Mysteries of Membuka

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Aideen smiled a bit at him, the fork cutting smoothly into the slice of cake on her plate and lifting it into her mouth. She chewed thoughtfully, clearly considering the possibilities as she ate. She smiled at him once she had swallowed the bite.

"So, what do you want to do?" she asked him cheerfully.
Elias finished off his slice with a final bite and swallowed before standing. He placed his plate and fork in the sink before turning to Aideen with a grin.

"The hot springs sound nice," he answered.
Aideen nodded, quickly finishing up the last few bites of cake. She followed his lead, putting her dishes in the sink and smiling. She could wash those later, she hated dishes. She looked back over at him and smiled.

"Do you have a swimsuit?" she asked him softly, smirking.
Elias paused and held up his hand in a gesture for Aideen to wait. He went and shuffled through one of the inside pockets of his coat which was still hanging on his chair. After a moment, he pulled out a knapsack that definitely should not have fit in the coat's pocket and placed it on the table, looking through it.

"Yes, yes I do," Elias said with a grin, finally pulling a pair of swim trunks from the sack. It wasn't until a short moment later that it occurred to him that Aideen might have questions about his coat. He smiled a bit sheepishly, quite sure she was going to ask how a bag of his clothes could possibly fit in his coat pocket.
Aideen laughed a bit, surprised by the size of the bag that he had pulled from his coat. She quirked an eyebrow, smirking.

"Enchanted coat?" she asked him softly, smiling. "Let's get going, then?"
Elias smiled and nodded, stuffing his bag back into the inside pocket of the coat and putting the swim trunks in one of the front pockets before donning the coat again.

"Yeah, let's go," he said.
Aideen went to the door and opened it, holding it for him and giggling a bit at the gesture. She smiled over at him, her hazel eyes sparkling.

"Well then, let's go," she chimed cheerfully. "I'll lead the way."
Elias grinned, slipping out and turning to look at Aideen once he was out in the hall.

"I'll be right behind you," he replied.
Aideen giggled and nodded, locking the door behind her with a quick blast of fire magic before beginning down the hallway, in the direction of the stairs. Her pretty orange hair fluttered lightly behind her as she walked, a slight bounce in her step. Her fiery, pretty wings opened and closed gently, as if showing themselves off to Elias as he walked along behind her.
Elias gladly followed Aideen, unable to stop smiling. Perhaps Aideen's cheerfulness was rubbing off. Either way, Elias was more than happy to go with her.
Aideen began down the stairs, fluttering her wings as her feet moved quickly down the familiar steps - she hadn't been here long, yet the place already felt like a home to her. She was comfortable navigating the elegant corridors of the large castle, making her way from her little apartment to anywhere else.
Elias continued after Aideen, eventually choosing to walk at her side rather than behind her. He didn't want to get in the way of her wings.

"What's it like having wings?" he asked suddenly, curious what it must be like to have extra appendages and be able to fly and, well, just curious in general.
Aideen looked over at him, a bit surprised by the question as she gave a little flutter of her wings.

"What's it like?" she asked slowly, thinking. "I - uh... well, it' having wings, you know?" she asked slowly. "Why, what's it like not having wings? I don't know, I guess it's like having really large feet on your back and they can move really quickly and support you?"
Elias chuckled at Aideen's response. "It's just a strange concept to me," he said, watching her wings flutter slightly, "having wings. Not having wings is kind of...grounding, I guess."
Aideen shrugged her shoulders lightly, smiling.

"I don't really know what it's like to have them, because they're just kind of there. I mean, can you describe what it's like having fingernails? I sure can't," she said to him, leading him out the large doors of the castle and into the lush green of the forest.
Elias smiled at that, continuing along at her side. "I suppose that makes sense," he said. He gently ran a hand through his hair, looking over at Aideen.
Aideen nodded slightly, her feet quiet against the grassy earth of the forest floor. There was a bright smile on her lips and her hazel eyes sparkled in the glints of sunlight that broke through the tree cover above them. She looked over at Elias every now and then, offering him her bright grin.
When Aideen wasn't looking, Elias took her hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze as he forced the vision away. He caught one more glimpse of it, though, before it left him be for the time being. There was indeed a ring on Aideen's finger. Elias was sure it was a wedding ring because he had noted a ring on his own finger that matched hers. He decided he'd keep that a secret. No need to tell Aideen about that yet.
Aideen was surprised as he caught her hand with his, smiling up at him as they walked along.

"So we don't have to worry about the vision coming back again?" she asked him softly. "You can just make it...not happen?"
"Once I've seen it," Elias explained, "I can suppress it. It just stays there in the back of my mind and I can call it forward again if I wish. When I'm in a crowded area, though, visions that I haven't seen and visions that I have sort of jumble together to a point where I can't differentiate between them. That's why I don't like being around people. The visions start to drive me crazy after a while."