[OOC]Return of the Dragon Tamers: The Plague of Ogual

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


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  • Welcome to Illos....
    Note: Only the accepted users on the list below may post in this thread, if you'd like to signup, please head on over to the signups and work on your CS there. Any non-accepted players' posts will be removed. Thankyou.

    Sign ups are now closed for chapter one.
    Please check in for more slots when chapter two opens.

    The following players are accepted and have claimed their dragons.
    Soulserenity20 ---- Merrik Tetra ----- Obsidian Nova, Nightmare Dragon
    Soulserenity20 -----Terria Tetra ----- Ataegana Kuu'iah, Lunar Dragon
    Soulserenity20 -----Avren Lebram ----- Viridian, Forest Dragon
    Rainjay -----Saira Rinien ----- Aerarya, Atmosphere Dragon
    Rainjay -----Illyria Rowena Renthir ----- Mirazh, Desert Dragon
    Firejay1 -----Narien Ki'ila ----- Angi, Arcane Dragon
    White -----Rèverie Gray ----- Celeste, Celestial Dragon
    Mowkie ----- Pomona Ayelet Muldell ----- Katla, Vanity Dragon
    Mowkie ----- Alder Balthazar Grey ----- Andraste, Valor Dragon
    Crimson77 ----- Xylia Kalei Iwalani ----- Deventh, Swamp Dragon
    Remaining Dragons are:

    The Following Dragons Are Out of Commission:
    +Orange (Solar) - Deceased

    Roleplay Website*: Click Here

    *Please note that the information on the website is largely a WIP. While the posted information is generally going to stay as is, the pages are constantly being updated and added to. (By constantly I mean as often as I can. ^_^)

    Link to the IC
    Let the Journey Begin

  • Link to Roleplay Info:
    Tamers Perk List (Not relevant as it stands since it's not up to date, but will soon be.)
    Illos Land and Settlement Page
    Tamers Information Page
    Beastiary (Forever a WIP)

    COMING SOON: Character asset List.

    Merrik's Thoughts on the Army:
    I first and foremost aim to fill the following ranks:
    1st Captain: my right hand tamer whom I will trust with all leadership in my stead should the times call for it.
    2nd Captain: one who will be a support to myself and my 1st captain.
    Scouts: those whose primary duty is to be our first line of offense and defense: observance
    Defenders: these tamers must be powerful protective mana users. A strong defensive wall against our enemies will be infinitely useful.
    Warriors: as with any army, all soldiers are to fight, but I will need a team with a powerful offense specifically to be send out to deal damage. These will have to be skilled in mana, but also very well trained with a weapon and as a team with their dragons.

    ASSIGNED RANKS: (Not to be confused with combat roles, as listed below)
    1st Captain: Goliath Atreus
    2nd Captain: Terria Tetra
    Scouts: Saira Rinien, Avren Libram, Aris Vaughn
    Defenders: Goliath Atreus, Narien Ki'ila, Dalaith Malai, Illyria Renthir,
    Warriors: Terria Tetra, Kalona Fischer, Requiem Mortalis, Reverie Gray, Aiko Vadarys, Aislin Whitely

    I've set out the following fighter classes to establish a means of arranging the army, each tamer must fall into one category of combat roles as a primary and one as a secondary:
    Offensive Mage
    Defensive Mage
    Offensive Non-mana Fighters
    Ambush Warriors

    So far, my thoughts are as such:
    +Goliath has proven himiself a valuable warrior and earned both my respect and confidence. He will be my 1st Captain without question. I trust him to keep the others safe in battle with or without me. He will double as a defensive mage, as his bonded ability has grown much stronger since his time in Kona Petl.
    +Avren has grown as a healer and has put effort into developing himself as a warrior. While I will continue to encourage him to grow as a warrior, his role will be that of a healer. He will work as an archer as well, should the need arise.
    +Saira has gained my confidence as she has shown her capability as a survivor, a soldier, and a friend to many in the order. She will serve as an archer, as this has been her strength, but I would double her as an offensive mage, given she continues to develop her elemental mana.
    +Kalona concerns me as she grows more and more ill. She holds a vast amount of potential as a mage but if this mark brings the end of her mana use, which I sometimes fear it will, she will need to serve as a spear-woman, for she works well with her weapon and is quick on her feet. I hope to maintain her in her role as an offensive mage and a defensive mage, but time will tell if such hopes will be for naught.
    + Dalaith continues to grow and develop her capability in fields of both mana and combat. Now that she has established a level of self-sufficiency with a weapon after her time spent at the Stallion tribe, I am more confident putting her in the front line as a mage. She must be able to defend herself if her mana fails and now, I feel she can do at least this. She will now serve as a defensive mage primarily, and an offensive mage secondarily.
    +Terria will serve as an offensive mage, as I originally planned. But we may need to pull her back at some point and use her to heal the wounded with Avren, for there are no others with any level of skill in the healing magicks.
    +Requiem has begun to show potential. His bonded ability has become well established after his time at Kona Petl and after some displays of aptitude in combat, I'm confident in placing him onto the battle field. I am most inclined to position him as an offensive mage and an offensive non-mana fighter.
    +Reverie has finally dealt with the disturbing issues she had previously displayed and grown to be a stronger mage because of it. I feel she can now work to gain aptitude with a blade, but I still am not confident in her combat abilities. She will play the role of a dragon warrior and fight from atop her dragoness, keeping herself out of harm by remaining in the skies. She will lead the three newcomers.
    +Narien has displayed a level of courage (or craziness) that leaves me oddly comfortable about his place on the battle field. The man is adept with a blade and has incredible perception. A bit unorthodox, but capable. I fear his elemental mana is not yet stable enough to be a strong weapon, but his bonded ability has grown since his time at Kona Petl, as was hoped. I will aim to utilize him primarily as a defensive mage, but also as an offensive non-mana fighter.
    +Aislin TBA
    +Aiko, Aris, and Illyria have not yet gained my confidence that they should be in the midst of the battle. They will serve as dragon warriors and remain airborn, dousing the foes with fires and transporting the injured back to the healers with Reverie as their lead.
    (Note to crimson: I'll edit this once Xylia is in)

  • +Posting/Activity Rules and Regulatory Fun
    +Lengthy Unexplained Absences+
    Any unexplained absence proceeding the span of one week will result in a warning. If said absence continues for two weeks, you will be considered MIA and you will lose your slot in this roleplay, but are welcome to apply again in the second chapter.

    +Multiple Unexplained Absences+
    If you regularly go missing for several days without a word and are constantly responsible for holding up the progress of this roleplay, you will receive a warning. While real life isn't always predictable and you may have other roleplays, I expect you to have a level of dedication and respect for this roleplay just like everyone else. Should your behaviour continue and I or Erranruin feel that you have are severely dragging the roleplay down, your slot in this roleplay will be removed.
    Again, you're more than welcome to apply in the second chapter.

    +Locking up Another Player's Character+
    In the case of a collaboration or interaction between characters, you will be expected to post in a punctual manner. If you do not have the time to do so at that moment in time, please refrain from entering into collabs or arranging character interactions.
    In a personally arranged collab you will be expected to post every 5 or 6 days. Failure to do so will be considered "locking up" another player's character and that player gains the right to end that interaction either by voiding the collab or by closing the interaction with a generic, non-altering post for your character. If you don't want to have your character spoken for, don't lock other player's character up.
    In a GM initiated collab you will be expected to post once a week, with a grace period of 2 days for explained tardiness. If you do not post within the week, you will be contacted and asked to post. If you do not post within the two days, your character will be moved along by either myself or by Erranruin to prevent the other players from being held up.

    +Low Quality Posts+
    While I generally don't believe I hold the right to harshly criticize other player's posts, I expect a level of writing from this roleplay. If you are continually posting posts with less than 2 paragraphs, improper grammar, violations to the lore, or character altering of other player's characters, you will receive a warning which may lead to the loss of your slot in this roleplay. If you aren't willing to put effort into this roleplay like everyone else, you don't need to be in this roleplay.

    +Time Limits+
    Unexplained Hiatus: 7 days warrants a warning. 14 days warrants your removal from this RP. The countdown for any future or current Hiatus will commence upon the posting of this rule-set.
    Multiple Unexplained Hiatuses: 4+ days of unexplained absence warrants a warning. 3 warnings in one month warrants your removal from this RP. The countdown for any future or current Hiatus will commence upon the posting of this rule-set.
    Multiple Excused Hiatuses: 5 or more absences with excuses, spanning 4+ days in one month will warrant the discussion of your removal from this RP. This means you are absent from this roleplay 20 days out of the month. If this persists into a second month you may be asked to leave this roleplay on the grounds that you do not have the time for it. The countdown for any future or current Hiatus will commence upon the posting of this rule-set.

    +I love you all+
    I don't like having to inflict these kinds of rules but I firmly believe they are for the good of the RP as a whole. I don't WANT to lose any of my players but I'd rather lose one or two instead of having the entire RP fail because it's constantly being held up. If you find these rules to be unfair or unjust, please contact me VIA pm and we can discuss your concerns.
    Thank you,
    [tab=Character List][/tab][tab=Character List][/tab]

  • (I know there are two Char. List tabs. I can't get rid of the one -_-)
    Character Hexes
    Aerarya is #800080
    Saira is #33cccc
    Merrik is Lime
    Nova is Black with Shadow and Italic.
    Avren is Green
    Viridian is Yellow Green with Italic.
    Terria is Dark Azure
    Taega is Medium Gray with Glow and Italic.
    Requiem is Maroon
    Aleria is Dark Green.
    Agni color is #999999
    Narien is #0092b3
    Kalona is #cc8080
    Lyre is #8fb2b2, with italics and [ shadow ] [ /shadow ]
    Goliath is Amber
    Hezekiah is Red and bold

    *Any not listed here were not provided to me.
    Soulserenity20 Merrik Tetra
    Nightmare (Black)
    Obsidian Nova
    Soulserenity20 Terria Tetra
    Lunar (Pewter)
    Ateagana Kuu'iah
    Soulserenity20 Avren Lebram
    Forest (Green)
    Rainjay Saira Rinien
    Atmosphere (Silver)
    Illyria Rowena Renthir

    Desert (Tan)
    Shadicmaster Dalaith Malai
    Intellect (Gold)
    A'untyr Miirym
    Freyalise Kalona Fischer
    Deep Sea (Blue)
    Wytchfinder Goliath Atreus
    Noble (Iron)
    Silver Aislin Whitely
    Dream (Pearl)
    Requiem Requiem Mortalis
    Jungle (Rainbow)
    Narien Ki'ila

    Arcane (Platinum)
    White Rèverie Gray
    Celestial (White)
    J_"Kraken" Nimrielye Elyen

    Inferno (Red)
    Mowkie Aiko Vadarys Vanity (Amethyst)
    Crimson77 Xylia Kalei Iwalani Swamp (Olive)

  • War is starting! Please remember that if you encounter any dice-based events, you do not have to take part. You can choose to opt out. The events are purely to help me better develop my dice system and add some random chance to the game. Be sure to read all battle posts carefully and work together to win the war!
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July 1st but still July
I've traveled a lot. I was born in Austin, Texas, but I've been to Maine, North Carolina, Georgia, Connecticut, Florida, etc. I live in Arizona right now until this weekend. Then I'll be living in Nevada. Crazy I know.... What's even more insane is the fact that I lived in Arizona for the majority of my life but I've been to most of the 50 states of the United States of America. (Never out of the country sadly.) And you can't tell by my profile because my location in earth XD.
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Arizona for me and Anastia
Where am I from? Nowhere that information is too personal! D:

... Kidding. Washington state, baby. Come this fall I'll hopefully be in Seattle doing the college thing. Whee.
I was born in Heidelberg, Germany...parents were Army.

But I've lived in Tennessee most of my life, moving from place to place within the state...finally landed in a highschool where my graduating class had 83 people in it. I was number 11 with a 4.05 GPA....devastated at that fact. Linguistics killed me. But yeah, we never started until August...then again, life for my brother is a little different, as the district has changed a few things around...poor kid only has two more required classes...he could have graduated a year early, but alas.

My dad's a truck driver, though, so I've seen most of the continental US, including Colorado, Arizona, Texas, and the like. My favorite state is Colorado...would sooooo move there, but most people who live there are crazy, and I really don't want my future children in such an environment.
Why, thank yous! I worked on it all day. T-T *happy tears*
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Lol I'm from canada myself ^~^ born and raised :)

A 4.05 gpa? Ours only goes up to 4.00 lol damn U S of A and their weird everything.
My mom says she has gypsy blood. She can't stay in the same spot too long. Says she gets bored. For the most part, besides Arizona I only spent a few months in one state then move to another.
4.25 is as high as you can go if you take Honors Courses...5.0 for AP Courses. I never got to take the AP courses in high school, as those would either take away from my required courses, weren't available, or cost at least $300 a piece, and I come from a modest family. So, I stuck with Honors...kept a 4.15 until my junior year...then it slipped a little more, and I got kicked out of the top ten.

My mum actually has gypsy blood (Hell, her name is Italian for Beautiful Gypsy)...probably why she loved the military. We can't always move, so we change the place around, typically. But for the place we're at now, we would move every three years almost on the dot. It's weird...
@Erranruin , will you be able to post today? I wanna post again to get some interactions going while all the loose ends of the initiation get sorted out so we're all in the same place before I move us along. Come Sunday I think I'm going to move us to the next little scene
I I ally got a Bluetooth keyboard for my iPod so I can type out my responses faster! Thing is.... Doesn't come till Thursday.....
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@Erranruin , will you be able to post today? I wanna post again to get some interactions going while all the loose ends of the initiation get sorted out so we're all in the same place before I move us along. Come Sunday I think I'm going to move us to the next little scene

I was thinking of posting tonight! ^_^
Hey, you guys don't get to be the only ones having fun interacting after bonding! I'm gonna put up a post tonight. I think we need some more activity up in this here roleplay! Got too much of it in ooc right now. :P
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This interaction was just to tide us over until everyone got in their first post tbh! Or at least I think thats what it was. Soul is gonna give us a post moving us along very soon. Dont worry tho, people who still need to do their bonding post can do that.
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*eagerly waits*
I I ally got a Bluetooth keyboard for my iPod so I can type out my responses faster! Thing is.... Doesn't come till Thursday.....
I have one of hose for my ipad but I was dumb enough to buy a silicon one :| terrible. It's just collecting dust. The one I want is a hundred bucks though so uh, not any time soon! Lol
@Soulserenity20 lol, I made sure to get a solid one. And I was lucky enough to get one that works on every OS. Score for $20!
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