Open Pandora's Box

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"This is all my fault Ku so I'll take the blame" Rune sighes as he looks back at her smiling lightly. "There not going to hold back against me nor will most of them believe one man did all this, but you can't afford to lose the one yo ulove cause of me"
Kurureenu sighed, suddenly becoming irritable before rearing back and punching Rune in the arm. "You.... Why do you always do that? You think you're playing hero by giving yourself up on things and play the 'oh-poor-pitiful-me' card. You're not a bigger person by just giving up, Rune! How do you think you got into your bullshit to begin with? You were playing the knight in shining armor. Stop that!"

She saw the boat coming closer before turning her attention back to Rune. "You think my and Liev's love is weak enough to where this will fuck it up? That's not how a relationship works. We share the fucking blame. Equally. You are not my prince anymore."
Rune laughed. "I know I'm not your Prince, but I'm your friend Ku and I have choices as well as you" he chuckles. "I knew you never go with that plain your more hard head then me some times and who says I'm giving up"
"I'm saying you're giving up because you always do. Let's just deal with these assholes together. After we're done with all this, Liev and I are totally moving out of the city. This place is gonna need a total revamp, anyway," she told him. "And the boat's getting ready to dock... Hopefully humans aren't fond of probing, too."

She chuckled before muttering, "You'd probably like it too much," under her breath, a mischievous smirk across her face.
"I heard that Ku if anything I still don't know what I missed while I was a sleep so if anyone going to be questioned is you" He laughed as he crosses his arms as watched as soldiers came off the boat, "Ku is it me or does that boat say Rino on it?" he said as he points to the boat as it said Rino corp on the side
Kurureenu frowned and squinted, stretching one her eyelids to adjust her contact slightly. "Yeah... Rino," she murmured, turning her attention back toward Rune with a frown. "Arron... The guy who made you open the box." Her gaze went back to the people off-loading. "He became our ally in the midst of battle. Don't look down on him because he was just as lost as you are."
The soldiers surrounded Rune and Ku as a group of medics ran towards Arron. "Why are you people here?" Rune asked. One of the men look at Rune. "Shut it we followed are bosses tracker and was ordered by his daughter to find him" Rune looked more confused
Kurureenu frowned, hearing about the tracker and the daughter. She turned around to see the medics with Arron and raised a hand toward them to beg their attention. "Guys... He's gone," she announced. Then she turned back to the man who spoke.

"We're... very old acquaintances of Arron. He helped save this city from the chaos that it was born into. He's a hero," she informed him. "I'm very sorry...."
"Take them back to the tower along with Sir Rino" One of the soldiers spoke. "Hey why should we listen to you?" Rune spoke as he didn't want to be taken in. The soldier hits Rune in the gut with his gun. "Boy were a private army and we have the right to kill so be happy Vivian hasn't order us to kill"
Kurureenu watched as the soldier butted Rune in the gut and ran over to support him. "So this is how you treat old acquaintances of your boss? It's great to know you guys perform good business," she sneered, glaring at them. "Why are you taking us anyway? Private army or not. As far as I'm aware, there's no documentation saying that you have the right to take us against our will. Let's say... As in a warrant?"
The soldiers laughed at Ku. "Girl we got all the paper work we need" One spoke. "The city gone crazy with the major dead and Miss Rino ordering the rest of us to take control of this chaos" Another spoke. "You dumb monkeys back off Misters Vivian's guests" Spoke an older man wearing a suit with his grey hair in a pony tail. "Please forgive these monkeys they have no manners my names Zeff I'm well the butler" Zeff smiles warmly.
(The butler did it. He did all of this.)

Kurureenu turned her attention to the newcomer, squinting at him carefully. "Zeff..." she murmured, the name sounding familiar. She was having trouble placing it, trying to figure out where she had heard of this gentleman. Her head ached slightly and she closed her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"So... we're guests now," she muttered, reopening her eyes and staring down the soldiers. She then raised her voice with, "AKA, back the fuck out of my bubble or so help me, you will not have testicles!"
(Zeff always does it XD)

Zeff laughs. "You are indeed a friend of Mater Rino" he then gestures the soldiers away as they listened. "Again I'm sorry about all this please come to the boat and we'll take you to land" Zeff spoke as Rune gets back up. "Ouch that fucking hurt and thanks we'll love a ride back" he slightly glares at Zeff not trusting him. Zeff smiles. "This way" Zeff then starts to walk towards the boat as the soldiers part as the medic's cover Arron up and carry him onto the boat
Kurureenu hung back a little bit, grabbing onto the back of Rune's shirt to make sure he did the same. "Be careful of this guy," she murmured. "I've never met him in this life, but my past life memories are getting fuzzy because of the magic being sealed up. I recognize him, but I'm unsure from where." After her warning, she released him, walking past at a faster pace and onto the boat.

All of her senses were on high alert again. She can feel her neck hairs prickling and her skin tingling with anticipation. Something was going to happen, and she was sure of it. This wasn't going to be the end of their little adventure.
Rune walks on to the boat realizing the soldiers seemed different the moment this Zeff guy showed up they seemed more nervous. "Ku somethings wrong here" Rune whispers as he looked around seeing Zeff walk to the front of the boat as the soldiers got on the boat Rune notices that they carried Arron's body to the lower decks. "Look how scared the soldiers are Ku" Rune spoke softly as he saw chairs where Zeff was as he walks over taking a seat. Zeff kept smiling as he looks at the statue. "What a sad site to see" Zeff spoke. "Sir Elwood we have found the box" spoke a voice came over a walkie talkie Zeff had as he brings it up. "Good make sure no one opens it" Rune looks at him. "So your taking that cursed thing?"
Kurureenu nodded slightly, sensing the fear from the soldiers as they moved about. She watched them carefully as she spoke to Rune. "I see what you mean, Rune," she murmured, her eyes following their movements until she heard the voice over the walkie speaking to Zeff.

She turned her attention toward the butler. "That box needs to be kept safe... In a museum," the woman stated. "And it's a piece of history. It needs to be reveled."
Zeff turns towards them and sighs. "I'm sorry, but after what happen to the city this box will be stored away from the public eye" Zeff looks up as he see a helicopter come above the statue dropping off more soldiers and a cable line. "Make sure you guys are safe and get me that box" Zeff spoke into the walkie talkie. Rune watches the man. "You plain on using that power aren't you?" Zeff puts his walkie talkie away looking at them. "You shouldn't have ever opened that box Rune and Ku you shouldn't have ran into him" Zeff looks down. "Then none of this would have happen" Rune looks at the man. "We never gave you are names" Rune looked at Zeff confused
Kurureenu listened to the man speak, watching the helicoptor fly by and drop off it's passengers. After a few moments, though, her attention went directly toward Zeff. Rune's statement was sinking in as her gaze turned into a glare. She stepped forward, instinctively placing herself in front of Rune in a protective manner.

"You want to rule the chaotic world," she sneered.
"It is not mine to rule Ku like it was never master Rino's right as well, but we need a way to fight whats in that box so where going to an island to test out it's affects" Zeff smiles widen. Rune stands up glaring at Zeff. "And you think that it's power can be contain on one island your more crazy then I thought lets be honest your not her on her wishes your here cause you where going to kill Arron and try to take the box for your self" Rune got angry. "Ku move so I can deck this old ass man in the face" Zeff chuckles softly. "You think me to be that evil I'm the Rino most trusted man and I have help raised the young Mistress and wish her no harm as well as her father"
"Pandora's box isn't supposed to be limited to a city or an island when it is opened, Zeff," Kurureenu started. "It's supposed to devastate the world! What makes you think that there's any way in hell that an island is going to contain that much evil?" The woman listened to Rune telling her to move and stayed in her spot. "You can't fight anymore, Rune. Your ax is gone, so stop acting high and mighty."
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