Open Your Heart. (Draco/Oc) (potassiumboron/Severu

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Atropa sat at the kitchen table, fuming. Draco was probably laying in bed, smug, thinking he was the good guy.
Probably thinking things like "see? I didn't even ask, you just exploded out of nowhere and got mad for nothing!!"
When in fact, he'd hinted, beat around the bush, about it.

Of course she was annoyed!

Slamming her cup down on the table, she grabbed her jacket and apparated straight out of their house, and right in front of Adrian's.
He opened the door straight away as soon as she knocked, and she entered, still fuming, already complaining loudly about Draco.
Maybe cancelling the divorce wasn't the best thing.

A few hours later, and several alcoholic beverages, Atropa had yelled, and cried, and was now tired out.
She and Adrian lay on the couch, her head on his shoulder, tears now dry.
"You know, he really likes to push your buttons.." Adrian told her, and Atropa sighed, nodding.

Looking up at him, she smiled, remembering their days in school.
And then Adrian leaned forward, and their lips met, and soon they were kissing furiously, and ripping clothes off, making their way to his bedroom.
If he was honest, he had no idea she had left the home really, though it wasn't out of neglectfulness or blocking her out - in truth, he was doing something completely loving and kind for her.

As she practically cheated on him, he was busy on his laptop booking the holiday for them, smiling to himself once the money went through and the hotel was booked, and flights sorted out. He had wanted to make sure the hotel was nice, and that did mean having to borrow money off his parents - something he never liked to do, so it at least showed his desperation to please Atropa and have fun with her.

Their newest disagreement where nobody really was to blame (he knew they both had handled it awfully) only propelled him to want to make it up to her, and at least apologise and do something nice that she clearly wasn't planning to do in return.

When he had finished, he happily wandered down to break the news, and when noticing she wasn't there, he did find himself frowning. Though, wasn't this how the argument started? Knowing that, he forced himself not to dwell on it -he guessed she had gone to Adrian to vent- and instead spent the next hour or so at the oven, cooking up dinner for him and his wife.​
An hour later, Atropa woke up in bed next to Adrian.
They were both naked, and she was cuddled up to him, his body was warm and his hands gentle on her sides.
Sitting up abruptly, she got out of bed quickly, heart and head pounding.

She'd drunk too much, and done something stupid.

Grabbing her clothes, she slipped back into them and checked in the mirror to make sure her hair was okay.
Adrian didn't stir in the bed, and she apparated home, entering the front door quietly.

Easing into the guest bathroom, she showered quickly and wrapped her robe around herself before going into the bedroom.
"Booking the vacation?" She asked, a small smile on her lips.
She would act like everything was normal.
"Hm? Oh, it's booked. I... It cost a lot, I had to beg my father for money. It was demeaning, but it's worth it. I'll ask for a pay rise at work to pay him back, or I'll just do overtime," he shrugged to himself, currently laid in bed and flicking through the TV, though did mute it in order to suddenly pull her down to the bed beside him with a smile, immediately wrapping his arms around her.

"I'm sorry. For earlier. I was a jerk, and... of course you can go and see friends, jeez. This is a marriage. We're together, but we can do stuff separately, of course we can. Just... honestly, tell me to shut up next time I do something idiotic, and let's face it, I'm an idiot so it's likely I'll mess up," he laughed, easing close to place a surprisingly gentle kiss to her forehead. "Right, I hope you're hungry. I attempted to make dinner. It's... not worked out great, but I tried. Save you doing it. It could well poison you, but I tried, aha..."
"I have a job too, Draco. I can help pay it back."
She hadn't said anything, but she'd been making more than him for years. She'd saved his pride by avoiding speaking about her salary.
Even more guilt piled on now, knowing he'd begged his father for the money, and she'd just slept with Adrian.

"I-I'm sure anything you made is just fine." She replied quietly, smiling softly.
Her heart squeezed painfully with guilt, but she said nothing.​
"But it's my treat. I want to spoil you sometimes, so let me. You've spoilt me for years," he reminded with a growing smile, taking her hand eagerly, mostly to just have that contact with his wife that he had missed for the hour or so she had gone out - that wasn't going to be mentioned, though. He was happy to learn from his past mistakes, and not mention her frequent disappearance.

"I made roast beef," he stated, cracking the knuckles in his spare hand absently. "Honestly, I think I could end up killing us. I never really had to cook for myself as a child, did I? I was a spoilt brat."
"Alright, alright." Atropa answered, smiling.
She knew that it was true, but the guilt settling in her stomach made her feel sick to let him spoil her.
Draco had cheated on her first, but it didn't mean she needed to do the same.

"I can whip us up something, then, if you're that afraid."
Atropa chuckled, shaking her head and making her way into the kitchen.
She was a bit afraid herself, honestly.
"Hey, I've made it now, and... it's supposed to be romantic. I lit candles, but they've sorta melted because-- well, you weren't here, which is fine! Ah, anyway, I can relight them," he grinned, using his wand to set the two alight again, and plating up the meals once rewarming them-- again, with magic. It was easier than having to wait minutes using the microwave.

"Et voilà," he chuckled, silently placing himself in his seat and pouring out the wine for them both. "Tuck in, okay? Try to, at least. The beef looks... really dry..."
Atropa smiled weakly as she took a seat, looking down at the roast beef he'd made.
It did look awfully dry.
With her wand under the table, Atropa quickly did a small spell to make it less dry, and have more flavor- the way she would have cooked it.

Grabbing her fork, she cut off a piece and popped it into her mouth.
"It's delicious!" She said happily, smiling at him.

He wasn't oblivious - he knew full well that it had looked dry, and that the taste hadn't entirely complied with the original image. But instead of mentioning it outright, he simply leant to kiss her quickly, a genuinely appreciative smile growing on his face.

"That's why I love you," he said cryptically, even though the hint wasn't entirely subtle. "Mm, it is nice, isn't it? Perhaps I'm a better chef than I thought-- I wish, psh."
Atropa shook her head, laughing happily.
"It's quite delicious." She agreed, taking another bite. She was glad he was not offended.

"So, when do we go on vacation?" She asked, her smile fading slightly.
"Next month, so get time off work, okay? I'll be going in from tomorrow, I phoned my boss, he's happy to take me back-- I said it was personal matters to explain my absence. It isn't false, so... anyway, it's resolved now and we'll have a nice holiday," he hummed contentedly, pouring out just a little more wine to accompany his second serving of roast potatoes - something he had at least managed to make without burning or ruining.

"I'm sure it'll be great, getting away from stress of work and all that for a little while."
Atropa finished off her small portion of dinner, setting her napkin down on top of the empty plate.
"It will be very nice." She agreed, smiling.
She was full now, and dinner had been good- thanks to her little bit of magic.

"Thanks for dinner, love. It was great."
"It was awful until you intervened-- thankfully, anyway. I was starving, and I didn't want you to have to cook," he explained, downing the rest of his wine and cracking his shoulders once on his feet.

"We ought to get to bed, hm? It's been a long day, and considering I'm supposed to be back in that hellhole tomorrow, I need the sleep," he sighed, the thought of the fuss made from his co-workers when he entered tomorrow making him cringe. There were bound to be rumours over his disappearance from work, and knowing the inevitable whispers that would occur only made him frown already.​
"It was nothing big." She told him, smiling as she put the dishes in the sink, to do tomorrow.
Stacking them carefully, she turned to Draco, and nodded.

"Yes, of course. I'll be up in a minute."
Making her way towards him, she kissed his cheek gently, before putting the bottle of wine away and generally tidying up the kitchen.
She wasn't tired in the slightest now- the nice dinner had made the guilt in her stomach build even more, and she felt sick.
"Right, sure," he smiled before heading on up, seeing no need to find her decision to stay behind that odd - why would he? He was far from aware she had cheated, and if he was, he probably didn't have a right to be too angry about it.

Even though the situations were somewhat different. Cheating was cheating, but when he had, things between them had been awful and he had just lost a child with Atropa. Now, he and Atropa were getting on and acting like a couple - he hardly expected her to cheat during this sort of period in their marriage, where things were actually running as they ought to.

Atropa cleaned up a bit more, and then when she was sure Draco was up in bed, she sent a quick text to Adrian.

That can't ever happen again. I need some time away from you. I'm going on vacation..
Please don't contact me for a while..

She hit send, and locked her phone, having added a password to keep Draco out.
She just couldn't deal with him finding anything right now.
Only when noticing it had been a while did Draco grow relatively impatient with how long she as taking, though impatient in the sense that he simply wanted her to come to bed, to relax and for them to cuddle - that was literally all he wanted from their marriage right now.

For them to be close and happy in one another's arms.

"Atropa, are you coming up or what?!"
Atropa turned off her phone and went upstairs to their bedroom, laying her phone down on the nightstand.
Slipping into bed, she cuddled up to Draco gently, closing her eyes.
"Sorry. I got busy cleaning."

"You shouldn't, you know. Just use magic, it's easier," he snorted, kicking off his slippers absently before eagerly shifting over to allow her some space in the bed. "...Tomorrow, we could go out for dinner? I'll be tired from work, as will you, and it's also a good excuse to have a romantic date, isn't it?"
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