Of Lelouch Vi Britannia and CC's adventures.

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She nods."Sure." She says a bit absentindedly. She seems preoccupied as she follows him."How about lunch Lelouch." She asks him with a glint in her eye. Wondering what his game is now.
He shrugged, "Sure, what would you like?" He turns around, walking backwards, and staring in her eyes.
She shrugs."I havent a clue. Something edible to be sure. Is there any reputable diners around here?" She inquires with a raised eyebrow.
He shrugged, "I don't travel much around Shinjuko," he smirked a bit, "Back to Tokyo it is."
She nods and follows him back to Tokyo. Following him through the city streets waiting for him to stop where he wished to eat.
He looked at a restraunt, it was newer than most, he shrugged, "Never ate here, wanna try?" He asked looking at the sign which said, Golden Corral.
She nods her head. Putting her hand in his she smiles."We are partners. Take me in here like you own the place and get us the best seats in the house." She encourages with a shy smile.
He shrugged, "Alright ..." when he walked in and saw all the food, he had a mini heart attack, it was amazing, he smiled at her, "Private area to ourselves, correct?" He smiled widely.
She nods simply. She cant remember ever seeing so much food in one place. She wasent born to the lords of the land after all.
Lelouch looked at the cashier, using his geass, "I order you to obey my every wish, but right now we want a private area."
The lady nodded, "Of course, please follow me." She had a creepy smile as she led them.
CC approves of him takeing command in such a way. When they are seated she gives Lelouch a shrewd look."Why not get some alchohol since your servant is paying for our meal." She comments lightly.
He shrugged, "Hmm ..." he looked at the waitress, "What is the finest wine you have?" He asked her.

"Beringer," the woman replied.

He nodded, "Beringer it is. Bring it."
CC enjoys sipping the wine while she waits for her meal."Thank you Lelouch." She says smiling.
He smiled, "No problem C.C." he winked, and looked at the woman, "Go get us some steak, pizza, a salad, and some macaroni." He smiled slightly.
The woman bows before leaving to fill the order. Soon returning with their food."Enjoy sir." She says before leaving with a look of fear in her eyes.
He looked at C.C. and at the food, he smiled softly and began to eat.
CC eats slow and with proper high society ettiquette. She sits with a pleasent smile on her face and it makes you wonder just how old she actually is.
Lelouch looked at her a bit curiously, she was so formal, and while he was formal as well, they were just hanging out, like regular teens, almost that was, he sighed a bit in exasperration. And continued to eat his meal.
She raises her eyebrow at him."If you wish to be respected in public. Your appearence. Your manners must be impeccable. They must make others strive just to be a fraction as good as you are..I will teach you of the true politics of the world. Men may hold the power. But the woman standing behind them is the one who controls everything."
He sighed a bit and backed up against his seat, "Christ ... I didn't even say anything." He looked at her a bit softly "I'm sorry just ... excuse me." He got up from the table and went in the bath room, washing his face.