
Original poster
As it says, just an updated thread from an implied previous thread I had made, so let's cut to the chase.

I vastly prefer to play female characters. This isn't to say I won't play side characters necessary for the plot as both characters *though I expect my partner to do the same*, but I've found that I lose interest as a male lead very quickly. Also not exactly a fan of doubling, but I might be convinced to give it a shot if it's a good plot idea that needs it. I will never play a cannon character, and I often find I don't enjoy the roleplays as much when my partner does. If I do a "fandom" roleplay, it will be with ocs.
I prefer medium to decently long replies. I always want quality stuff, not just filler, but I do not want two-sentence replies every time, or even worse, one-liners. It doesn't add much to the story for me; just doesn't cut it in my mind. It's frustrating for me when I put a lot of effort into something to get a meaninless response too.

I'm usually up for a variety of themes, settings, and plots. If I'm not okay with something, I will tell you. I won't just hide from it or something. That being said, I do have some ideas I'd like to do, especially one fantasy in a modern age type one. Feel free to shoot me a message either with ideas or asking for some. Make sure to list any specific preferences you have. I hope this all works out. I do romances, but I do not do homosexual ones. I'm straight, just not familiar with it and too lazy to spend time getting familiar with it.

I very much enjoy roleplays with characters who suffer from mental illness (often depression, generalised anxiety, social anxiety, since that's what I've been diagnosed with and am familiar with) because it makes it more dramatic and realistic, and if that is not something you're okay with, this might not be for you.

I'll list my ideas kind of in order of what I want most to least right now:

This one isn't exactly written out, but I have a female character that I would really like to use for this, simply because I haven't really had a chance to use her yet. I'd like an original rp set in the Harry Potter universe. The cannon events have happened, but they don't exactly matter in this part of the roleplay. Basically, I'm looking for someone who can play a revolution starter. Someone like Voldemort who causes a similar uproar, but they don't have to be so evil and/or malicious. They can have their own reasons, drive, etc. Just keep in mind, unless you would like to help me control the propaganda put out by the Ministry, they will portray your character as evil because they're rising up against them. We can work stuff out, but I was thinking that your character would try to turn mine over to help kick start everything because she's gotten into trouble with the Ministry for experimenting with newer kinds of magic (not necessarily bad, but definitely new and dangerous to test around a lot of people. I was thinking the Ministry wouldn't want "unsanctioned" magic just lying around the place).

In a semi-modern age, magic trumps technology, though it isn't nearly as popular. Most usable magic is wonderful and useful, but casters are rare, and it is a hard art to master. Genetically, the ability to cast is determined by multiple recessive genes on many of the 23 pairs of chromosomes. The more recessive traits a given person has, the easier it is to cast, and the more kinds of magic they are physically able to use. In an attempt to find as many children with the ability as possible, each set of parents is required to take a genetics test to show the probability of a potential user. Then, the child must take one as soon as possible. As soon as a child's test came back positive, there would be a percentage of genes that correspond to those known to relate to magic.
Each region was different; some required those with talent to receive training from childhood, others before they reached adulthood. Over each part of the world, each child with magical aptitude had to start training anywhere from eight to sixteen.

She wasn't quite what most people expected to see. Her family had been one of the first known line of magic users, and yet she wasn't projected to have any large amount of talent. Regardless, she was born with an abnormal amount of corresponding genes. At the age of nine, she was required to seek training, so she was sent to her aunt, the most qualified magic instructor. When she was fifteen, another boy who was just as talented was sent to their small cabin in the woods, his previous mentor being unable to continue teaching due to a reason unknown to her. After four years of practising known magic, her aunt disappeared without a trace, and they're out of magic to study.

(Could add a soulmates AU idea)
She had been taken in very early by a less-than-desirable group of people—the local mafia—but never really suffered because of it. They had known her parents. No, they hadn't been a part of their group, but they were known nonetheless because they had always been kind to the group. When both parents and the little girl were caught in the crossfire of a police and multi-gang shooting, she was the only one of the three to survive. A foster home in town took her in, though her gaurdian was soon taken into state custody as they investigated multiple charges of sexual, mental, and physical child abuse. Left with no one else, the little girl was adopted and taken in by the mafia's leader around the age of nine. She grew up to be their biggest dork, but she was beloved and dear to them. Anyone who hurt her answered to them. What will happen when the leader of the rival mafia meets her, ignorant of her connection to his enemies?

Many years ago, an endless war broke out between two neighbouring kingdoms. Countless soldiers died, many women were brutalised as the front lines moved back and forth between border towns, and children were afraid to fall asleep at night. After years of brutality from both countries, the two kings were finally able to make an agreement, a treaty that would save so many people from their petty anger. Both rulers would abdicate their thrones and the next generation of royals would be wed. The people were tired of the kings that seemingly didn't care about them or about anything but money, and there had already been assassination attempts on both sides. The next king and queen of the newly merged countries now have to find a way to earn back their favour in the eyes of the people.

I am really up for just a normal romance/slice of life sort of thing where I play a dorky character who's dorkiness drives their partner crazy because they think it's adorable. Also, a dorky, shy, introverted character who can be unexpectantly dominant and protective once they've bonded with someone (this can be added to any plot as a character idea)
Pairing/setting ideas (bold-preferred role; not in any particular order):
Bully x nerd (not like a cruel one; we can talk about it)
Student tutor x student
Werewolf x Witch
Human x Witch
x SO/very close friend that eventually becomes SO
Superhero x villain
Two apprentices
Pokemon?? Maybe
A Hogwarts roleplay of some sort (my characters are typically Ravenclaws)

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