P.R.C.U.: An Institute For The Extraordinarily Gifted [CLOSED SIGNUPS]

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I'm going to assume you meant David lol

But anyways, yes I'll set up a post for David and then add to Aiden. I'm moving this coming weekend so this week is going to be rather hectic for me and I may not have much time to write posts. I'll try to keep up with the OOC and guide you guys, but essentially after my next post I'm going to hand you all the reigns to fnish this CTF game. By next week if the game hasn't been wrapped up then I'm going to do a bit of modding and complete it so we can move the RP forward. I'm afraid out game has begun to stagnate the RP a bit so I want to keep us moving forth, just like I said RL is about to kick into high gear so I'm giving you all a week to play some more CTF.
Epic fail, yes I meant David XD

And alrighty :) have a good week though, dispite being busy!
Hey guys!

I just wanted to drop in and let you all know that I'm definitely still here and interested. I just got done moving in to my new place and starting my new semester on top of planning events for fraternity recruitment, changing bylaws, filling out PRFs, booking venues and finalizing meetings for my Homecoming E-board position and bitching at my front office. Sooo, this weekend and today have been long to say the least.

I technically only have internet for tonight and tomorrow unless my ISP comes and fixes their shit because, brilliantly enough, my complex decided NOT to fix internet issues before a slew of students moved in for classes start. Brilliance at its finest.

So yeah....I need a drink
*hands you said drink*
Sounds frustrating o.o hope you get through it all!
Hey guys!

I just wanted to drop in and let you all know that I'm definitely still here and interested. I just got done moving in to my new place and starting my new semester on top of planning events for fraternity recruitment, changing bylaws, filling out PRFs, booking venues and finalizing meetings for my Homecoming E-board position and bitching at my front office. Sooo, this weekend and today have been long to say the least.

I technically only have internet for tonight and tomorrow unless my ISP comes and fixes their shit because, brilliantly enough, my complex decided NOT to fix internet issues before a slew of students moved in for classes start. Brilliance at its finest.

So yeah....I need a drink

Ah crazy week for you too! No worries thanks for dropping in to let us know though. Very much appreciated!
I did a little calculation of my time this week, seems I'm a tad busier than expected, but since it's not moving at an incredible fast pace in the RP at the moment I'm not really worried. But just so you know: this evening I'm off to a meeting with the crew for the 48-hour project.
Wednesday during the day I'll be baking macarons, in the evening I'm off to view a house that hub and I might move into hopefully. (So I'll be home most of the day/evening)
Thursday I'm baking two chocolate caramel shortbreads and a red velvet cake(with fondant and decorations)
Friday morning: drop off the cakes and macarons. Friday evening: start of the 48-hour project
Saturday: filming on location
I'm probably not needed on Sunday for the film project, so I'll likely be here the whole day, but no guarantees yet ;)
I think I could possibly be going out with friends on Thursday, and I'll more than likely stay over on Friday, so posting will probably be out on those two days.
Thanks for the heads up you two! Though if I haven't posted by that late in the week there's no way I'll be posting before Monday haha.
I'm out getting sloshed in roughly twenty minutes or so. I've already posted, I just thought with everyone updating their schedules I might show everyone I do actually have a social life. Of course I could post again but I'd rather wait for Stein as our characters are paired, and also I don't want Minnie to kill someone. Although that leads to interesting thoughts about getting her disqualified from the game for later developmental use...
Yeah, let's not go around committing murder, shall we? Especially when the victims are supposed to be fellow classmates.
Unless a character was given the approval by a dastardly GM in order to incite drama and break apart the team due to betrayal and treason!

Okay so my plans for Thursday aren't happening. Next Tuesday, though, I have to go into school for two hours on mentor business, and on Wednesday, I have to go in again, and I think I have friends staying over. I should be able to post on Tuesday, but probably not Wednesday.

And then I'm back to school on Monday. D:
Boy everyone's quite busy this week/weekend XD
Hmmmmm killing off a character for drama sure sounds like fun! I mean... Sorry >.>' we were discussing horror at the meeting XD chopping off limbs, gushing blood, etc XD
I'm out getting sloshed in roughly twenty minutes or so. I've already posted, I just thought with everyone updating their schedules I might show everyone I do actually have a social life. Of course I could post again but I'd rather wait for Stein as our characters are paired, and also I don't want Minnie to kill someone. Although that leads to interesting thoughts about getting her disqualified from the game for later developmental use...

Haha yep, I'll be posting soon. But still.....murder....kinda sounds interesting

(The latter part of that statement sounds awful out of context....and I'm okay with that)

And I just returned from filming. A 14 hour work day. *dizzy*
But it was awesome, and so fun. We laughed and argued, and worked so much, definitely partaking next year as well in the 48 hour project.
Well moved into the new apartment with no hiccups. Partially unpacked and should have a post up within the next two days.
Wicked. Wondering if I should still be waiting for Stein before I post myself.
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