My daughter wants to join the site.....

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I've learned it, but there are a few people who can still push my buttons, and not in the good way.
I wish I had buttons...
Its an inny. So its more like a broken button
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From my perspective, there are going to be jerks everywhere who poke and prod at the sensitive types because they get a rise from drama. It doesn't matter to them if their point in nothing but a load of bullshit, all that matters to them is the attention they can get from stirring up the pot.

Fortunately, from my time here I have seen very little of that, which is the main reason I considered letting her join. I can't shield her from every asshole out there and I'd end up going insane if I tried. At least here I can monitor what gets said to a degree and step in to my mama bear role if need be, without it looking too bad on her part. She's not an instigator like her father can be, but she definitely isn't afraid to keep things going and she hasn't quite grasped the concept of not feeding the trolls yet.

My major concern in all honesty is the attention seekers who make outrageous claims of a horrible life to manipulate the more naive individuals that buy into that stuff. That's everywhere as well, but again, I haven't seen too much of it on here.
Your basically describing troll's and attention seeker's; which has a lot of overlap demographically.

The honest truth about Iwaku, is that the core Iwaku community (the most active and/or senior member's and the staff) are the ones who set the tone for the whole community in general; and they are all caring, compassionate, (mostly) mature people. Sure some of them have pretty sarcastic, insane, and dark sense of humour; but at the core they care. And they are the people who will be looking out for her and other members who are vulnerable like her; and believe me they will protect her. The mods on this site are very protective of those most vulnerable in the community (and the community in general), and with all different times of people with many different issues; they have to be. I think honestly Iwaku is one of the safest places on the Internet, while also being a tonne of fun.

Your worried mainly about someone who is making "outrageous claims of a horrible life to manipulate the more naive" well for one you could warn her of this possibility when your on the Internet, but also when she's on here you and the mods can deal with that possibility.

Sure there is the possibility of something going wrong, but that's always the case; and the possibility is reduced when it's on Iwaku; especially when your here to look out for her. You don't seem worried by the idea of her invading your safe haven or being to close together for comfort so I'll defer to your wisdom on that. I think that if she want's too she will find a place to RP or an online community, she will find one and it could be a much scarier place. Unless you monitor all her Internet (which would be very invasive and most likely very bad for your relationship), and this way is much better so you can monitor, without her feeling your so invasive and having a good reason to do it (you being a community volunteer and a member).

I advise let her on. But you could always wait until she's older, more mature, and/or in a better frame of mind. Or never at all. Ultimately its your call, but honestly I think you want to let her on your just having doubts; which is completely understandable, but I think you unconscious may already know your answer one way or another.
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The trolls and arseholes on Iwaku are known. They're not hidden as much as they want to be. The Staff are aware of them, and because it's a Drama War to name names, it's not done... unless absolute necessary (i.e. one of them starting to prey upon an underage girl).

So if you're worried about your girl falling prey to a predator here, I mean, it could happen, but the community is generally a very positive and very good community. The dirtiest of the dirty are banned, and the dirty are already branded!

The trolls and arseholes on Iwaku are known. They're not hidden as much as they want to be. The Staff are aware of them, and because it's a Drama War to name names, it's not done... unless absolute necessary (i.e. one of them starting to prey upon an underage girl).

So if you're worried about your girl falling prey to a predator here, I mean, it could happen, but the community is generally a very positive and very good community. The dirtiest of the dirty are banned, and the dirty are already branded!

I've been branded? o.o

-Searches for the branding- Okay, who did it? It was Raz, wasn't it?
Ouch! I am hurt to the quick! To the quick, I say!

<puts a branding iron behind his back>

I'm sure you're hurt. :P

Is that before or after you were branded?
I don't get branded. =P

Unless you refer to my wedding ring as a brand.
I can't wear my wedding ring. I'm allergic to it. XD
Nope, just most metals, and hopefully diamonds. I hate diamonds.....
Diamonds are so common too. :/
Diamonds are pure karbon, are you allergic towards pencil lead? (karbon)
Nope. I stabbed myself in the leg with a pencil when I was a kid and broke the lead off and nothing happened, so no allergies there. Just weird random things like latex, silver, gold, titanium, and weirdly enough any type of adhesive.
You're out of luck then.
(I shouldn't be here, I should be paying attention to the lecture. Well, I am, partially...)

Weird allergies bite a lot, you don't get to enjoy a lot of good things in life...
On the flipside your saving money from not having to buy things out of those materiel.

... Although alternatives may be even more expensive; I wouldn't know.

Then again I don't have money to spend on any of that so; I really don't know...

...Except latex and adhesive, but that's doesn't really fit with the joke; so I'm going to put this in really small print to make sure you understand I don't really want to say it, but feel I have to be truthful. ... Fuck I'm so sleep deprived I'm starting to not even make sense to me.
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