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(E) "We are unable to give you an answer or a direction. Only advice and what we believe would be an improvement for you and the world in which you live in. An apology certainly isn't worthy if it is given for ambitious behavior; otherwise an apology would be worth less than what it could be if not for the overabundance." He nodded firmly, in which he stood up- followed by TaTa. "What have you a question?" He asked, TaTa crossed her arms up to her chest and stared Zaun down like he was a wild animal, Ta however gave him a neutral facial expression- much more warm and kind. He wasn't rushing Zaun or asking him to leave, it was more like a gentle nudge.
(E) Zaun would shake his head, smiling kindly. "No, Thank you guardians, your assistance will prove most valuable to my journey. I will be sure to enjoy much merriment to your names. Thank you." He would say with a smile, waiting to be released. He appreciated them greatly, without their help (and to a lesser extent the rude ones) he wouldn't have been able to figure out something was wrong. He would be sure to honor them.
(W) Achelias would of tried to reach for the handle but couldn't get to it without jumping. So he use his arms to lean lower to the ground and then extend his arms fast to throw himself up and grab the door handle. He would of used one hand to hold the handle and the other hand to push against the other. He would do this to pull open the door he grabbed the handle on hoping it would open. He did open the door somehow and would of slipped through the opening he made. He would of then ended up dropping onto the ground making a loud metallic smack from the remaining parts of his shattered legs. He would of looked around while crawling forward and yell "Hello!?" to see if anyone was around.

He would of stopped crawling to see if anyone noticed and waited in spot in five minutes to see if anyone would come and help, or if any more danger came at him. If nothing happened he would of crawled towards the building ahead of him and opened the door the same way he did and explored the hallways.
(E) Zaun would have been required to leave on his own . . .

Ta smiled at him. "Thanks, I appreciate it. Take care, friend." He waved briefly, not long after did both Ta and TaTa vanish into nothingness . . . leaving behind not even a trace. Leaving the spirit world was, for the most part, the duty of the person entering the spirit world. Especially since Zaun was considered to be a Yin-Yang . . .
(E) Zaun would smile, nodding his head as he closed his eyes. When he opened them he would be back on the floor of the apartment. Standing he would pick up his shield as he yawned, cracking his neck. Looking over to the door Serdtse was in, he wondered if it would be rude to enter and ask for a word. He would wait a bit. Sitting back down he would chuckle at his enthusiasm, it was as if he was a young buck once more. He would lay back and listen for any noises while he waited.
(W) Not long after did Achelias find his way out of the building and at the doorstep of the next was he presented with two more doors of identicle nature. However, he could hear the growling agitation of what sounded to be a dog, the sound of a heavy metallic chain grinded up against the ground as the animal walked right on by; what were the chances? The group must have been stalked- and Achelias was there to suffer consequences of the ignorant group. Almost like somebody was just playing with his life, the animal charged only mere meters away from Achelias- however, he had enough time to push the door open . . . what was he going to do? This place just WANTED him to die.
(W) Achelias would been startled completely from the sound of the agitated animal and would of quickly pushed open the door in the same manner of opening the previous door and would of slipped on through and slammed his body against the door to try to keep the door even budging from whatever was out there. He would notice on how.. unlucky he was and would of said "Shit, i might not make it to a hundred.." in a slight frustrated tone of voice. He would look around in the building to see if there was anyone around or what paths he could take to travel throughout the building.
(E2) Arin nodded. "Yeah, Ran is teleportation magic stuff, there isn't anything overly complicated about it like everything else, right?" She asked to triple check. Her notetaking journal was set aside, basically forgotten as Arin did her best to try and recall things from the past. She was told things would not happen instantaneously, but she just wanted things to happen. It was just about now she realized how much she liked action and entertainment. Listening to a lecture was the same as it was back in the day, but this was a bit more interesting in the sense that their lives might depend on a decent education on magical arts.
(E2) "Yes. With combinations, Ran magic can be more complicated but you get the main idea I suppose. Next is Ninazu, just as basic as Ran- the art of healing and curing that in which intoxicates the body physically or spiritually. Since Tera has become a major power in the world, medicine and Ninazu magic has become increasingly more progressive- only a few hundred years ago did we have twice as less as we have today." Serdtse spoke however her thick accent made it hard to understand some of the words that she spoke. She even studdered quite a few times, struggling to speak the common language with great fluency when it came to magic.

Serdtse stood up, picking through her backpack up until she pulled out a small handbook poster- this poster seemed bundled and kept together only because of a fabricated rubber band; she pulled at this band before it immediately sprung out and nearly doubled in size and unraveled itself by the amount of torque it had. She let it flop up and unravel before she held a firm grip on it, what she had was some kind of elastic paper that not only could be written on- but could flipped through like a book. She pressed it up against the very back of the rooms wall as she continued speaking. She then returned to her backpack, taking out a very small package of personal pens- these pens she did not allow Arin access to. For whatever reason that might have been.

She began to write what she was speaking about on the now large notebook. Sticking through an unknown means. "Thus, following this is Kokoro magic. The use of the mind to implement magic just as a limb or physical entity of the body. Although in books of magic and spirituality do depict people flying and hovering in mid-air, only a few people in reality have been able to achieve this power at the cost of constant dryfire and exhaustment of resources. Kokoro magic refers to much more efficient means of using magic, for example entering the mind of another person and the dreams of another person; both of which are forbidden arts that bring about negative attention. One of the four known ways of performing magic and spirituality rely heavily on Kokoro magic, however, it is rarely used by the warrior and rather used by the unskilled.

Before I continue any further, we should also discuss how magic is performed. Magic is performed four ways:

Dryfire. Dryfire is the use of performing magic without any means of efficiently translating source energy into technique, it is like throwing gasoline on a fire- certainly something will happen. Something can be considered dryfire if no technique is apparent.

Traditional. Traditional magic and spirituality are considered the primary formats in which magic is taught today, it is the use of the body, hand symbols, signs and seals in a basic or complicated chain of language; producing the desired effect. If somebody performs a short or long chain of basic or complicated symbols using the hands- it is clear that it is traditional magic.

Bending. The use of orchestral body movements and fluent, directional dance that provides instructions for source energy to work in a certain manner. Stomping the feet and shifting the ground in a dance is often times affiliated with earth bending, however, water and fire often times resemble a more fluent dance rather than abrupt stomping.

And lastly . . . incantation. Considered to be the "peoples magic" because warriors, for the most part, don't use Incantations. It is the magic of the voice, spoken magic. However, it can be considered dryfire if a tool is not used, such as a wand or a staff of some kind. Wands are the most effiecent while staffs are . . . more powerful. Write this down, I don't want to repeat any of this." Serdtse demanded, kindly of course but nonetheless it was still a command.
(E2) Arin blinked, nodding before scribbling down the notes.
Magic stuff
Teleportation stuff.
Healing stuff. (Highly progressive apparently)

Magic as extra limbs..? (that shit's weird sounding)

--Magic casting stuff--
'What the FUCK am I doing?'
Magical Sign Language.
Dance to please the elements.
Civilians' magic.

Something about choral things reminds me of family...

-Magical Gear-
Arin looked up when she was done, her handwriting still as messy as it was. At least she was learning the material, or at least remembering it.
(E2) Serdtse nodded her head. "Good. Moving on and back to the schools of supplementary magic, there is also the school of Incognito. Essentially, the magic depicted as the art of removal and subtraction measures in a fashion that is otherwise very stealthed. It is the shinobi's magic, those who want to kill silently or perform a task in such a way that they will not be detected. Again, very basic concept that even the civilian could understand. Next is Evocation, the art of summoning something. Very rarely will somebody learn this art and not be involved with politics in some higher fashion. Evocation requires political acceptance of those you are summoning, be it people or animals of civilized society. Do you understand thus far? Questions?" Serdtse asked, continuing to write on the board for Arins appeal.

(W) Achelias was trapped between the entrance and the exit door, essentially a square room that allowed people to enter and leave the building. However, his chances of leaving without letting the open began to show as rather slim, the animal pouncing upon the door and smeering a mixture of blood and some kind of yellow and brown substance. It was a large dog, certainly. Perhaps a hunting dog of some kind, if he took a good look- it wouldn't have resembled anything but a big mess of fur and decayed flesh, open wounds and the mouth rather barren of skin and fur. It snarled and gagged on the fluids trapped in it's lungs, somehow it had enough energy to contest Achelias to open the door. He would not have had the ability to see what was beyond the closed doors in front of him though . . .
(E2) Arin nodded and continued to write, not speaking up really. What was there for her to ask? The basics of each class and school of magic was simple enough to understand. Of course, she might forget later on, but at least she'd have some reference material in her journal.
(W) Achelias would of known that without his legs he didn't have the strength to keep the door closed from the monstrous creature that now has its sights to make him his new play toy. He would of looked at the closed door in front of him and hoped that some luck is on his side since he had to take the chance to get through the doors. He would of took a moment to think before essentially pushing himself off the door to try to propel himself just a little towards the exit. He then started crawling at a fast sporadic pace getting to the door rather fast, fearing for his life since he knew if he wasn't able to do this or if the door itself was locked he was dead. When he got to the closed door he would of attempted to enter it in the same manner he did the last two doors and try to close it with him against it to not let the beast in.

Throughout this whole thing Achelias would be too freaked out and a scared for himself that he didn't get the chance to see what exactly was chasing him.
(E2) "Now then, there is Scrying magic and Sensory magic for the last two classifications. Scrying is the use of decoding language into formidable language; the definition can become obscured and subjective however. Think of Scrying as the magic of the map . . . and sensory magic should come across as an easy assumption. However, the technical term for Sensory is Sensa, in some part of the world it is known as Instincta; depends on where it is that you derive from. Sensory magics range from all sorts of capabilities, eckolocation . . . anatomy changes such as eyes or even the skin; the most common however are mutations within the eye. If something is capable of detection, it is considered a sensory capability. Yes?" Serdtse explained the general 'gist' of magic to Arin.
(W) Achelias certainly did move fast and swift, more than capable of doing such a task- however, the dog pushed the door opened just as quick as him- practically smashing it's head right off of the metal plating and glass window of the door. Just as Achelias closed the door, he could hear the sound of a gunshot go off and a loud howl that demanded the dog be put down. And thus, it was . . . a large spatter of blood and a bullet whispering into Achelias's shoulder, not that he could even feel the pain. The sound was followed up with an older mans voice, reassuring Achelias to remain still. Though, if Achelias did look . . . he wasn't within view. Or at least anymore.

If Achelias looked back, he could see the large spatter of blood, the cracked glass and the dogs head that was split nearly in two. It was a disgusting image, just about everything about the dogs anatomy was visible within the cranium. The brain, bone, pulp and some kind of mold that began foaming out the side of the head in small little spurts.
(E2) Arin nodded, scribbling down notes. Judging by her increasingly messy scripture, she was starting to lose interest in general education. The kitsune had thought that relearning magic meant scrims and drills and.. Well, more exciting stuff, to be honest. Sure, she remembered a good bit of her General Magics class now, but that didn't really do much for awakening any magic within her, if she was able to control it.

With her disinterest came daydreams and wandering thoughts. What really was she doing here? Why was she chosen out of her two other siblings? Her mind continued to wander, drumming up weirder and weirder conundrums, getting to wondering if everything she is being told about her two teammates is actually a ruse, or if everything she knew was just a fake memory and she's not real or the fact that this world isn't real. It was just now she realized how disconnected she felt from time and her teammates...

Arin blinked back into the present disoriented and completely lost her train of thought. Was Serdtse saying something? Arin shifted awkwardly, conspiracies running rampant in her mind. A part of her wanted to just hang out with Zaun. His presence did help a bit if anything. Chances are, he wouldn't understand a thing, but he was always happy to reassure his friends... If he considered her a friend... The distracted fox girl let out a sigh. She needed to get her head on straight.
(E) Zaun could hold his tongue no longer, albeit he hadn't been holding it very long, he decided that he must speak to Serdtse immediately, he felt it important that they discuss what he has been thinking and what the guardians had hinted towards. Zaun would stand, cracking his neck. He had to approach the situation delicately, he wasn't sure what but there was something going on with Serdtse and he needed to figure out what. If she decided to close up and tell him nothing, he would have to pry it out. He cannot go through a mission with a leader that lets a secret sway that much on her emotion. He would knock on the door three times. Hard. after the third knock he would open it, stepping inside. "Forgive me sweet one, I require a word with our leader here. If you wouldn't mind scurrying out for a few moments I would greatly appreciate." He would say gently, locking eyes with Sedtse, his eyes convarying a serious look.
(E2) Arin jumped, hearing something hammer on the stone door. Zaun entered the room, making her raise an eyebrow, only to see his serious expression. His command was soft, but stern. She obliged both quietly and obediently, slipping out of the room without a word, forgetting her journal on the bed.
(W) The bullet hitting Achelias shoulder would of made a loud "Tink" sound of the metal inside his skin getting hit. Though he wouldn't react but he did get in fact get startled from the loud gunshot. He would sit against the door and would look back and see the beast's gore, He would look away for a bit not liking the image of a dead dog that could of been someones loving pet. He would of took a moment in silence to think before looking back to see his savior. He didn't see anyone. He tried to hide behind the door so that he might not be seen, maybe even try to barricade the door to prevent someone to come in. Although without his legs it would be rather easy to force their way through.

Achelias would of announced his presence with a rather loud "Hello?" to try to get the man to hear him. He would of asked "I appreciate you saving me Mr., Who are you?". Although he did stay still since this could be his opportunity to be saved.
(E) Serdtse blinked at the door, wondering what might be so important for Zaun to have interrupted her lesson. She listened to what he had to say, put both hands on her hips with a small tilt of her head in confirmation that the lesson was apparently done with. Serdtse of course, waited for Arin to leave before speaking up in question of Zauns presence. "What is it, Zaun?" Serdtse asked taking down the large notepad and beginning a process of squeezing it down with grunts of attemptive strength to form the pad into a small little cube like shape. Her voice was rather neutral, but it held positivity in it.
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