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Never Have I Ever

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I have. I am actually gonna tell you how scary it was. So last year I met a guy online and he liked me so I said fuck it and started dating him. We moved on to texting but the weirdest part is he was supposed to live in Japan. He had the same area code as me... freaked me the fuck out but I thought maybe just maybe it was a coincidence because you can move and keep an area code. So he tells me he has a friend who lives in Shreveport, which is pretty much where I live. So we move to calling and he sounds like a chick. Which I was like "Wtf okay.." And he explained he had a weird voice. Well eventually we broke up because he was a pos but he started dating a friend of mine online. Who found out his pics were fake. So i reversed tracked the phone number in the person lived in a nearby city as mine. Freaking out I told any friends that he followed to block his instagram. But it gets worse. He makes a fake account that is "his sister" so I got the pic and looked it up and it was fake and the name was a variation of the tumblr user the guy stole the pic from. So then freaked out more because now he made a fake account to stalk me. But guess what... he made another but I wasn't aware until one day I saw a pic and went to the instagram profile. IT WAS ANOTHER FAKE ACCOUNT BY HIM WITH SOME OF THE PICS HE USED!!! So I texted him and told him to leave me the fuck alone or I would contact the police. Shit was scary as fuck but it made me more eh about stalkers because the bitch has yet to do anything. I wish I knew who she actually is and if I know her. Morale of the story skype and snapchat are our friends and if they don't do either they are fake as fuck.

Never have I ever tasted the rainbow. :P
This is why when I enter an online relationship webcam chats are vital.
Doesn't need to be frequent (though that is nice), but at least one so I know who the other person is. :P

I have tasted the rainbow(thanks skittles).

Never have I caught a leprechaun.
I asked and asked but he made excuses like a lil bitch XD

I have never caught a leprachaun but I have sacrificed one to the almighty unicorn :P

I have never ridden a magical mystical mythological creature.
I have never ridden such a creature... yet.

I have never ordered more than twice the amount of food that I could actually eat.
I always force myself to eat because I feel bad when people don't eat all their food because it is like wasting money, food and can offend the cook XD

Never have I ever eaten the soul of a newborn child on the first day.

I always wait a day or so, add flavor :P
That's what doggy bags are for though. :P

I have eaten an infants soul on the first day, it's so tempting!

Never have I been in a super-heated room due to the computer.
My room is Satan's personal fuck and torture chamber with or without a computer. *is sweating right now yet the fan is on*

Never have I ever dropped the soap at the wrong time and place.
I only stop watching them if they literally are boring, not scary and shitty af. Nothing is too freaky for me. I am a freak so.... :P

Never have I ever put the lime in the coconut and shook it all up.
I have put the lime in the coke and then shook it all up. :P

Never have I coughed or vomited out blood.
I have sneezed blood but never coughed out blood or vomited it out. I haven't puked since I was like 8 lol

Never have I ever been to a bar.
I've never used a balloon to scare someone... purposely.

Never have I burnt myself on coffee.
Jokes on you. I don't drink coffee but I do burn myself on hot food because I am impatient...

Never have I been a part of a cult.
So what's the name of the cult and what's the initiation?

Technically yes by my parents for being a shitty kid but sexually no.

Never have I ever watched someone whip another person with me in the room
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