Old Friends

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"Silly, silly human. You think I care about that now? I know I own his life now. Down to the blood cells that run through those sweet delicious veins. I'm not here because of him. No, no. I'm here because of you. You....You should have fucking killed me. Now....I'm a monster, who just can't control himself. But dont you worry Xander. I want kill you just yet. You die last. Your friends go first."
Despite his usually rude and snide nature towards others, he genuinely cared for his friends, more than anything. They were his family, having no real family himself. "A-Archie, no... l-leave them be, not all of them had anything to do with this! Just... I-If you want to kill someone, kill me, not them."
Archie eyes seemed to soften as he looked at him. "Ah, I see. You really do care for their souls, huh?" He asked and gave a smile, before his expression turned dark. "Well, it will make it even more fun when I kill them all in front of you huh? Where was this heart of yours when I begged, screamed and cried for you to stop beating me hmm? And then you just tossed me in some hole to die. You broke my arms, my ribs, my jaw, my nose, my legs, nearly all of my fingers and kicked out a lot of my teeth. And you think I'm going to show mercy when you didn't do the same for me?"
"But they didn't do this to you. Some of them don't even know about that night..." He replied, his tone losing it's fearfulness as he tightened his grip. "Let them go, Archie. This isn't about them."
"Your right, it's about you and making you suffer. I don't care if they don't know about that night. All I care about is making you suffer."
"Then get ON with it!" He snapped, a growl to his voice as he bitterly stood there, gun now at his side
In a flash, the vampire was no longer in eye sight, and one of the friends in the group was missing. After a moment of silence a bloody arm dropped in front of them out of no whrre.
He held down the urge to vomit, eyes brimming with tears as he watched the pool of blood form ariund the severed arm. Peering up at the ceiling, he hoped to whatever higher being there was that he wouldn't see something awful
And there was his friend. In pieces. Head dismember and his legs along with his other arm. All being held up by some magical force.

"I....I gotta get out of here!" Yelled a man as he banged on the door that refused to open, the vampire still not in sight.
Swallowing his emotions back, he chucked the house keys towards the man as an attempt to at least save one of his friend's life, one person was better than no one right? "Archie... Wherever you are, listen to me. If y-you want to kill me, you better do it now you sick fuck! O-Or.... Or I'll kill myself. You'll never get your beloved revenge!"
"As if I'd let you do that. You didn't even realize I took your gun, now did you?" Archie whispered, it sounding as it was in his ear
Peering down at his hands, he inhaled sharply at the lack of weapon. "You're... Disgusting, do you know that? I may have killed you, but you're the real monster. I never would have done this..."
"But you did. You're a gangster Xander. You've killed people for their organs to sell in the black market. Your the monster here, not me. I'm just getting sweet revenge."
He hissed at the mention of his business as he watched a few of his friends break down the door. Taking a walk away, he nervously glanced at the window. Pounding on the glass hard in attempts to break it, he had forgotten that he equipped the apartment with bulletproof glass to protect their gang against other rival gangs in the city. "Fuck..."
The ones who broke down the door, he immediately, and swiftly killed, by breaking each neck. He then came after Xander, by stabbing him in his right eye with a grin. Not enough to kill, but enough to make him blind of course, and in pain.
Doubling in pain, he stumbled to his feet while clutching his right eye. Feeling the blood ooze from the socket, he immediately panicked while looking around desperately for the vampire, disoriented by the fact that his left eye was completely gone, practically splattered.
Once steadying his breath, he shot a glare at the vampire. "I'm not afraid of you, or anything that you can dish out, you fucking freak." He snapped, desperate to keep his cool, even if he knew he was about to die. "If anything, you're the afraid one. You're too afraid to kill me."
Crying out in pain, he immediately gripped the other's arm as he desperately tried to calm his breathing, something that was becoming harder and harder steadily. "Y-You.... You think this scares me?! HA. I've seen things far scarier than this, asswipe. T-This... This is childs play to me."
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