Nefastus Lupata Academy

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Aria smiles cheerfully, heading out the door. "Well, the first thing we can do is look around. The hallways are scrambled, so we won't be able to learn where anyone is yet, but this is a good chance to meet people and explore outside. Usually meeting people is tricky since there really isn't a good reason to start up conversation, but since the hallways are so messed up, that gives us some common ground. I'll use my abilities to help them find their room just like I did for us, and we'll expand the number of people we know. Its a perfect win-win right?"

Aria looks excited as she sees someone who looks sufficiently lost, bonus points for being a kitty, but Aria can't really tell if the person was male or female, since the appearance gives hints to either way. Not that it was important since I wouldn't be flirting or anything, but it does seem like one of those things people compulsively just want to know. Without further delay, Aria practically drags Niniane over with her as she increases her pace to catch up with the cat person. Enthusiastically, "Hey there, you look lost. Can we help you find something?"

Looking around yet again, Aiace sighed as he realized that he couldn't distinguish this hallway from any of the others he was just in. Whatever part of the school he was in by this point, either it was intentionally made to follow a certain canon of design for an extended distance, or he had been walking in circles for some time now. Since he wasn't getting anywhere too quickly anytime soon, he shifted his bag on his shoulder and removed his glasses to clean them.

The sound of an unknown voice mere moments after removing his glasses caused the catboy to jump a bit, turning quickly in confusion and surprise to get a somewhat blurry look at the two figures approaching. "Oh, um, ah... Ciao!" Squinting to see them a bit better, he soon remembered the glasses in his hands and shoved them back on his face. "I, ah... oh, you're human? And..." His eyes widened a bit as he saw Niniane and he moved a bit closer to get a better look at her ears. "A-another one? You're like me? I thought it would just be me and the teacher earlier! Che buono!"
Out in the garden Ki was flying about, still preoccupied with his absentminded twittering. As he flew about aimlessly the little bird noticed movement just off the path. It took him half a second to make out the canine getting up in the shade it may have been due to Ki's natural absentminded state or even the surprise of seeing a dangerous wolf so close, maybe even a bit of both, but mid-flight the energetic bird collided with a low-hanging branch and falling to the ground in a fluster.

His cheeps going frantic as he tries to right himself, worried about the big dog eating him up.

Moon's ears perked up as he heard the distressed cries of a crashed bird. It took him a while to pinpoint the source of the sound, though, as he didn't expect it to be coming from such a tiny creature. He took only a few steps closer, mostly just watching — a bit concerned, but unsure whether or not he should help. The answer soon came barreling down from above.

"Moooooooon Moon Moon Moon Moon!" Goldie chirped excitedly, quickly landing only a short distance away from the fallen hummingbird. "Moon! You should do something! You're good at that!"

Moon considered his companion's words, but, as a predator, he recognized the fear of being hunted when he saw it. Lucky for Ki, he wasn't interested in hunting such a small creature — and he didn't find it necessary to terrify the tiny bird more than necessary, either. "He looks like he can get up; probably best I leave him alone." he growled quietly, mostly to himself, knowing that while a silver could understand the cries of any animal, only another silver would be able to comprehend his response. Sure enough, the yellow songbird continued to urge him to act as he stood there, idle. Moon decided to tune her out for a bit as he waited to see how things would play out.
Aria smiles cheerfully, heading out the door. "Well, the first thing we can do is look around. The hallways are scrambled, so we won't be able to learn where anyone is yet, but this is a good chance to meet people and explore outside. Usually meeting people is tricky since there really isn't a good reason to start up conversation, but since the hallways are so messed up, that gives us some common ground. I'll use my abilities to help them find their room just like I did for us, and we'll expand the number of people we know. Its a perfect win-win right?"

Aria looks excited as she sees someone who looks sufficiently lost, bonus points for being a kitty, but Aria can't really tell if the person was male or female, since the appearance gives hints to either way. Not that it was important since I wouldn't be flirting or anything, but it does seem like one of those things people compulsively just want to know. Without further delay, Aria practically drags Niniane over with her as she increases her pace to catch up with the cat person. Enthusiastically, "Hey there, you look lost. Can we help you find something?"

Looking around yet again, Aiace sighed as he realized that he couldn't distinguish this hallway from any of the others he was just in. Whatever part of the school he was in by this point, either it was intentionally made to follow a certain canon of design for an extended distance, or he had been walking in circles for some time now. Since he wasn't getting anywhere too quickly anytime soon, he shifted his bag on his shoulder and removed his glasses to clean them.

The sound of an unknown voice mere moments after removing his glasses caused the catboy to jump a bit, turning quickly in confusion and surprise to get a somewhat blurry look at the two figures approaching. "Oh, um, ah... Ciao!" Squinting to see them a bit better, he soon remembered the glasses in his hands and shoved them back on his face. "I, ah... oh, you're human? And..." His eyes widened a bit as he saw Niniane and he moved a bit closer to get a better look at her ears. "A-another one? You're like me? I thought it would just be me and the teacher earlier! Che buono!"

Niniane nodded as she listened to Aria's reasoning for wandering the halls. It sounded like a good way to expand social connections, even though, in a way, she felt like she already knew everyone there was to know in the school. Before they wandered for long, though, Aria spotted another student, and grabbed Niniane's wrist as she ran over to them. After being half-dragged over to this new student, Niniane's eyes locked onto him as she listened to what his response would be to Aria's words.

The microz tilted her head at Aiace's remark, squinting her eyes skeptically and curiously as she was referred to as 'another one'. Thinking on this, she soon stepped closer to Aiace, standing barely an inch away from him as she inspected him closely, taking a moment to process all the information coming into her head. "…You think I'm a Nekomata?" she asked, considering the idea. "Hmm… that might be possible. But I'm not sure." she continued. "While we may be alike in appearance, we're vastly different in history. You've lived a long time, while I feel as though I've only been alive for less than a year. Additionally, this would not explain my abilities nor sensitivities, none of which you seem to share." she quickly explained, stepping back from him a bit as she came to her conclusion. "No, I disagree." she told him. "I do not think that we are of the same race."
It seemed that Tavorth had either questioned on the God too much, or the God was truly that pathetic, since now Niko ended up redirecting the questions to be about Tavorth himself. Then again, it *is* Tavorth so that shouldn't be surprised. Like you wouldn't want to know about him? Tavorth let out a cocky grin before replying with "I hail from fat off Mountains, in Scotland to be more precise. I am a rather young Dragon as well, only 47 in dragon years. Which is probably why I have yet to be mentioned in your Dragon Books. But that's fine, all legend's must start somewhere... However, you might have heard of my father, the fearsome Gorvalon! He's been around since the Medieval era and has killed a number of Monarchs and Magical beings, including Nyssethia the Kraken". Tavorth exaggerating some of the details such as his fathers age, the number of monarchs... Alright he might be exaggerating about just about everything, but Niko didn't need to know that.
"Gorvalon? That lazy old ass? Kill a Kraken? That would be only possible if he stopped enjoying lazing himself in Loch Ness and confusing humans. And the only monarch that he ever killed was that King from the Kingdom of the Isles that he accidentally sat on, with a comment "Oh, this ground is quite soft!", as far as I heard from the witches in Alba. How has the old bastard have been?" Niko said a faint trace of smile on her face remembering the dragon from her days in Britannia as a witch while walking forward trough the next gaping hole that opened in the wall upon her will.

[Taking a bit of liberty here. I hope that is okay Gwazi? If not say so in the OOC and I will edit.]
Orion blinked skeptically. "…Anything?" he echoed. "Well, I mean, that leaves me with quite a bit to talk about." he replied. "Hell if I know what the fuck I should say just to teach a creature like yourself English." he shrugged. "…What even are you, anyway?" he asked. "I mean, if you've learned enough of the language to answer me that, anyway."
Deah pondered upon the creature's sounds and finally decided upon a way to identify himself to the creature, what would probably be called a name by Orion, while also adding a remark to show his progress in learning: "I Deah! You English teach, I learn!"
Deah pondered upon the creature's sounds and finally decided upon a way to identify himself to the creature, what would probably be called a name by Orion, while also adding a remark to show his progress in learning: "I Deah! You English teach, I learn!"

Orion nodded slowly, listening to the glowing ball's words. "'Deah'? Is that what you said?" he questioned, not even sure if he'd heard that right. "Huh… alright, then. If that's your name." he shrugged half-heartedly. "So uh… did you just wanna, I dunno, follow me around while I do stuff, or something?" he asked. "I can't think of much else to teach you, just standing around like this." he explained. And only then did it occur to him that he'd just agreed to let this strange little ball of nothing just follow him around all day and 'learn' from him. He wasn't sure why he did that instead of just shooing the thing off — but it seemed harmless enough, so he decided to just roll with it.
Looking around yet again, Aiace sighed as he realized that he couldn't distinguish this hallway from any of the others he was just in. Whatever part of the school he was in by this point, either it was intentionally made to follow a certain canon of design for an extended distance, or he had been walking in circles for some time now. Since he wasn't getting anywhere too quickly anytime soon, he shifted his bag on his shoulder and removed his glasses to clean them.

The sound of an unknown voice mere moments after removing his glasses caused the catboy to jump a bit, turning quickly in confusion and surprise to get a somewhat blurry look at the two figures approaching. "Oh, um, ah... Ciao!" Squinting to see them a bit better, he soon remembered the glasses in his hands and shoved them back on his face. "I, ah... oh, you're human? And..." His eyes widened a bit as he saw Niniane and he moved a bit closer to get a better look at her ears. "A-another one? You're like me? I thought it would just be me and the teacher earlier! Che buono!"
Niniane nodded as she listened to Aria's reasoning for wandering the halls. It sounded like a good way to expand social connections, even though, in a way, she felt like she already knew everyone there was to know in the school. Before they wandered for long, though, Aria spotted another student, and grabbed Niniane's wrist as she ran over to them. After being half-dragged over to this new student, Niniane's eyes locked onto him as she listened to what his response would be to Aria's words.

The microz tilted her head at Aiace's remark, squinting her eyes skeptically and curiously as she was referred to as 'another one'. Thinking on this, she soon stepped closer to Aiace, standing barely an inch away from him as she inspected him closely, taking a moment to process all the information coming into her head. "…You think I'm a Nekomata?" she asked, considering the idea. "Hmm… that might be possible. But I'm not sure." she continued. "While we may be alike in appearance, we're vastly different in history. You've lived a long time, while I feel as though I've only been alive for less than a year. Additionally, this would not explain my abilities nor sensitivities, none of which you seem to share." she quickly explained, stepping back from him a bit as she came to her conclusion. "No, I disagree." she told him. "I do not think that we are of the same race."
Aria seems curious at Niniane's reaction to this conversation. She seemed to be giving some pretty interesting information about herself. Although she never revealed her actual race, she did reveal a lot about what she is capable of. For one thing, Niniane definitely seems to be able to recognize details about someone before they reveal those details. This probably means that either Niniane has a vast knowledge of different races, or she is able to intuit various attributes just by looking. Aria was leaning toward the latter explanation though, as it seemed like she delayed as if she were doing more than just thinking about it, and it would make sense just given all the things that Niniane knew about her.

Aria appends a little note to the end of Niniane's comment, "Plus, I'm human, but I'm also an Aura Mage, so I'm a little special. My magic encourages me to notice the differences in races. Just speaking purely on observation, there is a really big difference in the style of your tails." Aria stops to think, and realizes she might have been a little too bold there, since she did pay a lot of attention to people, but it had a lot more to do about being self conscious than it did with being an aura mage. It probably was rude to force these feelings on others.
"Gorvalon? That lazy old ass? Kill a Kraken? That would be only possible if he stopped enjoying lazing himself in Loch Ness and confusing humans. And the only monarch that he ever killed was that King from the Kingdom of the Isles that he accidentally sat on, with a comment "Oh, this ground is quite soft!", as far as I heard from the witches in Alba. How has the old bastard have been?" Niko said a faint trace of smile on her face remembering the dragon from her days in Britannia as a witch while walking forward trough the next gaping hole that opened in the wall upon her will.
And just like that, Niko had basically called Tavorth bluff. A bit irksome, it image had just be deflated. But at the same time this shows a remarkable amount of knowledge and awareness from Niko, making her even more interesting. That, it didn't even seem like she called the bluff in an annoyed manner, so this doesn't even seem to have damaged her opinion of him. Regardless though, Tavorth proudly stood straight up, chest inflating and said "Perhaps Gorvalon had some tricks you weren't aware of. Dragons tend to be full of those. And he's been fine, spends most of his days now dozing around in the Castle among his pile of Gold and riches. Occasionally some wandering heroes try to raid it and take the treasure, but they quickly turn into dessert. I remember when one time their Paladin confused me for my father, he clearly wasn't skilled at telling the age of a Dragon, needless to say he didn't live long after that. Roasted that fool alive, screaming and all". Then having paid closer attention to Niko's faint smile, seemingly in a remembering fashion he then asked her "Why do you ask? Did you know my father before?".
Moon's ears perked up as he heard the distressed cries of a crashed bird. It took him a while to pinpoint the source of the sound, though, as he didn't expect it to be coming from such a tiny creature. He took only a few steps closer, mostly just watching — a bit concerned, but unsure whether or not he should help. The answer soon came barreling down from above.

"Moooooooon Moon Moon Moon Moon!" Goldie chirped excitedly, quickly landing only a short distance away from the fallen hummingbird. "Moon! You should do something! You're good at that!"

Moon considered his companion's words, but, as a predator, he recognized the fear of being hunted when he saw it. Lucky for Ki, he wasn't interested in hunting such a small creature — and he didn't find it necessary to terrify the tiny bird more than necessary, either. "He looks like he can get up; probably best I leave him alone." he growled quietly, mostly to himself, knowing that while a silver could understand the cries of any animal, only another silver would be able to comprehend his response. Sure enough, the yellow songbird continued to urge him to act as he stood there, idle. Moon decided to tune her out for a bit as he waited to see how things would play out.
The little hummingbird slowly calmed down once he understood the lack of aggression in the wolf's words. Quickly taking back to a low hover Ki flew before Moon curiously. It was odd that such a predator would leave him alone. Maybe this one was like the bird lady!?!? She was friendly! Looking over beside the canine stranger was another small bird staring over at him.

"HeyHeyHey!DidYouStopTheBigDog?!" The bird tried his best to not get hyper active again, but his chirps were the only exception, as he tweeted hoping another avian could understand the danger.
The little hummingbird slowly calmed down once he understood the lack of aggression in the wolf's words. Quickly taking back to a low hover Ki flew before Moon curiously. It was odd that such a predator would leave him alone. Maybe this one was like the bird lady!?!? She was friendly! Looking over beside the canine stranger was another small bird staring over at him.

"HeyHeyHey!DidYouStopTheBigDog?!" The bird tried his best to not get hyper active again, but his chirps were the only exception, as he tweeted hoping another avian could understand the danger.

Moon slowly took a step back as the hummingbird flew right in front of him, not totally sure how to react. Strange behavior for such a creature… Ordinarily a tiny bird like that would just want to fly away from a dangerous being like him. Especially since he didn't actually do anything to help.

"Big dog?" Goldie chirped in response, about half-able to understand the fellow avian's words. "Oh big dog Moon is not dangerous! He is friendly and all kinds of good!" she twittered excitedly, flying to a new perch atop Moon's head.

Moon, his curiosity piqued by this tiny creature, kept his eye on him to see what would happen next. Not taking his eyes off the tiny bird, he slowly lied down on his haunches, and tilted his head slightly to the side as he wondered if this really was just a normal hummingbird. In a school like this, it wasn't out of the realm of possibility. "Now what are you so interested in me for, tiny bird…" Moon whispered mostly to himself as he continued to observe.
Yuuna declared as she broke out of a cloud. She swept off the moisture she picked up in the clouds from her face, a swarm of bring orange amulets was flying around her, in fact, they were the ones that allowed her flight. And in front of her was her destination, Nefastus Lupata Academy.
She pauses in front of it.
Oddly this was just a recon mission. She was not allowed to just kill creatures as she pleases, she was to enroll in this flying academy and just... Do whatever. This was quite the opposite of what they usually sent her to do. She waved her left hand, and immediately a cargo plane emerged from the clouds and turned around in the opposite direction, heading back to the airport.
While she was doing this, three amulets already burned out and turned grey, because of this she decides to hurry on. It doesn't take her long to reach the floating school, and she gently lands in front of the entrance. Her amulets instantly turn gray and a mist of orange energy dissipates around her. The amulets flutter down to the ground as she takes her breath and examines the building.
"Phew" Who builds schools at such a place?
She thinks to herself, The place is obviously powered by magic... Or something else equally powerful. From her sleeve she pulls out a black letter. I have been invited, but I should still be careful. She didn't feel any immediate danger, however... The place was strangely eerie, for some reason she could not bring herself to relax. She puts the letter back into her sleeve. And decides to continue towards the front door, there were two people in the front yard, she tried not to disturb them on her way to the door. As she kept getting nearer, the feeling something was off intensified. There was no doubt, a supernatural force was in effect inside that building.
She stopped in front of the door. There was no way to be sure what it was, the whole building could be a trap. She could analyze it, but that would require a ritual circle, one that goes around the entire building.
She sighed again and wondered what to do for now, the place was clearly dangerous in some way, it would be stupid... No, amateurish to run inside without thinking. She once again looked towards the two people with the corner of her eye and then turned back towards the building.
Niniane nodded as she listened to Aria's reasoning for wandering the halls. It sounded like a good way to expand social connections, even though, in a way, she felt like she already knew everyone there was to know in the school. Before they wandered for long, though, Aria spotted another student, and grabbed Niniane's wrist as she ran over to them. After being half-dragged over to this new student, Niniane's eyes locked onto him as she listened to what his response would be to Aria's words.

The microz tilted her head at Aiace's remark, squinting her eyes skeptically and curiously as she was referred to as 'another one'. Thinking on this, she soon stepped closer to Aiace, standing barely an inch away from him as she inspected him closely, taking a moment to process all the information coming into her head. "…You think I'm a Nekomata?" she asked, considering the idea. "Hmm… that might be possible. But I'm not sure." she continued. "While we may be alike in appearance, we're vastly different in history. You've lived a long time, while I feel as though I've only been alive for less than a year. Additionally, this would not explain my abilities nor sensitivities, none of which you seem to share." she quickly explained, stepping back from him a bit as she came to her conclusion. "No, I disagree." she told him. "I do not think that we are of the same race."
Aria seems curious at Niniane's reaction to this conversation. She seemed to be giving some pretty interesting information about herself. Although she never revealed her actual race, she did reveal a lot about what she is capable of. For one thing, Niniane definitely seems to be able to recognize details about someone before they reveal those details. This probably means that either Niniane has a vast knowledge of different races, or she is able to intuit various attributes just by looking. Aria was leaning toward the latter explanation though, as it seemed like she delayed as if she were doing more than just thinking about it, and it would make sense just given all the things that Niniane knew about her.

Aria appends a little note to the end of Niniane's comment, "Plus, I'm human, but I'm also an Aura Mage, so I'm a little special. My magic encourages me to notice the differences in races. Just speaking purely on observation, there is a really big difference in the style of your tails." Aria stops to think, and realizes she might have been a little too bold there, since she did pay a lot of attention to people, but it had a lot more to do about being self conscious than it did with being an aura mage. It probably was rude to force these feelings on others.
"Well, not necessarily a nekomata, you don't smell quite that similar, but..." He fell silent as she continued her assessment, listening carefully until she finished. "Oh...well...I suppose. It's my mistake, I'm sorry." He felt a little shut down by such a thorough listing of differences and stepped back a little himself. As the human next to her added on to it, he looked down in slight embarrassment. "Y-yes, that's true about the tails as well. I guess we are both cats of some kind, but I suppose our similarities end there." He shifted a bit, suddenly very conscious of the way his tails moved behind him. "I guess I was just looking for anything familiar that I could find; maybe getting lost in such a strange environment is getting to me."

He flicked his ear before looking up again. "But I was right in saying you were human, so that's something. And...did you say you weren't even a year old yet? So you're still a kitten?" He looked back at Niniane in slight disbelief for a second, but eventually found himself able to accept it. "Wow, I'm way behind a lot of people here then, aren't I? If people are starting here this young, then I'll probably end up in remedial classes or something." He sighed, but put a small smile back on his face after another moment. "Well, I'm sorry that my first impression is so bad right now, but it's nice to meet you. I don't think I said it, but I'm called Aiace. Or, you can use a nickname if you'd rather. Some people seem to have trouble with saying this one, so...just nothing too weird..."
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Aria seems curious at Niniane's reaction to this conversation. She seemed to be giving some pretty interesting information about herself. Although she never revealed her actual race, she did reveal a lot about what she is capable of. For one thing, Niniane definitely seems to be able to recognize details about someone before they reveal those details. This probably means that either Niniane has a vast knowledge of different races, or she is able to intuit various attributes just by looking. Aria was leaning toward the latter explanation though, as it seemed like she delayed as if she were doing more than just thinking about it, and it would make sense just given all the things that Niniane knew about her.

Aria appends a little note to the end of Niniane's comment, "Plus, I'm human, but I'm also an Aura Mage, so I'm a little special. My magic encourages me to notice the differences in races. Just speaking purely on observation, there is a really big difference in the style of your tails." Aria stops to think, and realizes she might have been a little too bold there, since she did pay a lot of attention to people, but it had a lot more to do about being self conscious than it did with being an aura mage. It probably was rude to force these feelings on others.

"Well, not necessarily a nekomata, you don't smell quite that similar, but..." He fell silent as she continued her assessment listening carefully until she finished. "Oh...well...I suppose. It's my mistake, I'm sorry." He felt a little shut down by such a thorough listing of differences and stepped back a little himself. As the human next to her added on to it, he looked down in slight embarrassment. "Y-yes, that's true about the tails as well. I guess we are both cats of some kind, but I suppose our similarities end there." He shifted a bit, suddenly very conscious of the way his tails moved behind him. "I guess I was just looking for anything familiar that I could find; maybe getting lost in such a strange environment is getting to me."

He flicked his ear before looking up again. "But I was right in saying you were human, so that's something. And...did you say you weren't even a year old yet? So you're still a kitten?" He looked back at Niniane in slight disbelief for a second, but eventually found himself able to accept it. "Wow, I'm way behind a lot of people here then, aren't I? If people are starting here this young, then I'll probably end up in remedial classes or something." He sighed, but put a small smile back on his face after another moment. "Well, I'm sorry that my first impression is so bad right now, but it's nice to meet you. I don't think I said it, but I'm called Aiace. Or, you can use a nickname if you'd rather. Some people seem to have trouble with saying this one, so...just nothing too weird..."

Niniane stepped back a bit as Aiace's awkward self-consciousness quickly reached her. She realized she must've done something wrong, though she wasn't sure what. The microz was about to apologize, but Aiace continued to speak.

"A kitten?" she echoed, considering the thought. "I'm not sure. It's possible, though. With so few memories and such little knowledge about myself, it had been suggested that I might have amnesia. Though, with such little information to go off of, it just might be possible that I really am that young." she stated matter-of-factly, seemingly indifferent as to which scenario was true. "At any rate, do not worry about 'first impressions', Aiace." she told him, pronouncing the nekomata's name as easily as if she'd known him for years. "I apologize for making you feel uncomfortable. It was not my intention."
Orion nodded slowly, listening to the glowing ball's words. "'Deah'? Is that what you said?" he questioned, not even sure if he'd heard that right. "Huh… alright, then. If that's your name." he shrugged half-heartedly. "So uh… did you just wanna, I dunno, follow me around while I do stuff, or something?" he asked. "I can't think of much else to teach you, just standing around like this." he explained. And only then did it occur to him that he'd just agreed to let this strange little ball of nothing just follow him around all day and 'learn' from him. He wasn't sure why he did that instead of just shooing the thing off — but it seemed harmless enough, so he decided to just roll with it.
Happy about Orion's answer Deah took a bright yellow color for a few moments before adding quickly: "Deah follow! Your name?"
And just like that, Niko had basically called Tavorth bluff. A bit irksome, it image had just be deflated. But at the same time this shows a remarkable amount of knowledge and awareness from Niko, making her even more interesting. That, it didn't even seem like she called the bluff in an annoyed manner, so this doesn't even seem to have damaged her opinion of him. Regardless though, Tavorth proudly stood straight up, chest inflating and said "Perhaps Gorvalon had some tricks you weren't aware of. Dragons tend to be full of those. And he's been fine, spends most of his days now dozing around in the Castle among his pile of Gold and riches. Occasionally some wandering heroes try to raid it and take the treasure, but they quickly turn into dessert. I remember when one time their Paladin confused me for my father, he clearly wasn't skilled at telling the age of a Dragon, needless to say he didn't live long after that. Roasted that fool alive, screaming and all". Then having paid closer attention to Niko's faint smile, seemingly in a remembering fashion he then asked her "Why do you ask? Did you know my father before?".

"Know? I think that we only meet once during the Great Meeting at Stonehenge and we never talked, but he was a popular topic amongst the witches of northern Britannia, so I heard a lot of stories about him from them, but that was already in the sunset of magic, dragons and other beings from our way of life," Niko said as she made her way trough another wall: "Well since you are his kid your name must be Tavor... Tavorth right? I remember one of Britannia's witches informing me about you some time ago. Since I know your name should give you mine too, I am Niko, "Vagantem Alchymista", the "Roaming Alchemist"."
Happy about Orion's answer Deah took a bright yellow color for a few moments before adding quickly: "Deah follow! Your name?"

"My name?" the silver echoed as he walked back inside the school. "Oh, it's Orion." he replied, starting to make his way through the halls before quickly stopping, confused. He started to reach into his pocket for the map he'd been given, only to quickly remember why that wouldn't help. "Shit, the halls are still all fucked up…" he muttered, scanning the available pathways in an attempt to figure out which way to go. "Might take me a while to find my room and stuff… hope you don't mind." he explained to the tiny orb following him.
Niniane stepped back a bit as Aiace's awkward self-consciousness quickly reached her. She realized she must've done something wrong, though she wasn't sure what. The microz was about to apologize, but Aiace continued to speak.

"A kitten?" she echoed, considering the thought. "I'm not sure. It's possible, though. With so few memories and such little knowledge about myself, it had been suggested that I might have amnesia. Though, with such little information to go off of, it just might be possible that I really am that young." she stated matter-of-factly, seemingly indifferent as to which scenario was true. "At any rate, do not worry about 'first impressions', Aiace." she told him, pronouncing the nekomata's name as easily as if she'd known him for years. "I apologize for making you feel uncomfortable. It was not my intention."
"Well, not necessarily a nekomata, you don't smell quite that similar, but..." He fell silent as she continued her assessment, listening carefully until she finished. "Oh...well...I suppose. It's my mistake, I'm sorry." He felt a little shut down by such a thorough listing of differences and stepped back a little himself. As the human next to her added on to it, he looked down in slight embarrassment. "Y-yes, that's true about the tails as well. I guess we are both cats of some kind, but I suppose our similarities end there." He shifted a bit, suddenly very conscious of the way his tails moved behind him. "I guess I was just looking for anything familiar that I could find; maybe getting lost in such a strange environment is getting to me."

He flicked his ear before looking up again. "But I was right in saying you were human, so that's something. And...did you say you weren't even a year old yet? So you're still a kitten?" He looked back at Niniane in slight disbelief for a second, but eventually found himself able to accept it. "Wow, I'm way behind a lot of people here then, aren't I? If people are starting here this young, then I'll probably end up in remedial classes or something." He sighed, but put a small smile back on his face after another moment. "Well, I'm sorry that my first impression is so bad right now, but it's nice to meet you. I don't think I said it, but I'm called Aiace. Or, you can use a nickname if you'd rather. Some people seem to have trouble with saying this one, so...just nothing too weird..."
Aria feels like a bully with the way Aiace reacted to her observations. Although Aria just wanted to display her awareness, it ended up looking like she was just calling Aiace unobservant. Even though this wasn't her intention, it was still the way it ended up coming off. Aria was about to feel bad, but then she noticed similar feelings being expressed across Niniane's face. This caused Aria to smile softly. Though, this expression changed when Niniane's age came into play. Aria knew that on some level, Niniane didn't seem to have a lot of experience both in her dealings with others, and with life in general. That being said, Aria did not realize that Niniane was practically an infant by human standards. She doesn't look nearly that young, but Niniane probably couldn't lie about something like that, so it must be true.

Aria smiles warmly towards Aiace, "So, Aiace was it? I wouldn't worry about classes. This is an academy, but that is really misleading. Classes are optional. I myself wanted to come so that I could meet all sorts of different races. It will help make my magic stronger. Honestly, I'm not really sure which types of people even use the classrooms or what they teach. I'll let you know when I learn more though."
Niniane stepped back a bit as Aiace's awkward self-consciousness quickly reached her. She realized she must've done something wrong, though she wasn't sure what. The microz was about to apologize, but Aiace continued to speak.

"A kitten?" she echoed, considering the thought. "I'm not sure. It's possible, though. With so few memories and such little knowledge about myself, it had been suggested that I might have amnesia. Though, with such little information to go off of, it just might be possible that I really am that young." she stated matter-of-factly, seemingly indifferent as to which scenario was true. "At any rate, do not worry about 'first impressions', Aiace." she told him, pronouncing the nekomata's name as easily as if she'd known him for years. "I apologize for making you feel uncomfortable. It was not my intention."
Aria feels like a bully with the way Aiace reacted to her observations. Although Aria just wanted to display her awareness, it ended up looking like she was just calling Aiace unobservant. Even though this wasn't her intention, it was still the way it ended up coming off. Aria was about to feel bad, but then she noticed similar feelings being expressed across Niniane's face. This caused Aria to smile softly. Though, this expression changed when Niniane's age came into play. Aria knew that on some level, Niniane didn't seem to have a lot of experience both in her dealings with others, and with life in general. That being said, Aria did not realize that Niniane was practically an infant by human standards. She doesn't look nearly that young, but Niniane probably couldn't lie about something like that, so it must be true.

Aria smiles warmly towards Aiace, "So, Aiace was it? I wouldn't worry about classes. This is an academy, but that is really misleading. Classes are optional. I myself wanted to come so that I could meet all sorts of different races. It will help make my magic stronger. Honestly, I'm not really sure which types of people even use the classrooms or what they teach. I'll let you know when I learn more though."
"Ah, no, don't worry! I'm not really that uncomfortable, or at least it's not your fault...ah..." Even though he was adamant about not letting them think that, even he could catch for a brief moment that he still sounded awkward about it. "Um...It's probably just the pressure of being here getting to me...yeah, that's probably it."

"A-anyway, having amnesia at such a young age sounds rough, a lot rougher than my day has been, anyway. I'd like to help if I can. Not that I know much about having amnesia...but as an older student, maybe I could act as a possible mentor or something? That would be the responsible thing to do, right?" He honestly wasn't sure what the best course of action was or if he could even pursue it, but leaving younger peers to figure out something like this alone didn't seem quite right.

"At any rate, not having any clue what's going on can lead a person into some very unwanted situations. I've had an experience or two with being taken advantage of for that in the past, so..." The male unconsciously clutched at his shirt collar with a slight frown, but bounced back into a happier expression shortly after. "I'm still learning a lot of things myself, but I'll do my best to help you out wherever I can! If there's anything you need or don't understand, go ahead and ask me and I'll see what I can do!" Honestly, the thought of mentoring someone was exciting to him. He wasn't sure how he'd do, but he had been around much younger people before and gotten along with them, so maybe he could be helpful to this one as well. It could be a good experience!

Pausing in his visions of potential mentorship, the catboy turned back to the human girl as she mentioned the information she had regarding classes. "Ah, that' interesting system, then! Thank you for letting me know. I practically just arrived, so I'm still trying to figure out this place...although, I might have been here fr quite a while, actually. I don't know how long I was out for...I passed out for some reason earlier today..." Aiace tapped a finger to his cheek as he tried to recall the exact event, but it was a little foggy at this point in time. He could have sworn that he had been looking down at himself on the ground at one point, though...and walking through walls? "Anyway, thanks again. And, um...did you tell me your names already? I'm sorry, I'm not always this distracted, I swear."
Aria feels like a bully with the way Aiace reacted to her observations. Although Aria just wanted to display her awareness, it ended up looking like she was just calling Aiace unobservant. Even though this wasn't her intention, it was still the way it ended up coming off. Aria was about to feel bad, but then she noticed similar feelings being expressed across Niniane's face. This caused Aria to smile softly. Though, this expression changed when Niniane's age came into play. Aria knew that on some level, Niniane didn't seem to have a lot of experience both in her dealings with others, and with life in general. That being said, Aria did not realize that Niniane was practically an infant by human standards. She doesn't look nearly that young, but Niniane probably couldn't lie about something like that, so it must be true.

Aria smiles warmly towards Aiace, "So, Aiace was it? I wouldn't worry about classes. This is an academy, but that is really misleading. Classes are optional. I myself wanted to come so that I could meet all sorts of different races. It will help make my magic stronger. Honestly, I'm not really sure which types of people even use the classrooms or what they teach. I'll let you know when I learn more though."

"Ah, no, don't worry! I'm not really that uncomfortable, or at least it's not your fault...ah..." Even though he was adamant about not letting them think that, even he could catch for a brief moment that he still sounded awkward about it. "Um...It's probably just the pressure of being here getting to me...yeah, that's probably it."

"A-anyway, having amnesia at such a young age sounds rough, a lot rougher than my day has been, anyway. I'd like to help if I can. Not that I know much about having amnesia...but as an older student, maybe I could act as a possible mentor or something? That would be the responsible thing to do, right?" He honestly wasn't sure what the best course of action was or if he could even pursue it, but leaving younger peers to figure out something like this alone didn't seem quite right.

"At any rate, not having any clue what's going on can lead a person into some very unwanted situations. I've had an experience or two with being taken advantage of for that in the past, so..." The male unconsciously clutched at his shirt collar with a slight frown, but bounced back into a happier expression shortly after. "I'm still learning a lot of things myself, but I'll do my best to help you out wherever I can! If there's anything you need or don't understand, go ahead and ask me and I'll see what I can do!" Honestly, the thought of mentoring someone was exciting to him. He wasn't sure how he'd do, but he had been around much younger people before and gotten along with them, so maybe he could be helpful to this one as well. It could be a good experience!

Pausing in his visions of potential mentorship, the catboy turned back to the human girl as she mentioned the information she had regarding classes. "Ah, that' interesting system, then! Thank you for letting me know. I practically just arrived, so I'm still trying to figure out this place...although, I might have been here fr quite a while, actually. I don't know how long I was out for...I passed out for some reason earlier today..." Aiace tapped a finger to his cheek as he tried to recall the exact event, but it was a little foggy at this point in time. He could have sworn that he had been looking down at himself on the ground at one point, though...and walking through walls? "Anyway, thanks again. And, um...did you tell me your names already? I'm sorry, I'm not always this distracted, I swear."

"My name is Niniane." the catgirl replied flatly. "And I'm really not sure if I'm actually that young, or if I have amnesia." she clarified. "All I know is that I have little knowledge of myself, and almost no memory, aside from recent things." she explained. "This might mean that I'm young, or it might mean that I have amnesia, or perhaps even both. I'm really not sure." she continued. "Still… it is nice to know that I am not the only one who still has much to know about herself." she nodded contently.

"And this," she gestured to her companion. "This is Aria Windlock. She came here from another magic academy after realizing that she is an aura mage. She is 16 years old." she explained, introducing Aria with a rather clunky backstory as the information poured out of her, with Niniane seemingly unable to control just how much information she shared and rather unaware of that lack of control.
"My name is Niniane." the catgirl replied flatly. "And I'm really not sure if I'm actually that young, or if I have amnesia." she clarified. "All I know is that I have little knowledge of myself, and almost no memory, aside from recent things." she explained. "This might mean that I'm young, or it might mean that I have amnesia, or perhaps even both. I'm really not sure." she continued. "Still… it is nice to know that I am not the only one who still has much to know about herself." she nodded contently.

"And this," she gestured to her companion. "This is Aria Windlock. She came here from another magic academy after realizing that she is an aura mage. She is 16 years old." she explained, introducing Aria with a rather clunky backstory as the information poured out of her, with Niniane seemingly unable to control just how much information she shared and rather unaware of that lack of control.
"Ah, no, don't worry! I'm not really that uncomfortable, or at least it's not your fault...ah..." Even though he was adamant about not letting them think that, even he could catch for a brief moment that he still sounded awkward about it. "Um...It's probably just the pressure of being here getting to me...yeah, that's probably it."

"A-anyway, having amnesia at such a young age sounds rough, a lot rougher than my day has been, anyway. I'd like to help if I can. Not that I know much about having amnesia...but as an older student, maybe I could act as a possible mentor or something? That would be the responsible thing to do, right?" He honestly wasn't sure what the best course of action was or if he could even pursue it, but leaving younger peers to figure out something like this alone didn't seem quite right.

"At any rate, not having any clue what's going on can lead a person into some very unwanted situations. I've had an experience or two with being taken advantage of for that in the past, so..." The male unconsciously clutched at his shirt collar with a slight frown, but bounced back into a happier expression shortly after. "I'm still learning a lot of things myself, but I'll do my best to help you out wherever I can! If there's anything you need or don't understand, go ahead and ask me and I'll see what I can do!" Honestly, the thought of mentoring someone was exciting to him. He wasn't sure how he'd do, but he had been around much younger people before and gotten along with them, so maybe he could be helpful to this one as well. It could be a good experience!

Pausing in his visions of potential mentorship, the catboy turned back to the human girl as she mentioned the information she had regarding classes. "Ah, that' interesting system, then! Thank you for letting me know. I practically just arrived, so I'm still trying to figure out this place...although, I might have been here fr quite a while, actually. I don't know how long I was out for...I passed out for some reason earlier today..." Aiace tapped a finger to his cheek as he tried to recall the exact event, but it was a little foggy at this point in time. He could have sworn that he had been looking down at himself on the ground at one point, though...and walking through walls? "Anyway, thanks again. And, um...did you tell me your names already? I'm sorry, I'm not always this distracted, I swear."
Flustered, "Niniane, I'm glad that you are being through, but I'm pretty sure introductions are best kept to just the basics." Transitioning to a more explanatory tone, "I think this custom came about because when two individuals meet each other, they only have a minimal investment and context of interaction with you. If you tell them too much, it might get annoying because not everyone wants to hear all that, and at least among humans, they will be unlikely to remember it." Aria then looks with a sense of curiosity, "Also, it is a little surprising that you have that much information on me, but nothing about yourself."

Turning to face Aiace, "Plus, we were just coming over to help, but then we ended up all getting to know each other. So do you want to tag along with me and Niniane, or did you still need help finding something?"
Moon slowly took a step back as the hummingbird flew right in front of him, not totally sure how to react. Strange behavior for such a creature… Ordinarily a tiny bird like that would just want to fly away from a dangerous being like him. Especially since he didn't actually do anything to help.

"Big dog?" Goldie chirped in response, about half-able to understand the fellow avian's words. "Oh big dog Moon is not dangerous! He is friendly and all kinds of good!" she twittered excitedly, flying to a new perch atop Moon's head.

Moon, his curiosity piqued by this tiny creature, kept his eye on him to see what would happen next. Not taking his eyes off the tiny bird, he slowly lied down on his haunches, and tilted his head slightly to the side as he wondered if this really was just a normal hummingbird. In a school like this, it wasn't out of the realm of possibility. "Now what are you so interested in me for, tiny bird…" Moon whispered mostly to himself as he continued to observe.

"Interested?YesYes.YouDidn'tEatMe." Tweeted Ki absentmindedly without giving it a second thought. The little bird flew about examining Moon as he went before speaking to the other bird resting on the canines head. "Hey.IsHeYourFriend?" The tiny birds words strung together rapidly as he immediately forgot his previous dilemma as he focused on this new curiosity.
"My name is Niniane." the catgirl replied flatly. "And I'm really not sure if I'm actually that young, or if I have amnesia." she clarified. "All I know is that I have little knowledge of myself, and almost no memory, aside from recent things." she explained. "This might mean that I'm young, or it might mean that I have amnesia, or perhaps even both. I'm really not sure." she continued. "Still… it is nice to know that I am not the only one who still has much to know about herself." she nodded contently.

"And this," she gestured to her companion. "This is Aria Windlock. She came here from another magic academy after realizing that she is an aura mage. She is 16 years old." she explained, introducing Aria with a rather clunky backstory as the information poured out of her, with Niniane seemingly unable to control just how much information she shared and rather unaware of that lack of control.
"...Can I still be your mentor? If anything, I think it would be great to be around someone else to figure confusing things out with, at least. Aria! You should join us, too!" The catboy's eyes lit up and his tail swung behind him in excitement. The whole idea of being a 'mentor' in his mind had kind of broken down into just trying to learn what he could with other people who seemed nearly as confused as he was and maybe trying to be a good influence at least sometimes because they were actually kinda younger than him... But still! It would be an adventure of some sort, he was sure. Besides, he finally found another cat of some kind, and the other girl seemed pretty nice. Maybe they could be friends.

...Maybe that was what he should have asked to be in the first place, actually. But still...he really liked the idea of being a good older influence...

Flustered, "Niniane, I'm glad that you are being through, but I'm pretty sure introductions are best kept to just the basics." Transitioning to a more explanatory tone, "I think this custom came about because when two individuals meet each other, they only have a minimal investment and context of interaction with you. If you tell them too much, it might get annoying because not everyone wants to hear all that, and at least among humans, they will be unlikely to remember it." Aria then looks with a sense of curiosity, "Also, it is a little surprising that you have that much information on me, but nothing about yourself."

Turning to face Aiace, "Plus, we were just coming over to help, but then we ended up all getting to know each other. So do you want to tag along with me and Niniane, or did you still need help finding something?"
"Huh? Do people really not care that much about the people they meet here? I mean, I guess if you wanted to say it yourself later, but that seemed pretty general and I think it saved a lot of time. Ah, I should reciprocate, then! I hardly told you anything about myself!" The boy put a hand to his chin again as he looked up to the ceiling in thought for a moment, snapping his fingers and looking back with a grin when he decided what to tell them. "Okay, so I'm Aiace Cavallero, I want to be a chef, I came from Sicily, and I'm...some number of years old. I kinda lost track after a really long time..."

He started attempting to count on his fingers before he realized that the aura mage was already trying to say something else. The swishing of his tail died down quickly as he listened, suddenly unsure once again. "Oh. So you really didn't want to know. I'm sorry for all that, then." This human was really confusing him. She seemed pretty friendly, but she wasn't interested in befriending him at all after having approached him? Had he actually made that bad of an impression so early on after all? Then why did she want him to join them? What had he missed? "I was just looking for my room so I could put everything away, really. I guess I got distracted. If you're going somewhere else, though, I can follow along for now. I just don't want to be lost anymore."
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