Naruto: A Second Chance

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Hah.... Pre Calc is where I stop. Hell, its rare for anyone to need anything beyond College Algebra.
Fuck sums and series.
And this is why I hate math
Math is the vain of my existance
  • Love
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Finally someone who gets me
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Eh, my forte is in writing as I'm sure you can and have seen. And psychology. It's why I'm a psych majour.
Me thinks that Ash and I go to the same college/school, seeing as i got done with the first half of my finals, of which consisted of Math, History, and Spanish. The funny thing is that in my history class we had to do a testimony as a person from WWII, after the little boy and fat man bombs, and were to give a story and such that will help make President Truman either Guilty or Innocent for releasing the bombs. I didn't do the project, but my teacher said we could wing it, so i winged it and got the highest grade possible with the teacher asking me if all that i said was really off the top of my head, to which it all was.

Sometimes, i love being a writer...
Heh.... You want a story?'

When I had my Film as Literature class, I had to do a research paper on Dr. Strangelove. I procrastinated until the day it was due. I got into school at 8:00 AM, went to the library and started working on it. Started from scratch, turned it in at noon. Word count was 1600, I wrote 2400, made full marks on it, no mistakes. The topic was the competing Cold War Ideologies of Sex and War. There was an entire paragraph about how Mother Russia likes bukkake.
Hard dicks and airplanes.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Jessica
How did...never mind.

I'm just chilling, at the moment. Wanting to post more, but, can't.
I would trade places with you if I could.
Mufufufufufufufu.... I too want to post.
*Wants to comment but has nothing to say*
Don't worry it happenes sometimes.
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