Of Darkness and Light (1x1 with ~PurpleRose~)

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"I'm glad last night happened." "I am too." Zayne kissed her cheek in response to her kiss, smiling happily. "You want hear a secret?" He whispered, leaning his forehead against hers and looking into her eyes. "Last night was my first time too." As clingy as Nerezza was, they had never been close enough or had the desire to go through with what he and Evianna did last night. And no one else had even tried to flirt with him before Nezza. He was too much of a loner for most.
"Really!?"She asked in awed disbelief;she had assumed he'd been with many girls before her."Sorry,You just seemed so experienced."She admitted with a blush as she buried her head in his shoulder to hide her flaming face.Last night he knew everything to do right and he knew which spots made pleasure course through her body.She felt guilty at assuming he had slept with other women,she wasn't trying to insinuate that he slept around or anything of the sort.
Zayne laughed at her reaction, having expected that. "I could say the same about you." He reponded to her comment about him seeming so experienced. He didn't take it as anything bad, or think it was insinuating anything; otherwise, he wouldn't have mentioned it in the first place. "Your touch was like poison, intoxicating poison. I couldn't believe you were still a virgin with that kind of talent." He covered his mouth as he continued to laugh, teasing her about her blushing. "I have never known anyone who blushes so easily." He noticed an uncomfortable scratching at his throat and raised his hand to the collar of his shirt. "I was so worried about our plan that I forgot to switch my shirt around. It's still backwards."
Evianna smacked his arm in protest to his persistent teasing and blushed heavily once more.When he mentioned his shirt still being on backwards,she laughed behind her own hand to muffle it."Well fix it,I won't mind the view."She replied with a flirtatious smile.'I mean I didn't get to see it last night,seeing as how dark it was.I think I deserve a better look at my handsome demon.Besides I could use a better look at his wings,they were so damaged..who would ever do such a thing?'She wondered to herself.
Zayne laughed even more as Evianna smacked his arm, grinning at her. "Well fix it, I won't mind the view." "I'm sure you wouldn't." He replied, although still a bit hesitant because of his wings. 'What harm could it do?' He slowly shrugged off his jacket, putting it over her head playfully, and pulled his shirt over his head. He left it off for the time being, knowing she would probably complain, and just grinned. "Better?" He teased, puffing out his chest and acting cocky. "I don't know about you, but I wouldn't mind staying like this for a while."
Evianna laughed when he placed the jacket over her head and removed it,placing it in her lap.When he left his shirt off,her green eyes were drawn to his tones chest and she let her gaze linger on his bare skin for a moment before returning them to his face."Better?""Much."She replied,moving closer to him and resting her hand on his chest."I don't know about you,but I wouldn't mind staying like this for a while.""Neither do I."
Zayne grinned as Evianna's eyes were drawn to his chest. Her comments made him smile even more, putting his hand over hers on his chest. He traced his other hand over the top of her wings very lightly and over her shoulder, finally catching her chin on his fingertips as he leaned forward, kissing her on the lips. His eyes looked down into hers, bright with happiness. She made him feel so free and safe, like he was flying and nothing could ever bring him down.
Evianna shivered slightly as he stroked her wings and melted into the kiss between them with a loving smile.The happiness in his eyes were reflected by her own happiness filled gaze.She wrapped her arms around him as they continued to kiss,feeling herself melt into the kiss and her muscles relax against his.
Zayne sighed happily, just enjoying his time alone with Evianna. He wrapped his arms around her, just under her wings. Her fingertips brushed one of his wings, on purpose or by accident he couldn't tell, and he pulled out of the kiss, keeping her close. "Don't." was all that left his lips, his eyes diverting for a moment before returning to meet her gaze again.
Evianna sighed at his aversion towards her touching his wings,feeling slightly hurt that he wouldn't trust her."Zayne,they don't bother me."She said,turning his head so she could look into his eyes as she spoke."If anything,they increase your rugged handsomeness."She unserstood he was going to need some time to adjust but he she hated how he saw so much bad in himself when he was perfect to her.At least he had let her see his wings.
Zayne's smile turned bitter, shaking his head. "They are my biggest flaw. That's the reason why I keep them hidden." He sighed. 'Part of the reason anyway.' "They're unnatural. I'm not supposed to have them." Those words had morphed into his own over the years, but had been planted as a seed by his father all those many years ago. After hearing such things over and over again, he had come to accept them as reality. It wasn't worth fighting, because fighting meant more pain. He never bothered to ask why his wings were so bad. They just were.
"They are not your biggest flaw!They are part of who you are and you are perfect to me."Evianna replied,her green eyes holding the honesty of her words as she kissed him lovingly."They are not unnatural,like you said before many other demons have wings so why are yours unnatural?"She assumed that his father has planted this mantra in his head long ago but she was going to be the one to break it.The one who will show him just how amazing he really is,especially to her.
"They're not like everyone else's. They are not demon wings." Zayne answered, trying to avoid her kisses. "Even my father is horrified at them." He shuddered at the painful memories that resurfaced, curling his legs up onto the bed. "I wasn't supposed to be born like this, Evianna. But I didn't want to hide my wings at first; and I paid the price. I know better now. I should know better now." "I'll make it so no one ever wants to look at your damn wings again." What would his father do if he knew that this angel knew about his wings? That was what he feared most. It wasn't his wings at all; it was the suffering he associated with having them.
Evianna's eyes saddened as she watched him relieve the abuse he was put through."Zayne,you're wings are part of you and no matter what you're father says,you're wings are beautiful and you should except that."She said,wrapping her arms around his shoulders.She studied his wings closely,eyeing all the damage that had come to them with a mixture of anger and sadness.It was then that she noticed they were in fct unlike demon wings and were more like hers."Could you hold still for a moment.I just want to see something."She said soothingly to him,not wanting to startle him.
Zayne didn't respond to her comment, wondering how she could stand to say such things about his pitiful, ruined wings. Maybe it was just the angel in her. He knew she was only trying to help, but he didn't feel like he needed saving; he knew who he was. He was the demon with unnatural wings, with a mind that went against everything his kind was supposed to stand for, and whose existence was- originally, at least- a burden upon his parents. That was him; it was his reality. His perception may be able to shift, but the elements will still remain. "Could you hold still for a moment. I just want to see something." The demon stiffened a little, wondering what she was up to, but let her do as she wanted. It wasn't worth fighting with her, and he knew she wouldn't hurt him.
Looking at his wings,Evianna imagined then whole once more.She glanced back at her wings to study the feathers there more closely before returning her gaze to the broken feathers of his wings."Hey Zayne could look at my wings for a moment."She asked standing up an turning her back to him."Did your wings used to look this except they were black and a bit fluffier?"She knew she was being a bit cryptic but there was reason to her peculiar questions.He kept saying his wings were unusual and how his father hated them.She'd notice his father didn't have wings so she assumed he'd inherited them from his mother,who was someone he never talked about nor had she ever seen a picture of her.What she couldn't understand was,if many demons have wings then why did his father hate them so much?If his mother's wings were unusual as well then perhaps his father hated that Zayne had her wings either in sadness or hate.
Zayne glanced up from the bed, having kept his gaze diverted, and gave Evianna a look of confusion for a moment. 'Just answer her question.' He glanced to her wings, trying to imagine that they were black. The shape was very close to his, although his were larger, and the feathers on her wings were longer than his. But he could definitely see a resemblance. What did that mean? Was he an angel to? No, he couldn't be full angel; his father never would have taken him in. Half angel, maybe? No, his father would never sleep with an angel: he hated them too much. "Yes." He said at last, meeting Evianna's gaze. "They were like yours. But that's the thing; it's impossible for me to be born with angel wings. My father hates angels, he would never fall for one. Unless he was partly angel himself... no, there is no way he's that good at acting. He's not like me." He tried to think of his mother, the shadow in his memories that disappeared, a face he couldn't see. What had happened to her? He couldn't remember what he had been told.
Evianna thought about his answer for a moment."Your part angel yes but if your mother were an angel your wings wouldn't likely be gray or white like mine.And I know your father absolutely despises angels so he would never sleep with one if he knew but tere is a possibility he couldn't tell.There are angels who have wings that are black like a demon's but still retain an angel-like structure.They are called Fallen Angels.I've never met or seen one but my parents have and they've told me about them.Fallen Angels are a perfect balance of both demon and angel,too kind to be a demon but too evil to an angel.That's probably why you act differently then other demons."She explained to him,returning to his side and tucking her wings against her back.
Zayne listened as Evianna spoke, taking in the information with stunned silence. How would it be possible for his father not to be able to tell that someone was an angel? A thought struck him; what if they always hid their wings, like he did? When the definition of a fallen angel came up, something clicked in his mind. "You think my mother was a fallen angel?" It would make sense. That would be the source of his compassion and sensitivity, as well as his wings. It would cause his father to be uncomfortable and hostile about his wings. Could that really be the answer? His father never spoke about who his mother was, and all he remembered of her was that she had disappeared when he was still young. His wings drooped. He was his father's mistake; no wonder he was always so persistently cold.
Evianna watched his expressions carefully,rubbing his shoulders soothingly."I think she was."She replied softly and kissed his temple lovingly."I know this is a lot to take in but remember you have me to help you through it."She didn't want him to shut her out again,she wanted to be by his side every step of the way.Her voice was kind and gentle,her touch soothing and soft so she wouldn't startle him.After finding all this out,she wanted to kill his father for doing this to his own son but she restrained herself for Zayne's sake.The more she thought about his mother,she worried that her assumption was correct;that Zayne's father had killed his mother after finding out she was an angel.
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