Parallel Convergence: Character Apps and OOC Discussion

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Character Sheet


Name: Pietro Maximoff

Age: Mid-Twenties

Canon: Marvel Cinematic Universe

Canon background: Quicksilver I'm lazy : |. Plus I think everyone and their mother has seen the movie at this point.

Abilities: Super speed. That's pretty much it in a nutshell, doesn't hit hard, but hits fast with a lot of momentum behind it.

Equipment: None, other than his basic clothes. Its all in the legs man.

Flipside Background: Hailing from his native Sokovia, he immigrated to Parrel when he was twenty. Needless to say, it was a bit of a culture shock for the young man. He went from a third world country to the prosperous American life, though the change wasn't quite as drastic as he had expected. Guess the grass always looks greener on the other side.
Pietro was out of a job, working as a drug runner for the cartels back home was been a business that had gone out of style when the military moved in. Darned laws.

But moving to America had been a new start, one that he'd made for his twin sister's benefit. So he took up a job as courier boy, taking messages, packages and the like through the city. Interesting enough, plus it had the added benefit of not getting shot at by rival gangs.

While he moved here because he also wanted a better life for himself, he also did it for his sister. He wanted her to go to Vincent University and get a better life, make something of herself, and thus he had taken on the ever embarrassing job of courier. Plus he carries the most familiar courier bag ever.

He also stops at Starbucks frequently for fuel for his exciting messenger based activities. He might also meet a certain red hooded brunette one day as he goes to visit Wanda.​
Also, goddammit Schnee. I'm starting to consider ideas now, using this RP as the starting point.

Also this US-esque nostalgia.
IC I thought about Shaun calling out Lucifier, cause c'mon, guy like Shaun Luci might as well have had a blinking sign that said Blood Sucker over him.

But Shaun was apparently the honey badger.
IC I thought about Shaun calling out Lucifier, cause c'mon, guy like Shaun Luci might as well have had a blinking sign that said Blood Sucker over him.

But Shaun was apparently the honey badger.
What gave it away, the eyes, the hypnotism, the wall clinging or when he bit Cena?

Not like he was hiding it IC.

Especially with the bats.
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