"Partners" (Lewi)

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The man finally came out of the cockpit, "we're going as fast as we can." He says and Dagger rolls his eyes. The second in command finally got up enough guts, he pulled a gun out of his coat. Dagger scoffs, "Like that will do anything against me." He says coldly. The second in command doesn't say anything and then fires the gun, it was a highly potent tazer gun. Dagger lets out a hiss of pain and goes to attack him, but realizes that he couldn't move. All his muscles had locked up on him. The second in command looks at his men, "He can't move right now, which means he isn't a threat at this time. Grab him and put him back in his restraints and make sure he can not, I repeat can not break out of them." He barks. The men nod, "Yes, sir!" They say and manage to wrangle Dagger and wrangle him into the restraints. Which they just had enough time to do, just as the last man backs away, Dagger lunges at him with his fangs bared. Barely a few inches away from the man. "Continue on with same pace." "Aye, Aye sir." Dagger glares at them evilly as he began to test the restraints yet again.
Kieara rose a brow. Did they not feel she was a threat? She ever so politely walked out of her cell and over to him. Seeing a few men looking her way she spoke. "Don't even think about touching me or you will regret it." Gazers wouldn't work on her either because mages primarily used elemental magic. She waited to see if they would.
The men look at her as if she was crazy. "Why should we mess with you? You only hurt one of our men, not kill them. So we trust you a little better than we do the vampire. Why do you think we haven't tried restraining you?" The second in command says to her. "And no we won't try anything. In fact we're about a mile away from our destination." He says. "The only time we will put you in the restraints is when we are entering the castle." He says and goes into the cockpit.
"You think you'll put me in restraints." She lit a blaze on her finger and cut his restraints. "Don't underestimate me." She spoke to them crossing her arms with a glare.
Dagger gave her a confused look, why the hell was she helping him. "Why the fuck are you helpin me? I don't need your help and I don't accept help from anyone!" Dagger snaps. The men back up in fear, they were afraid of her now, but they were more afraid of the vampire. Dagger smirks evilly. "I should just kill all of ya and then when we land, demand that the king takes this damn bounty off of my head, kill him and be on my way." He says as he smirks wider. It seemed as if the men huddled in a corner scared out of their wits. The second in command looks at Kieara, "Why can't you see that you made a terrible mistake?! He's a monster and a killer." He says. The only reason Dagger didn't kill him was because he took those words a compliments. "Ya know he's right, are ya sure you ain't makin a huge mistake by settin me free?" He asks her.
She turned so she was up in his face. "I don't fear anyone." She spoke to him. She then turned and formed a Cerberus frothing at the mouth. It ran at the men barking at them. She didn't like their attitudes. She then sat back down.
Dagger looks over at her once she sat down. "I can tell that you don't like their attitudes, but ther mercs. Money is all they care about." He says. Then the air ship made a sound signaling that it was landing. Dagger smirks evilly again. "Finally." He says. The second in command gets up more guts and looks at them. "Well what are you waiting for, we're taking you to the king." He says. Dagger rolls his eyes, "Yeah, you and what army?" He snaps.
Kieara looked up at the man. "I'd like to see you try. Come on. Try to make me go." She spoke to him waiting. It was nothing for her to escape restraints. Magic users were very hard to handle.
The second in command looks at his men, and they were all giving him looks as if to say don't look at us. Dagger looks at the men and rolls his eyes. "Pathetic." He mutters and then hits the button that opens the door. "Where are you going?" The second in command asks. Dagger looks at him. "Where do you think, dumbass." He says and then goes out of the ship. He didn't care how many guards he would have to fight, he would get to the king no matter the cause.
Kieara rose and exited the ship but had no intention of going to the king. Whatever he wanted she wasn't interested. She stepped off board and started away from the castle.
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The men still stayed in the ship, afraid to move out of there. Dagger didn't care which way she went as long as she was out of his way. He hated to think he would have to kill her if she got in his way. There were guards a head of him and he smirks a very wide smirk as he continues walking, he knew there weapons would be useless against him. And that hey would be no match what so ever for him. The first guard came at him and he simply snapped his neck. He wanted to get through these guards as fast as possibly so that he could get to the king.
Kieara continued walking away from the castle. She'd expected guards or something but no one stopped her yet so she kept going. Even though it hadn't been a nice confrontation, she was saddened by leaving for there she'd not been alone.
All the guards were distracted by Dagger. Who could care less if he was alone or not. He finally killed all the guards and continues on toward the castle. Of course another wave of guards came at him. He smirks evil. Bring'em on. I'll kill'em all. He thinks as he clashes with the guards once again and began to make his way through them.
Kieara believed in good in everyone. She knew somewhere in there dagger wasn't a bad guy. She did understand the pain he'd went through even if he didn't want to acknowledge it. She sat down in town to read by a fountain.
Dagger believed that he had lost all sense of good a long time ago. He finally got through the wave of guards and no more were sent after him. He then smriks as he continues on into the castle. Using his vampiric speed to his advantage, he reaches the thrown room. Where the king was sitting looking quite scared. There were no guards to protect him now and Dagger walks up to him. "What do you want?" He asks. Dagger still had the evil smirk on his face. "I think you know what I want...I want yer head." He says. The king began to panic. "Wait...wait...I'll give you anything you want, don't kill me and listen to what i have to say." He says. Dagger let's go of him. "Go on..." He says.
Kieara was reading a book on conjuring and escape spells. Those were her specialties. The elemental magic just came naturally. As did with most mages. However some mages could practice other arts. Like her.
The king looks at Dagger, "The reason that I put a bounty on your head as well as the mage's is because that is the only way that I could get you two here. My two children had been captured by bandits and taken away. I need you and the mage to help get them back for me. Please!" The King says. Dagger looks at him, "Well you got the wrong guy, I ain't gonna do it. Take the bounty off my head and give me money and I'll be on my way." He says. He decided not to kill the king, for he thought he was pathetic and thought he should live with what had happened to his children. Dagger soon walks pasted Kieara. "It was a waste of time, the only reason he wanted us was because of his children, who had gotten taken." He says. He walks past her to go get supplies, once he would get them. He would kill the men in the air ship and take it.
She frowned. "His children?..." She asked. She couldn't imagine the pain he was going through. Losing his beloved children. Knowing they were possibly abused or worse. She felt the want to help him but if she couldn't find them then what?
Dagger could care less about his children. He only cared from himself. He got the supplies that he needed and made his way back to the ship. He goes into the ship. There was the sound of men screaming as he killed them. The only one that was left was the second in command who begging on his knees. "Please spare me!' He says. Dagger smirks and then tears his head off. He then goes into the cockpit and turns on the engines.
She got up to go talk to the king. She didn't ever think she'd cross paths with dagger again. He was going his own way and she hers. She went into the castle and to the king.
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