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Minnie and Erika will strike out on their own, becoming Amazons of Canada. A duo of fierce wild women that no man would cross.

Nah but really, dammit! I was going to have Erika go pure Hawk Girl and charge in to battle
That sounds like a story that the older members of the team would tell new, younger members. "Yeah, we've got a pair of warriors roaming the woods. Oh, they won't hurt you, they just like to sabotage the other teams in capture the flag. But watch out for the dog."
Minnie and Erika will strike out on their own, becoming Amazons of Canada. A duo of fierce wild women that no man would cross.

Nah but really, dammit! I was going to have Erika go pure Hawk Girl and charge in to battle

You should still be able to do that. Just need to get off the ugly Pug lol.
He's not ugly, just misunderstood. Like Modern Art.
Not an appreciator of the modern arts I take it :P
Not an appreciator of the modern arts I take it :P

Not much if any. I'd much rather look at works that came from the Renaissance or earlier.
*nods* I agree with you there. Far more beautiful, though I don't mind Gaudi either.
I much prefer a good Pollock or Picasso, but I find contemporary sculpture better than portrait. ANYWAY. All your character's reactions are making me realise how messed up Minnie actually is :( still, plans for later.
I would have known very little of art as well had I not studied MediaDesign. Had a whole year of Art History going from the old to the modern styles.
I did art and design for my first set of exams, similar to the GCSEs, but that was entirely practical. And I sucked at that. Well, most aspects of it. This year, I did have to do a project on Jack Vettriano though, just a little bit about his history and discussing one of his works. I like some of his work.
I have no idea what GCSEs are XD
I prefer writings over art, rather enjoying reading Nietzsche right now.
They're the first set of exams in England, taken when you're... 15? I'm not sure. The Junior Cert, Irish equivalent, is taken when you're around fifteen anyway. They count for approximately nothing, as you can't get into college until you do your Leaving Cert at around eighteen.

I have to say, I did like Romeo and Juliet when we did it. I'm also going to be studying King Lear for the next two years, so there's that.
Due to living in the Netherlands, and they don't really focus on English Literature (actually... ignores most literature in general in the lower levels >.>'), I never got a chance in school to read Shakespeare or others that are considered masters.
I did read Coriolanus, Romeo and Juliet, and Midsummer night's dream on my own. But I probably am missing a lot of details due to not getting the background info XD

And thanks for the explanation XD
Macbeth all the way.
Never read it, my dad did, he said I ought to read it XD I'll do so at some point, definitely.
Haha, no problem. Generally when I compare the two sets of exams, people understand about the GCSEs at least.

Did you understand the innuendos in Romeo and Juliet at least?
I've also heard The Tempest is a good one but I haven't read it personally.
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