Gym Initiation. The other..."

He trailed off and picked up Crier who let out a tiny whimper from the sudden height change, nearly dropping the camera in his tiny arms.
"Is for me and this little guy to make it all the way to the top, and take part of the initiation as well! Judging by your partners, I would deduce that you," he pointed at Galaxy, "Wish to be a dragon master," then he pointed at Tori, "You are a falconeer!" And finally Harmony. She was a lot more difficult to pinpoint, with her starter being an eevee she could easily take almost half the pokemon type! Including his own!

"You!... Are impossible to say right now!" He stated with the same conviction he said to the other two. Still he cleared his throat and placed his hand against his chest in an assertive manner, puffing it up as much as he could. "I, however, have opted to prove there is more to the mundane! I will be the next Normal-Type leader!"

He stood still for a moment before clearing his throat and adjusting back to his normal pose, readying his pen again. "Sorry, I can get a little winded. This isn't about me right now. Say, would you two be willing to let me interview you as well? I'm planning on writing a whole story on the entirety of the Initiation."

Interactions: @WarriorCats3614 @Luelle @Nim
She looked at Thomas, seeming a bit nervous, constantly jumping, her eyes darting around. "Is there anyway that i don't have to take an interview?" She said nervously, the gold chain again twisting around her fingers. "I mean, if you really want to." She says after reconsidering her words. She picks up her Dratini again and cuddles her. Tini looks up at her with a mischievous gleam in her eyes and tilts her head ever so slightly. Galaxy can barely compress her grin and sets Tini down, watching her run off to cause trouble before turning back to Thomas.
Downtown Lunavelle

"Why would you assume such a thing?" The Governess questioned defensively. "I only wanted to highlight the shapeshifting skills of my father's ditto. My little Eevee disappeared from my side sometime during my speech and I was so worried!" The bystanders in the street all started shaking their heads in disapproval, but at the little girl instead of Leola.

One shouting over to Neri, "The audacity.... Where's the proof?" Another piped up, "The Governess would never do such a thing. Buzz off kid." Another chiming in, "How ungrateful, we wouldn't have gyms or this celebration if it wasn't for Leola. You should leave." Leola fed off of their responses and stepped back guarding her Eevee who's face was covered by her arms.

"AUH." Leola winced at the sudden spray of the web that clung to her neck as she lifted her chin in shock. She pinched the webbing from her neck and let out a shriek as she attempted to shake it off. Eevee squeezed from her embrace and dropped upon the ground to scamper away from the scene skittishly. "Look at what you did, you scared him!" Leola cried at the random boy who's grimy bug attacked her.

"Hey! Leave the Governess alone! Scram before we have you permanently removed from the grounds." A shout was directed to the troublesome kids. The bystanders of future leaders formed a protective line in front of the Governess.

"That won't be necessary." The Governess intervened. "I'm sure it was an innocent misunderstanding." She said taking a good look at the kids. Ingraining the memory of the brats into her brain. "It's time I return to my duties." She said leaving the crowd, searching around for Eevee in low key agitation. The top of her head may as well been erupting at this point, but she kept her outer appearance dainty.

Eee. The little fox sniffed toward Sizzlipede curiously. "Thanks! I try to make friends with everyone I meet." Harmony giggled to Leo.

"Hey Galaxy, I'm glad you caught up. Sorry if I rushed off so fast!" The two had, had a brief introduction at the signup board before she tugged Moe along to the celebration. "Tini is the cutest!" She gave a warm smile to the little dragon. Ee? The fox gave her human a look of betrayal. "You too Eev...." She laughed. "Oh right! Sorry Moe, I'll have to answer your questions a little later!" She skipped off over to Tori to hear her out.

"Ooh good." She replied to Tori in relief and noticed the commotion where the Governess was. "I see her!" Harmony declared, racing over to Neri. "Are you ok?" She took a step in front of Neri protectively with her arms crossed. "What's going on???"

"Get your friend out of here, her little scene is over. Nothing to see here people." The bystanders turned away with a tainted first impression of the little girl. "What happened?" Harmony questioned with a confused, yet curious look. The random approach of a familiar Farfetch'd approached. "Setanta!" She welcomes him cheerily.

@Nim @Justsomeguy @LoveandHate91 @WarriorCats3614 @Reanimator Spuds @Shiki
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Altair & Psion

Lunavelle City - Pokemon Lab
Interactions: Vanna (@AshenAngel ), Leon (@Soverign )​

Altair felt a load off his back as the older girl went up to the sign-up board and shrugged Psion's jingling attack off as nothing, though her Spiritomb seemed less thrilled about the whole situation, as it pined over a shiny cufflink. The keyring fairy in his pocket wiggled a bit more in protest of being still imprisoned. "Shhh...I thought you didn't mess with dark types anymore." He snapped at the pocketed fairy with a whisper, before noticing the voice of a newcomer.

Another older trainer came up to them, Altair narrowed his eyes as he tried to get a good grasp on the other's appearance, he noticed that he was holding a cane with Pokeball decor on it. He was unsure if that was only some new style of fashion accessory or the other trainer genuinely needed it, as he was too busy dealing with the Klefki Spirtomb issue to see the older boy actually walk. He introduced himself as Leon, and his Pokemon as Brass. ...Brass is right, that is some Aron he has. Altair thought quietly as the Spiritomb moved over to hug the cane instead, likely immobilizing its owner with its weight. He blanked out a bit as Leon said they were "well-dressed", while certainly true for the others, it wasn't a comment that he gets often. He was more casual, with a white suit jacket over his darker dress shirt under. I'm not even wearing a tie? Altair swallowed the comment while bright magenta eyes moved up and down between the Spiritomb and the other trainer, as he gave a small wave.

"I'm Altair, and my Pokem--" With his trainer's hands free from the pocket he was perched in, Psion zipped out into the air and did a spiral above the people and Pokemon on the ground, he surveyed the area before gently resting his collected keys on top of the brightly colored Aron, the collision of the steel made a tinking noise, while extending one of its metal appendages to poke the Spiritomb repetitively. "...As I was saying, this is Psion, prankster Klefki."
Leo follows with everyone as they were protectively trying to talk to Neri as people still hurled insults at them. "Your names Neri I hear well I do admire what you just did sticking up for what we all believe in. But the governess has pulled the wool over the people's eyes so much that we can't even do anything about it. Even though we all see how terrified that Eevee is to be with the ungrateful bitch. So if we want to do anything we have to wait until later and see if we ever do really get a chance to do something about it." Leo said to Neri.

Leo then turned back to Harmony. "Hey Harmony would you like to go get a bite with me during the festival I don't think we've really gotten much of a chance to talk as of late and it maybe nice to get a chance to talk together with our anyone else around. That's only if you want to seeing as everyone else seems to want your time though." Leo said it was clear he wasn't to familiar with trying to ask a girl out and was stumbling over some over the words and turning almost as red as his Sizzlepede which just watch's his trainer with curiosity. Seeing as this wasn't something Leo normally did.

Almost The Festival (???)

Vanna was trying to put her cufflink back on, not really paying much attention to her surroundings as they walked along towards the festival. Using the little blue and purple glow in the corner of her peripheral vision, she managed to avoid bumping into anyone. She actually looked up when some guy started talking to her. "Oh, thanks. I'm Vanna, and this is-" The girl cuts herself off, a brief look of horror crossing her face as she realized her pokemon was clamped on the guy's cane. "I'm sorry, he usually only messes with me. Fen, that isn't ours. Drop it."

Fen remained biting the staff, grumbling at the ting of doom as the aron started a little fit. His little smile disappeared. When the stranger got down on eye level with him, the spiritomb had a slightly skeptical look in his eyes. He grumbles again.

And when the little psychopath returns and amplifies the ting of doom and starts poking him he grumbles and releases the cane, immediately shrinking back into his little rock like the grumpy evil turtle-in-disguise he was. "I'm really sorry about him, again." She says once Altair wraps up the introduction. Sparing a glance to the kid, she gauged whether or not he'd probably be ok with having Leon with them. Reaching a decision, she made her offer. "You're welcome to hang out with us if you want."

Interactions: Altair @Cresion Breezes, Leon @Soverign