Nightraven High School

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Pierre had heard the whole thing, not firing many rounds at a target.
"She seemed quite facher, mon ami, maybe we should check on her, I've never seeen her mad comme ca." He said to Alfredo and Greg.
Greg pulled his mufflers down around his neck. Janna? Angry? This was new, and disturbing, and it kind of made him feel bad for some inexplicable reason. "Hey, guys? I'm gonna go find Janna.", and with that, he slipped out of the range and into the hallway, snagging the dropped .22 as he went.
"Janna? You forgot the rifle! You won't get any better if you don't practice..." he called as he wandered down the hallway. Where could she have gone?
Zi came bursting in through the range like the police, "Has anyone seen Janna!?"
"Janna? Greg just went out to look for her right now, chica araña."
Pierre nodded at Alfredos comment.
"She got angry at monsieur Greg, is something the matter?"
"Something is very wrong." Zi said as she went to search after Janna too. Things were about to go horribly wrong in a couple of minutes. She could feel it and there was nothing she would be able to do about it if she didn't get there in time. Zi was just about to pass the Infirmary when she saw Janna's tiny form on a bed. She was out like a light, but not in a good way. Furthermore, there was no one in here. Why wasn't there anyone in the Infirmary and she couldn't just leave Janna alone. How long had Janna been in here? Secondly, why was she sweating?
Greg looked to his right and saw- Zi? What the hell was she doing here? And who was that behind- Janna?
He stepped into the infirmary, Isabelle in hand, drawing a bead on Zi's back as he entered. "Zi! Just what, exactly, are you doing to her?"
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"I'm not doing anything! I'm freaking out! Something's wrong with her and no one is in here!" Zi looked at Greg, "This is an emergency not an attack!"
Janna didn't look like she was going to be waking up anytime soon. Zi was panicking. She started looking through cabinets searching for anything that would cool her temperature. Of all the times to catch a fever, it had to be now.
Greg circles around closer to Janna, making sure to keep his revolver trained upon the strange girl.
"Oh, I'm sure that's exactly why I'm finding you stooped over her unconscious body when she was fine not two minutes ago. How's about instead you go get the guys and we get her to an actual doctor instead of you fucking around with syringes, yeah? Maybe use those fancy-ass powers of yours to go find Professor Greenwood, who, if I must remind you, is a doctor. Don't worry, I'll stay here and protect her from any possibly-homicidal psychos who show up unannounced at school without anyone who can confirm their alibi."
[OOC: I am going to leave it at this and I'm going to sleep.]
"I bet it's you that's the cause of her stress isn't it?" Zi shot back, "With an attitude like yours I'm sure of it. Shoot me! Do it! Because we both know how well that went the last time. God forbid you shoot Janna!"
Zi continued to look for medicine. Anything that would help Janna, "And in case you're wondering, Janna isn't gonna last long enough for me to get a teacher because you sure as hell don't know what to do."
Zi finally found what she was looking for and placed a large leaf on Janna's forehead. Janna was still unconscious and she didn't move. Not even twitch, but on the plus side, she was breathing faster than she was before.
"Well anyway, I'm going to go get a teacher. If I find out you did anything to Janna, I will personally kill you." Zi said coldly.
"Why should I care? It's pretty fucking clear you're planning to kill us already! You already got Janna, hell, you yourself just said that she isn't going to last long enough to find a teacher! You're probably just running off to kill another student! How much of it was a lie, Zi? Did you even really care about Janna? Is that why you let her take hits for you?"
He moves into the doorway, blocking it off.
"I'm not letting you kill the others. I might be worthless, but between me and Izzy here, we still got a chance."
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While they were arguing, Shah slipped past Greg and tended to Janna, checking her pulse and putting a coldpack on her forehead. She then rummaged around the room until she found a directory. Which was worth all fuck all for her, fortunately Greg could at least talk. She dialed a number and shoved the phone into Greg's hand. She held up a recipe card which said. "It's Professor Greenwoode, gonna call Salazyn too. Between two of them, should be able to find something to Save Janna. If not, dial up Kraven he'd move Heaven+Earth for her." She turned it over and wrote another thing on her. "You really think Zi did it? Zi = nuisance. But Killer? + of all people Janna?"
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Greg jumped when Shah suddenly appeared nex to him. He glanced at the card, "Occam's Razor, Shah. Janna was fine not two minutes ago and Zi was the only one who could've done it."
With that, he picked up the phone, "Hello? Mr. Greenwoode? I think Janna's been poisoned, you have to come quick!"
Greg jumped when Shah suddenly appeared nex to him. He glanced at the card, "Occam's Razor, Shah. Janna was fine not two minutes ago and Zi was the only one who could've done it."
"Her symptons = Concussion. or look like one anyway." Shah replied on paper. She decided to omit her own speculation as to who or what caused that concussion, no point in guilting the poor bastard. "And if she was willing to kill Janna, why not you?"
"That's why I have the gun, Shah, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think a concussion makes you hyperventilate. Maybe our so-called friend here can explain herself before I put a bullet in her skull."
Pavel was tired. Pavel was sleeping.

He was on a plain, the sky was blue and the grass was green. Around him were rolling hills and chittering of little tits and swallows filled his world. Snakes slithered around and ate a few, but it was alright, they weren't venomous, that he instantly knew.

Then, as if on cue, storm clouds darkened the sky, and he ran, ran far away from the storm. In front of him grew many trees, the trees became a forest, and the darkness became as smothering as if it was night.

His laser rifle was in his hands, he didn't know how, but it was. Maybe it was with him all the time, or it was his will that called it into being, he couldn't tell. Still, he saw little, but soon a small flashlight gave him some hope.

Then the noises started. The leaves churned as if they were prodded by sticks, and strands of spidersilk glinted in his little round world of tension. His heart pounded and the air became thick.

In that moment they struck. A pair of Crawlers, their stingers glinting with poison, leapt from the branches as his light exposed their foul plan. Bolts of searing light struck the first in moments as he jammed the trigger, showering him with foul ichor that stung his skin like red hot coal. The other was more fortunate, evading his shots and getting to his flank. Even worse was that he looked the wrong way, and so was tackled from behind, only able to turn half-way.

The stinger, the bane of their prey, stung him in the arm, and he responded with a desperate elbow across the beast's face. It bought him a moment of relief, and he followed with a backhand strike that was meant to be savage, but fell short as his arm began to feel numb. Willing it to move one last time, Pavel used it to grab the stinger and hold it down long enough for his other hand to bring up a knife to bear, and cutting it off. Next came the crawler itself, thrashing as the short blade was jammed and gleefully turned around in it's elongated cranium.

Weary from the ordeal, the russian pushed the weight aside, and sat upright, reaching for his rifle. Then he saw them. Dozens upon dozens of spiders, as large as a wolf each, encircled him. Leading them was none other than the girl who came in just the other day, wounded and too weak to even move on her accord. The girl who played most viciously in the PE class. The girl called Zi.

Then, just as they rushed them, he woke up with a start to the sounds of gunfire and the conversations of his school mates.

"Wow. Don't they know what sleeping time is?" He set out to find them.
It had finally been done, and without a brush to boot. What was once "Can-1", as its original creator called it, was reborn. Baptized in PURE FREEDOM as well as three cans of paint, the ship was reborn. Red, white, and blue it was painted all over the exterior. There were stars and stripes. Exactly fifty stars were painted onto the top blue stripe. He used his power to paint it quickly with precision. Trent called it "The Ameri-can".
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Shah said:
"And if she was willing to kill Janna, why not you?"
"Assuming she vas, she vould haff done so covertly, viz ze intention of getting avay vis it. Killing Greg disposes of any possibility of innocence." posed Heidi, who'd heard yelling and decided to approach this with logic. "Still, ve are basing zis assumption on vat? Circumstantial evidence unt a bit of unnecessary roughness in class? Ve should, at ze very least, see vat is wrong vis her before ve go acting on our assumptions."
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There was a long pause. A pause in which Shah's life ticked away. Shah closed her eyes sighed, pointed to the Window behind Zi, with her wall crawling abilities she could make it to Salazyn or Kraven. As for Greg, Shah stood in front of him and his gun. No more notes, no more Words. If Greg wanted to shoot Zi, he'd have to shoot Shah. And hope like hell the shot kept her from getting into hand to hand range.
Ivan poked his head into the room, where he found the source of the loud arguments. It appeared to him there was a standoff. It was up to him to defuse the situation.

A Scorpion submachine gun slid across the floor, stopping by Greg's feet. Ivan nodded, then left from the doorway.
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