Namtar Lament (Now open: Contact Kui before joining.)

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(E) She lowered the cloud just above Zaun, before she waved her hands towards the opposite side of the table. She sat down with the clank of her armor hitting up against the table and chair that she sat down in. Tilting her head rather animal like before closing her eyes with a small huff. "I am very aware of that fact. You may call me Valcana." She picks her left leg and claps it on top of her knee as she leans back into the chair and forces her right hands thumb to press into her chin. Her fingers clenched softly as she eyeballed him in silence.
(E2) "Like I said before, you won't be very capable of anything until you manage to remember what you have done and experienced in the past; relearning everything is out of the question. Now then, onto the last school . . . the Supplementary magic. These magics contain ten major and one minor groups of magic and spirituality; Barrier, Scrying, Incognito, Kokoro, Investment, Sealing, Ran, Evocation, Ninazu, Sensory Skills and the minor is Iryujon. Do any of those names bring a light to you?" Serdtse asked, sitting down backwards now and leaning back so that both hands held her body weight up.
(E2) Arin nodded. "I remember you two mentioning Ran Nodes and stuff earlier. Those are like teleportation stuff things, right?" She asked, shifting a bit in her seat. "Barrier is a bit obvious, and so is Sealing..." She murmured in addition, then giving a soft shrug. "The rest pulls a blank, besides faint, barely comprehensible memories from some school I went to.
(E) Zaun dipped a small biscuit in the tea, crunching it softly within his mighty jaws he would nod. "Valcana, that is a pretty name. My name is Zaun, it is a pleasure to meet you. May I ask why you agreed to see me today?" He would ask politely, taking a sip of tea before placing the cup down on the plate, crossing his fingers and placing them on the table with a gentle smile. Guardians didn't meet with people willy nilly, there had to be some reason to why she would agree to see him.
(E2) "Ran nodes are transportation nodes. We could have been in a safe place by tonight however one of the Ran nodes, the glass platform we were at before; was shattered and no more capable of performing Ran tasks. There are three different schools you might have attended, academies, for warriors. A college or university for heightened learning and gradeschool, for basic learning. The Namtar instituted public learning for the first time in history without having to pay a fee with the small exception of taxes." She explained to Arin, looking at her with observation. "Which one those three ring a bell to you?" Serdtse asked.

(E) "Agreed? You misunderstand guardians, none of us are approached to speak to you with small exceptions; you could have been sitting here alone for all I know . . . Kyopelinvuori is quite the entertaining place to be isn't it?" She asked, changing the topic quite quickly as she worked counter productive to changing the topic by again, switching it back to it. "Though, you are the one who wanted somebody to meet with; that is why you decided to come to the spirit world isn't it? Or did you want peace in a time most unnecessary? Perhaps I am just the one that you didn't want to see, I do only come by to ruin your parade most often. People most often want the nectar of kind and sweet words, that is why the poison I have created in my past life was so efficient. I only gave medicine to fellow 'people' when it tasted like poison, the bitter and sour taste might have been that of poison in the short run . . . but certainly it was medicine that would cure them of the disease that ate away at their soul. You however, well then, I don't have medicine that works in itself. It must be hard working with such a condition of blindness, do other people help you often? To climb up the stairs? And looking for clothes in the morning?" She asked, absolutely interested in the question that . . . was rather odd. She slapped her feet, both of them to show off her steel gaunt plated boot on top of the table regardless of the contents on top of it. They were red and had her clan symbol on the heel.

(W) The blade would have sunk into the helmet, showing absolutely no signs of life. However, coating the blade in a mixture of red, purple and even some pink too. There would have been nothing of real interest that he probably should take, simply old and corroded art as well as still functional glass, however most of it was broken. He would have to find somebody to help him, and now that he was down without legs- he was in particular danger of anything that looked at him like he was easy prey.
(E) Zaun would think for a moment, nodding at her wise words. While he didn't understand most of what she said it seemed like she held some kind of information within them, like a cypher speaking in riddles or a wise man in tongue. He just needed to figure out what her words meant. He shifted in his seat slightly, getting ready to speak. "I came here to see if there was anything I could offer in exchange of advice. I do not ask for to be placed on the right direction just...perhaps a nod in it? These past few days have been troubling, I would rather my friends and I not drown in a city of the dead. And what do you mean of blindness?" He would ask, scrunching his eyes slightly. "I told you I see well, I can spot a man and tell you what sword he carries at nearly two hundred yards." He would say, getting curious to what she meant. The entire time she had alluded to him being blind and lacking sight, what is she trying to say?
(E) "I certainly cannot nor will anybody in the spirit world nod in the right direction. Not that I don't trust in your words but I don't believe you, seeing that far is certainly an achievement to boast about however . . . that does not necessarily mean that you are not blind. A legally blind man may be able to see what is in the distance but not be able to decipher what is actually in the distance, a person? A dog? A house? Well then, why do you think that you are not blind?" She asked, grabbing a hold of a tea cup on the side of the table and holding it with her pinky finger up, tilting it from side to side and taking a good look at the cup. It was empty.
(E) Zaun would rub the back of his head, nodding. "I see..." He would think, long and hard about what she meant. Zaun wasn't the most figurative of people but this...seemed obvious. It seemed she thinks that Zaun is missing something, but what? Something in the real world or the spirit world? What could he be missing? Zaun would lean forward, placing his hands on the table again. "I think I am beginning to see what you tell me...Am I unable to see something obvious infront of me? Is that what you are trying to insinuate Valcana?" He would ask, watching her play with the cup.
(E) "Insinuate? I am not insinuating anything, I am only telling you how I feel about something. And what I feel is what I know, thus, I am aware of the fact that you are indeed blind. Regardless of what it is that you are telling me." She said, putting the cup away and reaching for a biscuit. She picked it up and took a small bite out of it, eyeballing him while she ate her food. "Hm?" She asked, provoking him to speak again.
(E) Hpmh. Zaun thought. This seemed to be some kind of game to her, or one way and another. But he must figure out what it is he is missing, it had to be important enough for her to allude to it the entire time she has been here. Zaun lick his lips, watching her eat the biscuit. "Well, What do you feel? What makes you feel I am blind? Can you tell me that?" He would ask, tilting his head to see her reaction.
(E) Valcana laughed "Ah, my thoughts are very unimportant to those unable do take the time and dedication to decipher them. I suppose I could spare a blind man the handicap that he deserves though. The iris of your eyes only see what is in front of you but not what is most important, you see objectively and not subjectively; you are blind not because you have functioning eyesight but because you are unable to see the subjective matter of things. Zaun the shield . . .? More like, Zaun the tone-deaf." She giggled in a teasing manner.
(E) Zaun wouldn't have been amused much longer. This was getting tiresome and he needed to find answers. "It is Zaun the shield of the USSR, I cannot understand your words any further Valcana without some sort of translation. I may be blind and I may be tone deaf but I still struggle to see and hear. I do not with to play this game any longer, Can you or can you not tell me what I am missing?" He would say, beginning to get frustrated.
(E) Valcana laughed "Oh, frustrated easily as always. I suppose, you do not want me to continue riddling away at the ego you try desperately to protect; even at the cost of many." She stood up and stretched her hands up, then put them behind her head and sighed in appreciation of the general area. "Not a soul will tell you what it is that you are missing in the spirit world; not what it is that you are requesting. What is it that you ARE missing though? Well then, I would have to say a good pair of eyes. A good pair of ears. A cleansing of the senses truly would be beneficial, an ego and unwillingness to betray that ego is what makes people do evil things; good people can do evil things only because of how stiff and unchanging they become. The only reasoning you are not threatening my life is because I am already deceased; otherwise you would have treated me no less than an opponent. Even though, I have already spit medicine in your face; you only treat it as repulsive and unbenifical. Well then, certainly you would rather drink the poison. Huh?" She grinned, both hands on her hips and leaning forward at him. Though, behind her was a figure of white and black armor; the armor was beautiful and as if crafted by the gods, far more decorated than Valcana's. The person was tall too, about 6'4 and had wings of staggering length. "You are excused." The woman said, beside her was another figure too- dressed in nearly identicle armor, he was a man- likely quite relevant to her. Zaun knew them both as Ta and TaTa. He knew them both to be down and to business, what seperated them both? Ta was quite monotone and didn't enjoy company for too long. TaTa was more understanding and enjoyed company quite more often.

In response, Valcana glanced back and nodded her head. "Very well." She clicked her finger up to her chin and suddenly, began de-materializing before Zaun.
(E) Zaun would nod at her, not saying anything else until she vanished, to which he would stand, smiling at the two. "Ta, Tata, It has been long I am pleased to see you, would any of you like something to drink? Coffee? Tea? Perhaps a snack? This cupboard runs deep." He would say with a smile, waiting to take his seat until they had or they decided they didn't want to take a seat. There would be enough seats for both of them to sit however. He respected these guardians much more then the last, she was rude, pride filled and confusing. They would be much more of a straight shooter hopefully.
(E) The two of them nodded, taking their seats with a small clank of their armor. TaTa was the lady while Ta was the male . . . he was of course, the first to speak and accept the greeting. "Thanks, it is very appreciated. Do excuse her, she can get quite carried away with her antics; it is quite often that we are required to interrupt her during one of her spiels. I don't care much for coffee, I would like some tea." He said, reaching to begin pouring his own tea- TaTa however, reached for the coffee. "What have you experienced so far within the citystate of Namtar? Interesting enough for your tastes?" He asked, dipping a teabag into his drink. He glanced down at it briefly, before he made eye contact with Zaun, observing him with a warm facial expression.
(E) Zaun would return the warm smile, waiting for them to finish pouring their drinks before taking the pot and refilling his. He much preferred these guardians, ones that took the time to appreciate people, that he respected. He quickly shoved the thought of the last one from his mind. "Namtar is extremely interesting respected one, to see such technology go to waste, so much destruction so quickly, it is as impressive as it is morbid. But to answer your question, while it is one of the more interesting places I have fought wtihin, my heart yearns to see more beauty of the world." He would say with a smile, taking a sip.
(E2) Arin shifted slightly, mulling over the words. Academy, University, and Gradeschool... "Academy rings a bell." She piped. "I think I went to one or something...the other two sound familiar too." She responded, readjusting her seat. She was apparently finding it relatively hard to get a bit comfortable. "I mean, I have weapons on me, so I must have been trained in some sort of martial arts..."
(E2) "Great. May I ask, what do you think sealing is?" Serdtse asked, wanting to be absolutely certain that Arin knew of what she was talking about. It would certainly save her the time, if Arin knew of something- so that she wouldn't have to waste time explaining it.

(E) "More beauty is what you wish to see, well, certainly in the future that is most definitely what you will recieve so as long as you continue to be productive and seek opportunity in life. Are you well? Do you feel as though you are in motion?" He asked, kind heartedly and took a sip from his drink, his sister remained rather silent and not quite all too willing to talk very much. Or at least that was the case maybe with Zaun.
(E2) Arin kinda nodded, but shrugged at the same time. "Kinda? I was sealed right? Isn't that just stuffing me away until the seal is broken or something? I mean, I never experienced the passage of time while sealed..." She murmured, shifting, her gaze pensive and neutral. "Which makes me think... Am I an artifact to you? Or am I an actual person?"
(W) Achelias would of wiped his blade off on the floor to get the fluid off of it. He would of looked out to the entrance of the building and said "Shit what do I do?" in a bit of a worried tone of voice. He thought that he could go outside back to where he came but he is a bit suspicious that maybe more people of the group were like Thomas and Guy. He would of put his blade back inside from his arm covered by the fake skin and would of started crawling.

He decided he would crawl down the stairs that was next to the other set without falling down, When he was at the bottom of the stairs he would look left or right to see if there was anyone or anything interesting he should check out. If not then he would of leaned himself against the wall with his puppet next to him. He would of put his arm around his puppet like it was a person and would of sat there in silence for fifteen minutes. If nothing disturbed him he would of then decided to take the left hallway to see if he could possibly find someone that can help him. Though he hopes that he wont run into any other creature that will do him harm.
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