Order (Mocking_Jayy and Desu Juice)

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[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]Koshi smiled brightly as he watched May press kisses against the back of his hand, and shut his eyes when he felt her soft mouth press against his cheek. Her words sent him into a reverie, and all of a sudden, the male was utterly overjoyed. He pushed himself up onto his elbows, and swiftly climbed over her, blocking out the light as he swallowed her in a tight embrace, and became her blanket. His back arched over he form like an island in the sea, pale and snow-capped, but warmer than the Caribbean. With his chest pressed against her's, and his face against the side of her neck, he uttered, "I love you too," in a voice overflowing with pearls of joy.

Koshi pressed a kiss into her skin, and moved his arms to pull himself even closer, sighing with the fountain of love overtaking his heart. He was out of the ocean, and stuck in the sky above it.[/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]
The male suddenly climbed over her, causing for a giggle to leave her lips as she starred up at him. Immediately she was engulfed in his warmth as his arms came around her, his face coming to rest in the crook of her neck. May couldn't help but to close her eyes and savor this moment. "You're wonderful." She murmured with a small smile.
[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]He chuckled, shooting puffs of air against her skin, and shook his head. "You're wonderful. I'm only wonderful because your wonderful-ness rubs off on me sometimes." Koshi pulled away a bit to press his lips into the side of her neck, and the crossed over to run them up the front of her throat.

He stopped at her jaw and laid another couple of kisses along her cheek before finally capturing her lips in a lengthy kiss, passionate and warm, he could never get enough of her. Koshi let his fingers slip down May's back to rest above her butt, and after a moment, he pulled away for air.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]
"Oh hush!" May chuckled before feeling the sensation of his lips running along her neck, reaching her jaw, then her cheeks. Until finally, he reached her lips and gave her such a breathtaking kiss. His fingers ran down the length of her back before resting above her bum and he pulled away for air. The brunette starred up at her man with a smile full of happiness. "You are wonderful in your own way." She stated again before her arms came up to wrap around his neck and pulled him down even closer.

"Kiss me." She murmured.

[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]He felt a wave of warmth run down his body, down the bones of his spine and over his abdomen, between the cracks and crevices that his muscles formed under his pale hide. Kiss me, her voice - May's arms around his neck, so many feelings that he couldn't bear to part with. Koshi eagerly responded to the request by dipping his head down to press his lip's against his wife's, and he tilted his head, deepening the kiss immediately. The hand that he wasn't using to keep his balance slid down May's bare body, down the side of her hip and over the outside of her thigh. His fingers took time to savor her skin, slowly playing over the curve of her hips with gentle adoration. After a moment, he broke the kiss for air, silently gulping oxygen down like a surfacing whale. "I can't even begin to tell you how amazing you are," he muttered, shyness creeping up to tint his cheeks. "My wife, my happiness..." Koshi pressed a kiss against her forehead, smiling as he did so.

He didn't intend to leave the bed this morning. He wanted to stay, and hold May close until the sun went down - it was the last day. And tomorrow morning, he would be gone before she would wake up. Koshi leaned down for another candy-sweet kiss, already missing May.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]
May closed her eyes the second Koshi's lips made contact with hers, already in love with the sensation and feeling. Her lips moved in sync with his while she tilted her chin slightly upwards to bring them closer. He always made her happy and never disappointed her when it came to showing his love. "Oh, Love..." May murmured with a loving smile and gaze as she looked up at him. "I love you." Lifting her upper body a bit, she kissed his lips then rested back against the bed. "Don't ever question it or doubt it." The brunette's hands traveled down his shoulders and gave them a squeeze.
[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]He smiled, "I would never doubt you..." Slowly, Koshi pulled away to lay on his side for a moment, with his arm around May's middle. His head perched in the palm of a hand, and he watched May for a moment, fondness in his gaze.

"What should we do today?" He wondered, reaching out to run his fingers down the side of her cheek. "We could eat, then... Romantic morning bath?" He chuckled, the ran his fingers gently through her hair, smoothing it down and moving it behind her ear. He knew it was foolish to think about tomorrow - and yet, his thoughts at the moments were entirely occupied by the reoccurring images of the lab - sterile, white, pain. Flashing, eyes, shining armor, sharp, sharp, blood. What will the do to him? What will they turn him into? Koshi lowered his head and rested his cheek against May's bosom, seeking comfort from the promise of new terror. [/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="May Tachibana, green, dashed, 10"]
"That sounds perfect." May murmured with a grin, already looking forward to the bath they would have. It was clear that today was Koshi's last day before her had to go off with the Andera, so she wanted them to spend as much time together as possible. "It'll be okay, my Love." May murmured after he rested his cheek against her bosom. Her's arms came to wrap around his shoulders, holding him close. "Just remember to keep fighting, Koshi. Don't give in to that darkness." She lifted her hand up and cupped the back of his head and pulled his head closer to her bosom. "Don't give in." She repeated while she tilted her head down to look at him.
[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]Koshi silently sighed, shutting his eyes for a moment. It'll be ok. May will be waiting for him. It'll be ok - he repeated in his head, and it would be. As long as May would be there for him. And so, he placed all his trust on her - "I'll depend on you... Ok?" He muttered, thinking about just how bad he could get. He knew it wasn't ok, because, he thought he was an immense burden. He knew he was. He hoped that May... Finally, Koshi looked up at May to meet her gaze, and smiled. How could he ever doubt her? She was the one constant in his life, the one force lessening the weight of the anchor around his neck.

"I won't, I'll try my hardest..." At this point - both of them were fully aware of just how dangerous he was to himself. It made him feel sick, knowing what May was talking about. Koshi sighed... Then jumped forward, playfully giving May a smooch as she peered down at him. "Time for more vegetables, ugh." He sat up, unable to resist glancing down at May's body as his shoulders dislodged the covers, and Koshi blushed before he forced himself to continue attempting to get out of bed.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]
"Okay," May nodded and continued to stare down at her husband with that same love struck gaze, before he leaned up to give a smooch then complained about their food. "At least it's better than that paste." She murmured as she watched him sit up and his eyes moved down to look at her bare body. The brunette wasn't embarrassed anymore, since he had seen it all before. They were married and she was more than positive that this wouldn't be the last time he would see her like this. Sitting up, she ran a hand through her locks of hair, trying to smooth them down before rising to her feet and making he way over towards the drawers. Since they were going to take a bath, she picked a loose shirt and some pajama shorts. "Do you want sandwiches like yesterday?" She questioned as she slipped on the shirt then proceeded to place her legs through the holes of the shorts and lifted them up, to rest snugly against her hips.
[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]Koshi couldn't keep his gaze away from May's bare body as she moved across the room to get dressed. He was mesmerized - that petite little body was the house of his love, the center of his worship. Koshi snapped out of his reverie when she began to dress herself, and he quickly turned his attention to looking for his clothes. "Yeah, that sounds good... I wonder what's going on with Kaito... Did he get arrested for... You know. I feel like we should be more worried." He muttered, stretching shamelessly before May.

He reached into the drawers and wardrobes to find what he needed. His shoulders flexed as he rushed to pull the shirt on - the room was once again cold, and Koshi wondered if that was just an unfortunate side-effect of living underground. After pulling on his jeans, Koshi proceeded to glare critically that the wrinkles in the cloth. God, how he hated it when... Oh! "I can see better..." The male muttered, skimming his hands over the fabric to combat the pesky lines in the cloth. "I need to iron this out..."
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[fieldbox="May Tachibana, green, dashed, 10"]
May pulled her hair up into a ponytail with a hair tie before walking over to her husband, a happy smile on her lips. The fact that he was slowly regaining his sight back was something something to rejoice over. "I don't think they took Kaito in, but then again I'm not sure. I hope they haven't." She murmured as she came to stand besides him. "You can iron that later, we still have our romatic bath, that I'm looking forward to." Her hand came to rest on his shoulder and she leaned over to give him a kiss on the cheek before making her way towards the bedroom door. "I'll get started on the breakfast."
[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]Koshi smiled after May as she walked away, a small, content sigh leaving his lips. For a moment, he sat idly, a dreamy look in his eyes. He grew serious once more, as the warmth of May's presence hitched a ride on his stormy grey gaze, and blew out of the room. His hands settled over his bony kneecaps, and he wondered - where was Kaito? What had happened? The wreckage of the greenhouse... It weighted heavily on his heart. Abruptly, the male stood up and made the bed, neatly ordering the pillows under the covers, and then smoothing out the sheets. He'd have to wash them later, when he had some spare time. Koshi wondered if he could... His sight was still so limited, anything further away than a foot was a blur.

He ran his fingers through his hair again, trying to force it into place. It wouldn't agree with his will, so in the end, Koshi ruffled it and let it be as messy as it wanted to be, hoping May found it alright. He'd wash it during their bath anyway. The male neatly folded his sleepware and tucked it under the sheets before making his way down the stairs. It was then that an idea dawned on him, and he poked his head into the kitchen to try and find his wife. "May, I'll be back in a second, ok?" He was gone before she could answer, so taken in by his idea that he could hardly slow down - he was out the door in seconds.

After a few seconds of walking, he stood at the desecrated wreck of their Eden, eyes struggling to discern where the damage began, and ended. His shoes crunched on bits of shattered glass as he walked through the bone-like front door, only a thin, wiry membrane to keep the shape of what once was a door. Koshi had never before seen such damage - Ourdos and Enden had been pristine, clean and orderly. This was anything but order - this was chaos. With his strength, he easily lifted a bit of the old wall, and looked under it to see shattered pots, dead and crispy plants, and more glass. Oily and black, nothing had survived the fire, so Koshi dropped the metal barrier and rubbed his hands together to clear them of ash before he walked away and leaned down in a corner to pick through another spot where the potted plants had found their doom. Further away, the once-massive, lush trees were now bony husks, crumbled and decayed. It broke his heart to see something May had found joy in wither away... He wanted to make her happy. As Koshi dwelled on May's smile, his fingers felt a familiar prick, and his nose picked up a sweet scent - he lifted a tile to reveal a single rose plant, fully intact.

Koshi almost whooped with joy. He reached down and cupped his hands around the pot, and picked it up as carefully as one might handle a baby. For a moment, the male cradled the flower against his chest, practically purring with satisfaction at his find, then took off in the direction of the house again.[/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]
May reached up to grip the handle of the fridge, but didn't open it. Instead, she stood there frozen to her spot as she squeezed her eyes shut. Today was their last day together and then the Andera would take him again. They didn't even know when he would be brought back. When he did return...would he be the same or would he be worse than he was now. She could only hope that he'll be okay. Opening her eyes, she finally pulled the door open and looked inside. There was still enough food to last them for about a week, maybe less. What will the Andera do when that happens? This was all just going down hill.

Suddenly, she heard her husband call out to her and a few seconds later, the front door closed. Did he just...go out? The brunette furrowed her brows. "Koshi?" She called out and only received silence. Her stomach churned and she was about to go after him, but she stopped herself. She didn't want to smother him, she wanted to give him some space. If he wasn't back by the time she finished preparing the sandwiches, then she would go after him. Returning her attention to the food in front of her, she got the same ingredients from yesterday and set them on the counter before retrieving the cutting board and knife. She took one tomato in her dainty hand and set it on the board and began to slice it.

[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]In moments, he was back. Koshi couldn't stand to be away from May for longer than a few minutes - he dashed back to the house, already missing her dearly. How in the world would he make it with the Andera taking him away from her, if it hurt so much to walk away for only a few moments? Quite simply, he'd have to try his hardest. He had promised May that he would be strong for her, although he didn't fully know what that meant.

He struggled with the door for a few moments, having difficulty finding the keyhole. When he managed to finally get inside, Koshi bore a happy grin to May. "I went back to the greenhouse... Look at what I found~" He triumphantly held up the flowerpot, and it was like he was a kid again, running up to May to show her a pretty rock, or a shiny bit of metal he had found on the ground. The flower hung limply, its deep red petals barely connected to the center of the furled plant, but it was alive. "Here, for you." He came up beside May, holding the rose out to her.[/fieldbox]

[fieldbox="Flashback, azure, dashed, 10"]An eight-year-old Koshi dashed up to May, cupping something small in his open palms. "May, May~!" He called out, an eager grin over his lips. "Look at what I found!"

He opened up his small hands to reveal a bright, silver screw. Perhaps it had fallen out from some appliance, or dislodged from Shia's armor - who knew? What mattered was that it was shiny, and bright, and to him, it was fantastic. Technology fascinated Koshi - playing with computers was his pastime, in those days. The screw seemed to remind him of that, and his excitement grew tenfold.
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[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]
May finished slicing the vegetables then got a plate and began to arrange them into a form of a sandwich, the tomato slices acting as the bun. It was quite sad, but it was what they had and they had to adapt to it. Setting them on the plate, she glanced over to the doorway and waited for a few seconds. Koshi wasn't back yet...She took a step forward and stopped when the door suddenly flew open. In came the love of her life holding something she thought she would never see again.

Her breathing quicker and she starred at him as he reached her side and held the flowerpot out to her. "It's...It's alive." She whispered in disbelief before she moved her gaze from the flower up to the man she loved a huge smile blooming upon her lips. "This is amazing!" She shouted as she took the flowerpot from his hands and placed it on the counter. Turning back around, she tackled the male into a bear hug while placing kisses along his cheek and smooches on his lips. "You're amazing..." She murmured before giving him a deeper and love-filled kiss.


[fieldbox="Flashback - May, green, dashed, 10"]
May looked up from her math homework when Koshi started to call out to her. The small frown she had on her lips turned into a full blown smile upon spotting her friend. He opened his hands and revealed a shiny screw. Her brows immediately furrowed and she leaned closer. "Where did you get it?" She questioned while setting her papers aside and hoping off her seat. "It's so shiny." She murmured as she leaned closer to get a better look at it. "What do you think it's for?"
[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]His grin intensified as May attacked him with affection, and he held her tightly against him in turn as she bear-hugged him. He didn't even know what to say - ah, Koshi had no trouble expressing his feelings, only with words. Well, he'd be truthful, he decided. "I'm glad you're happy..." His heart sang every time May smiled, and he wanted to kiss her grin and make it stay a while longer. May beat him to it, and Koshi quickly returned her kiss, shutting his eyes to savor her soft lips. When would he be able to feel them again? When will he be free of the Andera's torture? Before the bad thoughts could take root in his mind, Koshi pressed forward and took over, tilting his head and holding May's waist in his hands. His fingers slid under her shirt and trailed over her hips as Koshi pulled away, smiling, with eyes full of love as he looked upon May.

"Plants need water, right?" He asked, glancing at the dying rose. "We can save it..."[/fieldbox]

[fieldbox="Flashback, azure, dashed, 10"]Koshi shrugged, feeling uncertain. "I dunno..." His brows furrowed in through before the child suddenly piped up, "Maybe it's from a rocket ship!" It made perfect sense - what else used titanium screws? What else was shiny, and cool? Nothing, rocket ships were the coolest. No... May was the coolest. He suddenly looked up at her from beneath his bangs, his shy gaze peeking into her eyes for a moment before dropping back down to the shiny metal in his hands.

"Screws keep things together, right...? Here, it's for you." He held out his hands to the girl, a silly smile on his face. "Maybe it'll help keep us together too." He hoped the Andera wouldn't take him away again, not back to the lab...[/fieldbox]
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  • Love
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[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]
His fingers slipped under the hem of her shirt and slowly traveled along her hips while he deepened the kiss. She would miss this, hell she would miss him the second he was gone. She couldn't live without him. Once he pulled away, he reminded her of the flower and she was quick to turn around. "Yes, yes...Let me water it." She spoke out quickly, before rushing for a cup and placing it under the faucet, filling it all the way to the brim. "Hopefully this will help it." She murmured as she shut the water off and walked over to the plant. May slowly poured the water around the soil.

[fieldbox="Flashback - May, green, dashed, 10"]
"A rocket ship?" May questioned in amazement as her eyebrows shot up. "That's so cool!" She stated as she met his gaze before looking back down at the object. Koshi was always finding things like this, which was something she actually liked. "For me?...THank you, Koshi!" May grinned and cautiously took the screw into her hand. It was cool and heavy in her hands, after she was quick to wrap her arms around the boy. "We'll be friends forever." She murmured with a small smile. "We'll always be together."
[fieldbox="Koshi and Kaito, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]Koshi nodded, smiling as he watched May turn to get some water from the sink. "I hope so. Everything else looked dead... There are no more plants here. For all we know, there are no more Earth flowers like this on the whole planet..." As soon as May watered the flower, Koshi though he could see it perk up a little. It might have been just because he always figured May would have a green thumb, and he expected the plant to blossom under her touch, just as much as he had. After a moment of watching May take care of the rose, a dreadful thought surfaced in his mind - May had done so much for him... And exactly what had he done in return? Sure, he had saved her once, from Shia, from a cell... But May had saved him countless times before. Koshi decided he'd work harder - he needed to show her how much he loved her. How? He wasn't quite sure yet. Helping with chores was embedded in his nature, so it didn't count. Needless to say, that was something one should do anyway. Ah... He'd be strong for her. Surely that would be the best way... To show May that she had succeeded. At least, he thought so now.

Koshi spotted something on the cutting board, and approached it. A tomato... "I'm so hungry, I'd even eat a salad." He uttered, and took the knife into his hands to begin slicing the vegetable.

All of a sudden the front door opened, and in the frame stood Kaito, head tilted down and away. He shut the door behind him, spotted May and Koshi, and bit his lip.
His gaze was averted, and he looked much like a guilty dog expecting punishment for tearing up a couch. He sniveled, and Koshi noticed that the other's eyes were glazed with unspilled tears, and his pink-tinted cheeks still showed dewy tear-traces.

"I'm sorry..." Kaito uttered, and tightly shut his eyes to keep himself from seeing what he expected - their judgement. Koshi shook his head, disbelief in his eyes. He wasn't fast enough to realize that he should be reassuring the clone. Kaito awkwardly shuffled his feet, and continued to hold his head tilted away at a sharp angle, trying his hardest to hide his guilt-struck gaze.[/fieldbox]

[fieldbox="Flashback, azure, dashed, 10"]Koshi grinned as May hugged him, and he hugged her back, twice as tight. As long as May was with him, everything would be alright.
They'd be friends forever... Together forever. It made him so happy, that he almost cried. "Yeah. We will be... We will." The child almost sounded like he was reassuring himself more than he was reassuring May.

~ End flashback ~[/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]
May frowned, genuinely upset over the fact that their little garden was gone. Maybe if they had handle things differently then it would still be there. Maybe if they had told Kaito about their marriage in a more cautious way..."Well, let's try to keep it alive for as long as we can." The brunette murmured with a sigh, then picked up the flower and set it near the window so it could get some light to shine on it.

"We technically are." She replied distractedly while her emerald gaze remained glued to the red flower. It seemed the water had helped it a bit.

When the door was pushed open, May glanced over her shoulder and spotted Kaito, who refrained from meeting their stares. The brunette was shocked that he was here apologizing and for a moment, all she could do was stand there, until it occurred to her that maybe he needed someone to comfort him. So she quickly over to the male and gave him a hug and a few seconds later, she pulled away. "Are you alright? Where have you been?"

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