Overlords and Guardians; Age of Antagonism

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Oh....Huh. Yeah my bad. Sorry about that. I was just going off the general idea that both were the same. I should have done my homework. :P
Oh....Huh. Yeah my bad. Sorry about that. I was just going off the general idea that both were the same. I should have done my homework. :P
'sall good bud. I only know about the difference because of how much I um'd and ah'd about going either Guardian or Overlord.
Guardians start with 20k Base, not 10 k They also get 1000 per skill in wealth, and then the additional from Gold mine.
As far as I can tell, Overlords have more powerful abilities and personal skills, at the cost of having less funds.
Edit: and I don't mind you calling me out on it: it is an easy enough mistake to make.
Except I thought Kad had made a post on the first page normalizing both Overlord and Guardian Keeps?
Huh. Yeah. Guardians apparently have double the amount of Lair/Land points and double the army and Captain funding. I feel like a complete idiot now. I'll just go sit in the corner until the RP starts. >.< Atleast I learned something today.

Oh...Hey yeah. Uh. Uhm. Yeah. Apparently. The post labeled in big red letters on the first page. Well I guess that makes things a bit clearer.
Except I thought Kad had made a post on the first page normalizing both Overlord and Guardian Keeps?

*Scrolls back to the first page.*

*Sees the post in question.*

I will work on a new plan of attack tomorrow. It is far too late right now to re-do an entire CS
Yeah in the previous life guardians started with more gold, etc because overlord players always outnumbered the guardian ones or something.

Apparently Sarzu pointed out that the guardian rules had double points and gold that kad had forgotten about so hence that post reminder, easy thing to miss.

Also anyone interested in a Necromancer Nemesis? :raven:
Can somebody review my sheet right now? It still lacks Bio and the captains, but I think the rest are done.
Sounds good. I overestimated them. Sorry about that.

Another question comes to mind then; how exactly would resources and production come into play for making weapons armor ect? Since I have quite a few great mines two cities and a Large Smithy in my Lair I am assuming I would have a good amount of resources and production but would it be playing with the rules of common sense or would there be a more detailed structure behind it?
Mostly it's common sense and plays a passive part in replenishment.

Eg: If you're attacked and someone takes out all your mines, then replacing troops can actually be more expensive as you're forced to get weapons and armour from third party sources etc.
Hmm...I'd probably need a new special then. The point was to make my units more adapted to the desert than others. Ah well.

On a different note though, how far do the mature themes end up going anyway? The fact that the thread has about 11 different tags is getting me a little concerned truth be told. (Admittedly, I should've thought of that before I started signing up but oh well.)
The mature themes are less restricted than they would be on the Guild, something I appreciate. You want to do a detailed torture scene. Do a detailed torture scene. Want a hot and steamy scene do a hot and steamy scene etc.

The variety of selected tags was to select popular ones with my usual players :p
we can finally gut someone and strangle them with their own small intestines while singing our national anthem. ;_;

Oh, and Kaddy I finished my CS and posted it. Should be a link to it a bit up this page.
Tempest, your CS formatting is awesome. I'm totally gonna copy your formatting now instead of Herzi's.
Just because I thought it was interesting Statistics...

Assuming everyone is accepted who has shown interest thus far (Including myself as a Guardian and Gat as an Overlord) here are how things look.

Player Name Character Name Overlord of Guardian? Nemesis?
Kadaeux Kalahadrad the 'Small King' Overlord Thráin the Scholar, son of Náin.
Alphakoka Kaulallr Overlord  
Sarzu Thráin the Scholar, son of Náin. Guardian Kalahadrad, The Small King
Andrea Gennevë, Mistress of Ravens. Overlord  
Tempest Rowyn Hilde Guardian Marcas Lutair
Gat Marcas Lutair Overlord Rowyn Hilde
Herzinth Eren Felise Overlord  
Maxim Zehi'n, The Desert General Guardian  
The Greenest of...Wait...Fubuki? Asmodeus Overlord  
Jorick Ceregor White-Eyes Guardian  
Panda [WIP] Guardian  
Kae'os Daemon Sothriar Emikas Overlord  
Final Stats: 7 Overlords, 5 Guardians, Two current pairs of Nemesis-is-is-is

I imagine I'll have a CS up soon with my new, not grossly overspent guy.
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Tempest, your CS formatting is awesome. I'm totally gonna copy your formatting now instead of Herzi's.
Love you too, traitor
Okay, my character sheet is basically done and ready for review. Only thing yet to do is commander bios, which I'm leaving until after traits are rolled for the sake of continuity.

jk, was informed by Gat and Sarzu that bios actually impact traits, gonna do those tonight.

Love you too, traitor
Don't worry Jorick, I'm copying Andrea's... who copied temp :p
There's no worry at all. I'm totally fine with copying people who do things better than me. :D
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