Mysteries of Membuka

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Aideen nodded slightly as she heard his words. It was a relief, it really was.

"So we don't have to worry about it any more," she said softly. "And we just keep you out of crowds for extended periods of time and everything is good."
Elias nodded. "Yeah, everything should be fine," he agreed, "...though it's best if I don't touch you whenever we go into town, just to be safe."
Aideen gave him a slight nod of her head, smiling.

"Fair enough," she replied softly. In the distance, the bubbling of the hot springs could be heard as the pair drew nearer.
Elias smiled, glad that Aideen understood. His free hand slipped into his front pocket as they neared the springs, absently toying with the fabric of his swim trunks.
Rosalyn strolled, peonies shrub and seed basket in hand, back down the market towards the Town Square on her way back to her home. As she was cutting across the square near the fountain a familiar voice called out in a shrill whine. A young boy came rushing towards her sobbing hysterically. He ran up and grabbed onto Roz's legs. "Rosie! Rosie! My swooorrd!!" He cried, screaming and sobbing into her dress.

Roz blinked rather surprised, and adjusted her load to see the boy better. "Jack? What on earth is the matter?"

"He..he-he! He took it!!! He wetted my sword!!"

"What now?" She asked, full of concern. She pulled him away from her legs, so that she could crouch down and set down her flowers. Roz brushed through the young boy's hair, and whipped away his tears with her sleeve. "Hey, hey...shhh. Who took your sword?"

Jack winced with fresh tears, glancing back at the golden haired man who tossed his toy sword, he pointed. Roz pointed to confirm, and Jack nodded.

"Alright now. Go sit by the fountain, okay? I'll go speak with the gentleman, and we'll walk you home. Be a big boy now."

Jack nodded, trying to keep from crying and slowly stomped off towards the fountain. Roz collected her things, adjusted her kirtle, then gazed at the accused. She cleared her throat and walked towards the golden haired man with purpose. "Excuse me, sir."
Trias took in a breath of fresh air and was about to set off to the marketplace when a voice called from behind him. He turned and immediatly went into a bow.

"Yes Ma'am? How may i be of service?"
Aideen smiled as the trees parted to reveal the waters, steam rolling off the lightly bubbling surface in snakelike tendrils. Her hazel eyes shifted from the hot waters to Elias, grinning brightly.

"You first," she chimed sweetly, smoothing out her flame-patterned dress over her hips.
Elias smiled a bit and pulled out his swim trunks. "I gotta change first."
Aideen giggled softly and nodded.

"Okay," she said. She snapped her fingers and suddenly burst into flames. The flames burned away the fabric of her dress, and remained burning in the areas that a swimsuit would cover. She smiled over at him. "Ta da. Instant firekini."
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Elias laughed. "Well, unfortunately I can't do that so I'll have to ask you to turn around for a moment."
A soft giggle escaped Aideen's lips as she turned away from him, fluttering her wings lightly. She smiled a bit, toying with the tought of turning around and peeking, but decided against it. She lifted one hand and ran it through her light orange hair, waiting for him to tell her that she could turn back around again.
Elias shed his coat and neatly folded it before unbuttoning his shirt and sliding it off. Once it was folded, the shirt joined the coat, and the pants followed soon after. A few moments later he was dressed in his swim trunks.

"Alright, you can turn around," he said.
Aideen waited patiently, and when he finally said that she was free to turn around, she did. She shot him a bright smile before heading towards the edge of the hot water pools. She didn't go slow, didn't dip a toe in to test the waters, didn't ease herself in, she simply ran up to the edge and jumped in as if it were any old swimming pool. She went completely beneath the surface, and as her head broke through the top of the water, she looked over at him and grinned.

"Come on in, the water's great," she said. Her wings seemed almost unaffected by the water - its pressure didn't push them at all as she jumped, and now that she was surfaced, they were positioned exactly as they were when she was out of the water, not even causing ripples as they fluttered. It was as if they weren't even there, simply a trick of the light.
Elias shook his head in amusement, chuckling.

"Alright, watch out," he said. He took one step back before running and jumping into the water in a cannonball. When he surfaced, he brushed his hair out of the way, laughing as he looked over at Aideen.
Aideen laughed, surprised at seeing him jump right in like that. She wasn't bothered by the intense heat of the water because she was a fire fairy, and heat didn't bother her, but the shock of jumping into that water couldn't possibly be good for humans. She smiled over at him.

"Are you okay?" she asked, wanting to make sure he was alright. The flames that crackled on her body weren't actually hot; they were as cool as the frozen flames she kept as decorations in her apartment, except that these ones were animated instead of frozen in place.
Elias laughed. "Fine," he said, "I'm used to being in the heat, it's fine. A little hotter than I expected, but where's the fun if you don't take risks?"
Aideen laughed softly at his words.

"People don't usually swim here, though, it's just for relaxing," she said with a smile.
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"Well, I'm not most people and neither are you," Elias said, having moved closer to the edge of the water. He propped his arms up on the edge, floating in the water so his chest was just barely out of the water.
Aideen giggled a bit and giving him a light nod. It was true, she figured. She couldn't help but admire him as he sat there, shirtless and wet.

"We're a pretty unusual pair," she said.
"I've got nothing wrong with that," Elias said. He ran a hand through his dripping wet hair, forcing it out of the way since it tended to fall into his face.