Order (Mocking_Jayy and Desu Juice)

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[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]May's hands captured his wrists, stopping Koshi from sliding his palms back up her thighs. "Nooo..." He muttered, disbelief in his eyes as he watched her wiggled out of his grasp. "Awww..." His somewhat disappointed gaze fell to the couch, but even though he looked rather defeated, he wasn't ready to quit.

Koshi tilted his head away from the shape moving towards him - her hand, holding a fruit up to his lips, and instead of taking the fruit into his mouth, he gently kissed the underside of May's wrist, then captured it in his hand, as he leaned past the fruit to let his warm lips fall upon her shoulder. The thing slightly tenting his pants absolutely did not want to wait, and with pink cheeks, Koshi squirmed in discomfort. Ah, how embarrassing... "You're cute..." Koshi muttered, once again aiming to distract her from his growling stomach, and he tilted his head to go in for another kiss...[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]
May wasn't at all surprised at the fact that Koshi had moved past the fruit to kiss the underside of her wrist before moving to her shoulder. She was honestly tempted to just go through with his wishes, but he also needed to eat. Maybe she could just...Before he could lean into the kiss, May moved the strawberry to her mouth and took a decent bite then moved to crash her lips against his. May push the piece with her tongue towards his mouth, in hopes that he would accept it and eat.
[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]Before he could press his lips against May's, she moved away and took a bite of the strawberry. His eyes widened, and he figured that he was being punished - May was showing him what he should have done, and what was important... But she crashed her lips against his before he could feel anymore guilty for rejecting the food she had prepared for him, and Koshi could feel something press against his lips from her mouth. Ah, May was trying to feed him...

He clamped his teeth shut together for a second, horror welling up in his stomach. There was no way he could reject that, her soft lips brushing against he mouth - but, he would have to face his fears. Koshi took the bit of strawberry into his mouth, using his tongue to help it along. She really loved him, and he would do anything for May, he would... Emotion overwhelmed him, fear did as well, oh the horror of having to see that table again - tears welled up in his eyes and spilled down his cheeks as his tongue met May's lips again to swipe across and taste them, clearing the sweetness of the fruit away. [/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]
May wrapped her arms around his neck, making sure that he wouldn't pull away so he would accept the strawberry. Thank the heavens that after a bit of hesitation, he actually accepted it. He even licked the remnants of the juice from the fruit off of her lips. She would keep feeding him from mouth to mouth if she had to, because he needed to eat. He needed to get healthy again.

Her eyes caught on to the tears in his eyes and she reached with one hand to gently wipe them away with her thumb. "What's wrong, Sweetheart? Why're you crying?" Her voice was soft as she looked down at him.

[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]Koshi pulled away a bit, and found himself unable to keep anything a secret when May's arms were around him. Like an overfull glass, he spilled over and spoke, "I don't want to eat, I don't want to get my sight back, because I don't want to have to watch them do things to me..." It was a silly idea -his sight had always been gradually coming back, he had simply never noticed when the cell had been blinding him. His breath hitched against the back of his throat, where a lump made it trip, then finally fan over May's cheek. "... I'm so hungry," he whined, and pressed his forehead against her's - his grey gaze focused and settled on her eyes, and he could see them perfectly when she was so close. Koshi settled down again, tears stopping as his heart became entirely engrossed in her pupils. He was lost in May's gaze, but at the same time - found. Home, where he should always be.

His breathing leveled out, and his eyes dried as May swiped her thumb across his cheek to clear the salty drops that still clung to his skin. It was remarkable, how quickly she could calm him down, and Koshi marveled at how placated his soul was with May's love. "I'm sorry..." He apologized, as always, for his foolishness.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]
May was relieved that Koshi he actually decided to open up to her and explain what was troubling him. However, she felt like a complete fool. She should have known that it was the same thing that has been haunting him all these years. "Oh, baby." May held onto her husband tighter, her heart clenching. "You should know that starving yourself isn't the answer." She murmured as she pulled back and began to caress his cheek with her free hand.

"You don't need to apologize. Everything is alright, just please eat. I want you to get better." May once again lifted the strawberry up to his lips.

[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]His adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed nervously, eyes going to the thing May was offering him. She was right, and he had been in denial... Koshi shut his eyes, and opened his mouth to take the whole strawberry. Ah, he was starving, it tasted so good - he needed more. Koshi leaned forward and rested his head on May's chest, taking his feet off the floor and folding them beneath his body so he could lean against her, and hold her tightly in his arms.

May was right, and he needed to have faith. Everything was alright, he would be fine... Koshi took a breath, carrying the warmth of her body into his heart, and let it kill his fear. Thanks to the angle of his body, he also spotted the bowl, and reached for it all on his own accord. Sitting up, Koshi started eating in a controlled manner... Although that changed once his hunger hit him full-force, and he began to straight-up cram the strawberries into his face, one after the other. Hunger was an awful thing... After only a few seconds, the bowl was empty save for one strawberry, which Koshi picked up and lifted to his mouth... Then stopped, casting an apologetic glance at May.

He had completely forgotten to share, being so caught up in his need to eat... Koshi lifted it to her lips, and chuckled bashfully. "Sorry... This one's for you." And all of a sudden, it hit him full-force; what if he had eaten all the strawberries? What if that was the last one? The greenhouse... A seriousness crept into his gaze as he held the strawberry up to May's lips. "I'm really dumb, I should have saved a lot more for you... That wasn't fair at all." Koshi lowered his head, feeling guilt ride up his spine.[/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]
May smiled lightly when he took The rest of the strawberry into his mouth and ate it. Now, he seemed a bit more encouraged to eat and be proved it by reaching for the bowl that contained the red colored fruit. At first, he ate them in a decent manner before practically inhaling them all. He was finally eating and she couldn't be happier. However, at the last one he seemed to realize something and he soon offered her the strawberry.

"Eat it, Koshi. There's more in the fridge." The brunette easily lied. That was the last strawberry they had, but he didn't need to know that. After all, she had a whole month of enjoying the precious little fruit, now it was his turn. Grabbing his hand, the brunette moved his hand towards his mouth, the strawberry waiting to be devoured. "It's okay. I'm not that hungry. Just eat it." She encouraged with a reasurring smile.

[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]The male quickly shook his head, "No..." He muttered, then decided to place the fruit between his lips. Holding it in his teeth, he leaned towards May, urging her to share the fruit with him. Hah, now she would get a taste of her own, irresistible medicine... His eyes settled on her lips, and his hands found her face, running up her neck to her soft cheeks, and held her face in a gentle caress as he brought the fruit closer to her mouth.

If he ate the fruit, and then discovered that it was the last one... Koshi would not be able to live with himself. He knew that it was May's favorite, and so, she should be the one to eat it. After all, he had wolfed down all the other strawberries... And May deserved it, she was utterly remarkable, his Love... She deserved truckloads of strawberries. His thumbs gently stroked her cheeks, and his love-struck gaze begged her to take the fruit from him.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]
May couldn't help but to chuckle when he did exactly what she had done. The strawberry was bright and stood out against his pale skin. The brunette wanted him to enjoy the strawberry, however his begging gaze was her resolve. "Fine." She grumbled before leaning forward. Her lips parted and came around the strawberry, then she took a bite. "You know...I wouldn't mind eating fruits like this." She stated after she chewed and swallowed the delicious strawberry.

"Well, now you ate, we can have fun." Placing her hands on his shoulders, she moved them to a laying position and May trailed soft kisses alone his jaw. This time her hand wasted no time in finding the waistband of his jeans. His index finger slipped under, however she paused to take in his reaction.
[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]Koshi chuckled, one of his hands straying to run down the side of her neck. He was glad that she had accepted the fruit, and leaned in to bump his nose against her's with a bright smile on his lips. "Hehe, I wouldn't either..." He appreciated the fact that May had wanted to give the strawberry to him - his heart sang with gratitude. And all of a sudden, he was being pushed down by May's dainty hands on his shoulders. Koshi let himself fall down, but naturally arched and craned his neck to see where he was falling. The month he had spent in the cage, blind and uncertain of his surroundings, had made him uneasy when it came to doing things that required some kind of spatial awareness, such as sitting.

May's lips against his jaw sent a wave of heart through his body, and it pooled in his stomach and sent the butterflies into a frenzied whirl. Koshi arched his hips into May's touch, and smirked. "Heh, I wouldn't mind eating more often if this is the reward..." Although with the greenhouse gone, he wondered if that would even be possible. Ah, no matter. Blood was moving away from his head, and going south as his hand went up to find May's hips, then slowly tailed down her legs, and up the front of her thighs.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]
[spoili]"Of course you wouldn't." She chuckled, before moving her hand deeper into his pants, where she found his member. Immediately she began to push her palm against him while her lips latched on to the skin below his ear lobe. She sucked and nibbled, before her tongue licked over the area. "We really are out of control." She chuckled with a smirk, before she traced her tongue down his neck to his collar bones. There she created another love bite. Her fingers, that were in his pants, wrapped around his member and began to move back and forth.[/spoili]
[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]May pushed her hand past the waistband, and Koshi emitted a groan of pleasure as her hand began to move, and he wondered how she even managed to fit it into his pants. Her lips met the skin of his neck, just below his ear, and Koshi found out just then that woah, that was a really sensitive area. His hands stopped for a moment as he became distracted by her hand and her mouth moving in unison against his skin. He finally regained some of his higher mental processes as her lips momentarily detached themselves from the spot, and his hands shifted to gently settled on either side of her face to catch her attention, but before he could speak, her teeth found his flesh, and her hand was around him, and whatever he wanted to same came out a nonsensical moan of pleasure.

After a moment, he managed to collect his thoughts enough to form coherent words. "May... I w-want to make s-sure that you... Uh..." He was turning redder with every passing second. "Get pregnant..." He really was hell-bent on having a child, even though it was probably a bad idea what with their surroundings and whatnot.[/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]
The brunette's movements came to a halt when her mind registered Koshi's words. He wanted her to get pregnant. Immediately, happiness flooded her being causing her to suddenly crash her lips against his. Her lips moved in a quick pace, trying to show their love and adoration for the male under. After a few seconds, May pulled away and pulled her hand out from his pants. "Come on..." May slipped to her feet and urged the male to follow by pulling at his sleeves. She wanted to take this to her room, where they had enough space to move about. Not to mention, what if the Andera suddenly came in or worse, Kaito.
[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]May's lips met his in a passionate frenzy, and the kiss completely overwhelmed him with adoration. He moved equally fast to try and keep up and return the kiss, but her hand pulled out of the waistband of his pants, and he could feel her fingers slip up his shaft, so for a few seconds he paused, devolved into pleasant mindlessness at the sensation. Suddenly, May stood up, pulling him up by the sleeves.

Koshi eagerly followed her upstairs, glancing behind him for a mere moment to stare at the bowl, just beyond the capabilities of his vision, left unattended to on the table. Ah, but this was so much more important than washing dishes... He turned and almost tripped with his eagerness to catch up with May, but managed to stay upright. At the top of the stairs, he entwined his fingers with May's and found himself at the bedroom door, which he quickly opened for May, then shut and locked once he followed her in. Koshi quickly turned to May, and reach for her. His hand slid up her arm, found her waist, and pulled her closer so he could press a lengthy, passionate kiss against her lips.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]
At the top of the stairs, May followed Koshi's lead by intertwining her fingers with his before they made their way to their bedroom. He pulled open the door and shut it after they both stepped in. The brunette was more than happy at the fact that he too, wanted to have a child. It would be the commencement of their family and a new wonderful chapter in their lives. The baby would be something pure and wonderful in their lives of sadness and pain.

Koshi's hand suddenly gripped her arm before traveling up to her waist, where he then pulled her close into a passionate kiss. Meanwhile, her hands moved to the hem of his hoodie, where they slipped through and traveled upwards to feel along his stomach then up his chest before going to his back. They pulled away and May was already breathless, but they wouldn't stop now. She pulled him over to the bed, where she collapsed on the sheets on her back.
[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]Feeling her hands running over his heated skin, Koshi couldn't help but shudder. He wanted May, he needed May. He'd die without her, without her being his - entirely. He reached out to touch her hand, smiling brightly as he felt the wedding ring around her finger.
May guided him over to the bed, and as soon as she fell on her back, he crawled over her, resting with his hands on either side of her body, and his hips between her legs. He blocked out the light, for a moment, as his head lowered so he could kiss May again... Like the rolling twilight tumbled over Earth's green hills, he became a comfortable sky over her green paradise. It was only a brief smooch, an he drew away for a moment to meet her gaze.

"No matter what, I'll be there for you, and for our child, if this works. I promise, okay? No matter what..." He loved the idea of their love creating a new life. "It isn't just the Andera that can play God and make people... We can make a life too, with just love. I think that's amazing." He smiled, eyes twinkling like stars with eagerness. [/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]
May's emerald orbs starred into his stormy grey ones as he spoke. They were such beautiful words that brought a warmth of happiness to spread throughout her being. He always managed to make her feel better and he always made everything feel right. "I love you so damn much." May stated, before cupping his cheeks with her hands and pulled him down for a love-filled kiss. Pulling away, moments later, May held his face in her hands for a moment. "You'll be an excellent father. Don't doubt it. I have trust in you." May murmured before giving him a quick smooch, then allowed for her hands to begin roaming his body.

"You know...clothes is so unnecessary." She smirked as she gripped the hem of his hoodie and lifted it up to his armpits to remove it.
[fieldbox="Koshi, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]"I love you too~" He chirped, and then was pulled down for a kiss that made it harder to stay sane - so much love, and it was easy to return the kiss with an equal amount of passion. Koshi practically began to glow at May's words, and he cracked a happy grin, unable to keep his own joy at bay. Ah, all of a sudden he felt full of fireflies, and his heart was a taped-up jar to keep them in. His wife's gentle hands were what put it together for him, and now, it could finally hold onto happiness again. "Really? I dunno... But, I know you'll be a great mom, that's for sure."

All of a sudden, Koshi felt May tug his hoodie up, so he settled back onto his haunches to pull it off completely before quickly returning to give her a small, playful smirk. "You know, I agree." He played with the hem of May's shirt for a moment, laying soft kisses against her cheek and neck, before leaning back to push her top all the way up. In moments, he was pressing kisses against her stomach, around her belly button, his hand sweetly caressing the curved side of her body. For a moment, he rested his cheek against her abdomen, smiling to himself as he realized that May would be a home for a baby. Their baby. Koshi glanced up at her, cheek warm against her skin, then shut his eyes.
The moment lasted for a few seconds before he pulled himself up, and pushed May shirt up higher, exposing her chest... Much to the delight of his somewhat-recovered eyes.
[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]
May grinned when he took off his hoodie, then resumed his position above her. He shifted to lift up her shirt and began to lay kisses along the exposed skin of her stomach. She couldn't wait for the moment when the baby bump appeared, showing the growth of their child. A warm smile appeared on her lips as she watched him rest his cheek against her abdomen before moving back to lift her shirt up to her chest, exposing her sensitive mounds. May immediately reached down to pull off the garment, giving him complete access to her torso. Her hands moved to caress along along his shoulders, then quickly traveled to the waistband of his pants and she was quick to unbutton them.
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