My School Most Popular Guy is... A Vampire! (with

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Ryunosuke indeed felt something suspicious when he arrived at the marketplace. It was like an inhuman vibe that was on the air and that caught his attention. While Eliza was attending her business with a funny looking lady, Ryunosuke looked over at the big circus tent that was in the middle of the marketplace. He smiled with excitement, trying to remember when was the last time he visited a place like that. "Ah, that's right, I never been inside one of those before," he thought and sighed with disappointment, remembering all those times his parents told him to never attend activities that involved lowlife people. He couldn't understand why, but followed their orders like a good kid. Of curse, there were a few times when he sneaked out from his house at night for a night stroll around his neighborhood, the only moment where he could explore without having his parents telling him to stay home because the streets were too dangerous. The typical speech of a pair of overprotective parents.

Shaking off those memories from the past, he spotted an extremely tall and muscled man with that type of clothes use for those people that practice lifting heavy weights. He didn't seem human at all and Ryunosuke could swear that he saw a tiger tail tugged on his pants. Wondered, Ryunosuke blinked before looking back at Eliza and noticed that she was already leaving the place. Gasping, Ryunosuke rushed toward her, carefully moving through the crowd.

After leaving the marketplace, Ryunosuke sighed with relief, not really accustomed in be among so many people. The fangirls in his school were totally small compared to this crowd. Looking back at Eliza, he noticed she entered an alley. Leaning against a wall, he peeked his head into the alley and observed her, spotting her heading toward a laundry building. He wondered why in the world a place like that was located inside a creepy ass alley that's probably darker than black in the night. "I think this laundry isn't an ordinary one," he thought after remembering the unusual circus in the marketplace.
Eliza paused outside the door upon hearing a guy scream like a girl inside. Quite suddenly the door flung open, causing her to stumble back in surprise. A man bolted out of the laundromat with tears in his eyes. "G-Ghost!!" He cried and sprinted out of the alley. A snort of laughter escaped the young neko as she watched him go. Though, she knew Mrs. Helvector would end up scaring her as well. She entered the dry cleaners and took note of the flickering overhead fluorescent lights, as well as the socks and underwear that appeared to have exploded out from one of the large washers. A neat pile of bed linens was sitting on the counter.

As Liz approached it, she saw a sticky note with her last name written on it, as well as the word paid in a different color ink. Seeing as things were in order here, she carried both veggie bags in one hand and picked up the bed stuff with the other. As she picked up the stuff, Mrs. Helvector's head phased through the counter top. "YOU'RE LATE!!!" The banshee screeched, causing Eliza to jump back in fright and fall on her ass for the second time that day. This time her headband slipped out of her thick ruddy brown hair, revealing her somewhat darker brown cat ears.

As her heartbeat returned to normal from her scare, she settled a flat glare on the banshee woman. "I'm sorry. School just started and I got held up by some annoying guy. I'll try not to let it happen again." She spoke quietly. Her ears were still ringing a bit from the banshee's screech.

"It's alright sweetheart. I got you good, didn't I?" The banshee laughed a bit as she floated above the young neko. She picked up Eliza's headband and examined it with glowing green orbs. "The fabric on this old thing is awfully stretched out. I'll put some different fabric on it really quick. I also made you a new one, that way you can switch it up every now and then." She spoke in a kind voice as she offered her a hand getting up.
Ryunosuke jumped up a little as a man suddenly pass him running for hid dear life. His face was so terrified that Ryunosuke wondered what could have scared him that badly. Blinking twice, he turned to face the alley, feeling kind of nervous. "Pff... If Eliza could pass through here and enter that place without a hint of fear, I could do that too," he thought with an awkward and nervously smile, swallowing hard. Sighing deeply and calming down, Ryunosuke began to make his way through the alley, looking at his surroundings with attention. He was a Vampire, so his senses were extremely sharp and he was ready to use his quick reflexes to turn around and run the hell out of the place if he needed to.

As he reached the door, he looked up at it and read a kind of messed sign that said the name of the laundry. Taking a deep breath, Ryunosuke slammed the door open and burst inside with a brave expression that also looked like a scared one. He smiled nervously, trembling a bit. "G-Good evening, people!" he shouted the first words that passed through his mind and prepare himself for the worse to happen after remembering the terrifying expression of the man from before.

Suddenly, his scarlet eyes widened as he spotted Eliza on the floor, but this time, she had an adorable pair of Neko ears on her head. Ryunosuke gasped with shock, smiling with bliss and sparkling eyes. "Oh, that's freaking adorable, Eliza!" he said, forgetting the main reason of how he ended up here and his nervousness. "They look so real, but it's probably part of a costume. You don't look like the kind of girl that likes this kind of cosplay, though. Still, it looks great on you!" And just like that, Ryunosuke got lost in his wildest fantasies, quickly taking out his phone to take Eliza some pictures.
"Mrs. Helvector, this is that asshole I was telling you about. He's also a vampire." Eliza grumbled as she carefully got up. She picked up a couple tomatoes that had fallen out of her bags. She wondered briefly how he managed to find this place, considering that he was rich and had no business being at the cheapest laundromat in the city. He had to have been following her. "Delete those pictures before I destroy your phone." She growled at him, her tail slipping out from underneath her sweatshirt and lashing behind her as her ears flicked back. She fixed a very angry glare on him.

Mrs. Helvector reappeared behind the vampire. "I SUGGEST YOU DO AS SHE SAYS!!!" She screeched, making sure she was blocking his path to the only door that led out of the laundromat. The lights overhead flickered and the screen of his phone went black as the banshee worked a bit of magic to delete the photos of Eliza. To scare the vampire a bit more, she made the lids of all the washing machines and dryers open and close on their own.
Instead of screaming like a little girl after finally meeting the creature from her nightmares, Ryunosuke simply turned around to face the Banshee, kind of amazed. He scoffed and lifted his hands a bit, giving up. "I don't know why you guys have to make such a big scene, but okay, I'll delete the pictures," he said with a calm expression, but the truth was that he was dying inside of him. It wasn't the first time that he faced another paranormal being, he has plenty of them that work on his mansion, most of them maids, but this Banshee in front of him was the first one he saw and he finally witnessed what the legends said: their screams are a really terrifying experience for the ears.

He looked at the Banshee, trying to keep his cool act. "Can you please calm down, miss? I don't think this is the way you should treat the visit and customers." Grinning, he turned his head to face Eliza. "And how did you knew I was a Vampire?"
Eliza relaxed when Ryu said he would delete the pictures, and set her things down on the counter. She tucked her tail back underneath her sweatshirt as Mrs. Helvector tried her hardest to get a scare out of the vampire before he spoke to her. "Hmph. I liked that demon friend of yours more, Lizzy. He at least pretended to be scared, unlike this redhead." The banshee tisked softly and gave up trying to scare him, floating away with a scowl on her face. "And the no pictures policy is standard in most supernatural-serving establishments, baka."

When the banshee disappeared into the back room, Eliza fixed her glare back on Ryu. "I could smell the blood on your breath during lunch, and you don't get into fights where that would be a typical occurrence, so vampire was the only logical guess. Now, why the hell were you following me?" She asked in a colder voice, mindful to keep quiet and avoid raising the banshee's suspicions. After all, Mrs. Helvector was always on the verge of a bad mood, and her hearing about her precious little Lizzy being stalked by some creep of a vampire would probably set off a true poltergeist of some kind.
"Because of this!" replied Ryunosuke as he quickly took out the symphony competition flyer from his pocket and show it to Eliza. It was funny seeing how he looked like if he just showed the strongest card during some kind of card game. "I know you said you didn't want to be involved in this because you have a lot of shit to do, but sadly for you, I don't give up that easy." Letting go a chuckle and before Eliza could say something about, Ryunosuke looked down at the stuff she picked on her way toward this place and nodded, a master plan that could make Eliza accept his offer. "I thought you said that for simply reject banding with me, but I guess I was wrong. So, what about if we make a deal?"

Ryunosuke looked back at Eliza, stepping closer to her. "If I help you carrying these things and finish the rest of that chores list, will you at least think about it? I know I acted like an asshole with you and all that, but if it makes you feel better, I'll apologize to you. Right here, right now." Ryunosuke grinned, sweating nervously while waiting for Eliza's reply and praying to every god he knew for her to accept the deal.
Eliza settled a flat glare upon the vampire as he pulled out the flyer for the concert. Listening to him offering to make a deal, she knew she couldn't refuse the help. And, at least she wasn't bound to it. All she had to do was think about it. "Fine, it's a deal. Just hurry up with that apology, I don't have all day." She sighed, turning her gaze to the back room when Mrs. Helvector floated back out with two headbands.

"Here you go sweetie. Now, tell your mom I said hello."

Eliza took the black headband and put it on, effectively hiding her ears once again. The green and white plaid one was put in one of the vegetable bags just to carry it for the moment. "Thanks Mrs. Helvector, see you tomorrow." Eliza picked up the pile of bed linens and made her way to the door. "Ryu, can you carry those two bags?" She asked as she held open the door for him.
"Ah, sure," he replied and quickly picked the bag with ease before following Eliza from behind. Ryunosuke was a Vampire, so his strength was so inhuman that he could flip a car with his bare hands anytime, but of course, that's something he didn't do just for fun. Maybe if he's mad, but he always tries to control himself when that happens after a really bad experience he had when he was a child.

Once outside, Ryunosuke looked at Eliza and bowed, swallowing his pride. "I'm sorry for acting like an asshole with you during Lunchtime, Eliza," he said, blushing faintly. "I shouldn't have called you like a did. So, please, accept my apologies." He hoped this was enough for an apology because he didn't know if he could keep humiliating himself. Sighing, he stood straight and looked away, lightly scratching his right cheek with his free hand, still blushing with embarrassment. "Also, could you keep this between us? I'll really get you if you dare to tell everyone that I bowed like this..."
A cunning smirk appeared on the neko's face when Ryunosuke bowed. She quickly pulled out her iPod and took a picture, just for posterity and collateral damage. "Apology accepted. I suppose I could keep this quiet. But, if you tell anyone that I am what I am, I'll sell this picture to all your fan girls. Got it?" She spoke simply, glad that she had a bargaining chip to hold on to now. She slipped her iPod back into her pocket and led the way to the Tilling Family Inn.

"Once upon a time this place was some sort of mansion for a wealthy person during the feudal ages." Eliza spoke as they walked along next to a large rock wall that surrounded a somewhat large, traditional Japanese styled building. It was impossible to see the entire property because of the wall. All in all, the place seemed out of place among all the modern housing. Soon they reached a small wooden gate, and Eliza pulled a set of keys from her pocket, unlocking it. "Now it's pretty much home to a bunch of broke supernaturals, mostly. A couple people actually use it as a hotel." She shut the gate and locked it once Ryu was inside.

Inside the wall, two single story buildings sat beside a small pond with a few willow trees around it. A small gazebo stood next to the water, directly across from the main house whose roof could be seen outside the wall. Eliza led the way over to the main house.
A drop of sweat appeared on Ryunosuke's forehead as Eliza took him a picture at the most unexpected moment. He smiled with irritation, just nodding while thinking how dirty she was playing. "Not for nothing Neko creatures are known for been cute yet cunning little bastards," he thought and smirked, following Eliza from behind. "I wise to keep one of the pictures I took her before. This is a game that two can play." Ryunosuke chuckled internally with an evil tone, trying hard not to burst out laughing. He also saved that pictures because he's secretly a cat lover.

As they were walking beside a tall wall of pure rock, Ryunosuke looked up at it, sensing an antique aura coming from it. Just when he was about to ask Eliza about the place, she began to tell him a few details belonging to the great history of the Inn. "Woah, this place has been here since feudal ages," he mumbled with amazement and looked around the neighborhood. It surprised him why nobody demolished the building for build something modern instead. He guessed that Eliza's family have something to do with me.

After Eliza unlocked the entrance gate, Ryunosuke passed through it, quickly looking the surroundings with interest. The whole place definitely has a traditional Japanese style in the atmosphere. It was relaxing and Ryunosuke loved it, wondering why in the world he hasn't been here before. That's when he once again remembered that there was actually a lot of places he hasn't been due to his overprotective parents. "I hope you pesky beings are happy for ruining my social life," he thought, an aura of depression above his head.
Ryunosuke was being surprisingly quiet, causing Eliza to glance back at him when she reached the door to the house. She frowned when she saw his somewhat deflated expression. "What could possibly be wrong? You're the most popular guy in school and now you get to spend the afternoon with the most fantastic person in the school." She felt the need for some sarcastic humor in order to cheer him up or at least break the awkward silence. She headed inside, again holding the door for the vampire. "Just put those bags down on the counter there, I'll be right back."

And with that, Eliza hurried up the stairs. "Mom, I'm home! I brought a friend over!" She hollered, before opening up the hall closet and stuffing the pile of bed linens in on one of the shelves. She then hurried to her room, dropping her backpack and changing from her sweatshirt to a long black tank top that hid her tail well enough just in case she had to answer the door or something. When she heard rustling in her closet, a soft growl escaped her. "Get out of my room you pervs! Out out out!" She hissed and charged at the closet, sending two middle aged boys scurrying out of her room. She chased them down the stairs with her tail bristling behind her. "Fucking perverts! Stay out of my fucking room!" The two little nekos raced around Ryunosuke and out the door. Eliza let out a frustrated sigh. "I'm putting mouse traps in there next time." She muttered, tightening her pony tail.

She pulled her chore list from her back pocket and unfolded it, looking over the long list of items. "Your parents know where you're at, right?" She asked, her gaze flicking back to the redhead. She didn't want to get his parents worried, though, when she thought about his reputation as a rich vampire, it wouldn't surprise her if they got worried with him being in this part of town.
As Ryunosuke heard Eliza telling his parents that she came back with a "friend", he somehow felt happy about it. She probably said it just for courtesy, but it meant a lot for him. He found himself smiling dumbly, a soft tone of pink covering his cheeks. Then, he was unexpectedly intercepted by two young Neko boys running. Ryunosuke stood aside just in time for let them go outside. He turned his head to look at them, chuckling after hearing a really pissed Eliza. "It must be really fun having siblings around," he thought and sighed with a sad smile.

Hearing Eliza asking him if he told his parents that he will be out longer than usually, his eyes widened as he realized he didn't tell them yet. He chuckled nervously and slowly turned his head to look at Eliza. "Haha... That's a funny and good question, Eliza," he said and shrugged, raising his hands a bit. "And the answer is no, I haven't told them and it will stay like that." He nodded and crossed his arms with a small pout. "They'll probably scold me before I could even explain to them why I'm here. So, I'll just tell later. Don't worry about it."

Ryunosuke looked back at Eliza and chuckled as he saw her cute tail swaying behind her. "That's really cute. You should also take off that headband, you know? There's no reason for you to keep hiding them here because I know you are already." Of course, all of that crap was just an excuse to hide the fact that he just wanted to see Eliza with her ears and tail. After all, he loved cats.
Eliza let out an annoyed sigh when Ryunosuke said that his parents didn't know. "Whatever, I guess. Let's just get this shit over and done with. And if you say that my tail and ears are cute one more time, I'll drive that red head of yours straight through the rock wall, got it?" She stated as she put the list on the refridgerator and nicked off two items on the list with her nail, which had morphed into a claw. "Find the stuff you can do and get it done, then mark it off. I'd recommend starting on the outside work." And with that she went out the front door, her tail neatly wrapping around her waist as she pulled down her tank top to hide it.

She walked out to the mailbox, which was set inside the wall where one of the rocks had fallen out, and picked up a small pile of mail. Bills, a letter for Aunt Sophia, some big pamphlet thing for Miss Fujioka, a package for Leone, and another letter from the historical society. Putting down the bills and historical society letter on the table, she went out the back door and went room to room dropping off the mail. The resident demon was waiting outside his room by the time she got to him. "So, what's in the box this time around?" She asked curiously.

"It should be something that will finally let me leave this property without one of you little assholes." He spoke a bit coldly, earning a small glare from Eliza.

"Not my fault that my great-great-whatever grandma tricked you into making the absolute worst deal of your life." With a flick of her tail, the neko turned and headed back towards the house.

"Ouch. That one actually hurt. What's got you in such a great mood?" He asked in his pretty much standard sarcastic tone. He was a very bitter creature, but, being stuck in the same place for how many centuries probably would do that for a person. He was very tall, with broad shoulders and thick black hair. His eyes were a sharp amber color.

"I have a shitload of chores, I made a deal with a vampire to get them done, I have my doubts that he can actually do anything, and your two little minions were hiding in my closet again. You are a bad influence." She rattled off her list of problems, shooting a glare at him.

"I'm a fucking demon. What do you want from me?" He asked, folding his arms against his chest.

"I dunno, maybe you could at least try and keep them out of my room? It would keep you from eternal boredom." She sighed, walking back to the house. She pulled out her iPod and put on some music to keep her blood from boiling. She went inside and scratched mail off the list.
Ryunosuke chuckled nervously, raising his hands a bit and sweating cold as he imagined his nice face been smashed on the wall rock by Eliza. She wasn't that tall either that strong, but he knew that when somebody gets really pissed, they are capable of doing incredible things. "Adorable yet deadly," he thought as he watched her sticking the chores list on the fridge before marking a line along two items in there with her claw. He narrowed his eyes as he didn't get why she didn't do it with a pen or pencil instead. Then, he gasped with shock, swallowing. "Wait... I think she's trying to show me what could happen to me if I keep talking about her ears!" he thought and slowly covered his face, cold shivers running through his spine as he imagined Eliza scratching his face. He hugged himself and wiggled his body, smiling dumbly and his face sparkling. "Oh, no...! She will be way too adorable if that happens! My face will be ruined, but I think it will worth it!"

As Eliza left, Ryunosuke slapped himself and returned to his senses. He cleared his throat and stepped closer to the fridge, giving a look at the list. He nodded while reading the almost never ending chores, but with his supernatural speed, he could do that outdoor cleaning without any problem. "Alright then. Let's get this crap done, Ryu-kun," he told himself, taking off the suit of his uniform and staying only on his white shirt. He pulled up its sleeves and a little from his pants before rushing outside to sweep the dry leaves that were on the ground. He picked a rake that was leaning against the wall rock and began to move around quickly, sweeping nonstop. From any point of view, it looks like if Ryunosuke was having a damn war with the leaves, shouting and grunting with a serious expression.

It took him a couple of minutes to collect the leaves in a corner and put them inside 4 big and black plastic bags. Laying them in front of the main gate, Ryunosuke sighed and wiped some suit from his forehead with his right hand before turning around and observe his work. He nodded with a smile as he saw that there wasn't any single leave around. "Now, I just need to scrub the moss from the rocks in the fountains and then from the wall rock," he mumbled and proceed to run toward a wooden bucket that was beside hose. He filled the bucket with water and picked bathroom brush that was nearby. Then, he began scrubbing the rocks in the fountain, making sure to get rid of all of the moss.
Hmph, so that's the vampire she was worried about? It seems like he's doing a decent job. Leone silently watched as the redhead flitted about, cleaning up the yard quickly. A slight smirk appeared on his face when he spotted the two young boys that loved pestering their older cousin Eliza. "Oi, Yuudai! Takeru! Come here for a second." He called them over, not moving from his relaxed position leaning against the wall. The two nodded and quickly scurried over to the demon. "It looks like that vamp that Liz brought home left the hose on. Now, she'll be coming out here with the vacuum cleaner in a little less than ten minutes. If you want to get her, now's your window of opportunity."

"Alright sensei." And with that, the kids were off, taking up positions by the hose and behind one of the willow trees. A small chuckle escaped the demon as he sat back and watched. While it wasn't an assassination attempt, such mischievous actions did make the time pass much easier for him. Alright, maybe I am a bad influence...

Meanwhile, Eliza was hard at work vacuuming, dusting, and straightening up the main house. Then she'd do the same with the two offbuildings, make sure that Ryu wasn't destroying the place, then get started on supper since mother dearest wasn't home, and neither was Aunt Claire. She carefully carried the somewhat heavy vacuum cleaner down the stairs and put it down in the kitchen. The bag in it was due to be changed, so she took the moment to change it. A sneeze escaped her as she did so.
After finishing scrubbing the rocks and the wall, Ryunosuke stood straight to take a look at his work. All the moss that once was on them were all gone now and the rocks and wall were sparkling with glory. Ryunosuke smirked with pride, wiping some sweat from his forehead. "Well, who would say that I'm pretty god doing some cleaning work," he mumbled and looked around, realizing that the life of normal people was filled with a lot of work every day. He also learned that when someone works hard on something, the results at the end will make them feel totally proud and satisfy. "And I'm always calling them 'lowlives'." He sighed after feeling of ashamed of himself for the first time in his whole life. "I should start treating them with more respect and equality from now on."

Shrugging with a light chuckle, Ryunosuke put the scrub inside the bucket before picking it up. Then, he turned around and walked toward the hose, kind of distracted looking around and not realizing Eliza's cousin were out to cause some mischievous. Because he wasn't looking around, part of the hose was right on Ryunosuke's way, so his feet tripped with it, making him yelp and throw the bucket upwards while falling to the ground, right on his butt. After hitting the ground, the bucket landed on his head, soaking him with the water nd having an unwanted hat.
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