Nefastus Lupata Academy

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Niniane nodded in acknowledgement as Aria continued to explain herself. Her ears perked up, though, when Aria said that Niniane 'didn't have to change for her'. "Oh, that is not what I meant." Niniane quickly corrected her. "Negative emotions weaken me. So, I try my best to make people happy, and avoid upsetting others." she explained monotonously. "Please do not feel guilty about that." she added quickly. "I am still learning how to treat others for best results."
Aria seems to recall some of Niniane's past actions, and suddenly everything seems to make sense. "So wait, that means that before, the reason you were so uncomfortable is because I was upset with myself, but now that I'm more cheerful you feel better?" Aria comes to a sudden realization, "And if you are concerned with the feelings of others like this, does that mean you value the good feelings of others more than anything you yourself feel?"
Niniane nodded in response to the first half of Aria's statement. "That is correct." she replied. When faced with the second half of what Aria had to say, though, she seemed a bit hesitant to reply — a bit unsure of what to say. "Oh, I… I suppose so?" she replied unsurely. "I'm not really sure how I feel about most things, so it's difficult to compare." she explained. "Have our rooms been located yet?"
Niniane nodded in response to the first half of Aria's statement. "That is correct." she replied. When faced with the second half of what Aria had to say, though, she seemed a bit hesitant to reply — a bit unsure of what to say. "Oh, I… I suppose so?" she replied unsurely. "I'm not really sure how I feel about most things, so it's difficult to compare." she explained. "Have our rooms been located yet?"
Aria nods, "We've been walking there this whole time. It is actually just around the corner." She then continues conversation, "It must be really difficult not understanding what you feel. Doesn't that uncertainty ever make you do something you end up finding out you don't like?" On rounding the corner, the room is in plain sight. It might be wise to enter before the rooms scramble again.
Noel having gathered that there might be some sort of distortion but was not completely sure what way it was distorted or by how much, having never been in the building he could not make heads or tails to begin with. as he followed the path before him leaving a trail of vanes behind to keep track, they are small and were like smaller strands of hair. His main goal was to either find the cause or reach a location with other people to understand the situation of they knew anything.
Riyako simply followed, still on guard, but much less tense then before, even if the strange feeling of something being fundamentally wrong with the way space behaved in the building lingered in her mind. "I hope we can get answers about what is going on soon. Or find the one behind this by luck. I doubt that the school was made in this way, no matter how strange of a place its supposed to be," Riyako commented as she followed behind the Ice Harpy, ignoring the trail he left behind them.
…And what he saw, then, was a ball of light floating slowly towards him. He raised his eyebrow slightly. "Ok… that's a thing." he mused. He debated approaching it, wondering if it was even sentient.
Deah was almost surprised into dying when a two-legged creature appeared in front of him. He stopped in his tracks and shone in dark red for a few moments. It took him the time that the two-legged creature produced some sort of organized growls to gather himself and think a bit about the weird noises that the creature produced. He understood that it was a form of communications using specific sounds, but had troubles in how to actually produce them, but finally succeed in producing a single sound: "A!" And then waited upon the creature to show some sort of reaction.
"My, I apologize, I am untrained in the way of the world I am afraid and speaking with those outside of the lands of my village. I sincerely hope that none of my words disrespected or sounded rude you. I am just speaking like I spoke with other Mikos of my shrine," Eri apologized with a deep bow before handing the black talisman to the Tengu. "Just give an order to the talisman while concentrating your thoughts on the largest symbols written on it. That should do it," Eri instructed the Tengu.
Katsuruga narrowed his eyes, remaining unamused. So keeping personal matters as just that was so uncommon? He would never understand humans at this rate. Switching his focus to the talisman, he took a calming breath as he concentrated carefully on the symbol and what he hoped to achieve from using the object. This had better be effective. I'm already past wanting to get through this as it is...But it should be worth the trouble in the end, hopefully...
Deah was almost surprised into dying when a two-legged creature appeared in front of him. He stopped in his tracks and shone in dark red for a few moments. It took him the time that the two-legged creature produced some sort of organized growls to gather himself and think a bit about the weird noises that the creature produced. He understood that it was a form of communications using specific sounds, but had troubles in how to actually produce them, but finally succeed in producing a single sound: "A!" And then waited upon the creature to show some sort of reaction.

Orion flinched as the glowing orb changed from blue-green to red, holding back the latent urge to shift back into his true form and prepare to attack if necessary (or just teleport the fuck out of there because, shit, that's a lot easier). He stood still for a few seconds, waiting to see what the creature(?) would do, before it replied with only a simple, solitary vowel sound. Orion started to loosen up, but only slightly, as he thought about how to respond. "So you're, uh…" he started to speak up, stumbling over his words. "You… you can hear me, huh?"

Aria nods, "We've been walking there this whole time. It is actually just around the corner." She then continues conversation, "It must be really difficult not understanding what you feel. Doesn't that uncertainty ever make you do something you end up finding out you don't like?" On rounding the corner, the room is in plain sight. It might be wise to enter before the rooms scramble again.

Niniane paused to think about that question. "I… guess it would, theoretically." she replied, before quickly adding, "Yes, that happens a lot, actually. My earliest memories, especially, involve a lot of experimentation. I understood very few of my actions; I only learned to understand that some emotions make me feel good, and others make me feel bad." she explained, before approaching their dorm room, verifying that they'd made it to the correct one by looking between the number on the door and the number on her key a couple times. "This seems to be the place." she reported, tail flicking behind her. "We should enter."
Niniane paused to think about that question. "I… guess it would, theoretically." she replied, before quickly adding, "Yes, that happens a lot, actually. My earliest memories, especially, involve a lot of experimentation. I understood very few of my actions; I only learned to understand that some emotions make me feel good, and others make me feel bad." she explained, before approaching their dorm room, verifying that they'd made it to the correct one by looking between the number on the door and the number on her key a couple times. "This seems to be the place." she reported, tail flicking behind her. "We should enter."
I pull out my key and unlock the door to a surprisingly normal room. There is nothing special about the room at all, just two beds with a night stand, a partial dividing wall, and a closet. Considering this place houses divinity, I was almost expecting something more grand, but honestly I'm nobody special, so this probably makes sense. It would be pretty odd seeing someone so powerful living in such simple means though. Then again, considering what happened with the hall, they could probably make the room look like anything they want. For now, I guess getting settled is the first order of business. I can finally set my things down. Having adapted to Niniane's habits, I don't ask her which bed she wants, and instead take the one further from the door, casually stating, "Let me know if you need any help or you want anything. I'm going to unpack."
Outside in one of the gardens of TJA was a little tiny hummingbird zipping about having the time of their life.

Little tweets and chirps could be heard as it drew zigzag patterns in the air and weaved about through the foliage.

It was about that time when Ki had finally calmed down.

The little bird flew up onto one of the nearby branches of an overhanging tree while watching the path below.

He had already made one "friend" today so he didn't seem to mind being so close to the passingby students as he waited.
Katsuruga narrowed his eyes, remaining unamused. So keeping personal matters as just that was so uncommon? He would never understand humans at this rate. Switching his focus to the talisman, he took a calming breath as he concentrated carefully on the symbol and what he hoped to achieve from using the object. This had better be effective. I'm already past wanting to get through this as it is...But it should be worth the trouble in the end, hopefully...
Suddenly a voice talked directly to Katsuraga's mind: [BCOLOR=#808080]"Oh my a Tengu? And not one from the valley? How did you get your hands on this talisman?"[/BCOLOR] A deep silence and a strange hold that seamed to freeze both time, space and Katsuraga's mind lasted for a few moments, which appeared like years, before the voice returned: [BCOLOR=#808080]"I see. So you meet that future head Miko of mine. And you need help to find your way to your rooms. Hm. Next time when you use one of those speak the order, not think it. Now off you two go."[/BCOLOR] With that two symbols, identical to each other, but definitely not Japanese or from this world, appeared above the Tengu and Eri and the two disappeared and reappeared, each in front of their respective room.

Separated from the Tengu by a power that she knew about Eri just uttered: "Why did Kami? Ah. Well all that matters is that we accomplished our goals. I hope Katsuraga-san is alright."

Orion flinched as the glowing orb changed from blue-green to red, holding back the latent urge to shift back into his true form and prepare to attack if necessary (or just teleport the fuck out of there because, shit, that's a lot easier). He stood still for a few seconds, waiting to see what the creature(?) would do, before it replied with only a simple, solitary vowel sound. Orion started to loosen up, but only slightly, as he thought about how to respond. "So you're, uh…" he started to speak up, stumbling over his words. "You… you can hear me, huh?"
Deah mimicked some of the more repeated sounds: "You, uh. You?" He though about the meaning of each of the sounds but still lacked a sufficient amount of words to communicate properly. If only he could somehow receive a large amount of information about English in a way that he could understand, but for now he only could use this slow and painful learning by imitation method...
I pull out my key and unlock the door to a surprisingly normal room. There is nothing special about the room at all, just two beds with a night stand, a partial dividing wall, and a closet. Considering this place houses divinity, I was almost expecting something more grand, but honestly I'm nobody special, so this probably makes sense. It would be pretty odd seeing someone so powerful living in such simple means though. Then again, considering what happened with the hall, they could probably make the room look like anything they want. For now, I guess getting settled is the first order of business. I can finally set my things down. Having adapted to Niniane's habits, I don't ask her which bed she wants, and instead take the one further from the door, casually stating, "Let me know if you need any help or you want anything. I'm going to unpack."

"Unpack?" Niniane echoed, blinking curiously, before taking notice of the belongings that Aria had with her. "Unpack what? What do you have, there?" she asked, not owning any personal possessions herself.

Deah mimicked some of the more repeated sounds: "You, uh. You?" He though about the meaning of each of the sounds but still lacked a sufficient amount of words to communicate properly. If only he could somehow receive a large amount of information about English in a way that he could understand, but for now he only could use this slow and painful learning by imitation method...

Orion continued to stare at the thing for a few more seconds, at a complete loss for how to react. He then stepped towards the thing, a bit hesitantly, before scanning the nearby area, poking his head out around corners and things to see if he could spot anyone nearby — anyone who might have something to do with the strange glowing orb. Finally, he asked, "Does anyone own this thing?" still glancing from side to side, looking for any owner, or anyone who might just be trying to prank him or something. "Anyone? Hellooo?" he called out to anyone within earshot.

Noel having gathered that there might be some sort of distortion but was not completely sure what way it was distorted or by how much, having never been in the building he could not make heads or tails to begin with. as he followed the path before him leaving a trail of vanes behind to keep track, they are small and were like smaller strands of hair. His main goal was to either find the cause or reach a location with other people to understand the situation of they knew anything.

Riyako simply followed, still on guard, but much less tense then before, even if the strange feeling of something being fundamentally wrong with the way space behaved in the building lingered in her mind. "I hope we can get answers about what is going on soon. Or find the one behind this by luck. I doubt that the school was made in this way, no matter how strange of a place its supposed to be," Riyako commented as she followed behind the Ice Harpy, ignoring the trail he left behind them.

Ex, meanwhile, continued to wander the halls — not because he didn't know where things were; of course he knew, it was his design — but because he simply had nowhere that he cared to be. Registration? Sounded boring. And it's not like he had any dire need to get to his room any time soon; he had a feeling it would be equally boring. "I knew there was a reason why I never thought to make any flower-people…" Ex sighed, thinking back to earlier events in the day as the giant blue beetle of his creation continued to trek through the halls with its master lying lazily on top of it, waiting for something interesting to happen.

The young God of Mischief couldn't help but chuckle a bit, then, as he overheard Riyako commenting on the warped state of the school. "Hah, funny how that works, isn't it?" he smirked as he crossed her path. He'd turned the school inside-out in order to mess with a completely different student, but, that said, it really hadn't occurred to him what a gold mine of entertainment it could be, in general, if he just thought a bit more about what to do with it… Staring off into space a bit, his thoughts quickly drifted off towards how to make his fun little setup even more enjoyable.

Outside in one of the gardens of TJA was a little tiny hummingbird zipping about having the time of their life.

Little tweets and chirps could be heard as it drew zigzag patterns in the air and weaved about through the foliage.

It was about that time when Ki had finally calmed down.

The little bird flew up onto one of the nearby branches of an overhanging tree while watching the path below.

He had already made one "friend" today so he didn't seem to mind being so close to the passingby students as he waited.

Resting beneath the partial covering of some of the bushes in the garden, Moon's ears twitched as the chirps of a nearby hummingbird started to wake him up. Blinking his eyes open, he stretched his canine limbs and yawned, before pulling himself to his feet and taking a quick look around, sniffing the air to see if anyone was nearby.
Leru walks through the halls though he didnt have much of an issue moving about despite the distortion moving to the end of a hallway where a door was up ahead. He then knocked on the door a few times as he exerted malice in the form of purple smoke, the smoke could be seen from the other side of the room coming from under the door. "Leru Wishes to speak with the headmaster leru calls out through the door as leru impatiently waits."Leru said in a very emotionless tone and voice.
Orion continued to stare at the thing for a few more seconds, at a complete loss for how to react. He then stepped towards the thing, a bit hesitantly, before scanning the nearby area, poking his head out around corners and things to see if he could spot anyone nearby — anyone who might have something to do with the strange glowing orb. Finally, he asked, "Does anyone own this thing?" still glancing from side to side, looking for any owner, or anyone who might just be trying to prank him or something. "Anyone? Hellooo?" he called out to anyone within earshot.
Deah could only continue to absorb new words and repeat them back to Orion for now. He was a bit surprised that the creature came closer to him but he still spoke back to it: "Own? Thing? Anyone? Heio?" It took a deep, calming blue color as it slowly started to drop its guard towards Orion.
The young God of Mischief couldn't help but chuckle a bit, then, as he overheard Riyako commenting on the warped state of the school. "Hah, funny how that works, isn't it?" he smirked as he crossed her path. He'd turned the school inside-out in order to mess with a completely different student, but, that said, it really hadn't occurred to him what a gold mine of entertainment it could be, in general, if he just thought a bit more about what to do with it… Staring off into space a bit, his thoughts quickly drifted off towards how to make his fun little setup even more enjoyable.
Riyako turned to the new arrival which chuckled at her last words. She turned her attention to him and said: "If my instincts are correct you are the one behind this mess, right?" "Skyfree-san, prepare for a fight," she whispered to Noel as she put her hands on the Nodachi Doki and Katana Natsu. "Imma Green, curse active" she whispered and a in a moment a rush of bloodlust filled her head, a grin appearing on her face as power filled her body. She waited for this being in front of her to confirm that it was the source of the situation with the school.

[@Kaga-kun, @Kuroku]
Leru walks through the halls though he didnt have much of an issue moving about despite the distortion moving to the end of a hallway where a door was up ahead. He then knocked on the door a few times as he exerted malice in the form of purple smoke, the smoke could be seen from the other side of the room coming from under the door. "Leru Wishes to speak with the headmaster leru calls out through the door as leru impatiently waits."Leru said in a very emotionless tone and voice.

This feels… strange. the school's newest headmaster thought to himself, sitting at his desk, a 'Headmaster Steele' name plate clearly visible. How did I even get here? he asked himself. A while ago, he was a teacher — at a school inhabited by a whole mess of supernatural creatures, which he was still trying to wrap his mind around. And suddenly, headmaster? He really had no idea how he'd risen through the ranks so quickly, and found himself in a school full of monsters. Truthfully, he felt like he had no idea what he was even doing.

He was then distracted by the sounds of a student knocking on the door, and conveying his impatience not only verbally but also via the smoke that started to come seeping in from under the door. "Oh, uh, come in!" he spoke up quickly, a bit nervously. "The door isn't locked."

"I don't think you have much to worry about." Cookie spoke from inside his head, still allowing only Jared to hear her for the time being. "After all, you're some sort of big authority figure now, right? I'm sure the students will respect you!"

Jared still had some reserved doubts as he waited for Leru to enter.

Deah could only continue to absorb new words and repeat them back to Orion for now. He was a bit surprised that the creature came closer to him but he still spoke back to it: "Own? Thing? Anyone? Heio?" It took a deep, calming blue color as it slowly started to drop its guard towards Orion.

Still not seeing anyone around, Orion continued to keep his eyes on the thing rather skeptically, still not sure yet what to think of it. Still listening to it try to echo him (badly), he decided to try communicating again. "Sooo… can you talk, or…" he started to ask, before another idea hit him. "Say, if English ain't your native tongue, you can just try talking in, uh, whatever your native tongue is." he suggested. "I sort of know all of them." he laughed. "Then again, that doesn't work two-way so well…" he contemplated.
"Unpack?" Niniane echoed, blinking curiously, before taking notice of the belongings that Aria had with her. "Unpack what? What do you have, there?" she asked, not owning any personal possessions herself.
Looking at Niniane curiously, Aria is fairly used to the odd requests, "Well, you know that bag I've been toting around? It has a lot of different clothes in it. I also brought a computer, even though I have no idea if it will work here. I'm told all the time that it is sort of an odd possession for a mage, but honestly I can't imagine why people prefer to keep huge libraries of books when I could store their contents here. I know that the magical properties aren't the same, so it is hard to get a digital spellbook, but I can't use those anyway... Oh, and I also have a little something for you if you like sweet stuff."
Looking at Niniane curiously, Aria is fairly used to the odd requests, "Well, you know that bag I've been toting around? It has a lot of different clothes in it. I also brought a computer, even though I have no idea if it will work here. I'm told all the time that it is sort of an odd possession for a mage, but honestly I can't imagine why people prefer to keep huge libraries of books when I could store their contents here. I know that the magical properties aren't the same, so it is hard to get a digital spellbook, but I can't use those anyway... Oh, and I also have a little something for you if you like sweet stuff."

Niniane nodded as she listened to Aria's words, passively absorbing the information. Her ears perked up, though, at Aria's last statement. "Something for… me?" she echoed slowly, not really knowing how to reply. "What would that be?" she asked, blinking curiously, actually really intrigued as to what this gift could be.
Niniane nodded as she listened to Aria's words, passively absorbing the information. Her ears perked up, though, at Aria's last statement. "Something for… me?" she echoed slowly, not really knowing how to reply. "What would that be?" she asked, blinking curiously, actually really intrigued as to what this gift could be.
Aria reaches into the bag and pulled out a container with colorful homemade cookies. "I don't know if you will like it since I don't know what your diet is like, but if you think it might be something you want, then you are welcome to it. I also have pocky in there, but I'm saving it for later. It is much better as a snack or dessert anyway."
Suddenly a voice talked directly to Katsuraga's mind: [BCOLOR=#808080]"Oh my a Tengu? And not one from the valley? How did you get your hands on this talisman?"[/BCOLOR] A deep silence and a strange hold that seamed to freeze both time, space and Katsuraga's mind lasted for a few moments, which appeared like years, before the voice returned: [BCOLOR=#808080]"I see. So you meet that future head Miko of mine. And you need help to find your way to your rooms. Hm. Next time when you use one of those speak the order, not think it. Now off you two go."[/BCOLOR] With that two symbols, identical to each other, but definitely not Japanese or from this world, appeared above the Tengu and Eri and the two disappeared and reappeared, each in front of their respective room.

Separated from the Tengu by a power that she knew about Eri just uttered: "Why did Kami? Ah. Well all that matters is that we accomplished our goals. I hope Katsuraga-san is alright."
The tengu let the talisman drop as he found himself outside his room. While it wasn't a completely unexpected happening, he couldn't exactly say that he was quite prepared for it. He should have been, however, considering that he used an unspoken command like that. He made a note to be more careful in the future. Who knew what else could have been seen or heard during that time. As soon as he had unlocked the door, however, he felt his gaze drawn back to the talisman on the floor. Heaving another sigh, he picked it up again and brought it into the room. The girl might want it back, and he'd rather just know where it was to return it quickly and avoid further interaction if possible.

Besides, perhaps it could be studied for the time being. Even if they were strange and sometimes irritating, humans did indeed have access to some interesting magicks.
Still not seeing anyone around, Orion continued to keep his eyes on the thing rather skeptically, still not sure yet what to think of it. Still listening to it try to echo him (badly), he decided to try communicating again. "Sooo… can you talk, or…" he started to ask, before another idea hit him. "Say, if English ain't your native tongue, you can just try talking in, uh, whatever your native tongue is." he suggested. "I sort of know all of them." he laughed. "Then again, that doesn't work two-way so well…" he contemplated.
"Native tongue? English? Two-way? Talking" Deah repeated as he thought about the words of the creature before using the words he though he understand and learned until now to try and form a simple sentence: "English talking you?" His color settled in a peaceful violet as he said the words.


From a portal a girl, adorned in black robes, stepped out and with a "Uff!", dusted her clothing from the leftovers of her breakfast, which was interrupted by the portal, with her right hand while holding a half-eaten sandwich in her left. She looked up towards the school while taking two bites of the sandwich, making it disappear in her mouth and mumbled while eating: "NLYA! Fynally he*gulp*re." The girl's name was Niko, and she carried many surnames, titles and aliases, depending on point in her past life and who would you ask. But most of those that she was close with called her ether "Vagantem Alchymista" - "Roaming Alchemist" or just Niko.

Now she gazed upon NLA and immediately knew something is wrong and decided to see what was going on with it: "Ostende mihi veritatem, structura et natura, autem, humani generis sui opera. [Show me the truth, the structure and nature, of, mankind's works.]" As the spell was cast Niko's mind was filled with the knowledge she wanted and she said: "Ah I see. So if go there I should end here. But the fastest way would be. Sub imperio mea, flectere terra, murorum ruina, fatiscit petra - vertit ad omnes harena. [Under my command, bend earth, walls fall, rocks crumble - all turns to sand.] Decem minutes [Ten minutes]." And then she proceeded towards a specific spot of the outer wall of the school...
Aria reaches into the bag and pulled out a container with colorful homemade cookies. "I don't know if you will like it since I don't know what your diet is like, but if you think it might be something you want, then you are welcome to it. I also have pocky in there, but I'm saving it for later. It is much better as a snack or dessert anyway."

"O-oh…" Niniane replied, looking down at the colorful treats. A bit hesitantly, she reached out and grabbed one, looking down at it curiously for a moment or two before nibbling on it gently. Her eyes widened for a moment at the taste as her tail flicked back and forth behind her. She then swallowed and nodded, calmly replying, "Yes, it is good." Looking towards Aria, she added, "You mentioned 'pocky'. What is that? Is it similar to this?"

"Native tongue? English? Two-way? Talking" Deah repeated as he thought about the words of the creature before using the words he though he understand and learned until now to try and form a simple sentence: "English talking you?" His color settled in a peaceful violet as he said the words.

"Uhhhhh-huh…" Orion replied slowly, nodding as he started to accept the fact that this conversation would go absolutely nowhere. "So uh… those colors supposed to mean anything important?" he asked halfheartedly, not expecting much of a coherent response.
"O-oh…" Niniane replied, looking down at the colorful treats. A bit hesitantly, she reached out and grabbed one, looking down at it curiously for a moment or two before nibbling on it gently. Her eyes widened for a moment at the taste as her tail flicked back and forth behind her. She then swallowed and nodded, calmly replying, "Yes, it is good." Looking towards Aria, she added, "You mentioned 'pocky'. What is that? Is it similar to this?"
Aria has to think for a moment before she can adequately answer, "Well, I think they are pretty distinctive from each other, but if you like cookies, you'd probably also like pocky." Brightening up with a cheerful smile, "But I'm really glad that you liked the gift. I don't really know if I'll be able to make them again since I need some ingredients and a way to bake them, but I'll definitely make them again if I can." Aria seems rather distracted with Niniane's tail and ears, primarily because it seems so foreign to her. Aria herself can't easily express herself with her ears, and doesn't have a tail at all. These factors lead to a more careful and curious observation than would be typical.
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