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One Piece: The Black Moon Pirates

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Andesite Island - Marine Outpost, midnightblue
Nesmath handed the entire search over to Requiem and Lorcana. Soon teams of marines had been dispatched to every known entrance of the Island's cave system with more marine teams working under Lorcana's direction to seek out certain things. Those that entered the caves were kept in smaller teams of two or three.

Ensign Rooke was offered his choice of command. Lead a small group in, or be in charge of a larger group at one of the cave entrances.

Caim and Aurelia were given a similar choice. They could go to the training hall, which the marine was kind enough to give directions to, or they could join in on the attempt to apprehend the criminal as well. There was a sort of vague hinted promise in that last offer that said if they formed their own two man team together, they could move between the groups and ask any marines they saw about local pirate activity. Perhaps they could get their answers that way.

Fenrir Kaldr, the commodore in charge of the marine ship that had delivered Caim and his people to the island, was similarly recruited. Nesmath wanted to be present to help Lorcana in her search for the rare object, in hopes of getting to it before any criminal elements, and he needed someone to stay at the outpost and run things in his place. Fenrir readily agreed.

Joshua Belslick, meanwhile, had found something entirely different to occupy his attention. When he had left the ship and gone to the Marine base he had been more than willing to wait while the situation was straightened out. He had ended up in the Outpost library and there he had found something of little value to anyone else, but of great interest to him. Yes, the moment the port freeze was lifted he would be on the first boat out of this place and on to an adventure of a lifetime. One that he believed would prove to be highly profitable.


Through the chaos a single reporter wandered, taking notes and recording it all.
This was the sort of story that could make a career.​

Andesite Island - The Woods, green
The opening to the cave Rosa had chased Cassiopeia into was actually within reasonable walking distance from where Kaine had chosen to explore the jungle. Had Kaine wanted to he could easily have heard the sounds of the two women's battle and arrived at the area in time to see her disappear inside. The tunnel was long and dark and Rosa had a clear choice to follow, or choose another way.

The cave itself was one of many that riddled the island. Formed long ago by the flow of lava that made up an entire network that worked itself through the volcanic core and out again, the cave was not exactly a trap, but rather a way of escape. Or it would be had marines not already been sending teams to every known entrance in the hopes of catching Cassiopeia inside them.


Unknown to all three (should Kaine decide to investigate) their battle had an audience. Jacobs, well hidden by his devil fruit abilities, had witnessed the entire thing. He smirked as they disappeared into the cave.
"Well this is interesting," he rumbled to no one in particular, "very interesting. Shall we inform our partner of this turn of events? Perhaps one of them will find what we seek and we shall be able to claim it from them." Jacobs tilted his had and headed back towards his base of operations as quickly as he could. His partner would want to know, and soon. She never had liked it when he brought her information late.

Andesite Island - The town, tan
In Andesite's main and only town Angel had quickly moved back to his normal way of life. The adventure of the day before had been quickly forgotten in the necessities of living. Food for example.

Talhar continued to trail the rumor of what he thought was a rare artifact, only to be disappointed when he learned it was only a spear. However his ears quickly picked up other rumors of more interesting things and he set off in search of those more promising pursuits.

Andesite Island - The Striker, gold
Emrik watched Reimu leave with a slight smile on his face, but his attention was quickly taken up by other things. Sebastian had taken advantage of the brief moment of silence to approach and explain how he had found an old friend on the island who was in need of a bit of help. The man wanted to leave the crew. Given his reasons Emrik quickly, and understandingly, gave his permission. A moment Later Vivienne was promising to help them as best as she and her sister could.

The news that Kyy's spear was at the marine outpost was not welcome, but then that information was followed by the promise of treasure. Emrik's mouth twisted into a grin, and while he was still annoyed by his crew-mate's plight he was not about to pass up the chance of a payout.

"That's a very useful ability you have," he started about the ghosts, "I don't suppose you can use it to tell me two things? First, is there a chance we can get to this treasure first? and second, what are the odds that the person with Kyy's spear will be heading after it as well?"

Andesite Island - The Blackjack, red

Haylia knew she probably shouldn't stay aboard a ship, what with the sea-sickness and all, so it was with a heavy heart that she wrote Requiem and note, which she left with Coo to be delivered, and disembarked while Requiem was busy talking to the marines. besides, there were probably lots of things she could do on this island.

The little bird paced around on the deck waiting for the captain's return.

Meanwhile, there were three other persons on the Island who had been waiting for the return of the Blackjack. Requiem had sailed past the island on his way to Sabaku and they had seen something interesting. When his crew had asked to investigate Requiem had agreed.
Now that the Blackjack was back in port it was time for those people to reunite with their captain.
Andesite Island: Arrival

He thought of how wonderful it was to go out to sea sometimes, as he walked through Andesite. A clank could be heard every time he made a step, with his outfit moving as he took every step. He took out a paper and looked it over again, his mind pondering over what he should do, as he had to be briefed as soon as possible, but he couldn't be rude about it either. As he enters into more unfamiliar territory, his only guide are the instructions, and before long, he sees the Outpost in sight. "Finally." He says, pulling the white coat off his shoulder and moving it over onto his back, to reveal the kanji on it. "I'm finally here."

Stopping before the entrance, he quickly salutes to whoever was guarding the entrance, before making his way inside. "Alright, if I remember right, uh..." He pauses, scratching his head as he takes out the paper again and looks it over. "Man, I crumpled it up pretty bad. I should of been more careful with it. I can be so careless like that sometimes, I need to remain calm though." He puts away the paper again, making his way around to try to find a soldier. "Excuse me." He calls out, scratching his nose a little with an innocent blink. "Sorry to interrupt, but I was hoping to get an update on the situation, and wondering how I could help out?" He grins innocently, though he could tell someone was probably giving him an iffy look.
Huā stretched her arms out, tired after having sat at a café table for far too long. Across from her was Claus, sipping from a cappuccino cup which looked ridiculously small compared to his enormous hand, sitting on a small chair which looked like it would break any moment now under the weight of him and his heavy armor. Next to them sat Catherine, slowly petting her third eye (which was closed at the moment, presumably resting) with a glass of almost untouched lemonade. They were waiting for further orders from their captain, who had arrived at Andesite, yet still hadn't spoken to them. Huā sighed. "If only we knew he would be taking this long, we could've come up with something else to do..." "You'd rather we stayed at the volcano looking for minerals?" Claus replied in his deep voice. Huā remembered the original reason they stayed behind at Andesite. She had heard that the volcanic ashes were good for your skin, so she wanted to pick some up for a face-rub, and apparently there was some rare volcanic ore which was good for smithing that Claus was interested in. Why he was so interested in that trade was a mystery to her, since he could produce better armor and shields through his devil fruit, and he would never part from his beloved "Tsukikage", so he didn't really have much use for it. She settled with thinking of it as a hobby of his. The biggest mystery here though was why they decided to take Catherine with them. They thought it was a good idea because she always spent her time cooped up in her room on the blackjack, so it would do her good to get some sun and fresh air, but then again she always wore that big hat which blocked out all the sun, and the fresh air didn't help her speaking abilities at least. She hadn't said a word since they arrived at the island. Huā weighed the parcel of ash in her hand, wondering if it was really worth it. She could've probably just bought it from a shop somewhere in the grand line, anyway. She sighed once more, ordering in another piece of peach cobbler.
Returning to the base Rooke saw Marines of all ranks scrambling around the base getting geared up. He had been gone for most of the day, and apparently missed out on all the action. Luckily he was quickly briefed by a messenger about most of the recent activity. The only part that mattered was, the killer had been cornered into a cave somewhere in the jungle, coincidentally near his private training spot. Captain Nesmath had given him the choice of going in the cave with a small group, or guard one of the cave entrances with a larger group. Thoughts flooded into his head of the possibilities. If he chose to go straight for the killer with a small group and managed to take her down . . . he could easily make his way up in the ranks of the marines. But the person they've been chasing up and down this island had gotten out of quite a few tight situations.

What if they just get away again?

No he wouldn't let that happen, not again anyway. He dispatched the messenger back to Nesmath to inform him of his decision, with a list of Marines he specifically wanted to assist him. He would guard the cave entrance, no one would get in, or out without his say so. On his way out the base he was approached by a young man around his age.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I was hoping to get an update on the situation, and wondering how I could help out?"

Rook gave the stranger a curious look. He could tell the man was new here. " You came in at the best time . . . or probably the worst time depending on your take of the situation. An unknown killer has been cornered in one of the islands cave systems. All help is appreciated but I'm not sure I can help you much in the way of jobs." Looking the stranger up and down, he noticed he carried weapons. Any help would be great with this situation . . . but he wasn't sure how his conscious would fare if this man got himself killed. With a sigh he finally spoke, "You can help me out, nothing big. Just guarding an entrance, but before we get to that two questions. Why do you wanna' help, and can you take care of yourself?"
Vivienne curtsied again. "Thank you most kindly, I do my best with what I have. To answer your second question first, it would appear most likely. The person in possession of the spear is after all a treasure hunter." Silhouettes of several more ghosts swarmed around her. "To answer your other question, the marine have already positioned their men around every entrance to the cave system on the island. However, if we slip by them into one of the entrances, it would simply be a race for who finds it first, meaning we still have a chance. Now, simply slipping past them unnoticed won't work, but luckily me and my sister have a method of disabling people without engaging them in combat that means in essence the same as passing by unnoticed, because they will be unable to report our presence."
Caim and Aurelia were given a similar choice. They could go to the training hall, which the marine was kind enough to give directions to, or they could join in on the attempt to apprehend the criminal as well. There was a sort of vague hinted promise in that last offer that said if they formed their own two man team together, they could move between the groups and ask any marines they saw about local pirate activity. Perhaps they could get their answers that way.

The offer Caim and Aurelia was given was nothing to be taken lightly. The criminal they were after seemed to be skilled, so Caim had to think about it. After a moment or two, he declined.
"Don't take it the wrong way. I would help you right away under normal circumstances. But right now, i don't know what my team would be capable of. There is a high risk of mistakes for me and Aurelia, so we'll go to the training halls. Once we are done and there is enough time left, we will join in."
Caim took the lead and went to the training halls. While walking, he turned to Aurelia.
"Not that i would change my mind, but you do understand why I decided to train instead of going straight into the battlefield, don't you?"
The person talked to him, but seemed to sound suspicious of him. He shrugged it off however, it sounded like a bad day for these guys, as he takes a hold of his two sheaths. "I can take care of myself, for I am a practitioner of the Nitoryu Style and am at my best when these two blades come out." He lets go of them, thinking it would be pretty stupid to try to pull off the sheaths and have the blades come out by accident, he didn't want that. "As for your other question, criminals always threaten the people when they appear. To protect these people is our duty, it is how we carry out Justice. I would be happy to help out with your mission, for if it will protect these people from any criminal activity, I shall answer the call."

Raising up a hand quickly and putting it up to his forehead, he salutes the other Marine and gets a serious expression for once. He saw saluting other Marine's as a sign of respect for them, rank or not, it didn't matter to him if it was necessary to do at his rank or not. "I should introduce myself before we head out into the belly of the beast. Lieutenant Commander Kiyoshi Yume, Nitoryu Practitioner of the Marines, ready to help you out!" He sounded serious about it too, until the salute went down, then the kind expression he had before returned and he smiled at the other man. "So, what shall we do? It sounds like we are short on time and must head out soon, before this bad guy gets any worse, which I shall allow the criminal's to do!"
Nitoryu style? He had never heard of it, as well as many other sword styles. Rooke had never trusted weapons, they could be taken and used against you, or break when you need them most. It was better to rely on your fists, they could never let you down. As the man unsheathed his blades, they seemed to have a strange quality about them. Just being near them he felt a bit weaker. Seastone, he quickly confirmed.

When the man finally re-sheathed his swords the feeling passed. Shaking his head, Rooke brought his eyes up from the blades, to the man Rooke listened to what he had to say. The stranger seemed a little long winded, but his heart seemed to be in the right place. But at the mention of the other mans name and rank Rooke couldn't help but feel a little silly. "Lieutenant Yume, I'm Ensign Arvand Rooke. Nice to meetcha'." His grin widened, the man in front of him was a Lieutenant!
"I can show you the way if you really insist on helping."
"It would be most appreciated, Ensign Rooke!" Kiyoshi thought of how the man was of lower rank for a moment, but he guessed they put him in charge for a reason, so he wouldn't question it. While Kiyoshi appeared to be kind and simple minded on the outside, on the inside, he was plotting on how to deal with the criminals. For a second, he thought he could see the Ensign act strange when he went to his blades, but he shrugged this off, it wasn't that important right now. He thought of if any of those Devil Fruit users would be among the criminals, and if they weren't, what were they capable of?

Questions like this and more always concerned Kiyoshi, he was jumping into a fight he had no knowledge about of the enemy, but that didn't matter to him. Justice mattered, and seeing the smile at the Ensign's face, well, something in Kiyoshi's heart reminded him of his childhood. He once grinned at the sight of Marine's, how he hoped to become just like them one day. Perhaps, he thought to himself, that there is still yet hope for this situation. "If you are ready, lead on. I shall follow, for I have everything on me that I need to bring into this fight!"
Reimu - The Town, crimson
[spacer]Soon enough through some travel through thick woods and such, Reimu slipped herself into the streets of the town. With her get up, she likely looked no more than an ordinary woman. She came across a cafe and decided to stop in, a small grin appearing on her deadpan-expressed face,[/spacer]
"A cup of tea would do the trick right about now.. I've got the pocket change for it.."

She walked inside and passed the table that the 'Blackjack Three' had been lounging at, taking a small glimpse at the group as she noticed some of their quirks. Interested at best, she didn't stare as she kept moving, taking note that they were passerby's... However, with how the man was equipped and the.. Thing the little girl was holding, she assumed that one of them at least may have been a devil fruit user, or at the very least not just an ordinary group of travelers. Still, her reason being there wasn't to pry on anything suspicious, after all she needed to keep a low profile of her own, even if no one on the island knows her.

Approaching the counter, she flashes a small grin as she slides a few coins of beri down, "I'd like a cup of herbal tea if you don't mind. I'm quite parched from a long day, it would do me some good if you will."

The man over the counter greeted her with a smile and nodded, taking what was needed and returning the small change, "Sure thing miss, I'll have it for you in just a moment. Feel free to take a seat and I'll bring it over shortly."

"Thank you." She then went off to take a seat at one of the outside tables while adjusting her hat. She really wanted to take it off, but she couldn't drop her guard down in case someone would possibly notice her. There's no telling if posters have been sent to the marine outpost here about her being taken 'hostage' among the wanted posters of the Black Moon Pirates after all. Though, she wasn't done with just tea here. There were a few things on her mind she was thinking through. Part of her wanted to know where Caim was, but she can't risk being spotted yet. She has no idea what he could do if she were just out in the open, out of the confines of the Striker supposedly being hostage. It was a large risk that rattled her mind.

Soon enough her tea was brought to her and she thanked the man again, taking the cup in her hands, fingers curling against the handle as the woman, who's not even twenty, seem to drink it so refined. She exhaled gently as her deep blue eyes stared off to the sky, seeming to be relaxed and in thought.

Kaine - The Woods, silver
[spacer]With the sounds of fighting heavy in the air nearby, it only sparked his enthusiastic curiosity as Kaine moved to get a closer look. Luck be have it, he got a good glimpse of two 'monsters' that looked to be women in some form; some kind of snake creature, along with a half-spider woman. Either one of them could be the one the town was looking for, but at this point he didn't seem to care as a wide smirk crawled upon his pale lips.[/spacer]
~Oh this should be good.. Just what I was looking for. That spider woman looks pretty skilled, I bet I'll have a lot of fun testing my mettle against hers.~

As the two seemed to have entered the cave further as they fought, Kaine soon followed as he patted his left arm, which seemed faintly bulkier than his right under his black coat. Chuckling quietly under his breath he shakes his head and moves his right hand to the hilt of his hip-sheathed katana, drawing it as he enters in after them, wanting to see more before he would act to join in. The prospect of either fighting two opponents at once in a free way battle, or just one of them suited him just fine. Deciding of which was the issue.
Kyy looked at the sisters. "I'm not doubting your abilities, but if on the off chance we are spotted I can keep them from reporting our presence." He still didn't trust them but they were his bestchance at finding his spear.
Lillian looked at Kyy and chuckled sweetly. "Oh, we didn't say they wouldn't notice us. Our method involves... Incapacitation, don't you remember?" She turned back to the captain, and the rest of the crew at large. "So, what's the plan?"
Rooke led Kiyoshi through the town, making sure to stay at a moderate pace. Watching Marines run through the streets wasn't a very reassuring sign to citizens. Eventually they made their way into the outskirts of town and stood at the edge of the jungle. Before making his way in, he turned to Kiyoshi.

"The cave entrance is a straight away shot from this position, we can get there in no time if we run."

With a final wave for the Lieutenant to follow, Rooke darted headlong into the jungle. Moving swiftly he checked, behind him every once in a while to make sure the Lieutenant was keeping up. Eventually they arrived at the cave entrance where a group of around 15 marines he had personally selected were already standing guard by the caves opening. Exchanging nods, he stopped for a second to listen. The sounds of a fight could be heard from inside the cave, that fact made him feel a bit anxious . . . but at the same time, he couldn't help but feel excited. Turning back towards Kiyoshi, he gestured towards the entrance.

"I know you want to help Lieutenant Yume, the target we're after is in that cave. But I'd strongly advise against entering sir."

As he spoke, images of the victims the killer left in their wake flashed through his mind. Clenching his fist he continued.

"You are my ranking officer sir, whatever you decide is your call. But if you're positive about going in, you aren't going alone."
Kiyoshi nods to his words, having followed him into the jungle and saw him quickly run off ahead. "Oi, oi, I better follow after him. He's going so fast, I don't think a race on foot would do much good." He walks over to the nearest tree he could find and looks up at it, giving a big smile as he felt excited. Rooke would find his superior climbing up a tree, while putting one of his sheathed sword's into his mouth, keeping the other one at a good distance from bumping into the tree itself. A lot of mumbling could be heard, due to his mouth being full, as he reaches up at a good branch and pulls himself to stand on it.

"Go on ahead, I'll be alright." Kiyoshi says with that big grin of his as he had pulled the sheathed blade out from his mouth and reattached it to his side. "A Marine must be ready to face any danger at any time, so he must constantly keep active!" Suddenly, Kiyoshi leaps from the branch he was standing on and caught a hold of another branch on a different tree. Grinning again, Kiyoshi swings himself forward and catches a hold of a branch with his other hand this time, keeping up this motion as he seemed to be getting more into it. "The view is wonderful by the way! At least, it would be, if these trees weren't blocking it! Darn trees and clustering up everywhere!"

Once they had reached the destination, Kiyoshi leaps on down and lands near them, letting out a sigh as he stretches out his arms. "Ah, that's great and all, but my arms are so worked up! I swear, those trees were mocking me I bet!" Shaking off his hands, he looks to the others that were there and raises a brow, putting his hands on his hips, as if making a heroic pose.

"Yo. The name's Kiyoshi Yume, and it appears I'll be joining you on the mission. I honestly thought the other guy was in charge, but I guess I'll say a few words too. So, I believe the best course of action, to me anyway, would be to remain at our station. I don't know how many exits they have to use, but that fight sounds more like a distraction to me. I suggest trying to keep them in so they're forced to surrender, but we will take action if Rooke says we shall. Also, I hope we'll be careful if we're switching posts with someone, I don't want those pirates hurting any of you guys is all."

Raising up his arms, he closes his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest. "Well, that's it from my end, I'll be letting Rooke take action from here. So, give him the best of your cooperation and let's see this mission through, eh?" He finished with a grin, keeping his arms where they were as he thought of who would be fighting in there right now.
Aurelia Shin

Hitting the bags.

Aurelia was a little surprised that Caim decided to go to the training hall rather than go after the criminals immediately. He gave her the impression of someone somewhat headstrong. The fact that Caim didnt act as Aurelia predicted showed that he wasnt headstrong to the point of reckless.

"Don't take it the wrong way. I would help you right away under normal circumstances. But right now, i don't know what my team would be capable of. There is a high risk of mistakes for me and Aurelia, so we'll go to the training halls. Once we are done and there is enough time left, we will join in."

A small smile curled at Aurelia's lip. That last line was enough to change her opinion of Caim. His head was screwed on straight. Confident, but also calculating and logical. If Aurelia was to put her life in the hand of some officer she has only just met, she sure as hell wanted him to be smart about how he goes about his mission. This made Aurelia a little bit more trusting.

"Not that i would change my mind, but you do understand why I decided to train instead of going straight into the battlefield, don't you?"

"No, no. I am fine. I can see why you would want to gauge my ability. After all, we only just met not too long ago. It would be good for you to know where i stand so you can plan accordingly."

Quickly catching up to Caim, Aurelia kept up with his pace towards the training hall.

"So... what will it be? Aptitude test? Ability test? Or a straight out punch em up?"
Caim just replied "Wait for it." as he continued to lead. The two of them arrived after a while in the training halls, which were luckily mostly unused. Aside from a few marines who were lifting, there was no one. That meant that they had a lot of space for them, which was just perfect for Caim's idea. He searched through the cabinets until he found exactly what he needed. Wooden training swords, made for sparring. He threw a wooden Nodachi to Aurelia, and took a sheathed wooden sword for himself. To get used to the new weight, he made a few simple movements with it. and he noticed that the weight was not that far off from a normal sword. There was probably lead inside them.
"Let's keep it simple. The first one to land a good hit wins. No ring out, and no time limit. Ready?"
Caim entered his battle stance. He lowered his body a bit and moved his legs apart. His left hand was on the scabbard of the wooden sword, and his right hand was on the hold of his sword. If Aurelia knew a thing or two about swordsmanship, she would be able to tell that Caim was a Iaito style swordsman. It was sometimes confused with the Ittoryu Iai, but there are clear differences, which Caim was about to demonstrate.
Aden Kwake, blue
Aden Kwake is a curious man, to most of his acquaintances he is an enigma. A man bound to his principles is a rarity among men of his profession. Aden is a mercenary, one who fights for money, but if you ask him it doesn't define him, it's just a way to pay the bills. His current job had brought him to Andesite Island at the bequest of his employers in search of an as yet unnamed store of value. His current job had him running hail merry through a dark damp booby trapped cave mapping all the roots that didn't lead to this 'priceless' trove. His current job had nearly gotten him killed nine more times than his last nine jobs combined. His current job involved employers that seems to be megalomaniacs, one of which had a pension for popping out of nowhere with powers of inviability. Aden wasn't sure he liked his current job

For now Aden was finished with his task of mapping the caves underneath Andesite. He had discovered all the exits form the system and where every branch lead. All the while dogging such classic traps as the "massive bolder chases you down hallway" and "step there and get hit with poison darts from the wall". So far he'd noticed in time to avoid triggering them and gotten around them thanks to the powers of his basho-basho no mi. The only down side is that the sonic blasts that were an inevitable side effect of moving around in that manner were sure to have been noticed by now, even as deep in the cave as he was the resonating boom would have reached the exits as something akin to cannon fire. But Aden was done, he's found the one passage in the caves with the highest density of traps, so dense in fact he hadn't dared try to moved past them as he couldn't be sure that any spot he chose to change to wouldn't also be trapped. So now he was withdrawing to inform his employers of his progress. Hopefully they were ready to moved forward with whatever mysterious plan they were plotting and he would only need to make one more trip into these dam caves.

Aden reached his exit point, it wasn't exactly an exit a normal person could use, it was simply a crack in the ceiling of the cave that ran up about 200 feet to the surface. From the top side it was a crevices about two feet long and six inches wide that lead into the dark. From below he could just see a small crack of daylight. He'd dropped a simple flair down the crack to see enough of the chamber so he could move down with a location change early that morning when he's started his task. Now the flair sat on the floor long burned out. Aden looked up and shifted out of the caves into the the small jungle clearing above instantaneously displacing the air at his destination and compressing it into an infinitesimally thin layer against the shield that always formed around him after a shift. The blast and shock wave could be herd for a few miles around sounding like a particularly loud cannon through all the jungle vegetation. The immediate area was devastated, top soil scraped clean to the bedrock for two feet around and the vegetation torn clear from the rest of the clearing. A few trees at the edges looked a little crooked too. His employers knew that the sound of his return would signal the completion of his task, they would be coming, Aden settled back, leaning on a particularly tilted tree to wait.
Things had managed to work out rather well, in her opinion. Lorcana had more than enough eyes to find the artifact now, regardless of the source, so she was feeling good about the search. The caves were crawling with marines now which may also scare off anyone else who dared to follow. This many marines would scare anyone off, she hoped. This was all her territory as far as she was concerned. Anyone spotted here not wearing a marine's uniform would be considered an enemy.

"We are looking for something that has been hidden for a very long time and of which no one has seen for many years, it will not be sitting out waiting to be taken," she explained. "I expect that you will be able to handle yourselves should we wonder into any traps. On that note, I will ask that if you see anything telling of any possible hardships, well, harder than what we may encounter along the way, or oddities that you will inform me and not attempt to go any further without my say. I'm in charge and I expect that you all understand the importance of this venture."

The marines responded accordingly, though not all favored the way she spoke to them. Should the others apprehend the murderer before they find this object, whatever it is, would they have to remain under this woman's leadership? The same question went through Lorcana's mind but she said nothing as she lead the way through the underground caves. She hated not having an exact location but it almost didn't matter with the marines on her side.
Andesite Island – The Striker, gold
Emrik nodded as the sisters gave their explanation. "Well then, by all means lead the way. Preferably to the cave entrance that's the least guarded." He grinned and looked around, the scar on the side of his face stretched by the smile. "Crew, we're going treasure hunting and we're getting back Kyy's spear. Be ready to face the marines, but don't do anything reckless. I intend to sail from this island rich and with all my nakama on board!"

Andesite Island – The Woods, springgreen
Jacobs heard what sounded like cannon fire and turned to flash a smile at his companion.
"It looks like Aden has proved his worth after all. Shall we go?" A moment later he had set out through the woods to the designated meeting point and the location of their employee. Upon arrival he didn't bother with formalities.
"What did you find?" Jacobs demanded, "and can you get us in?"
Aden Kwake, blue
Aden waited patiently alert to the sounds of the forest around him, it wasn't long until he head the muffled approach of feet. Aden's employers emerged into the clearing moving purposefully and demanding.
"What did you find?" said the man with the pension for appearing out of thin air, also know as Jacobs "and can you get us in?"

Aden pushed off the tree with his back to stand up strait and face his employers arms crossed. "Getting in was always easy, and getting out is even easier, Even with both of you I can still clear the distance from the cave system to the surface at most any point, only reason I needed that crevice over there was to see the bottom so I could gage distance and not end up in the rock." Aden explained dismissively, shifting blind was always a risk when obstacles were involved, but it was mostly mitigated the fact that solid organics displaced his shift destination. Unless the obstacles were considerably more dense, a wall or living room furniture were no match for his shield, but bedrock was another mater, sure, he would displace the rick at his destination and his shield would hold back the pressure while it was still up, but as soon as it dropped he would be crushed. No, shifting blind was something best avoided.

"As for what I found..." Aden drew a small notebook, filled with his mappings of the cave system. Aden wasn't a cartographer by any means but the lines were still smooth and relatively accurate to scale. "The cave system is massive, and almost every passage has one or more traps set up in it. I can move through them with out setting them off for the most part, but still dangerous to the unwary. There is one passage left that I never reached the end of. it was too heavily trapped to risk shifting through, the blast might have set any number of them off."

"I can take you down and through the system to the last passage anytime you're ready" Aden walked smoothly over to stand next to the crevice to wait for his employers to join him.
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