Not Him!

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Ezra couldn't help but giggle at how cute Robby was being. Running his fingers through his boyfriend's hair, he kissed the top of his head before he heard his mom's voice.

"Ezra, sweety, why don't you ask Robby if he wants to stay for dinner."

Rolling his eyes, Ezra called back, "He says he wants to, Mom!"

Grinning down at Robby, Ezra said, "C'mon, babe, let's walk down to the park. Dinner's not for a couple more hours, so we can hang out there if you want..."
"Yeah okay," Robby mumbled, sitting up and fixing his wild hair. Maybe that was another reason he loved Ezra's hair so much, maybe he was jealous because his wouldn't stay the hell in place.
As Robby tried to smooth down his wild hair, Ezra reached over, running his fingers through his hair and helping him a bit. Turning off the TV, he pulled on a v-neck shirt before he led Robby to the living room, calling to his mom, "We're gonna go hang out at the park for a bit, Mom, okay?"

She called back, "Okay, sweetie! Come back by six-thirty." Ezra pulled on his favorite pair of Vans before waiting for Robby to get ready.
Robby pulled on his shoes and jacket before following his boyfriend out the door.
"Do you want me to drive or are we gonna walk there?" Robby asked, patting his pockets to make sure his keys and phone were there. He wasn't quite sure why they were going to the park, but he wasn't going to protest.
"Let's walk," Ezra said, slipping his hand into Robby's as he shut the door behind him. Leading him down the hallway to the stairwell, Ezra couldn't help but think about the summer after their eighth grade year. It had been filled with anticipation. Both were about to go into high school, finally be one of the big kids and have a locker and different teachers for all of their classes and everything. It had also been the summer his father had divorced his mom, and made them move from their lovely house with the pool into a tiny apartment barely big enough for the two of them. After the divorce, there was no more summer trips to the beach house, where Ezra would fall for some local surfer or another, no more lavish birthday or pool parties. All Ezra had had was Robby, and his crush for him grew.

Ezra sighed as they passed a door through which a fierce argument was going on. If he was being honest with himself, he hated the apartment they lived in, hated the people they shared the building with, and wished that he and his mother were still living with his father.

Running his hands through his hair, he led Robby outside to the street, and began walking with him towards the park. When they arrived there, it was mostly empty since the sun was going down, and so Ezra led Robby towards the swings. Sitting down on one of them, he asked, "Push me?"
Robby snorted, but pushed Ezra anyway. They were the only ones at the park, since it was a bit too late for children to be there. The only sound was the squeaking on the swing's chains and the occasional hoot of an owl. After a few minutes of pushing Ezra, Robby grabbed the chains with a wicked grin before spinning Ezra around, coiling the chains.
Ezra giggled as if he was five years old as Robby pushed him, constantly saying things like, "Higher, higher!" When Robby grabbed the chains and spun him around, making him jerk slightly, he smiled up at him, still laughing a bit. He took his hand off of the chain before he gently grabbed Robby's collar and pulled him in for a sweet kiss, enjoying the simple closeness of being there.
Robby's heart did the most pathetic fluttering movement. He released the chains and Ezra spun around wildly. Robby laughed so hard his sides started to ache. It felt good that even though there was a new, romantic, element to their relationship, they could still act just like the idiots they were before the party.
Ezra let out fearful giggles as Robby let him go, his golden curls shining in the sunset's light. When the swing stopped spinning, he shakily got off of it, stumbling some as he turned to Robby. "Jerk," he grumbled playfully, the world still spinning.
Robby reach out and held Ezra steady by his waist before planting a kiss on his lips. It looked like something out of a goddamn fairy tale if you happened to be watching, like Alicia Hayes happened to be. She was biking in the park when she saw the two boys kiss. She was so surprised she nearly ran into a park bench. Everyone had chalked up their super duo kiss to alcohol but nobody thought for a minute that either of them would turn out to be gay! Whipping out the iphone 6 she got for her birthday she quickly snapped a picture and sent it to Libby Fowler, who sent it to Darren and Kenzie Willis, who sent it to Gina Michaelson, who had been the Harley Quinn Robby spent a solid half hour making out with. If Gina was anything when it came to boys, it was spiteful and manipulative. She nearly threw her phone at the wall when she saw the picture. God that fag was going to fucking pay, she had Robby Harvey in the bag but fucking Ezra had to turn him gay! She quickly pulled up her twitter and made a post.
"lol looks like Robby Harvey is more of a FRUIT BAT than a Batman, HOLY HOMOSEXUAL BATMAN!!!" followed by a the picture of them kissing in the sunset was on everyone in the school's twitter feed, including Robby and Ezra's.
Ezra smiled into the sweet kiss, not realizing that while they did, their picture was being taken and spread to the entire school. His arms had slid around Robby's neck, his fingers tangling in the hair at the base of his neck.

He smiled as he pulled away, though he still stayed closed to Robby. He kissed him again, thinking that the scene was perfect for kissing. The sunset was so romantic, and it was so quiet in the park.

When he pulled away, he asked, "Wanna walk around some? I know a secret running trail that's mostly hidden by the trees..."
Robby nodded before pulling away and taking Leo's hand just as his phone made that infamous chirping noise as it did every time he had a twitter notification. Robby rarely used his twitter, he only used it to stay up to date on school gossip and he followed a few of his teachers who posted reminders as well. However he did not wish to soil the moment by removing his phone from his pocket to instead he opted to brush his lips against the corner of Ezra's mouth.
"Which way?" he asked, resting his forehead against Ezra's.
"C'mon," Ezra said, leading Robby towards the treeline. Soon, he was leading him over a pair of rocks, and into a running trail. The trail was overgrown and crumbling, but it was far enough from the road that no cars could be heard and everything was still and quiet.

Still holding Robby's hand, Ezra was quiet as he led him through the path, admiring the quiet evening. Soon, the trail ended, opening to a small beach along the river that ran through the city. "I've never taken anyone out here before, Robby," he said softly, sitting on a rock not far from the edge of the water. "When my parents were getting divorced and argued more than they were civil to each other, I would spend a lot of time here...that's why I sort of disappeared off the face of the earth in eighth grade."

He shrugged, resting his head on Robby's shoulder. "Thanks for wanting to be my boyfriend, Robby," he said softly. Just then, his phone made an annoying chirping sound, and Ezra sighed before pulling it out.

When he saw the picture of Robby and him kissing, his eyebrows pressed together in confusion, and then he read the horrible caption and what everyone was saying about them. Feeling tears coming to his eyes, he blinked them away, and shoved his phone back in his pocket. Of course, he knew the secret would come out soon, but not like this. "I hate people," he said softly, his grey eyes sad now.
"Why, what is it?" Robby asked, cupping Ezra's cheeks in his hands. Who the fuck made Ezra cry?! They were going to get their asses kicked big time. Robby despised it when Ezra cried. His face was too lovely and kind to be marred by tears and sadness. He sat down on a fallen tree, pulling Ezra with him before wrapping an arm around his shoulder. He kissed Ezra's head and waited for his boyfriend to explain.
When Robby asked him what was wrong, Ezra was silent for a long while before he finally pulled out his phone. He pulled open the post and handed his phone to Robby. "I'm sorry," he whispered, trying to hold back tears as Robby saw what everyone was saying about them.
Robby's jaw clenched.
faggot faggot faggot

The words of Robby's father rang through his head as he was plunged back into memories filled with pain.

"No Marie, I'm done!" his father cried, shoving his clothes into a suitcase, "This is the last straw Marie!"
"Carter, please calm down..." his mother tried to console her husband as Robby heard every word from the hall.
"No! I was willing to pretend we were fine for three mores years until Robin was out of the house, but this changes everything!"
"How? Because he likes boys and girls?"
"Yes! You let him become a.. a fucking queer Marie, and I am not going to share the same roof as a faggot, even if he is my own flesh and blood!"
"Carter! Be quiet, Robby will hear you!"
"I don't care if the Queen of England can hear me! YOU HEAR THAT ROBBY! YOU'RE A FUCKING DISGRACE, YOU DISGUSTING FAG!"
The next sound Robby heard was the sound of skin hitting skin as his mother struck his father across the cheeks, but Robby refused to hear anymore and instead fled to Ezra's house.
"What's wrong Robby?" he had asked in the most innocent way possible.
"Parents are fighting and I need to get out of the house...."

Robby managed to pull himself out of his past and swallow his anger. He handed Ezra back his phone and cupped his boyfriend's cheeks again.
"What they think doesn't matter Ez, we have each other as well as Nikki and her girlfriend, we're only here for a year and a half and then we can go wherever you want," Robby said. Nikki was another one of their childhood best friends, they met when Nikki and Robby got in a scuffle and Ezra separated them and patched them both up before sharing his fruit snacks with the both of them. It was the start of a beautiful friendship. Kind of ironic how they all turned out to be gay huh?
Ezra was still hurt by what everyone had said online. People he had thought were his friends were some of the people saying the worst slurs. "A...year and a half..." he mumbled in response. He couldn't wait until they both graduated and they could leave. At least then, if they wanted, they could go somewhere far away, where summers were long and no one knew who they were. Sighing, Ezra reached up and wrapped his arms around him, needing to be held.

After a while, he pulled back, not looking at Robby. "We should start heading back home...dinner'll be ready soon." He placed a small kiss on his cheek, his grey eyes sad still. "Can...can we not mention this at home? My mom doesn't really...know..." he finished lamely, not really sure how he was supposed to say it. "I...I just need to pretend for another year and a half...right?"
Robby nodded grimly before stroking Ezra's cheek. He stood up and brushed the dirt of his rear, sighing in annoyance. They would go into to school on Monday and if anyone had the nerve to say things like that to Ezra's or his face... well, they wouldn't have much of a face left after Robby got through with them. Robby was extremely protective of Ezra. At first it was a friendly protection but as Robby realized he had romantic feelings for Ezra, it became more of a jealousy issue. Now that he and Ezra were dating... He pitied the idiot who tried to hurt Ezra.
Ezra gave a soft, sad smile to Robby as he felt his warm hands on his cheeks. He leaned into his body, closing his eyes for a moment. When he pulled away, he took Robby's hand and started leading him back to his apartment.

He held hands with him the whine way home, forcing himself to be brave. He couldn't let Robby sense his fear of being ridicule, no matter what.

Soon, they were home, and a heavenly smell wafted through the air as they stepped through the door. "We're back, Mom," Ezra said.

"Great, sweetie! Dinner's just about ready. Could you two set the table for me?" her voice called from the kitchen.

"Sure," Ezra called before heading into the kitchen, where his mother was standing over a pot of rice and a hot oven. He grabbed some plates and silverware, and asked Robby to get the cups. Setting the table, he made sure everything was straight before he sat down, running his fingers through his hair.
Robby fetched the cups like Ezra asked before sitting down next to his distressed boyfriend. After knowing the kid for almost eight years now, Robby could read Ezra like a book, and not one of those high level novels like Moby Dick or Hamlet, but like Green Eggs and Ham kind of book. He set a comforting hand on Ezra's knee, which was thoroughly covered by the table cloth. He smiled over at Ezra, hoping to relax him a bit. Seeing Ezra on edge made Robby anxious. He just wanted Ezra to be happy. When he realized he liked the kid, Robby figured keeping his feelings locked up would make Ezra happy, so their friendship wouldn't be spoiled by unrequited homosexual affections, but he now realized how stupid that was since Ezra had been doing the same thing since fifth grade.
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