Nova University

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
The plural is Squeenies
Oh that's fine then. I struggle with beginnings too sometimes. So I just tend to leap in in the deep end when that happens with some crazy action to get people to notice and interact with me :D
Alright, so I decided to give players one hour in-story free time to flesh out the town as you see fit, feel free to make up locations, if you want ideas or recommendations, just ask and you shall receive. First year students should be arriving freshly at port, teachers should already be on the grounds. Do keep in mind it's in a rather warm area.
Do we have school uniforms? Those white and black uniforms with the red capes on them look pretty swish
No uniforms, but you are given a crest for your house which you can put anywhere you want on your character.
I've updated the appearance of one of my character's spirits, and will be posting soonish!
Excellent! Looking forward to it.
Soo is the feast before the event in the hall or are they at the same time?
Same time, speech first then food is served immediately after.
Hey! May I reserve the Herbology class? I don't know when I'll have the CS ready, but I don't want to lose the class in the mean time.
@LeVen Don't worry, you didn't forget long enough for me to worry.

@GreatWest Sure thing.
Here's my character! Hope you like her.
Oh, I'm sorry but something happened to the "Elementals" spoiler, but I don't know hot to fix it. Sorry!





N/A. However, Klalia uses the pronoun she/her.


Elemental. Type Terra.

Elementals are spirits of the nature. They don't hold any shape, don't age and are genderless. If an Elemental wants contact with those of the "physical plane", they must give up on their sacred status and choose a form to hold its soul. However, a body will bind a spirit's power, limiting their abilities that were once limitless. Usually, they lose all contact to the spiritual world and a great amount of power, though not enough to render them useless, they are still powerful ageless creatures. Elemental's main abilities may remind those of an element based wizard, that are control over nature's elements, life fire, water, air and earth. These creatures are divided in four types: Terra, Fogo, Ar and Água.
Terra: Elementals which being revolves around the earth itself, including plants, terrestrial animals, and others. They are usually peaceful and neutral in their stands, preferring to avoid conflicts at any cost. With a rational point of view, they do not show and/or understand emotions very well, though they do respect those who do.

Elementals with the power over wind and air, as well as avian creatures. The most peaceful of the four, Elementals Ar condemn any type of violence and evil. They are mainly leaded by their emotions.

Fogo: Elementals with the power over fire, probably the most powerful ones. This type is usually brash and irrational, being completely leaded by their emotions. They are jokesters at heart, and will prank the other Elementals just for their amusement, especially the Terra types. Fogo and Água do not get along.

Água: These Elementals control the oceans, lakes, river, anything with water. They are the most equilibrated, being able to use both heart and mind equally.


758 (as a spirit)/247 (with a body)


Klalia does not appear to be so, but she is a kind-hearted person (spirit). Her inability to understand emotions make her expressions heavily limited, however, the same can not be told of her eyes and voice. The spirit's emotions can be perceived through their eyes and tone of voice, especially eyes. However, Klalia excels at understanding and using sarcasm, and is not I
in the least shy, sometimes saying inappropriates things at the wrong time. Perhaps, her most notable trait is the way she speaks. Klalia's speech is polite, and she never uses foul words. No curse words, no slangs, not even contractions, such as can't, don't, shan't, and others.

She respects and appreciate those who pursue knowledge and intelligence, this being one of the reasons she decided to leave her sacred form to interact with those of the physical plane. She has always wanted to share her knowings with those who need it, or are simply curious, this being why she decided to turn a teacher.



Years Teaching:

112 years.

House Requested:



Klalia has a rather...unusual appearance. She has rich green skin, that seems to shine whenever light touchs it, showing an yellowish hue. Her hair starts with big green leaves, before turning into normal long hair, almost as green as her skin. With eyes that shine a deep golden glow, they contrast against her skin, making them stand out.
Klalia's height isn't exact, but she almost always stands at 5'6".
The spirit is usually wearing a short green dress, and nothing more.





Klalia's magic revolve around the control over earth itself. She can control plants, trees, flowers, among others. As a spirit, she had the power to control terrestrial creatures, however this power was lost due to the addition of a physical body. She may influence them, but that's it. Klalia's magic facilitates her knowledge in Herbology.

Klalia's magic main weakness is pollution, meaning smoke or anything alike. Anywhere with a low level of oxygen is also extremely dangerous to her. Also, she is immortal, but as in she won't age. Injuries and/or diseases can, and will, kill her.


- Control over plants, trees, flowers, among others.
- Feel the presence of all of those who are touching the ground.
-Mutate plants by changing their DNA.
- Incorporate potions effects on plants.


- Potion creation.
- Herbology.
- Singing.
- Dancing.


Klalia used to be a full Nature Spirit, an Elemental. A powerful being, a myth on its own. There was naught but peace and happiness among them, the perfect creations. However, there was those who found only boredom in their life, and needless to say, Klalia was one of them. There was many things you learnt as a spirit, and she wanted to be able to share that knowledge, but for that, sacrifices were had to be made. So Klalia crafted a body, a physical body, for herself, and was thus casted out.

Klalia spent a whole year trying to get used to this body, that was so limited and slow; legs that didn't make sense, a sight so short, nose that didn't pick up the sweet smell of life, mouth limited to just a few tastes, the touch is so superficial. Everything was so... Simple. And yet those born like this were capable of happiness, the true one. Klalia was truly speechless. Needless to say, that year was a very long year, but a necessary one. Once her walk wasn't awkward anymore, once her tongue didn't twist upon itself anymore, the once-spirit, Casted as they call it, was ready to travel.

The being, for it was no human, nor spirit (not anymore), nor elf, nor dwarf; decided to live in a forest during the first decade, still quite afraid of what it would encounter once roaming the strange world, the strange, beautiful, dark world. The Casted one was rendered speechless as the good and evil evened up themselves, as the physical creatures helped those who were dear to them, but at the same time were capable of mercilessly killing another, even if of the same race. Not even Fogo and Agua reached such extreme methods. Truly a perfect imperfect little world. It was chaos, and Klalia fell in love instantly.

At the age of 46, she found a small village nearby a forest, Woodland. Really small community, probably no more than 800 dwellers. Lovely people. The Casted had chosen to stay for a week only, to help with the harvest that was incredible low. Unsurprisingly, that week turned into two weeks, that turned a month, and then two months, and without even realizing, years had gone by. The Casted had become Woodland's Protector, or The Spirit of Woodland; Klalia, Goddess of Harvest, the names were countless. However, 62 years later, a plague doomed the little village, and the nearby cities. The Tree Plague, it was called as such because, when infected, brown almost black stains would appear on the person's body, later on, said stains would grow, harden, and if by then the poor one isn't already dead, envelope the whole body, giving the appearance of the trunk of a tree. Of course, many blamed Klalia, for she was known as the Mother of Trees, many thought this was a revenge for having abused of her powers, even though they were freely given by the "Goddess" herself. In the end, she was forced to leave, not because she wanted, but because there was no more humans to take care of. Decimated, all of them. The Casted discovered that she too had been infected, but by then she had already developed a cure, a potion. Too late, she thought as she drank the liquid, too late for those who already passed.

After the incident that left her heart broken and desolated, Klalia traveled around the world, helping those in need, but never staying around for too long; studying many arts, and searching for something in that she would be able to put her life whole life into. And that's when, 112 years ago, she received a letter, an invitation to teach at the Nova University. And perhaps, everything that happened to her wasn't in vain, for in order to teach how an perfect imperfect little world happens, you have to live it first.

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Our co GM is out for family business, we'll discuss the bio when she gets back ^^
IC looking good people. I should be back early, so maybe I'll get that post up a bit sooner. Maybe. Might not be sober enough for 3 days if I read into my messages... :x

I'm told it's celebration.
I will be back on Tuesday. We will talk about it in more detail. But so far, I like Klalia. I think she and Amberlyn would be friends.
@GreatWest I do feel like we could use a little more history. for 135 years after making her physical body she roamed the world, that's a long time. A lot of history happens in 135 years, including the civil war in which Arukab took part in, and considering her physical body is only one year younger than Arukab is she certainly would have been alive for it. Of course I'm just using this as an example, the nation was just one part of the world. Taking our world as another example, World War I was one year in only 100 years ago. Surely along Klalias travels she must have seen some great historical events.

Using my teacher Arukab as an example, I chose only to outline the largest impacting events regardless of historical significance. You don't have to map out all 135 years before she found the university, that would be an absurd request, but I would like a few more details. Maybe just a paragraph or two. (You're allowed full creative freedom concerning the history of the world, so feel free to just make shit up.)