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There was a slight jump as the hands were placed and eyes shot open, but Belle's shoulders relaxed immediately after once she saw who it was and she accepted it with grace and giggles and basically a thousand times better than that kiss that just happened across town : |

She put down her fork and clasped her fingers so she could rest her chin on them and smirk at Lucifer from across the table. "Good to see you too Lucy-loo. So, while I've got no qualms with extra date days... are you ok?" She asked, the lilt in her voice disappearing along with the till that point ever present smile. "Did something happen at work?"
Did something happen? Broadly, yes. The real question was how to phrase it in a way that prevented her from thinking he was insane and calling the Men in White. A padded cell while quiet, certainly would put a crimp in his work. But it was true...Even when he smiled, she knew in an instant something was wrong. The smart thing to do would have been to ask about work in a roundabout manner. To gleam from the conversation the clues needed, to lie to her face that he was alright and didn't need her help. Its what the Executor would have done.

".... I need your help. What I'm about to share is a literal matter of life or death and might just avert the apocalypse."

He reached out for her hand and squeezed it gently, deriving comfort from her presence alone as he smiled shakily. That was the Executor's problem. He forgot what it meant, to truly trust another. To let someone who knew you well or better close, that it wasn't weakness to love in this way. He loved and trusted Belle wholeheartedly.

He then put his money where his mouth was, as he shared quietly the events that led to here. From the waking up, skipping over the battles save details that he thought she might recognize. She was smarter then him in that respect, as he described the rips in reality and the strange, off-coloration of the Spliced. He went on to mention how the world looked, how they traced it to the Dark Tower in their investigations in the manner of how it acted. He mentioned, with a shudder the one with the strange eyes, who his counterpart bantered with before moving on. When he finished, he stared into his mug of tea and took the opportunity, calming his nerves before putting it down as he sighed.

"....I know I sound crazy. But I confirmed it- I met the people from my dream, with the same accounts. One is a coincidence, two is a question. Three is a certainty...More then three are around to confirm it and so I spent my days trying to solve it. I-We suspect that the companies are concerned in some way. I personally believe it to be part of a project, shared by all companies in secrecy. There's too much power behind it, to be merely one. And too much variant components to establish it to be one companies line of interest. But its as far as I can go. I....I'm a policeman. A crime was committed, I can read the street well enough for that. But I need help. Belle...."

He looked up, into her eyes and took a deep breath.

"...I swear, I'm not crazy. I'm scared. I'm terrified like I've never been before. I'm just....Me. But I and the others are the only ones who can....Jump to that world. But they can't do it unaided and blind. People have died."

He thought hauntedly about those fallen. Raime.... Vash.... The speedy guy? Whoever he was.

He looked back up and whispered.

"Please. Help me. Help me save people. Help me fulfill my vow to serve and protect."

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
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Did something happen? Broadly, yes. The real question was how to phrase it in a way that prevented her from thinking he was insane and calling the Men in White. A padded cell while quiet, certainly would put a crimp in his work. But it was true...Even when he smiled, she knew in an instant something was wrong. The smart thing to do would have been to ask about work in a roundabout manner. To gleam from the conversation the clues needed, to lie to her face that he was alright and didn't need her help. Its what the Executor would have done.

".... I need your help. What I'm about to share is a literal matter of life or death and might just avert the apocalypse."

He reached out for her hand and squeezed it gently, deriving comfort from her presence alone as he smiled shakily. That was the Executor's problem. He forgot what it meant, to truly trust another. To let someone who knew you well or better close, that it wasn't weakness to love in this way. He loved and trusted Belle wholeheartedly.

He then put his money where his mouth was, as he shared quietly the events that led to here. From the waking up, skipping over the battles save details that he thought she might recognize. She was smarter then him in that respect, as he described the rips in reality and the strange, off-coloration of the Spliced. He went on to mention how the world looked, how they traced it to the Dark Tower in their investigations in the manner of how it acted. He mentioned, with a shudder the one with the strange eyes, who his counterpart bantered with before moving on. When he finished, he stared into his mug of tea and took the opportunity, calming his nerves before putting it down as he sighed.

"....I know I sound crazy. But I confirmed it- I met the people from my dream, with the same accounts. One is a coincidence, two is a question. Three is a certainty...More then three are around to confirm it and so I spent my days trying to solve it. I-We suspect that the companies are concerned in some way. I personally believe it to be part of a project, shared by all companies in secrecy. There's too much power behind it, to be merely one. And too much variant components to establish it to be one companies line of interest. But its as far as I can go. I....I'm a policeman. A crime was committed, I can read the street well enough for that. But I need help. Belle...."

He looked up, into her eyes and took a deep breath.

"...I swear, I'm not crazy. I'm scared. I'm terrified like I've never been before. I'm just....Me. But I and the others are the only ones who can....Jump to that world. But they can't do it unaided and blind. People have died."

He thought hauntedly about those fallen. Raime.... Vash.... The speedy guy? Whoever he was.

He looked back up and whispered.

"Please. Help me. Help me save people. Help me fulfill my vow to serve and protect."

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
Lucifer was a cop, and Belle was his fiancee. She knew going into this that it wasn't necessarily kind work, and that it was definitely not safe work, even in a relatively mellow city like Parrel. So when she got that call last night, she spent the whole night and morning psyching herself up. Was there a serial killer loose in the city? Did Lucy's partner get hurt, or worse killed? Did he have a promotion? Did he get fired? Was there going to be a new law that banned donuts? All of those possibilities (granted some moreso than others) had been entertained and thought over before she sat down at this table and waited for the shoe to drop. She'd been prepared for pretty much anything. Almost.

Almost was very much the key word here.

By the time Lucifer finished her story, Belle hadn't let go of his hands, but her eyes were just about as wide as humanly possible, and once he was done she had to blink a few times just to try to make up for the fact that she hadn't the whole way through and they were starting to water. She fell into silence for a moment as she looked down, deep in thought. She looked back up, ready to say something, but the look in Lucifer's eyes made her stop. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, before she opened them again and stared very directly into Lucifer's own.

"...Ok. So... don't take this the wrong way, but just to be sure; are you 100% on the not crazy thing? Or is this like... a very bizarre agreement to that one thing on the list of things to try once we're actually allowed to?"

She may have been head over heels and she may have trusted Lucifer with her life, but... Needless to say that story was from way out of left field. Like in the bleachers left field, in a world where the strangest thing that had happened to her knowledge was a homeless man chasing a squirrel she passed on her walk here.​
"...Ok. So... don't take this the wrong way, but just to be sure; are you 100% on the not crazy thing? Or is this like... a very bizarre agreement to that one thing on the list of things to try once we're actually allowed to?"

She may have been head over heels and she may have trusted Lucifer with her life, but... Needless to say that story was from way out of left field. Like in the bleachers left field, in a world where the strangest thing that had happened to her knowledge was a homeless man chasing a squirrel she passed on her walk here.

On that, he was unwavering. He looked her in the eye and took a deep breath.

"I wish I was insane. It would be far, more preferable then the truth. But I am not. I have seen...Such horrors. I walked places where my...Other me had fought, alongside people. Ah....Belle, those people."

He inhaled quietly and seemed to be anchored, a far cry from when he had come here. Her presence and her touch had helped as he flashed a sad smile, as he was once prone to often in his teens.

"They're incredible. I wish I could show you them, what they're capable of on that side. They're all like me-their counterparts, all in the same boat."

And then a flicker of steel went through his eyes as he added. "And we have all chosen to fight. Its why I'm doing all I can, why I'm so scared.... I have something to fight for." Something greater then the duty that his counterpart chose, as he looked at Belle and smiled.

"I love you, Isabelle Ruth Monteviere. But I don't want to merely protect you....I want to fight alongside you."

He raised her hand to his lips and pressed her knuckles to them. A light touch, before he pulled back slightly and spoke.

"I need your help."

A moment later, he coughed and looked slightly to the side as he added quietly.

"Also, we'll talk later about that list tonight if you want."

Amazing how an apocalypse made you rethink your priorities.

Or who you wanted standing with you.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
Chell's google-fu did eventually turn up a few interesting facts. Caroline's company hadn't been the only one who's remains had been snatched up by RKDC. They actually had a bit of a reputation of being corporate vultures who swooped in and bought out bankrupt or otherwise defunct tech companies to gouge out whatever good projects or employees were still there and leaving the remains out to dry. There were even whispers on the shadier message boards about how some thought that Red Knight actually sabotaged companies beforehand, though obviously no official investigations had ever turned up any wrong doing.

Unfortunately, any searches for a project voodoo just turned up a metal band that was native to Louisiana.

Chell (Flipside)
@Schnee Corp Lawyer @Anyone, I guess

Chell rubbed her chin... This definitely seemed like something a company like that would do... But, she had to wonder just how many of those cases were set up... And more importantly, if Caroline might have had anything to do with the company... Maybe they somehow contributed to her crazy powertrip, or just supplied her with the resources that inevitably lead to her downfall, and their acquirement of the technology her own company had been developing. In either case, this was something she should begin to keep tabs on, as for Project Voodoo? Well, the results weren't much, but she figured she'd bookmark the Metal Band's offician website, maybe give it a listen sometime, it was disappointing, but at the same time... Expected that something like this would come of a super secret project like that, if it even existed here. For the time being, she figured she would do a little snooping around the actual RKDC headquarters, and maybe greet a few... Acquaintances, even if technically speaking... In this life, she hadn't met any of them in person yet.

First though, Chell realized she could do with a meal, something other than the canned stuff in her fridge... One can only put up with that sort of food for so long, especially when even fast foods begin to seem more appetizing than whatever was in those cans. Popping open her apartment window, she traversed the rooftops, closing her eyes as she got herself lost in the moment, feeling the wind rushing against her face as she began to travel towards a local diner. Just a simple meal, possibly to go, and then she was off, to stick her nose where she prooobably shouldn't, but hey... She was used to this sort of thing by now; even if she steered as clear as she could from that Caroline business, she always had a knack for getting herself into some of the strangest situations.

There was not much else to be said following the conversation about Azula's brother and his cellphone; in a way, it was impressive improv on her part. Leaving what little change he could, the dishonored soldier departed the Jasmine Dragon, taking a right down the sidewalk. There were a couple of ideas simmering within his mind, both of which he contemplated extensively with the additional caveat of pondering whether he'd go about it alone. True, he had the whisper of rebuttal in the back of his head in regards to his being taken within a day's time; but why be afraid of that, allow it to change his plans? Barnable James Buchanan had long since known he was watched since his discharge, the difference was that he had thought he knew precisely who it was watching him. Maybe it was still Thaddeus Ross, just a third party of RKDC enjoining itself into the fray as it were; little surprise if his military records sprung any red flags, either of concern or noteworthy merit. Or maybe they were aware of their alter-sides somehow.

Ungh, it was difficult trying to play the guessing game; his ultimate forte was not that but excelling in the field; not to underwhelm his own capability of course. At the least the other guy was just as capable, if not more vastly so. The swapping of information would be helpful, especially if he was going to pursue his ideas. One of which probably would've led to no-where; talking to the homeless again. Or cleaning up his own act and investigating the premises appropriately himself. Correction, walk into the lion's den.

It was probably easier to do the former, even if the latter had potential. A scoff broke Barnable's lips as he envisioned being scolded by boy scout in blue Steve. Steve. That's right, he was in that building on the other side wasn't he? He stopped mid walk on the far-right-hand portion of the sidewalk, glancing to the left in contemplation as bystanders passed by. Did Steve have any connections to the organization? Why was he there on the other side? Was it a certainty that both were one and the same? It seemed so, but there had been something off about him too.

Add a third idea to the list of ruminations.

Shuffling inside his winter jacket, Barnable glanced skyward, his eyes obscured under the brim of his olive ball-point cap, as to seemingly stare at something. That something stared back; a digital camera mounted into the concrete crevasse of the building's modern architecture that he had taken temporary refuge standing nearby. The paranoia stalked back in, suspicions back where they were, and without further pause, James strode down the sidewalk anew with a subtle shift to his gait.

Steve's place was just on the way to the homeless, maybe it'd have been prudent to stop by and inquire. That merited the need to cross the park off the sidewalk, across the street, and so the soldier went without a second thought. Minutes later, he found himself surrounded on all sides by green, free of prying eyes embedded in concrete, and at ease. His speed was slower, much more relaxed, and he passed by the occasional, errant passerby without much thought to them; joggers, visitors, tourists, and the like. Until he encountered someone that certainly would captivate anyone's eye.​
Jarred stood and moved after the squirrel, "Aw... I'm sorry! Come back! I'll... Get you peanuts?" No, he did not consider talking to the squirrel in the least bit strange. Yes, he did realize he had no money to buy nuts with even if it turned out it was the cat just being difficult.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer

Cue a sharp pause in Buchanan's stride as he encountered Jarred amid his, seemingly so, erratic need to maintain communications with the squirrel in his chase. Barnable stared, his eyes flickering once in a blink, as he barely moved an inch. There was a stark realization within Buchanan, something telling him that he'd seen this man before. His muddled memories told him that he was homeless, at the very least, and he'd encountered the other only in passing on occasions far in between and few. Every time he had seen the other, he caught wind of his circumstances, unfortunate as they were, and deigned to leave the other alone; both had their own problems to deal with. That and neither could help the other much.

But something kept Barnable tethered there despite just the fleeting familiarity; there was more to it than just that. Something compelled him, an inkling formulated that just maybe...

Tearing his eyes from Jarred for a moment, Barnable stared down the way in rapid contemplation. It's true, he had elsewhere to be, seeing that daylight was flickering away slowly. But that was only minor, as much a chagrin as it was, and it never hurt to ask did it? A second or two's worth of time would be lost and he would be gone in the following minutes to pursue his own agenda...

A silent sigh preceded the former soldier's heavy-handed question, "Hey, do I know you?"


  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Schnee Corp Lawyer
There was not much else to be said following the conversation about Azula's brother and his cellphone; in a way, it was impressive improv on her part. Leaving what little change he could, the dishonored soldier departed the Jasmine Dragon, taking a right down the sidewalk. There were a couple of ideas simmering within his mind, both of which he contemplated extensively with the additional caveat of pondering whether he'd go about it alone. True, he had the whisper of rebuttal in the back of his head in regards to his being taken within a day's time; but why be afraid of that, allow it to change his plans? Barnable James Buchanan had long since known he was watched since his discharge, the difference was that he had thought he knew precisely who it was watching him. Maybe it was still Thaddeus Ross, just a third party of RKDC enjoining itself into the fray as it were; little surprise if his military records sprung any red flags, either of concern or noteworthy merit. Or maybe they were aware of their alter-sides somehow.

Ungh, it was difficult trying to play the guessing game; his ultimate forte was not that but excelling in the field; not to underwhelm his own capability of course. At the least the other guy was just as capable, if not more vastly so. The swapping of information would be helpful, especially if he was going to pursue his ideas. One of which probably would've led to no-where; talking to the homeless again. Or cleaning up his own act and investigating the premises appropriately himself. Correction, walk into the lion's den.

It was probably easier to do the former, even if the latter had potential. A scoff broke Barnable's lips as he envisioned being scolded by boy scout in blue Steve. Steve. That's right, he was in that building on the other side wasn't he? He stopped mid walk on the far-right-hand portion of the sidewalk, glancing to the left in contemplation as bystanders passed by. Did Steve have any connections to the organization? Why was he there on the other side? Was it a certainty that both were one and the same? It seemed so, but there had been something off about him too.

Add a third idea to the list of ruminations.

Shuffling inside his winter jacket, Barnable glanced skyward, his eyes obscured under the brim of his olive ball-point cap, as to seemingly stare at something. That something stared back; a digital camera mounted into the concrete crevasse of the building's modern architecture that he had taken temporary refuge standing nearby. The paranoia stalked back in, suspicions back where they were, and without further pause, James strode down the sidewalk anew with a subtle shift to his gait.

Steve's place was just on the way to the homeless, maybe it'd have been prudent to stop by and inquire. That merited the need to cross the park off the sidewalk, across the street, and so the soldier went without a second thought. Minutes later, he found himself surrounded on all sides by green, free of prying eyes embedded in concrete, and at ease. His speed was slower, much more relaxed, and he passed by the occasional, errant passerby without much thought to them; joggers, visitors, tourists, and the like. Until he encountered someone that certainly would captivate anyone's eye.​

Cue a sharp pause in Buchanan's stride as he encountered Jarred amid his, seemingly so, erratic need to maintain communications with the squirrel in his chase. Barnable stared, his eyes flickering once in a blink, as he barely moved an inch. There was a stark realization within Buchanan, something telling him that he'd seen this man before. His muddled memories told him that he was homeless, at the very least, and he'd encountered the other only in passing on occasions far in between and few. Every time he had seen the other, he caught wind of his circumstances, unfortunate as they were, and deigned to leave the other alone; both had their own problems to deal with. That and neither could help the other much.

But something kept Barnable tethered there despite just the fleeting familiarity; there was more to it than just that. Something compelled him, an inkling formulated that just maybe...

Tearing his eyes from Jarred for a moment, Barnable stared down the way in rapid contemplation. It's true, he had elsewhere to be, seeing that daylight was flickering away slowly. But that was only minor, as much a chagrin as it was, and it never hurt to ask did it? A second or two's worth of time would be lost and he would be gone in the following minutes to pursue his own agenda...

A silent sigh preceded the former soldier's heavy-handed question, "Hey, do I know you?"


Jarred blinked and stared at the man the entire time he was stared at. His thought process was far simpler. "You're the quiet guy with the metal arm, right? You're a lot less intimidating here." He paused, "Don't ever give the other me a gun. Ever. Please... For your sakes."


Jarred blinked and stared at the man the entire time he was stared at. His thought process was far simpler. "You're the quiet guy with the metal arm, right? You're a lot less intimidating here." He paused, "Don't ever give the other me a gun. Ever. Please... For your sakes."


... Heh. A lot less intimidating. Well, he couldn't argue that. "Not me, exactly. That's the other guy; you're the one that comes back from the dead?" Buchanan inquired the blatantly obvious, frowning for a moment, "Seems it's not just me." He meant by the similarities drawn by themselves and their alter-ego.

"I won't. The Winter Soldier's got it handled, I think. What are you doing here?"



It hadn't been the easiest process due to the fact that Eric's body didn't necessarily require sleep due to his undead status. Which left the revenant moments of simply leaning back in a chair with his boots propped up on a counter staring up at the ceiling. The others, one by one, began to fall asleep around him and Eric was glad for that. Not just because it meant they were getting a head start on the 'other' lives that these alternate selves of themselves might have been leading. But it also showed that they were alive, unlike him and sleep was still considered a luxury.

Whereas to Eric, it might as well not have been there at all.

An unfortunate reminder to Eric that he was not the same as the others here. They were plucked and dumped here just like him. But who knew? Maybe they had family of their own to return to that might have been happy to see them when they got out of this deep shit they were all in. But Eric still had work that needed to be done before he could be reunited with his beloved.

But he would do all in his power to make sure the others here didn't join the ranks of the less fortunate than him. Closing his eyes, Eric began to drift off to sleep...


Shooting up out of bed, Eric Draven glanced around. He was in bed? Well, he supposed it made sense. From what he could recall, that other him had fallen asleep and now here he was. But he wasn't alone obviously. Looking over to see who lay beside him, Eric noticed the most beautiful woman in the world resting her head atop one of his pillows.


The name would have been but a distant memory to the other Eric, but to this one Shelly was always a constant in his life. Always supportive when he needed it or his job at the local autoparts shop became too stressful for the budding mechanic. But she was always there for him. Which made the lingering sadness that he had been picking up from these memories left a sharp pain in his heart. This...other Eric seemed to be lingering in guilt. But still, he had a job to do and he couldn't afford to slack off. Stepping off to the side, Eric headed towards the bedroom door where he had left a grey hoodie laying on the doorknob.

No doubt if Shelly had been awake, she would have teased him about leaving his clothes lying around. Not that she was wrong of course. Messiness was something he had to work on given he often came home covered in grease and oil. Slipping the hoodie on over his head, Eric reached down to twist the doorknob only to pause as he heard a voice call out to him.

"Eric? What are you doing up so early..?"

Damn it. He'd been trying to get out of here and get this all sorted before she woke up. Pulling his hand back from the doorknob, Eric turned towards Shelly and sheepishly ran a hand through his hair.


"Oh, sorry Shelly. Didn't mean to wake you up. Guess I woke up earlier than usual. Figured since I'm up and about though, I might as well go see what's happening." Eric muttered in an attempt to try and explain to his fiancee without giving too much away. Like how he had to meet up with the others at some tea shop to help save the world or something, Yup, she'd totally believe that without a shadow of a doubt.

Raising an eyebrow, Shelly smirked at Eric.

"It's not too often that you're an earlybird, Eric. Try not to make it a habit okay? Caw-caw~" Shelly teased as she laid her head back down and pulled the covers over herself. Eric smiled at the playful teasing between lovers. But it only made the pang in his heart from that other guy's situtation all the more troublesome. But at least he could go without any disturbances at least. Slowly opening up the door, Eric stepped outside and was about to close it. But not without whispering one last phrase.

"I love you, Shelly."

Closing the door behind him, Eric continued on his way. Content to let his lover get the rest she deserved.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @Woo finally posted =w=
Jarred cringed, the subject bringing up less than fond memories. "Yeah, I am." He then shrugged. "I thought this adventurous little guy might be our cat friend."

Jarred cringed, the subject bringing up less than fond memories. "Yeah, I am." He then shrugged. "I thought this adventurous little guy might be our cat friend."


"Just as well that I ran into you. We need to get everyone together to plan our course this side of things. You got someplace to stay or do you need to tag along? Probably should; I'm... going to a friend's before hitting the vagrants. For intel."

It was quite evident that Barnable didn't want to consider the notion of the squirrel being the cat.

Quickly finding the Jasmine Dragon's address with the power of google, Jessica quickly threw it into google maps to find out how to get there. It didn't look that complicated, and wasting battery on the map would suck if she wanted to use her phone a lot more later, so slipping it into her pocket, she started off.

"...I don't think it was supposed to be an hour away..."

She got lost.

On the bright side, she'd passed a hotdog stand while lost. so she was just lost. Not hungry and lost. There was also the fact she could just pull up the GPS again, so being lost didn't really mean too much nowadays. Yet before she could pull out her phone again, Jessica abruptly stopped in place.​
Jarred cringed, the subject bringing up less than fond memories. "Yeah, I am." He then shrugged. "I thought this adventurous little guy might be our cat friend."


"Just as well that I ran into you. We need to get everyone together to plan our course this side of things. You got someplace to stay or do you need to tag along? Probably should; I'm... going to a friend's before hitting the vagrants. For intel."

It was quite evident that Barnable didn't want to consider the notion of the squirrel being the cat.


"H-hey, aren't you...?"

At a loss for words, Jessica couldn't quite manage to finish her sentence, but if they were who she thought they were it was obvious what she was trying to say. But recognizing people she hadn't met in her life from dream-like memories seemed, childish at best, asylum material at worst. Still, she couldn't help blurting it out, could she?​
"Just as well that I ran into you. We need to get everyone together to plan our course this side of things. You got someplace to stay or do you need to tag along? Probably should; I'm... going to a friend's before hitting the vagrants. For intel."

It was quite evident that Barnable didn't want to consider the notion of the squirrel being the cat.


Jarred shook his head. "Not unless Dr. Henrietta is feeling charitable. Though, I guess she always is..."

Quickly finding the Jasmine Dragon's address with the power of google, Jessica quickly threw it into google maps to find out how to get there. It didn't look that complicated, and wasting battery on the map would suck if she wanted to use her phone a lot more later, so slipping it into her pocket, she started off.

"...I don't think it was supposed to be an hour away..."

She got lost.

On the bright side, she'd passed a hotdog stand while lost. so she was just lost. Not hungry and lost. There was also the fact she could just pull up the GPS again, so being lost didn't really mean too much nowadays. Yet before she could pull out her phone again, Jessica abruptly stopped in place.​

"H-hey, aren't you...?"

At a loss for words, Jessica couldn't quite manage to finish her sentence, but if they were who she thought they were it was obvious what she was trying to say. But recognizing people she hadn't met in her life from dream-like memories seemed, childish at best, asylum material at worst. Still, she couldn't help blurting it out, could she?​


@Indolent @Kaykay

  • Thank You
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Quickly finding the Jasmine Dragon's address with the power of google, Jessica quickly threw it into google maps to find out how to get there. It didn't look that complicated, and wasting battery on the map would suck if she wanted to use her phone a lot more later, so slipping it into her pocket, she started off.

"...I don't think it was supposed to be an hour away..."

She got lost.

On the bright side, she'd passed a hotdog stand while lost. so she was just lost. Not hungry and lost. There was also the fact she could just pull up the GPS again, so being lost didn't really mean too much nowadays. Yet before she could pull out her phone again, Jessica abruptly stopped in place.​

"H-hey, aren't you...?"

At a loss for words, Jessica couldn't quite manage to finish her sentence, but if they were who she thought they were it was obvious what she was trying to say. But recognizing people she hadn't met in her life from dream-like memories seemed, childish at best, asylum material at worst. Still, she couldn't help blurting it out, could she?

"What are the odds?" The Winter Soldier commented, brows furrowing as he considered the notion of nigh everyone meeting up at the Jasmine Dragon a moot idea. "Jessica, right?"​

Jarred shook his head. "Not unless Dr. Henrietta is feeling charitable. Though, I guess she always is..."


@Indolent @Kaykay

"Better you come with us, it concerns you too. All of us, obviously. I should share with you the other guy's findings. He found a list of us, with many other people, with time-stamps that detailed their collection date and time. I was the first of us, our group categorized into something called Project Voodoo. The date's tomorrow." : | "So I'm in a rush to see what we can accomplish before the day's out."

@BarrenThin @Kaykay
"H-hi..." She gave him a nervous wave and did her best to smile.

"What are the odds?" The Winter Soldier commented, brows furrowing as he considered the notion of nigh everyone meeting up at the Jasmine Dragon a moot idea. "Jessica, right?"​

"Better you come with us, it concerns you too. All of us, obviously. I should share with you the other guy's findings. He found a list of us, with many other people, with time-stamps that detailed their collection date and time. I was the first of us, our group categorized into something called Project Voodoo. The date's tomorrow." : | "So I'm in a rush to see what we can accomplish before the day's out."

@BarrenThin @Kaykay
"Yeah, that's me." Her shoulders seemed to drop as she answered. Jessica took a pause to hear him out before speaking up again, but not before a panic-stricken expression appeared on her face. "H-huh? What does whoever made that list want with us? What's 'Project Voodoo?' And tomorrow?! Th-this isn't a hit list or anything like that, right? I don't want to be 'collected!'"

@BarrenThin @Indolent
"Sounds bad. I almost wish I had the other guy's powers... Like to see them collect us then!" Jarred didn't seem to be taking this very seriously. Or, maybe he was. It was hard to tell with how erratic he was. At least it was friendly erratic, and not murderous erratic like the Unkindled One. "Should we get weapons?"

@Kaykay @Indolent
"H-hi..." She gave him a nervous wave and did her best to smile.

"Yeah, that's me." Her shoulders seemed to drop as she answered. Jessica took a pause to hear him out before speaking up again, but not before a panic-stricken expression appeared on her face. "H-huh? What does whoever made that list want with us? What's 'Project Voodoo?' And tomorrow?! Th-this isn't a hit list or anything like that, right? I don't want to be 'collected!'"

"That's what we're trying to find out, and no, we wouldn't be alive on the other side if it was a hit list. Anyway, I'm headed to a friend's place before I look for my... connections. You want to come along?"​
"Sounds bad. I almost wish I had the other guy's powers... Like to see them collect us then!" Jarred didn't seem to be taking this very seriously. Or, maybe he was. It was hard to tell with how erratic he was. At least it was friendly erratic, and not murderous erratic like the Unkindled One. "Should we get weapons?"

@Kaykay @Indolent

"More trouble than it's worth and I've already got a gun. Don't need more."

@BarrenThin @Kaykay
"That's what we're trying to find out, and no, we wouldn't be alive on the other side if it was a hit list. Anyway, I'm headed to a friend's place before I look for my... connections. You want to come along?"
"Ahaha, yeah! Of course! I-I knew that."

She considered his offer for a second, feeling like perhaps running around with two almost strangers would be a bad course of action. But they still did seem familiar somehow, and whatever was going on did seem to be her business at least. She couldn't just ignore it in good conscience, could she?

"Yeah, I'll go. Lead the way?"

She clicked her tongue and agreed to go along, feeling simultaneously excited and immediately regretful.

@BarrenThin @Indolent

On that, he was unwavering. He looked her in the eye and took a deep breath.

"I wish I was insane. It would be far, more preferable then the truth. But I am not. I have seen...Such horrors. I walked places where my...Other me had fought, alongside people. Ah....Belle, those people."

He inhaled quietly and seemed to be anchored, a far cry from when he had come here. Her presence and her touch had helped as he flashed a sad smile, as he was once prone to often in his teens.

"They're incredible. I wish I could show you them, what they're capable of on that side. They're all like me-their counterparts, all in the same boat."

And then a flicker of steel went through his eyes as he added. "And we have all chosen to fight. Its why I'm doing all I can, why I'm so scared.... I have something to fight for." Something greater then the duty that his counterpart chose, as he looked at Belle and smiled.

"I love you, Isabelle Ruth Monteviere. But I don't want to merely protect you....I want to fight alongside you."

He raised her hand to his lips and pressed her knuckles to them. A light touch, before he pulled back slightly and spoke.

"I need your help."

A moment later, he coughed and looked slightly to the side as he added quietly.

"Also, we'll talk later about that list tonight if you want."

Amazing how an apocalypse made you rethink your priorities.

Or who you wanted standing with you.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
Lucifer got a wide eyed stare in response as she slooowly sipped the coffee she'd gotten with her dessert, long enough to down it all at once. That last part had settled it. If her aggravatingly, adorably, resolutely, shyly abstinate super catholic boyfriend was going to say that, then... either he was completely telling the truth, or he really had lost it.

She just had to decide which one .-.

She cleared her throat and rubbed the back of her neck, and finally spoke as she made her decision.

"Ok then. What do you want me to do?"

She decided to help.


Aaaaaand call a therapist once she left. Because why make one decision when you could make both?
Chell (Flipside)
@Schnee Corp Lawyer @Anyone, I guess

Chell rubbed her chin... This definitely seemed like something a company like that would do... But, she had to wonder just how many of those cases were set up... And more importantly, if Caroline might have had anything to do with the company... Maybe they somehow contributed to her crazy powertrip, or just supplied her with the resources that inevitably lead to her downfall, and their acquirement of the technology her own company had been developing. In either case, this was something she should begin to keep tabs on, as for Project Voodoo? Well, the results weren't much, but she figured she'd bookmark the Metal Band's offician website, maybe give it a listen sometime, it was disappointing, but at the same time... Expected that something like this would come of a super secret project like that, if it even existed here. For the time being, she figured she would do a little snooping around the actual RKDC headquarters, and maybe greet a few... Acquaintances, even if technically speaking... In this life, she hadn't met any of them in person yet.

First though, Chell realized she could do with a meal, something other than the canned stuff in her fridge... One can only put up with that sort of food for so long, especially when even fast foods begin to seem more appetizing than whatever was in those cans. Popping open her apartment window, she traversed the rooftops, closing her eyes as she got herself lost in the moment, feeling the wind rushing against her face as she began to travel towards a local diner. Just a simple meal, possibly to go, and then she was off, to stick her nose where she prooobably shouldn't, but hey... She was used to this sort of thing by now; even if she steered as clear as she could from that Caroline business, she always had a knack for getting herself into some of the strangest situations.

"Sounds bad. I almost wish I had the other guy's powers... Like to see them collect us then!" Jarred didn't seem to be taking this very seriously. Or, maybe he was. It was hard to tell with how erratic he was. At least it was friendly erratic, and not murderous erratic like the Unkindled One. "Should we get weapons?"

@Kaykay @Indolent

"That's what we're trying to find out, and no, we wouldn't be alive on the other side if it was a hit list. Anyway, I'm headed to a friend's place before I look for my... connections. You want to come along?"​

"More trouble than it's worth and I've already got a gun. Don't need more."

@BarrenThin @Kaykay
"Ahaha, yeah! Of course! I-I knew that."

She considered his offer for a second, feeling like perhaps running around with two almost strangers would be a bad course of action. But they still did seem familiar somehow, and whatever was going on did seem to be her business at least. She couldn't just ignore it in good conscience, could she?

"Yeah, I'll go. Lead the way?"

She clicked her tongue and agreed to go along, feeling simultaneously excited and immediately regretful.

@BarrenThin @Indolent
The trio of terror left the park. One homeless man, one homeless man with mental issues.... and a college student.

Really, it shouldn't have been much of a surprise when a cop car pulled up along side them a few minutes after they left the park. The passenger side window rolled down, and a young officer with messy blonde hair leaned out slightly. Bucky's keen eyes were quick to note that the man's hand was on the door's handle, ready to open it, and the man's older partner with dark skin and a surprisingly prodigious afro was casually resting his hand near his holster.

"Ma'am, is everything ok?"

@Indolent @Kaykay @BarrenThin

sorry for the update delay everyone I fell into the black hole that is xcom
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Lucifer got a wide eyed stare in response as she slooowly sipped the coffee she'd gotten with her dessert, long enough to down it all at once. That last part had settled it. If her aggravatingly, adorably, resolutely, shyly abstinate super catholic boyfriend was going to say that, then... either he was completely telling the truth, or he really had lost it.

She just had to decide which one .-.

She cleared her throat and rubbed the back of her neck, and finally spoke as she made her decision.

"Ok then. What do you want me to do?"

She decided to help.


Aaaaaand call a therapist once she left. Because why make one decision when you could make both?

The trio of terror left the park. One homeless man, one homeless man with mental issues.... and a college student.

Really, it shouldn't have been much of a surprise when a cop car pulled up along side them a few minutes after they left the park. The passenger side window rolled down, and a young officer with messy blonde hair leaned out slightly. Bucky's keen eyes were quick to note that the man's hand was on the door's handle, ready to open it, and the man's older partner with dark skin and a surprisingly prodigious afro was casually resting his hand near his holster.

"Ma'am, is everything ok?"

@Indolent @Kaykay @BarrenThin

sorry for the update delay everyone I fell into the black hole that is xcom

With a big, friendly grin, Milo waved at the pair. He was either oblivious to the fact that he wasn't asked, or was simply ignoring it. "Hiya! Nah, nothing's wrong. She'd never hurt us!" Where the Unkindled One was unhinged and violent at the drop of a hat, Jarred almost seemed naive, with his wide, puppy-dog eyes and uncorrupted smile. "If anything, we're better off with her around! People are less likely to beat you up when you're in a group, you know." Jarred nodded, his tone matter-of-fact.

@Indolent @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Kaykay
"Good." She agreed, settling down on the floor and repressing the memory herself.

"And even better. Good thinking, investigating all that. Me, weeeeeell..." She flashed back to Zuko and Bucky. "Not as productive. So. Famous, huh? Royalty." She cringed ever so slightly. "I hope they're better to get along with than my other self, who...I also want to apologize for. She's...a mess. Anyways, this is good. Any hints to where they're at or where they could be heading? Royalty at least, like fancy galas in town or something? Dunno why else royalty would come here." She stated as she flicked through the pages.
Ruby shrugged "Hey, I don't have to deal with her. Uh, though just so you know- I mean, not you, the other you that's you know.... not you, I, I mean, the me that isn't me... the girl with the really big scythe is really sorry for the hitting with the really big scythe. Yea."


"...aaanyway, we can check, but he might just be here to do business with the knights or nesses. Do you wanna try to find him first or Korra?" Ruby asked, subtly hoping one of those two would update and that Azula would choose that one

@C.T. @Jeremi @OrlandoBloomers
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