Nova University

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Not speaking to myself.

[It would be easier to just say that I'm a tulpa.]
I see. Makes total sense for a tulpa to exist.
[Yep, especially considering I'm a soulbond class tulpa.]
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It's not possession. If it has control over certain parts of the brain it would be able to control the whole body, without possessing the entire functional mind, or forcing the original soul into another form. True possession requires the entire body to be controlled by only 1 soul. Unless it's different in this RP anyway, I'm just commenting based on past observations.
Like I said, it's not possession.
Just to be clear, when I use the word "possession" multiple times throughout my interactions with Jeric, it's because Amberlyn has very little information on the subject as of yet. She just knows that the kid ran out, then had a wraith voice speaking through his body.

Just a warning, we're bringing Day One to a close soon, so start wrapping everything up.

Also @~Death~ I'm trying to think of ways to bring you into the action. I can have Genny go back to the library before the end of the day to do a bit of maintenance, and offer to check out the book she's looking at for her. As for your other characters, I'm not really in a position to interact with them at the moment.
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And so, after a month of treading through OOC and IC, the introductionary sequence ends. Looks like this one will run for a long time if no one drops out :D
Even if people drop out, the roleplay is structured in a way that it can keep moving, save for if someone key is away when everyone is on a mission, but then we can just call them back for an "emergency retreat" depending on the situation at hand. After all, there are the Wraith Lords... *spoilers but not really spoilers*
Wraith Lords you say? OK I call for adding the ability for player characters to mega evolve...
Megavolve! I think there's a reference here I'm not getting o.o
Yeah I think there is...
Not the beefiest of my posts but I was due for one, just showing a little personality for now.
@Ruko quick question. I'm totally not opposed to it, but how exactly would Shakumi know about Markus?

Also, I need to put Elias back in since I lost him somewhere. How can I drop him back into the rp? Should i just wait until classes officially start?
Shakumi's magic revolves around manipulation of the soul, and when being taught to wield this power, the very first technique they are taught is to understand exactly what a soul is and how to read it. Since souls can differ greatly in size, shape and everything else, Tenshi need to be able to instantaneously gain basic information on the soul - True Name, shape, original form etc. Through long periods of study they can eventually access the very basic memories of the soul. Shakumi doesn't understand anything about your character though. She only knows that the name he goes by isn't his true name.
Oooooooooh okay that makes sense. Perhaps I should go back and re-read some people's bio's again.
I was really hoping for a response from @~Death~ about what I proposed earlier before I made my post, but I get the feeling everyone is waiting on my post, so I'm making one. Going to wait on the library idea until another time.
I'm just gonna wait for classes to start before bringing Elias back in
I am letting everyone know that I might be making a cs for the Wraith Cren, mainly so that way no one gets confused about what is going on with Jeric and Cren, if that is fine with @Squee at all.
And at this moment in time, Jeric has woken up but cren has left for a moment and because of that Jeric cannot move his right side of his body.