Off to War round 2 (parts already taken)

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"Did you bring the food? You should have kept some in your car if you didn't want it eaten." Alana told him before grabbing some chips. "You know how everyone gets."

Most of the guys had already started eating and drinking already. And two were throwing chips at each other.

"Whoever makes a mess has to clean it up after." Alana reminded them. She hated cleaning up so she never participated in any of the activities that left a mess.
"You are right, I forgot how greedy everyone is"
He picked up some chips and looked over to the other guys listening to Alana's lecturing.
"You warn them, but they probably couldn't care less."
He sat down looking around.
"It's fun how this feels all nostalgic with everyone around.
Jason was always getting nostalgic and lost most focus on everything else.
'I will tell her later...' He thought about it a lot, he wanted to get it over with.
"You talk as if you have already gone off and started college. Just enjoy it Jason. Come on, lets go play volleyball." Alana said, tugging on his hand. If they started she knew a game of guys against girls would start and keep people occupied for some time.

"I'll start," she said, grabbing the ball and hitting it in the air as a test. Once she got used to the weight Alana hit it over the next to him.
Jason shook his head to get back into reality.
He ran up to the ball hitting it over to her, waking up from his previous thoughts.
"Don't be too hard on me!"
He smiled as he started to enjoy beeing there again.
Alana just laughed in response and hit the ball back over. Pretty soon other girls and guys started joining in and it turned into a huge game. "Dive!" One of the girls told Alana and she listened. She was able to hit the ball over, but now she was full of sand.

"I'll be back." She said before running into the water to clean off. Alana took a little more time, watching them play. They seemed to be having fun and for a moment she felt sad that they would all be headed off in different directions.
As they played he realized she was taking some time and figured it might be a good time to get it done.
"Just continue without me for a bit."
Jason looked around before seeing her and walking towards her, already calling out to her.
"Hey, what are you up to? Just leaving me alone with those guys"
He smiled, knowing that this wouldn't be easy now.
"I had to clean off Jason, I don't want sand stuck to me in a million places. Something could get infected." Alana said with a laugh as she floated in the water. "Want to go to the cave? I'm pretty sure the others still don't know about it."

Every time they had gone to this small cave for a little bit and nobody noticed their absence, that or they didn't say anything about it. It was nice to have a tradition to themseleves.
Jason nodded, beeing all alone with her should make it a lot easier.
"It would be a little dissapointing if they found out, wouldn't it?"
The cave was something they found long ago, they never told anyone about it and met their whenever they had to be alone.
"Just be careful they don't see us" he smiled making his way towards the cave.
"They aren't even paying attention, they're probably going to be making out soon." Alana said with a laugh as she looked back. They were stopping the game and the guys started picking up their girlfriends.

When she was finished watching, Alana started making her way over to their spot. She was good at holding her breath so towards the end she stayed under water so no one would see.
He looked back at the others "I guess you are right" he agreed, there was no place for them their at this point.
Jason followed her, it wasn't any different from usualy when they reached their place.
"I guess it really is our own little place." he smiled at her, it kind off felt good beeing with her alone, just to talk.
"If the others knew about this place they would probably be cracking jokes about what we do here all alone"
He had to laugh at the thought, their friends after all were sure something was going on between them.
"Yeah, they probably would think each year we snuck out here to have sex" Alana said shaking her head. "They just don't understand that guys and girls can be friends, they don't have to be in a romantic relationship all the time." She sighed and leaned against one of the walls.

"Sometimes the whole crew can be a bit much. I like coming here and relaxing."
"It's just how they are, I guess they can't imagine us just to talk casualy instead of falling for each other."
Jason took a deep breath as he leaned against the wall.
"There is something important I need to tell you though...It is about college. I won't be going for it."
He didn't expect her not to understand what he meant, it was an argument they had many times before, and if it wasn't for his own determination he would have gone for college.
Alana frowned. "I don't understand, you said that you had accepted your offer... You said that you were going." She said before shaking her head. "I get it, you're trying to joke with me, you know you're not that great at them, you should probably just stop trying." Alana said with a laugh.

"I have to visit you, I mean our colleges aren't that far away from each other, we could spend some weekends hanging out."
He came closer to her putting his hand on her shoulder "Alana..I'm not joking here."
Jason had a serious face now, as he expected her to yell at him for that, come to think of it, they didn't have many arguments in all the years the spent with each other.
"I'm sorry to dissapoint you, I did accept but I changed my mind just a few days ago, and I already did all the paperwork."
Her face showed deep confusion and she shook her head. "What are you doing then Jason? Your parents expect you to go to school, I expected you to go to school. We were going to help each other move in... Why would you change your mind?"

Alana didn't understand why he had done what he did. She moved away from him, not wanting to be too close when she felt so disappointed in him. College was something most people went to these days and him deciding not to go without telling her? It was heartbreaking.
"My father was never really against the idea of me not going for college..besides you knew I had that in mind and was considering it."
Jason sighed, he didn't like the situation at all.
"It is not that far from your college though...I will be able to visit during the weekends from time to time"
He didn't expect that to calm her down, but it was one of the upsides at least.
"Where are you going then Jason? Some trade school? I thought you wanted to go into history, become a teacher of some sort." Alana said, shaking her head, it was too much for her to take in.

She used her arms to push herself out of the water and onto the rock part of the cave. "What even changed your mind?" Alana asked.
He sighed once more.
"I will be going for the military, it is mainly to get some money and pay the college as well...I will be joining college after 2 years of basic training, I just want to try that way as well.."
Jason didn't feel any better after telling her, it would be hard to make her acknowledge his decision.
"Look Alana I really want to know how the military works, you know my interest in the history of the second world war and if I'm going to teach it I also want to have some more knowledge from how it is today."
His thoughts about it didn't feel wrong, he didn't sign up for it to march into the next possible war, but because he knew it would be a good experience for him, he was after all always a little lazy and that might get him to be more motivated.
"The military?" Alana said, her lip starting to shake. "Jason... I don't want to lose you." She turned to the wall and tried to get her emotions under control. "Why did you wait to tell me? You should have just said you wanted to go into that. It's selfish of me to want you to stay, I know that, but I feel like if I would have known sooner then I would have been able to digest it better."

Alana wrapped her arms around her waist and shook her head. "You're going to get killed. If not in actual war then by the training. It's brutal and you don't even go running with me anymore."
He laughed at her complaints "Hey come on, it will help me to get some discipline, right? You always complain I'm not doing enough, this is just preparation, I will not go into some war, I promise."
Jason smiled, his plans weren't to go to some foreign country and he was sure he wouldn't have to do so.
"I know I should have told you...I'm sorry I didn't."
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