Night and Moon (LYDIA and Natasha)

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"What, like this?"

He leaped from his branch and pulled her down with him. The branches were spaced quite apart, so Cass allowed the two to fall for a few seconds before he landed on a thick bough, like a cat, and caught the werewolf girl, bridal-style, with one arm hooked under her knees and the other around her shoulders. He laughed as she caught her breath. Once she stopped hyperventilating, Cass jumped to the ground, landed gracefully and set her on her feet. He held onto her waist for a moment until he decided she could stand by herself.

"You can slap me if you want," said Cass, still smiling. "I probably deserve it. But admit it, that was fun."
Lunaria choked back a scream as she felt him pull her down, and once they were on the ground she was sure her hair was a mess -- but then again, it always was.

That had been terrifying, yet exhilarating, and she was kind of an adrenalin junkie so a slap was not the first thing that came to mind.

"I was thinking something more extreme than a slap," she teased, pausing to catch her breath. "But yes if you must insist, it was fun." She said with a smile as she tried to smooth down her hair. "Do you do this to try and woo human girls too?" She asked with a smirk.
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"Woo? Crap, I thought my undying love for you was not obvious. Apparently, I was mistaken." He grinned. "As for the question, no, no human girls. Only beautiful werewolf ones I meet in detention."

He smiled again, before turning and leading her away from The Tree. "So, waterfalls or death canyons next?"
"Beautiful werewolf girls?" She echoed with a chuckle. "I'm guessing you don't see a lot of those because I'm pretty sure any other werewolf girl would have pinned you down and ripped your throat out after that." She laughed as she began walking again.

"Ooh, death canyon sounds fun." She said, bouncing with excitement.
"Trust me, I've met plenty of pretty werewolves and you're the most beautiful out of all of them," he said, honesty potent in his tone. Where did all this flirting come from? Cass asked himself as he helped her over the craggy rocks and logs on the way to the death canyon.

It was really just a long, deep break in the rocky-floored part of the forest, with jagged edges that would slice up a human if they fell. Cass's skin was rock-hard, so he and Ariana regularly jumped down to see what was on the ground. "There's some pretty gross spiders down there," he said, moving his fingers up her arm slowly, like an arachnid.
Lunaria looked at him for a second, slightly confused and curious. They should have been enemies, but that took a turn when they started talking, and now there was flirting?

What made her feel more confused -- or rather, conflicted -- was that she didn't mind. In fact, felt the need to reciprocate.

She cleared her throat, mumbling a doft thank you, glad her hair was a mess so it could cover her face as she peered down into the rocks, stepping back as he said spiders. She was a wolf, not easily scared, vut spiders just freaked her out. "Okay I change my mind. Let's go to the waterfall."
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"Okay, waterfall it is." As she moved to step back, her foot hooked on a rock and instead she was thrown forward, in the direction of the canyon. Cass's reflexes kicked in and he lunged forward, hooking his arms around her waist and shooting backwards, away from the edge of the trench.

The fear that had just coursed through Cass could have restarted his dead heart. He twisted her around in his grip so she faced him. He was breathing heavily as he asked, "Are you alright?" Not even her strong werewolf skin could have survived that fall. He had just saved her life.
Everything happened so fast, it passed by in almost a blur. One second she was about to fall to her death -- though not technically for the first time -- and the next she was pulled away, in the strong grasp of the vampire.

She looked back at the canyon where she could have just died and turned back to look at Cass. "Y-yeah," she said, regaining her composure after getting over the initial shock. "Must have been standing too close to the edge." She said, giving him an apologetic look, mixed with a very grateful one.
"Just give me a minute to recover from the heart attack you just gave me ... "

He stepped away but kept one hand on her wrist as he covered his mouth with the other. He turned away -- the shock and panic of the incident had brought out his sharp, white fangs, and he didn't want to scare her with them.
Lunaria peered at him, in confusion, trying to figure out ehat was wrong.

She reached a hand out to slowly pull his arm away from his mouth. "You okay?" She asked and saw the fangs. "Ah." She said, as if understanding, though really, she didn't. "You get hungry when you're frightened?" She asked with a small chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.
"No," he said, self-conscious of the tiny hint of a lisp that came with the fangs. "It's like -- danger! Must attack with throat-destroying fangs." He waved his arms around his head wildly to emphasise his point a little. "It's an instinct. And really goddamn embarrassing ... "

He could have waited the few minutes for the fangs to go away, but instead he turned away from her, nipped the end of his finger and put a droplet of his own blood on his tongue. The fangs disappeared and he turned back to her. "Better," he announced. "Sorry about that."
"You could have done that to my finger instead," she suggested. "It's just a drop, right?" She said with a small smile as she watched him, now fang-free.

"Does different people's blood taste different?" She asked, suddenly curious as she was hit with the thought. She wondered, if that was the case, what her own blood would taste like.
He started walking again, beside her, as he explained. "Well, at the start, you're so crazy for blood that you don't notice all the different tastes. But after about a year, you start to notice it. Each animal has a different taste, human blood kind of all tastes the same. Vampire blood is really sweet -- not that we feed from each other all the time, it's more of a private, romantic thing. And I have no idea what werewolf blood tastes like."
She nodded as she listened to him. Well that was something she didn't know. That vampires did it out of love rather than actually feeding. When he came to werewolves though, she stopped walking. "Well, here's your chance." She said, smiling a little. "Aren't you curious?" She asked, crossing her arms across her chest and leaning against a tree as she studied him.

"Do you do it on the neck or is that a stereotype?" She asked after a moment. She realised all the questions were coming out now for some reason.
Cass paused and stared at her, shocked. "You ... actually want me to bite you?"

Either she was crazy or just really adventurous. How could a werewolf want a vampire to bite them? But he had to admit, he was curious.

He took a careful step toward her. "I can do it on the neck but I don't have to," he said. "I mean, it would probably taste better from the neck, because there's more bloodflow ... "
"Yeah," she nodded and watched as he stepped closer. Instinctively she moved back only to realise she couldn't because she was against the tree.

"Well if the neck is better then do it there," she said, offering a smile though her heart was racing. Her insides did not match what was shown on her outside, which was a calm and collected expression. She wasn't nervous. Not so much. She was more excited, at how it would feel. And it was new to hin too and that made her feel more excited for some reason.

"Just don't drain me okay?"
She said with a small chuckle to keep the mood light.
He stepped right up to her, towering over her. "I wouldn't drain you," he assured her. "That takes too much effort. I'm not even joking."

He gently cupped the right side of her neck, feeling her pulse, and the fangs made a reappearance. "Are you sure about this, Luna?" he said quietly. This was a big decision for her and, while it was not the first time someone had willingly given Cass their blood, he wanted her to be comfortable. Or at least okay with it.
She raised an eyebrow, surprised by that tid bit of information. She always assumed that when a vampire started it was hard to stop, but apparently not.

She peered up at his towering figure and let her hands move from across her chest so they now rested likp at her sides. Was she sure? "Yep, I'm sure." She said, hearing him call her the nickname only her parents called her as a child. She usually smote down anyone else that did -- figuratively of course -- but she didn't do it with Cass.
Cass nodded once and used the hand on her neck to tilt her head to the side, leaving the vein on the left side of her neck exposed. He slowly leaned down, in case she wanted him to stop, and sunk his fangs into her neck.

The warm blood flowed into his mouth from the two little puncture holes in the vein, flooding his mouth and rushing over his tongue as he gently sucked. It tasted good, very different from human blood -- it was like a wolf's but saltier. He guessed it had more iron in it than a human's, and tasted quite meaty. After a few more sucks, he pulled his fangs out of the holes and pressed his tongue to them once so they would stop bleeding. He pulled away, took a small step back and wiped the blood from his chin and bottom lip with the back of his hand, staring at her thoughtfully.

"The holes will close up in a minute. You're type A?" he guessed.
Her eyes slid shut as she felt him press down on her neck. Where she had expected pain, she hardly felt it. If anything, it felt good in a way, and it was only the initial prick that was any sort of pain. The rest of it felt strangely nice. When he pulled away, her eyes fluttered open to focus on him as he wiped his mouth.

She assumed she would feel lightheaded or something, but no such feeling came to her. She blinked twoce before answering. "Uh, Type O actually." She corrected. Her brothers werr both A though, like her mother. She had gotten O, like her father.

"How did it taste?"
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