New Girl

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
"We will be... fine... I hope." He said then more confidently "Yes you two will be fine."
"I will be fine to." He said with a smile. It looks real, but it wasn't. He wasn't sure about himself, he was going to make sure they would be ok.
"oh... ok. Promise me? I want see you out of this." starts to doze.
"Yes," he says as he strokes her hair waiting a couple of minutes before setting her chair back and leaving her there. He got out and started to wipe the snow off of the car. He did just enough for them to see it then took the back lights of the car and resided them into the battery though a resister then ran the negative lead though a transistor trying to save power to keep the lights going. He would need to get the car repaired anyways, so he had nothing to lose. He got back into the car. He looked at Anne who was still sleeping then at Caraline.
Without opening her eyes she turns to him and shivers, "Wh-what was t-that about-t?"
'Great... There goes that plan...' "Just making a signal for cars that pass by. Our tail lights are now on." he said getting back into her seat next to her and putting an arm around her. "I'm not leaving now." he says kissing her head then going for her lips. He was smiling.
SMiles and kisses back, "youre freezing!" leans up and hugs him forgetting she just has on a shirt. "You shoulve taken the jacket! i wouldve been fine."
Here move over to the drivers seat, he says helping her over the he golds down the passengers seat into the floor, "We can give Anne my jacket if your ok with going... shirtless and trade it for the blanket." the jacket would cover Anne completely because if the size difference.
"I uh... I guess. cause then you could be warm too right?" Looks at him worridly.
He nods and take the jacket off her from behind her so he couldn't see anything, then swaped it with the blanket and sat on the floor with the blanket ready motioning for her to sit next to him.
Backs up into the blanket and places it around herself falling onto him, "Thanks. Are you okay?"
"Yes" he says wrapping his arms around her bare skin, he hesitantly back his arm away but ended up doing in anyways.
Doesnt even care anymore, worst couldve happened and so far it hadent. "Okay then... sleep, ill be here for you"
Jake closed his eyesstill holding her onto him, he couldn't sleep however. He kept remembering how he couldn't control himself, how he was acting just like the other guys in school. He just hoped she wouldn't second guess if he really loved her or not. He didn't know how he would answer that but figured he would know if it came up.
"Since you obviously arent sleeping, what happened earlier?" Looks up at him making sure to keep herself covered.
"Umm... I'm not sure, I gues it's a guy thing." the he smiled and looked over at her, which made the thoughts come back but he restrained himself. "siting next to a beautiful girl close against you can do that if you don't restrain you mind... but I think I... I think..." his had grabbed her chest and he laid her back while kissing her so she couldn't yell. Quickly he caught himself and pulled back, "uhh, sorry, maybe I cant..." he went to get out of the blanket and just let her have it.
"I guess that does kinda make sense but why me i mea-" Mid sentece she feels his lips against hers and his icy hand on her chest. Kisses back with all she has until he pulls away and is about to leave her alone under the covers, "No wait! dont... dont go... I'll get cold with out you. Everyone makes mistakes, its ok."
"But... I can't trust myself with you." he say, regardless he gets back in the overs and lays next to her "What if I... can't control myself?" He sad facing her, subconsciously outing on arm around her. The car was covered again and the light shown faintly though it.
"its ok, if i have to ill bite and kick and scream till you snap out of it." or you hope you will, what is it that he does to you? he drives you crazy for him but he isnt like the other boys. Gives him a smile and scoots closer to him.