Parallel Convergence: Character Apps and OOC Discussion

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Hell yeah it's a blast! And the squad is great, even if my character's being a little bitch most of the time.

Her being a bitch was always really fun, too. It'll be interesting to see how a more humbled Azula interacts with them all.
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Who wants more tv tropes?!

Well whether ye like it or not, here they are.

Hawke the Mage

Deadpan Snaker: And how.

Beware The Silly Ones: Champion or Kirkwall, Slayer of Dragons. Her entrance fight with the team was to first slam a telekenetic shockwave to smash the oncoming undead, followed up with summoning a giant spectral hand to keep the monster they were fighting at bay.

Hello Nurse!: Insofar as Vash and Raime are concerned.

The Red Mage: Just as fully capable of healing and support as she is using her magic to kick ass.

Large Ham: Considering its Snarky Hawke and her player, I'm guessing this to be a matter of time. : |

World of Cardboard Speech: Slightly inverted, as she gives one of these to Azula which results in a Defrosting Ice Queen on Azula's part.

Black Comedy: "I'm starting to think this cat doesn't know where he's going. Perhaps Raime knocked the sense of direction out of him. Oi, Raime! Kick him again, would you? It might come back to him!"

Father Lucifer Anghelscu

All Myths Are True: The world in which he came from.

Dampyr: His race and the source of his otherworldly power.

Mythology Gag: In-lore, his vampire father is never mentioned but enough clues are left to make a guess. Notably the Scholomance, his name, the scope of his current powers and the fact his mother was a gypsy.

Meaningful Name: In-lore and out. Lucifer means "Lightbringer". Anghelscu is Romanian for "Son of Angels." The priest who named him, did so to give him a reminder that even the devil started out as an angel.

[spoili]Also, like his father his name is that of a devil.[/spoili]

Hunter of His Own Kind: As well as other monsters that threaten humanity.

Badass Preacher: Is a sanctioned priest with all the authority that comes with it, hunting the worst of those that prey on humanity. Let there be light.

Implausible Fencing Powers: His main method of fighting in battle.


Determinator: Pathologically so. According to her personnel file (in the Lab Rat comic), she's way ahead of the bell curve for tenacity. As it turns out, when you're dealing with GLaDOS, cleverness and athleticism are ultimately less important than sheer stubborn refusal to give up. Also seen in her way of keeping up with the party.

Heroic Mime: GLaDOS even complains about her lack of response in the final chamber. "Are you even listening to me?" In the sequel, Wheatley seems to think that overexposure to the stasis process left her unable to talk; when he asks her to, she just jumps. GLaDOS even calls her a "mute lunatic." and her file shows that she refused to answer one of the questions asked to her. Word of God from writer Erik Wolpaw: "She just chooses not to, what with the robots all being dicks. Why give them the satisfaction?" Seems to be played straight with the party thus far, with Chell having difficulty saying anything out of habit.

Badass Normal: She's only got a Portal Gun and her wits, but that's all she really needs.

When All You Have Is a Hammer: She uses the Portals to fling herself upwards, transport cubes and herself, knock over turrets, and kill giant robots. Used to smash zombies in, by dropping a car on them via portal.

Combat Stilettos: An interesting version used as a tool rather than a weapon; her Long Fall Boots make it impossible for her to fall to her death.

Unskilled, but Strong: According to her file, she wasn't overly smart or athletic, but Doug Rattmann knew she would defeat GLaDOS not because of skill, but determination.

Troll: She refuses to speak simply to annoy the robots and according to Lab Rat, on her application form for Aperture Science, instead of responding to a question, she decided to scribble "The Cake is a Lie" in binary.
couldn't find a good picture of one that wasn't the size of the friggin building/wasn't hidden in the background but this is what a hedron looks like btw (sans the 'about to explode' cracks)

So, I finally managed to find a hook to keep Shaun interacting for a short while. Something that finally grabs his interest.

I'd like to also apologize for my tardiness. Had a bad couple of days IRL.

Alex's RPs always are usually great. Oft times it's the players that are the problem imo, as we've discussed before!


Yea love this game.

Edit: I really should post more. Specifically more in detail for Barnes, I feel like y'all doing a great job and I should belly up the bar and do the same.
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Rofl. Bored, tired. My boss just came over and began to voice how I feel. He wants to go home too.
I'm waiting for one more person to post before I do one last big exposition post, and then we'll go from theres
Lets do a head count, shall we?

We have a kung fu girl who wields fire and lightning like an extension of her body.

A near-immortal gunslinger with the experience to match.

A vastly experienced, undead pirate.

Two Monster Hunters, one with a transforming scythe-sniper rifle she made herself and the other who is basically Dracula.

Two Assassins, one of whom is the Dreaded in his home plane and the other from a centuries old feud dating back from Eden.

A woman with a weapon and mind who makes physics her bitch.

And a giant black knight who is basically the Balrog of his world.

They have Elzradi?

We have the Hawke.

Badass Crew - TV Tropes
Those tropes aren't bad, Hugo lol. If you have the desire I'd love to see one for Vash.
That is true enough, yes.
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