Of Darkness and Light (1x1 with ~PurpleRose~)

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"Yes, it was." Zayne murmured, returning the gentle peck to her lips. 'I can't believe that just happened.' And it wasn't because he regretted it; nothing in the world, heaven and hell included, could ever make him regret what they'd done. He laid his head beside hers, burying his face against her throat and just breathing. One of his hands found hers, lacing their fingers together. Hie pressed his chest to hers, savoring the feeling of their bare skin. "You were amazing."
"Well I had a great teacher."She said teasingly,basking in the after glow of their night together.It wasn't sex between them,it was something more;dare she say making love.She gently squeezed his hand in hers and kissed his cheek before letting out a yawn in exhaustion.Her eyes started to close as she shifted into a more comfortable position,relishing in the heat of their bodies as they cooled down from earlier.
Zayne chuckled softly, smiling up at her as his breathing returned to normal. As she shifted, he moved to lay down beside her, curling her against him. "Evianna, you have to be the most beautiful being ever created." He whispered. "Not so innocent now though." He kissed her ear lightly, then down the side of her jaw, planting a couple light kisses along the back of her neck as he continued. He closed his eyes for a moment, wrapping his arms around her waist and just holding her close. He was so glad he hadn't been in a rush; she was not a girl- no, woman- to be rushed with. Sometimes patience really does pay off.
Evianna blushed heavily at his whispered words,her skin turning a warm scarlett as she enjoyed his compliment."Well that is sweet of you.And you are the most devilishly handsome creature I have ever met."She said with a chuckle as he placed kisses along her bare skin and wrapped his arm around her waist.Her eyes fluttered closed as the exhaustion finally won over and she fell asleep in his arms.
"You have no idea how lovely it is to hear you say that." Zayne replied, smiling. He heard her sigh and lifted his head, looking up at her face. "Sweet dreams, Evianna."

The glare of the rising sun woke Zayne, and after he blinked away his sleepiness he realized that he was in his room, with Evianna. It took a moment for his brain to remember the events of the night before, but when it did, he grinned. Then something hit him. They were in his room. And it was morning. 'My father!' If his father saw this, they were both as good as dead... well, Evianna was. He'd probably wish he was dead. "Evi." He whispered, pulling away from her and putting his hand on her shoulder. "Evi, wake up."
Evianna awoke slowly,a yawn escaping her mouth as she opened her eyes to Zayne.She stared at him in confusion before she remembered the events that had happened last night."What is it?"She asked tiredly,noticing he looked worried.A blush had coated her cheeks as she remembered the things he had said to her bride they'd fallen asleep.She shifted to better see him and winced slightly at the aching muscles in her body.Though she was sore,she couldn't bring herself to ever regret making love to Zayne like they had last night.Taking a look around the room,she realized a few things;first being that it was morning and second being that she could see his wings.She didn't want him to get mad at her for looking so she diverted her attention away from them and pretended she hadn't noticed.
"As much as I would love to stay like this for the rest of time, we need to get you back to the cellar." Zayne murmured, glancing toward the door. "My father will kill us if sees this." He shifted to the edge of the bed, looking around the floor for his clothes. Gathering his own clothes, and putting whatever belonged to Evianna on the bed, he began to dress. From the corner of his eye, he noticed her looking his direction, then away, and was about to ask. Then he realized his wings were in plain sight and quickly tried to find away to hide them. 'Now's not the time to worry about that.' His wings became the least of his concern.
"Get dressed. I don't know if he's already home."

His wings were black as midnight, with large dark spots where clumps of feathers were missing. There were other spots where the feathers were still there, but some were half missing, as if they had been cut with scissors. Along the bottom edge of his wings, the feathers were unnaturally short, but the lines in which they cut off were dulled. 'I'm surprised she could even stand to touch them last night.'
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Evianna quickly dressed as well,finding it exceptionally difficult to get her pants on with her protesting muscles."You know you're wings don't bother me.Though they do want to make me kill who ever did this to you."She said,walking over to him and touching a cut feather gently."What do we do if your father is home?"She questioned nervously,deciding it was best to change the subject.
"Don't waste your breath. I know they're hideous." Zayne murmured, shifting uncomfortably away when she touched one of the feathers. He searched around for his jacket, finding it eventually and pulling in his wings to cover them up with the fabric. "What do we do if your father is home?" "I'll figure something out. A distraction, a lie in case he has already noticed you aren't where you are supposed to be." He desperately hoped that wasn't the case though. What would he say? He walked to the window, biting his lip as he realized his father's car was in the driveway. He was in the house, somewhere. What was worse; they had no idea where he was. "Stay here and don't make a sound." He warned, gently grabbing her wrist and pulling her over to the side of the bed that was away from the door. He got up, heading for the bedroom door. "I'll go see where he is?" "See where who is?" The door opened before Zayne turned the knob, making him stumble back as his father walked in. "Who are you talking to, Zayne?"
Evianna nodded and followed his instructions,staying put while he went to look for where his father was.Her eyes widened in alarm when his father walked,thankfully not noticing where he was as she ducked down and crawled under the bed.She kept her body very still and made no sound,making sure her wings were tucked and her feet weren't sticking out from her hiding spot.'Please don't find me,please don't find me,please don't find me!'She chanted in her head as she closed her eyes and listened to the movement around her.
"And don't bother lying to me." Zayne swallowed, trying to come up with an excuse. His father glanced toward the bed, stepping toward it. "You can stop hiding." The younger male stiffened, his father grinning at him. "Come out, Nerezza." It took a moment for him to catch on, and his father laughed. "Did you think I wouldn't catch on? If you were going to try to hide something, at least put your shirt on the right way." Zayne blushed, quickly throwing out, "She's still indecent." as the older demon strode toward the bed. To his relief, his father stopped and turned. "How did you know it was Nerezza?" "It wasn't hard to guess. You're always sneaking around with her. Don't worry." He put his hand on his son's shoulder. "The secret's safe with me." Zayne smiled and nodded, sighing from genuine relief.
Evianna let out a breath of relief,relaxing her tense muscles and laying her head on the floor as she calmed her pounding heart.As they talked,she rolled her eyes when his father talked about Nereza.'If only you knew.'She thought sarcastically.When she heard his father leave,she peeked her head out from under the bed and looked up at Zayne."Well that went well."She said quietly with a teasing smile.
"I expect both of you to come down for breakfast." Zayne nodded, although worried now about how he was going to bring 'Nerezza' downstairs. 'At least that's all I have to figure out.' He sighed once his father left, looking down at Evianna. "Well that went well." "That was way too close for comfort." He whispered, kneeling to help her out from under the bed and pulling her to her feet. "I guess keeping Nerezza around really is valuable to me." He kissed her on the lips, running on a rush of adrenaline. "The only problem now is getting you back into the cellar."
Evianna kissed him back and smiled nervously at him,worried on how this was all going to go."Um maybe find a way to get him outside and I'll hurry down into the cellar."She replied,unsure if the plan was going to work or not.All they could really do now is make a plan and hope for a miracle."Tell him Nereza is leaving or that she can't join you for dinner."
"He doesn't like going outside during the day, especially the morning. 'The sun is too bright' he says." Zayne replied, thinking hard. "There's a wall dividing the stairs from where the dining room is. The only trouble would be getting you past the living room, since you can see into there from the dining room." He glanced to the window as a breeze brushed a tree branch against the glass, and he had an idea. "Well, I can at least solve the Nerezza part of this. I'll go down first, and you follow me, but stay on the staircase. I'll begin eating, but excuse myself to go check on 'Nerezza', because she is taking so long to come downstairs. I'll tell my father that she snuck out of my room through the window, probably embarrassed. You stay on the stairs until I give you the signal, and carefully sneak through the living room. Once you've made it to the kitchen, you're safe. I'll leave him to clean up breakfast, and go to check on you in the basement." It was risky and there were some chances of being caught, but it was their best chance. "Come on, I shouldn't stay up here much longer. He'll start getting suspicious."
"That sounds like a great idea."She said with a breath of relief.Her hand found the collar of his jacket and she leaned forward to kiss his lips lovingly for a moment.She stepped back,breaking the kiss and fixed his mussed hair before squeezing his hand reassuringly with a warm smile.She worried the plan would fail and they would be caught but she trusted in Zayne to figure this out along with her help.As the stepped out if the room,she followed him down the staircase but stayed behind when he continued on to the dining room.
Zayne went through the plan in his head, going through everything that could go wrong and how they could be avoided. He held onto Evianna's hand until they got close to the bottom of the staircase, not slowing down as he gave her a reassuring smile over his shoulder. "I was beginning to wonder . A couple minutes later, the older demon wondered where Nerezza was, just as planned. "You know girls. They take forever to get dressed." "And most of them are quick to take their clothes off." Zayne almost choked on the food he was swallowing, shocked. Did his father really just say that? He laughed at his son's reaction. "It's true." The younger male couldn't help but scoff and laugh. "I'm going to go check on Nerezza." He got up, heading up the stairs and giving Evianna a light tap on the shoulder as he passed by her, heading into his room. His gaze scanned over the entire room, from the closet to the bed- his heart sped up as last night returned to his mind- and finally to the window. After an extra minute of pause, as he wanted his act to be believable, he returned downstairs. "Looks like Nezza bailed on me." His father laughed. "Women are tricky creatures. How'd she get out?" "The window. I should have known that the tree would come in handy for something."

Their breakfast continued as normal for a little while longer, and at one point he glanced past his dad's shoulder, meeting Evianna's gaze. He moved his head like he was trying to move his bangs from his face, breaking eye contact with her only to return again. 'Go.' He thought, hoping she got the message.

((Darn computer -_- At least it let me finish this time around. It kept refreshing the page))
Evianna moved her gaze from Zayne's and hurried downstairs,stepping lightly so she would make any sound that may alarm his father.When she was safely inside and the door was quietly shut behind her,she returned to her bed.With a heavy sigh,she lay down on it and awaite Zayne's arrival.The thrill of sneaking around pumps through her veins and she slowly came down from the high.Memories of last night ran through her mind and she smiled and blushed madly as she remembered how it had all felt and the emotions that had come with it.
Zayne kept his focus on his father, trying not to glance in Evianna's direction, and kept up the conversation. When he heard the door shut, his heart skipped a beat. "You heard that too?" "I left the window open in my room. The wind probably shut it for me." His father shrugged it off; it really didn't matter. Breakfast soon finished, and Zayne helped put away the leftovers, putting aside some for Evianna and sneaking down into the cellar. "Your breakfast, my sweet angel." He murmured once he had shut the door behind him, grinning. Handing her the plate, he sat down next to her. "It's a good thing my father had a good attention span. And that he loves to talk, and talk. And talk." He chuckled, feeling the same rush of their success.
Evianna sat up at the sound of his return and laughed softly at his compliment.Taking the food from him,she began to eat as well as listen to him as he spoke."I know this morning was a disaster but I'm glad last night happened."She said quietly,pecking his cheek once before she returned to her food.Once finished she set the empty plate and cutlery on the floor and turned to face Zayne.She enjoyed the time they had together and wasn't about to waste any of it if she could.
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