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After reading through the IC, I do like all of your posts. I might write out the post on my phone, though it is quite late.
Alright, posted as promised.
Sorry for the delay! I'll be posting tomorrow at the latest :)
Alright, looks good, just going to wait on Muirgen now.
Alright I'll probably make the next post tomorrow most likely.
Oh I can't wait to see Trent and BeeBee butt heads. XD If she hates him on-mission, she's going to be absolutely at her wit's end when they're not. Oh how I love playing a prick in group RPs~
Oh now, I wouldn't say wit's end! More like 'on the verge of assault' or something very similar ;) It should be fun, playing characters this time who probably don't like each other at all!
Alright, hopefully that should be good for you guys. I'm trying to consider how to give you things to work with, this is the first time I've personally GMed a RP.
I completely agree! It's definitely going to be quite the rough ride for the both of them. Trent's a bit headstrong, but he's also so arrogant that he's likely to blow off anything serious that BeeBee gives him XD if she tries to butt heads, he's almost certain to completely undermine her. Not going to be good for him, I'm sure.

You're doing a fine job, @Ascendant. ^^ For things like attempted sniper shots (for BeeBee) and combat feats that are done against specific targets (not player-generated enemies, once our characters have a feel for opponents) are you rolling a die/dice or deciding for yourself how these things land?
Oh how I do love cookies - it looks great Ascendant! I just got home about an hour ago, been gone all day and just wiped out, trying to catch up other places and failing because I keep drifting off. I'll see about a response tomorrow, and... Sam :( Poor Sam!
Currently I'm just deciding what is the most interesting thing to happen when it comes to attacks and such. I might go to die rolls or something like that, depending on how I feel about it.
Sounds good to me. Gotta love tabletop dynamics sometimes...

For reference, since I may be posting today or tonight or tomorrow, I was wondering what size the warehouse is - considering their mission was to defend the convoy, it would be incredulous to think we're all going to abandon them for dead. Even if they're new recruits and this is their first combat experience, I still think (at least in Trent's case) that at least one of them would try to breach the warehouse and help the soldiers inside reach their vehicles again. So I was wondering if circumstances allowed for it - how large is the warehouse, what's inside, and would getting inside be problematic with such large rounds in the guns and heavy suits?

For the record, be ready for Trent to aggressively pursue CQC capabilities for his suit - Sam was defenseless!
Trent, running in alone and without cover to try to take out a warehouse full of bad guys and save the world on his first mission out? Huh... Who'd have thought the cowboy would be up for something like that? Shocker... No, really! *grins*
I didn't mean like that! Its' better than hopping out of the suit just to do it. He's going to suffer from severe shellshock, no worries, but only post-pressure. I didn't mean he'd blow every living thing in the warehouse away, but if he provided cover fire or any kind of defense, then at the very least they could secure the Bradleys. Losing those vehicles wouldn't seem so huge to them, but to the logistics guys, I'm sure they're already fighting a losing battle... The money to replace them simply won't be in the budget. America's the bestest country in the wide world, but we're not made of money. ;)

That last part was a joke... XD
Firing .50 HE rounds into the space probably isn't that great of an idea either. Shrapnel doesn't tend to discriminate.
Firing .50 HE rounds into the space probably isn't that great of an idea either. Shrapnel doesn't tend to discriminate.
Psh... Details... *grins*

Oh, and Scout? Yeah, that was just me totally messing with you btw - couldn't help myself there. This IS Trent, after all... ;)
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XD pft, Zomb, you say that like he was going to unload into the building with no discretion. There's tact. At the very least, he has armour. I'm not saying he's invincible, I'm saying logically they wouldn't retreat for one person, only to leave a team of others abandoned.

I know, Mui XD he's headstrong, but that doesn't make him stupid. it's why I need the low down on our warehouse.
The shrapnel would be dangerous yes, and the close quarters of the warehouse would basically negate the mobility of the gunsuits. The warehouse itself looks basically like this, with rows upon rows of shelving full of assorted things. The gunsuits pretty much wouldn't fit without knocking things over constantly. I do have to mention the Bradleys are outside, covering the door.

Post will be up tomorrow evening most likely.
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