Naruto - A New Legend - Squad Thirteen's Journey

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So how are you doing N/A?
I'm good c:
Boston Comic Con is coming up >:) so i won't be on Saturday.
It seems this roleplay won't be moving anytime soon unfortunately...
No, we're still doing the collab. We've been writing back and fourth a lot for the role-play o-o. Or at least i consider it a lot.
Alright then that's great to hear I would prefer not to grind to a halt. Though I don't think there should be too much it's just a walk to the gates.
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Aaand we're back with our regularly scheduled programming.
Alright solid collab I'll TRY to get a post out tomorrow no promises.
Hey N/A there are only three spots the four was due to copy and paste error that I thought I fixed. And I don't believe the war memorial is one of the places. Underground means the sewers of Konoha.
On a side note if you guys prefer to go somewhere other than the sewers I'll do a quick edit of the post and let you go there but the memorial doesn't seem like a place where Mitsunari would place something. The whole point to this upcoming part is this:

Mitsunari will have set traps or challenges for the characters to overcome in someway shape or form to get the letter.
Mm, I don't need you to change anything Vance, since Atsuki's probably going to go for the letter in the Hot Springs.

It fits his... unique assets.
Alright good to know.
I've hidden three letters around the village one in the park where the war memorial is at, one in the hot springs location, and one in the middle of the sewers underground.
Hey N/A there are only three spots the four was due to copy and paste error that I thought I fixed. And I don't believe the war memorial is one of the places. Underground means the sewers of Konoha.
So i should edit Sayuri to go to the sewers right? Just making sure.
Yes Avalon called the hot springs, I called the park, and you get the sewers.
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Working on the post now c:
Also, I found this randomly. Thought it was necessary to share.

So Vance, how are we supposed to proceed? You're controlling the traps, right?
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No you are. I said earlier that you're making your own mission.
Any limitations or anything like that other than location?
Try to limit it so that civilians wouldn't just walk into the traps/challenges and don't blow up the hotspring.
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