Our Cruel Twisted World

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Hey guys.. Just letting you know that I will be out of town this weekend, but I'll be back on Tuesday :)
As long as it isn't crossed out in the front, it's not taken.
Mm-hm! You're welcome.
Character: Belle
Name: Belle Beaumont
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relations: Unknown
Personality: A romantic, her life is spent in libraries reading books. An introvert the needs a rock to lean on.
History: Belle's fiancé, Gaston, turned out to be extremely abusive, and after barely escaping him, she continues to live in fear of him.
Likes: Books, rain, fireplaces
Dislikes: Hairy men, fighting
Habits: Bites her lip, and her posture marks her as submissive to others
Blemishes/Scars: scars on her back
(I'm sorry guys! I'll be replying tonight, promise. I was just so busy all of last week. I should be on more regularly now.)
Yes and yes, i'll update the front

@Brea - Great! We can get the rp up and rolling then ^^
May i ask if i sign up as a animal character such as Nala or Simba do i have to make them human? (I honestly prefer not to as them being a lion would make it a bit easier to math their personality).

Also are people allowed to sign up as villains that aren't on the list such as Frollo and Zira?.
If you don't want them to be human that's okay. I'm not to picky

And yes, i know i left some characters out, so if you want a character that's not on the list just say so and I will put it on the list for you.

Character: Vitani
Name: Well her name has always been Vitani
Age: Her exact age isn't exactly known but she is a young adult.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Relations: Zira (mother) Scar (father) Nuka (brother). More will be added as the roleplay progresses also i didn't add Kovu because theres been speculation whether or not he's Scar's cub or not.
Personality: Serious, ruthless, loyal, sly, Very intelligent, supportive, tomboyish, opportunistic, determined, manipulative, clever, brave, confident, independent.
History: Vitani was quite different from the lion king movies and books. For one her mother father and brother Nuka never died, The outsiders were never outsiders to begin with, Scar's and Mufasa's pride merely co-exist with each other in the pridelands despite the disliking of a lot of members in both prides. Not only that she had her own adopted daughter well assumed adopted anyway. (May be changed in the roleplay)
Likes: Fighting, Winning, Gazelle meat, sleeping and being on her own.
Dislikes: Losing, Kovu, Hyena's, Anyone that thinks she can't hold her own in a battle.
Habbits: She sometimes raises her voice with or without reason this doesn't indicate if she's mad at you though she just does it thats all.
Blemishes/Scars: Well she has freckles below her nose and has black rimmed ears.
Weapons: She relies on her knowledge of fighting, Brute strength, speed, Teeth and Claws.
Other: {

Also how exactly i'm i gonna interact with other people if their really far away from the savanah/pridelands? (and no ones playing the other TLK characters)​
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It totally didn't take me an hour to find this thread again due to the new layout that i don't really like..
(lol, I can't complain, haven't been here long enough enough to notice how much has been made))

About that, your character doesn't have to start out in the continent it's story originated from. But if you feel like that's where they should be then I'll figure something out.
(lol, I can't complain, haven't been here long enough enough to notice how much has been made))
About that, your character doesn't have to start out in the continent it's story originated from. But if you feel like that's where they should be then I'll figure something out.
(I'l assume i'm accepted then)

Ya know a lion starting out in a village, jungle or city would be really weird if you think about it.
Cinderella, Orange
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Relations:(Anyone who said they had relegations with Me/My character xD)
Likes:She likes to sing
Hates: To clean,
weapons: Handgun
Pets: Mice
History: The same as in the book but modern day, Father passed and mother, lives with Even Stepmom and sisters, and Lives in a I would say upper-class house. Running off to get married was a childish dream with charming and soon ending, It was only because she wanted to excape, But responsibility soon hit, being dragged back she has to deal with her last years of school and her step sisters and mom for a bit longer, while talking to her Godmother who gets her through a lot.(Short sweet simple)
Can I reserve Simba and Scar? I'm working on their character Sheets, should be up soon
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