P.R.C.U.: An Institute For The Extraordinarily Gifted [CLOSED SIGNUPS]

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Yeah. Especially as I'm going from about an hour of homework on a bad night last year to two hours on a good night, plus study, this year.
Man that's a lot....
Off to read the post, and maybe post as well. Or wait for Hunter to stumble into the infirmary.
Yeah. Hank Green's Crash Course Chemistry and Biology are seriously going to save me stress though. It's an entire chapter revised in a ten minute video, and while it's not exactly the same as the Irish curriculum, it's definitely a lot better than wading through notes.
Makes sense, I guess.

Where is everybody at? We used to be so chatty, what happened to us? D:
I'm moving to a new house, and no internet there, dependent on wifi so I have been here so sporadically >.< I'm sorry! I do intend to be active soon again.
lol It's okay, I understand.

Same for any fellow students naturally!
I reject the accusation that I have ever been...'chatty'.
Man that's a lot....
Off to read the post, and maybe post as well. Or wait for Hunter to stumble into the infirmary.

I'll make it a point to post this weekend. Sorry for holding things up. Something has just come up the last week that I need to focus on.
Don't worry about it, life got busier for all of us I think :) well mine definitely has...
*tag!* Next :P
Oh noes! There is life here! XD :P
I could hear the crickets chirping in here all the way from the States. It was deafening so I figured I'd hop in here and scare them off.
Haha well you succeeded I'd say, at least for now, till I go to bed and get some well needed sleep. Motherinlaw's dropping by tomorrow so better not have bags under my eyes :P
Good question, but not one I'm going to ponder over now ^^' night night time for meh
Hey all, I have some unfortunate news.

Due to my school and work schedule I find myself without much energy or time to RP. So I'm unfortunately taking a hiatus from RPing until the semester either slows down (ha!) or I adjust to my busier schedule and find the time to RP. That said I don't want to just declare this RP dead but I also understand it's not fair to you guys to ask you to just wait around so I'm open to your opinions on the matter.

Either way you've all been great to RP with and I look forward to RPing with everyone again down the road.
I'm definitely hoping this can pick up when things have given you (and anyone else) some more time to breathe.

But if it happens that the roleplay comes to a stop, as sad as it is, I had a hell of a fun time. Definitely grateful for the interesting powers set up that got me to making the most fun power I've ever created ^^
And whatever happens, I definitely hope to come across you guys on other roleplays or whatever too :)
On Wraith's hiatus: Never thought I'd see the day. Come back soon, mang.

On this RP: I am loathe to let such characters go, including those I had been preparing for Vigilance. However, I have always been uncomfortable with continuing a game after its creator has departed.
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