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@Clear & @Momozono Yuuna Alright, nice! I'll read through your characters when I come across them in the thread, and post you my ideas. Do you prefer me to post them here in the thread, or PM?
I'm impartial to both but if its going to be one of those intense plot cooking sessions then PM (to not clutter up the thread and have everyone hate us for never-ending notifications) but if its one of those "Throw a bit of history here and maybe a dash of something something here" then thread would be just fine ^^

WARNING: I will ask a ton of questions and have paragraph responses.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Momozono Yuuna
@Wicked You're character and my character should totally be friends. Amethyst will annoy the hell out of him and he'll try to eat her (in a friendly way of course!) what do you think? ^_^
  • Like
Reactions: Wicked
Sure, they can be mates. I imagine Jake will give her a lot of noogies and speak nice things to her through gritted teeth.
  • Love
Reactions: DANAsaur
Aeo would probably be a little scared of Jake because Aeo's just a coward and afraid that he'll try to eat him. Love the character btw!

I feel so... nervous after RP'ing as Kreskes. I'm here all like 'ohgodohgodohgod did I get his personality right' 'did I screw up what he looked like' and most importantly 'should I have used Georgia instead of Book Antiqua for his speech?'

Hopefully I got his character okay though. It feels... weird... being the first one to control a caretaker for a little while (apart from Boo's awesome intro song).
Aeo would probably be a little scared of Jake because Aeo's just a coward and afraid that he'll try to eat him. Love the character btw!

I feel so... nervous after RP'ing as Kreskes. I'm here all like 'ohgodohgodohgod did I get his personality right' 'did I screw up what he looked like' and most importantly 'should I have used Georgia instead of Book Antiqua for his speech?'

Hopefully I got his character okay though. It feels... weird... being the first one to control a caretaker for a little while (apart from Boo's awesome intro song).
Don't worry I understand your worries ;-; But even if something was wrong, I think we'd all still love the entry anyway xD
Aeo would probably be a little scared of Jake because Aeo's just a coward and afraid that he'll try to eat him. Love the character btw!

I feel so... nervous after RP'ing as Kreskes. I'm here all like 'ohgodohgodohgod did I get his personality right' 'did I screw up what he looked like' and most importantly 'should I have used Georgia instead of Book Antiqua for his speech?'

Hopefully I got his character okay though. It feels... weird... being the first one to control a caretaker for a little while (apart from Boo's awesome intro song).
I did not have the guts to be the first one to actually take control of one of the NPC's so well done chap! You captured his mannerisms exactly as I thought he would act.
Aeo would probably be a little scared of Jake because Aeo's just a coward and afraid that he'll try to eat him. Love the character btw!

I feel so... nervous after RP'ing as Kreskes. I'm here all like 'ohgodohgodohgod did I get his personality right' 'did I screw up what he looked like' and most importantly 'should I have used Georgia instead of Book Antiqua for his speech?'

Hopefully I got his character okay though. It feels... weird... being the first one to control a caretaker for a little while (apart from Boo's awesome intro song).
Ahah, I completely understand your worries, but you did perfectly. <3
I love how everyone here is just spreading out the love with ratings. You get Love! and you get more Love! Here, take these rainbows, I've got buckets full! YOU KNOW WHAT, LET ME JUST THROW IN SOME COOKIES WHILE I'M AT IT. And this Like, here. Face hugger, anyone?
I love how everyone here is just spreading out the love with ratings. You get Love! and you get more Love! Here, take these rainbows, I've got buckets full! YOU KNOW WHAT, LET ME JUST THROW IN SOME COOKIES WHILE I'M AT IT. And this Like, here. Face hugger, anyone?
I'm tempted to give someone a You Need A Hug rating but I have no idea if that's a negative bleebloopblop (<...whut -_-;)

EDIT: Oh and rainbow in your bucket
I'm tempted to give someone a You Need A Hug rating but I have no idea if that's a negative bleebloopblop (<...whut -_-;)

EDIT: Oh and rainbow in your bucket
Ahah, there's no such thing as negative ratings, anymore~ Just positive and neutral. c:
Coolio. Ill look threw the chars you have and decide what interesting thing to be :p
Ahah, there's no such thing as negative ratings, anymore~ Just positive and neutral. c:
Welp time to start my campaign of terror


(I found this gif in the suggestions for this image and it was too cute to pass up)


(Now that I think about it, its kind of weird how it was in the suggestions for that image -_-)
What do you guys think? Should Greenrust be the last for now, or should I leave applications open?
What do you guys think? Should Greenrust be the last for now, or should I leave applications open?
What if a really cool roleplayer joins Iwaku and sees the thread--but it's closed!! ;A; Everyone would be missing out D;
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