Never Have I Ever

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I've never bit a stranger... I believe.
2-3 year old me might have.

Never have I been out of home for over a week straight.
I have at some point in my life. Once at my cousins and a few times at friends houses.

Never have I ever been on a train.
I have been on a train before. One summer I needed it for work.

Never have I been fired from a job.
I don't even have my first job...

Never have I ever been to space.
I have never been to space.

Never have I been deep in the Ocean.
The farthest I have been was a few feet lol

Never have I been on a mountain.
I have never been on a mountain.

I have never driven for more than 2 hours straight.
I have fore drivers ed. The guy had us driving for like 3-4 hours. It was horrible.

Never have I ever been a burrito
I have never been a burrito... But that sounds oddly arousing.

Never have I gotten in a meme war.
XD oh well then grab a blanket and wrap yourself up

I rarely meme so I haven't been in a meme war.

Never have I ever made a successful meme.
I have made many successful memes. :3
Iwaku Meme's, Video Meme's etc.

Never have I speed ran a game.
I have never sped run a game because that ruins it. Like slow down grab the controller wiggle like your trying to make your feels fall off.

Never have I ever committed murder
I've never committed murder. <.< >.>

I have never randomly found 20 dollars or more.
The only thing I find is like pennies and change lol

Never have I ever found a dead body while jogging.
I have never found a dead body while jogging... Mainly because I don't jog. :P
And the dead bodies were road kill, not people.

Never have I mis-read pennies and penises.
I don't job either XD

I misread literally everything because my mind is so dirty and messed up that it autocorrects to curse words and sexual words.

Never have I ever completely failed a spelling test. Most were 100/100 but sometimes I'd screw up like one or two words and got like a B on them.
Dirty Minds corrupt alike. :P
I have never screwed up a spelling test. They only kept those until Grade 8 and they were insanely simple. :P

Never have I offended someone with dirty, crass or dark humor.
America is shit. Lol We did them up to senior year XD

I offend so many people with my humor and then offend them further when I tell them I don't give a shit. Whoops.

Never have I ever popped it, locked it or dropped it.
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I have never done that. But I have bopped it. :P

Never have I had the DM throw the book at me.
I almost died laughing, literally XD I started coughing and couldn't breathe..

I have never had a book thrown at me but I have had other thing's thrown at me.

Never have I ever owned a smart smart phone.
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